We started with hand to hand combat, about a month ago. It was a little rough at first, but I got the motion of it and Violet was doing excellent in it, as if she was born for this kind of thing.

I was on the mats with Chin and as he launched at me I moved out of the way just in time to miss the punch and aimed to hit him in the chest, but as usual he was faster than me and hit my fist with his. It hurt like hell, but I ignored the pain and send my left foot up to kick him on the stomach and succeeded when he stumble back a little.

As he straightened up, he tried to hit me with his right fist, but I grab his fist and ducked under it, twisting it behind his back and kick him behind the knees. As he fell to the ground, I struck again and landed my fist straight on his jaw. With that, I got a small smile forming on my lips, but it was short-lived as he kicks out, knocking me off my feet.

As my back meets the mats underneath me, I felt the air leaving my lungs. “Don’t let your concentration slip, Scarlet.” I hear him say. I lifted myself up and just in time to see him launch another kick at my stomach, hitting it hard. With this, I got frustrated, and met him head on with my fist. We hit and ducked and hit at each other. It almost felt like a little dance.

Getting more and more irritated with the fact that I couldn’t land a decent punch, I started feeling this burning sensation inside of me, then I felt more powerful and faster. As we were exchanging punches, I did a roundhouse kick, and it landed straight on his upper chest and I was surprised when his body actually flew back against the wall.

I stood there not believing what had just happened, when he started getting up with this massive surprise in his eyes that I am sure that it mimicking the surprise in mine.

The next moment, Violet was running towards me, asking me if I felt okay, and started rambling on about how fast I was moving and that my eyes were almost glowing a vibrant green. I look at her, frowning, “What are you talking about, Violet? I’m sure I would have noticed it if I went that fast and if my eyes started glowing.” Then I remember that there was a time just before I kick Chin that my head felt so clear that I was seeing everything so much better and as if I could see what his next movement was before he did it. It felt good.

“Scarlet, Violet, please follow me into my office. We need to talk.” And with that, he disappears behind a door. He was so quick I didn’t even know he was all the way to the back. So Violet and I just exchanged a look as if to ask what the fuck, and followed him.

Once inside his office, we sat on the chair opposite his desk. “Chin, what is going on? What just happen out there?” I asked him, still not fully believing what has happened out there.

“There is a story that I know, more of a curse really, but never have I thought that it will come true, right in front of my eyes.” That just sounded weird. Violet and I exchange a look of confusion and turned back to look at him, as he turned away from the window facing us.

“There will come a day when heart break has been felt, when the human world is in danger and will need them the most. Only then will the Assassin gene awake, and the days of the Assassin will start again.”

Now I’m totally lost. What did he mean? What the hell was going on? As if reading my mind, he started explaining. “There is something you two need to know. You will think I’m lying, but I am not. This is reality. You are not living in the world you think you are living in. Werewolf’s, Vampires, Witches, Dragons and Sires exist. Few humans know about their existence, but they are real.” He paused for a moment just looking at us, probably leaving us, so that what he just said to us will sink in.

Out of the blue Violet jumped up and said, “See mom I told you they are real, even mermaids, I knew it, I just knew it.” “Violet, you have a very active imagination. How should I have known that your imagination was actually real?”

With that, I turned to Chin. “So you want to tell me that among us there are Supernatural beings that want to drink our blood and eat us?” I gave out a dry laugh. “I have known that Witches exist. That is not a surprise, but seriously, Dragons, are you kidding me?” “Scarlet, I can promise you now that I am not kidding about this sort of stuff.”

“Okay fine, let’s say I believe you that all these Supernatural beings exist. What does it have to do with us, and why would you reveal something like this to us? Isn’t there some kind of Supernatural law stating that Humans are not supposed to know about this?”

“Yes, there is a law that state that, but Scarlet, you and Violet are not human.” Violet jumped up again, giving me a fright… again. “So what are we? I hope it is something cool!” she squealed while jumping up and down. I look at Chin, not sure how to react to this, asking him with my eyes to please tell me this is not true.

There’re out of the blue, he just started laughing, fucking laughing. What can be so funny? Our world is falling apart from underneath us and he is just laughing. At that moment, I felt I was going to knock his teeth out if he didn’t stop now. As if yet again he is reading my mind, he stops and apologizes for his outburst. “I am so sorry, but you should really see your faces. It was priceless.” I gave him a death glare, and he swallowed hard. “So Chin, if we are not human, then what the hell are we?”

“Well, you are the Assassins.” He said, looking so proud of himself. “Last I checked, that doesn’t qualify anyone as Supernatural. Anyone can be an Assassin with the right training.”

“Yes, that is true, but you are the Assassins of the Supernatural world. Let me explain it to you like this. You are just as fast as any Supernatural being, but you are stronger than any of them, even stronger than Dragons themselves. The downside is, even though you heal faster than normal Humans do, you don’t heal as fast as the other Supernatural beings and that can be your downfall, if you are not careful enough. Then there are the eyes that glows, it is the Supernatural side of you kicking in, strengthening you, keeps you more focused and makes you faster.”

After that reveal the only thing I could think of is that, “I need coffee. This is way too much to take in all at once.” As I got up to make me some coffee at the coffee bar in his office, Violet started bombarding him with questions. “So why did our abilities only awaken now? How many of us are out there? I’m guessing you are not human. That is why you know so much, what are you and how do we fit into the Supernatural world and...” as she wanted to ask more questions, Chin stop her.

“Slow down Princess, I will answer all your questions to the best of my ability, but one question at a time. To answer your first question, I think it is the occurrence, which you had to live through, a great heartbreak.” “The death of my father.” She said with a lot of sadness in her voice. “Yes, I also guess that it was that, that have awaken the gene.”

“But it also states that the Humans must be in danger. What is that all about?” “Scarlet, I do not know. We will have to figure that one out. I will ask around and see what I can find out. To answer your second question, Violet, you and your mother are the only two Assassins alive.”

Just as I wanted to ask him about it, he went on and said. “To answer you third question, I am in fact a Werewolf, part of the inhumane world. So we come to your last question. The humans rely on you and your mother to keep them safe. You don’t need blood to sustain your life force like Vampires do, and you don’t need to use the elements to get power like the Witches and you do not turn into an animal like the rest of us. The Assassins are pure of heart and have the strongest soles that anyone can have. You have great strength, and that makes you lethal. With the right training, of course.”

After that, a silence came over the room as we all tried to take in what has just been said.

About fifteen minutes later, I asked him about why we were the only ones left. He answered, of course, with a story. “It was about 600 years ago, there was a titanic battle starting between the Supernaturals and with that the Assassins was afraid that it will impact the humans so they decided for this one time they will work with the Royals of the inhumane world to secure the safety of everyone human or inhuman.

The Rogues of different species came together to start a war on the Royals, as they did not like all the rules that were set on them. So when the war started, the Assassins where true to their word and come to battle alongside the Royals, except for their Queen, as she was pregnant at the time and was not fit to fight in the battle. After the battle was over, there were many lives lost on every side, so they had their month of mourning.

After that, the Werewolf Queen of the Supernatural world called upon the Assassins to have a Ball held in their name, to thank them for their help. All of the Assassins attendant the Ball, except for their Queen and her guard, as she was having a hard day that day with the pregnancy and all. In the middle of the celebration, the Werewolf Queen did something that no one saw coming. She gathered all her subjects in the land together and stood up against the Assassins and gave them an ultimatum.

Either join her and be there protection against everyone that is trying to harm them or they will meet their death. Of course, the Assassins did not stand with them, as it was against the natural order. They were there to protect the humans, not the inhumane, so they declined and once again a battle happened, but this one did not have a happy ending as all they killed the Assassins. They were not prepared for it and only a few of them had weapons on them. After that, the Werewolf Queen sent Amara, the Elder Witch, after the Assassins Queen, to kill her and her guard.

After Amara and her coven had killed the Queen’s guard, they could not bring themselves to kill the Queen, as they felt it was wrong to kill them all. As Witches are all about the natural order of things, she placed a curse on the queen and her unborn child.” As he finished the story, I could have felt Violet’s anger next to me and when I looked at her, her eyes were ablaze and her hands were curled up so hard that her knuckles turned white.

“Violet my love calm down it happened over 600 years ago there is nothing we can do about it now.” “Is the queen still alive as I guess that the lifespan of the inhumane is longer than that of a human live.” “No the Queen was killed by her own daughter that believed that she was cruel, power drunk.” “Well, that is a good thing, I guess, although I would have loved to kill her myself.” “Violet,” I said, stunned at what I just heard.

“You are..... Why would you say something like that?” “Because mother if it wasn’t for her we would have never gone through what we went through, if it wasn’t for her we would have had a big family and lots of loved ones around us. We would have not lived in the dark for so many years.” “Okay, I understand your point, but baby, you are still young. There is a lot you need to learn about the world outside. We can’t just kill everybody that does things that hurt us.”

“You are wrong mom she did not just hurt us she took away everything from us!” “O love, there is nothing we can do about that right now so please calm down, we will work with what we have now, together.”

With that, she jumped into my arms and gripped me tight as if I was her lifeline, then again at that moment, I think I was her lifeline.

“Well, Ladies, I think that is enough information for one day. Why don’t you go home and relax and I will see you tomorrow again. Then we will decide on a course ahead.” “Thank you Chin. I think that is a great idea. We will see you tomorrow.” With that, we stood up and said our goodbyes.

As we walk out of the office and closed the door behind us. I hear Chin let out a breath and said to himself, “What a day, what a wonderful day... the time of the Assassins has come again.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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