As soon as we were over the barrier all of the creatures were trying to get to us. Violet and I started shooting as many as we could, but there was fire and water coming toward us and then the trees started to grab at us. We used our auras to push it away at the same time shooting at them. I then put one of my guns away, so that I can use my Scythe to cut the branches that is trying to grab us. Then out of nowhere a dragon, or something like a dragon not really sure about that, appeared and was coming straight for us, but just in time I shot him down. It took about five bullets to kill him. This is really not going the way I thought it would and Violet has started to use my other gun that I have put away to shoot at the things below us and I notice she is targeting the witches as the fire and all that started to die down. When our guns were empty we combined our auras and sent it out, with that pushing everyone away and signal to lower the barrier.

With the barrier lowered it was an all-out war underneath us and Violet took my hand jumping down from the root. We grabbed our swords starting our little dance, stabbing and slicing creature’s heads off. It was a mess of all creatures of the night and we had to keep our senses heighten at all times. We used the roots that were sprouting from the ground to our advantage, jumping on and off them to dodge attacks from the creatures. They were so strong and fast that it was difficult to keep the pace we were on, as I could feel my energy deflating. Then I made a mistake and one of them scratch me on my arm, but it wasn’t a normal scratch. It was burning like fire and taking everything out of me, it felt like I was poisoned as my body started going numb and with the last bit of energy I could muster I send a shock wave pushing everything away from us.

“Mom....!” I heard Violet scream but the only thing I could think of was the burning in my body. I felt Violets aura wielding around me and then there was pressure on my arm where the scratch was and I felt her aura concentrated there. I felt something going down my arm. As I look it was a white liquid of some kind coming from the wound. I thought to myself it must be the poison, but how is she doing that. I had no idea that we could do that and then I feel my strength returning and my energy as I look up I see Violet bent down next to me. “You okay mom?” “I’m fine love, thank you.” “Anytime....” As we stood up I saw the guys have formed a circle around us protecting us while she was busy healing me. We started to fight again and I used my Scythe this time, I like that weapon the most, as a creature came my way I sliced his head off not having time to think about it. As I looked around I saw Jason being separated from us and I jumped using the root that sprouted in front of me for leverage as if Jax knew I needed it and land right beside Jason, we were fighting back to back. Violet and Blake was making their own team as they were finishing each other moves. He was in his wolf form all around her. Looks like all that sparing with each other was actually good training.

Alexander’s wolf was throw past me and I heard a crack as he hit the tree breaking it. I ran towards him to protect him while he recovered, but as he turned into his Lyken I guessed it wasn’t necessary, but I must say he was marvelous. He was big, bigger than Liam’s Lyken and pure white, you could see his mussels moving as was fighting and it was mesmerizing. “I love that you are admiring me Sweetheart, but don’t you think we need to fight now.” Alexander said that with what I think was a smile. I just glared at him and took another creature kicking it away from me and then slicing off its head . Repeating that for so long it felt almost like we were fighting for days and it was harder to keep our speed up. I felt Violets energy blast and that is when I realized she was too tired to fight on. The healing she did on me must have taken quite a bit out of her. “Ace...! I called out to Alexander’s Lyken. “Violet’s in trouble...!” I said as I ran to him. He knew what I need and held his hands ready for me to jump and with that to give me an extra boost so that I can land by Violets side. I send another shock wave out as it looked like all the creatures were targeting her and I started to fight with everything I got. Nothing and no one will touch my baby. I saw that Liam and Blake also turned into their Lyken forms and was killing without stopping.

Then....Then it all ended all of them were dead except for two, one of them was cornered in an energy ball and one was held down by tree roots. I felt a claw coming around my waist and felt a tingling sensation went through my body. I knew it was him and I laid back into his fur looking for the comfort only he can give me now. I looked to my side to see if Violet was okay, but she was already in Blake’s arms resting her head on his shoulder with a smile. So I close my eyes until I felt Alexander changing back into his human form. Looking around us I saw all the bodies laying there, the aftermath of our battle and I felt tears streaming down my cheeks as I recognize some of the bodies as guys that fight alongside us. “How many did we lose?” I whispered to Alexander. “We lost fifty good warriors, no Alpha’s or leaders, but some of them are in bad shape, we need to get them to the hospital.” “Then let’s get busy.” Is all I said while walking to one of the Alpha’s I know as Garth and I help him up supporting him to a nearby car waiting to take them to the hospital. “Blake took Violet home and Chin please go with and make sure she is okay.” I heard Alexander in the back say. After all the people that needed to go to the hospital were taken away, I help the guys to pile the dead creatures so that we can burn them. After that we took our warriors that passed to the morgue. When all was finished and everyone have left I looked to the ground and just collapsed as tears were streaming from my eyes. I felt it all, all the pain and suffering for the ones who lost family and loved ones today. Alexander came from behind me and picked me up bridal style and took me away. “We will find whoever did this love.” “Yes we will and I will kill him.” I said before darkness took me into her embrace. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A few hours later I open my eyes and found myself cleaned and in bed, but I was not alone as I felt his arm around me and his scent all over me. How the hell did I get clean did he....o no don’t tell me he washed me. I am so embarrassed. How can I have let this happen? I turned around in his arms and felt them tightening around me pulling me closer to him and all I could think of is him. He looked so peaceful deep in sleep with a little wrinkle on his forehead. My amazingly, beautiful, strong mate and that is when I realized I am totally in love with him and that I can’t imagine what my live will be without him. “You know it is rude to stare.” He said in his gruff sleeping voice startling me and I giggle a little. Giggle, me giggling what the hell was wrong with me, I thought to myself until I saw those silver mesmerizing eyes of him and they were so alluring. I could not help myself as I pressed my lips against his and he answered my kiss with so much passion it made my knees weak. He then pushed me to lie on my back as he hovers over me never breaking the kiss and it quickly became more possessive and demanding. It was wonderful as we break apart for much needed air he started to kiss down my neck and nibbling the skin just underneath my collar bone and I let out a moan. Covering my mouth afterwards, I felt a little embarrass. He look up at me. “Never do that again, I love hearing your voice and the sounds coming out of that beautiful little mouth of yours. I blush bright red at that, but still pulled his head down to mine, claiming his lips once again. Going into total bliss..., but was short lived as there was a knocking at the door and Violets voice. “Hey mom you awake?” we let out a sigh at the same time and he stood up heading to the bathroom as I answer her. “Yes princess.” My words were barely cold when I felt Violet under the blankets on top of me hugging me tightly.

You okay sweetheart?” “Yes I just....I just needed this, that all.” And I hold her even tighter against me kissing the top of her head. Then we heard the shower going on. “Did I interrupt something?” Violet asked me with a frown on her face. “Not at all princess, not at all.” I said to her. I am definitely not going to admit to my daughter that she actually did. Then she was up again in a flash, “Breakfast is done come down and eat.” She said just as she went out of the room Alexander came out with just a towel around his waist and I was caught staring at that marvelous sculpted man. “You like what you see love.” “Hmmm...” Is all I could say with a smile on my face. As he started to come closer to the bed we hear Liam screaming from the bottom of the stairs. “Hey love birds come eat.” “Does he ever stay at his own place, I kind of feel bad for his mate.” “It has always been like this and from the smell of the pancakes I am guessing she is here to.” “O...well then we should probably go.” I said with a little pout making him chuckle and give me a kiss. “I am just going to grab a shower and I will meet you guys down stairs. I said while getting a final glance at that body.

Once clean and dressed I entered the kitchen area and saw them all sitting and waiting for me and the food look so delicious. “Good morning everyone and thank you, but you guys really didn’t need to wait for me,” I said with a smile while sitting down next to Alexander. “It was no trouble.” Liam’s mate Aria say while Liam make a snorting noise earning himself a jab in the ribs from her. “How are you two feeling?” Blake asked. Violet and I looked at him and she answered, “I feel fine a little surprised thou that I don’t have any bruises on me as I know I took a few hits yesterday.” “Yes what is up with that I also notice I have no bruises and the scratch is gone to.” They all were silent looking at each other and it was starting to freak me out a little. “Okay...What are you guys not telling us?” “Well love you two were out....for two days.” “What...!” I said almost spitting out my coffee. “What do you mean we were out for two days?” Violet asked while looking at Blake. “Just what Alexander said Vi you were sleeping strait for two days.” “But...But how is that even possible.” “Well...” Liam said before swallowing the food left in his mouth. “You two did take out almost half of the creatures there. So I guess it will speak for itself to say that you were dead tired.”

“We killed half of all the creatures there.” I said while looking surprised at Violet and I am sure her face was the exact replica of mine. “Jip and also Violet with that hole healing you thing.” “Yes how did you do that Princess?” I asked her. “I have no idea mom I just wanted to help you so bad that my aura kind of leaded me to do it.” I looked over at Alexander hoping he has an explanation for it. “O no, don’t look at me, we have never heard about Assassins being able to do that.” Then Blake started speaking, “You think you will be able to do that with anyone?” “I don’t no.” Violet replayed looking back at me. I just surge my shoulder not knowing if I will even be able to do that. “Definitely something to look into.” Aria said as I nodded at her. “NO! Absolutely not, it took out a lot of her energy to do that.” Alexander said next to me. “Babe I think it would work like any other gift the more you practice the stronger it will become, but we will talk about that later.”

“So what did we miss these two days?” Violet asked “Not much really we were waiting for you to wake up before we had the burial for all the warriors that passed on.” I looked at Alexander and I could feel the pain coming back for the people that lost so much. Alexander just took my hand and kissed it. “Where are all the other Alpha’s and leaders,” I asked and Alexander replied, “They all went home and the two creatures that we captured are in the dungeons.” “O...and have they turned back to their human form yet?” “No we don’t think they can change back thou.” Liam answered. Looking down at my plate I wondered, “Who will do something like that. It is so....barbaric hurting someone like that.” “That is something we all want to know.” Blake said. Then a name popped into my mind as I looked up at Alexander and by the expression he was wearing I knew he thought of the same thing, as we said in unison, “Aldan...” Aria was the one to react to that as she asked, “You sure about that? I mean he is a council member there to protect creators of the night.” “The only one he is protecting is himself.” I replied and Alexander agreed with me on that. “I am a hundred percent sure Aldan is behind all this.”

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