The next morning when we woke up, I phoned in sick to work and phone the school, informing them that Violet was not feeling well and she would not be there today. As I know, neither of us will concentrate on anything today.

So we did our normal morning routine and decided to go to the training place to meet with Chin, but as I open the door, I saw a car pulled up to the gate. I went and look at the monitor to see who was in the car and to my surprise it was Chin. So I pressed the button for the gate to open and let him in. When he came to the front door, I greeted him and made way for him to enter my home. He apologized for coming to us and at such an early hour. So I just waved it away, and I explained we were actually on our way to him. We both chuckle a little and went through to the kitchen.

“Can I offer you anything to drink?” “Yes please, coffee would be lovely.” As I finished the coffee, I lead him to an outside table where Violet was already half sitting, half lying on the stool. For a while, we only sat there enjoying the peacefulness of the garden, lost in our own thoughts.

“So, what are we going to do now?” I asked him. “Seeing that we are now part of the Supernatural world, it feels kind of strange going back to our normal way of life.” “Yes, I thought it would feel that way to you. I was thinking about it last night and I thought if it was possible, you must resign at your workplace and we should get Violet into homeschooling, so that we can have more time in training as you would need it now more than ever.”

Violet just pumps her fist into the air and screamed yes! Giving her a stern look, I informed her that homeschooling was not much different from normal school and that she would have to work just as hard as if she was in normal school. “I know, mom, but I don’t have to be between all those kids.” She replayed and rolled her eyes at me.

Violet was always a little strange. She didn’t like to be with other children. She will rather be in her room reading a book or playing her online games. So, needless to say, she is going to love homeschooling. “I know a great tutor that can help her with the home-schooling and she can sit in my office during the day while you train. When her studies are done, I can concentrate on her training while you can do some research about the inhumane world.”

I looked at him with a confused face, asking him. “What about your classes with your other trainees and who is this tutor that you are talking about? Why did you say we need the training now more than ever?” “Wow... Baby girl, relax.” As he said that, I lifted my hand up and stopped him right there and then, giving him a death glare, with Violet laughing her ass off.

He looked at me with a surprised look. “Baby girl, really, is that the best nickname you can come up with?” I asked him. He then looked down and scratched the back of his neck, giving a nervous chuckle. “Well, seeing the age difference between us and that you are a girl. I just thought that the name suits you.”

“Suits me huh, how old are you anyway?” “I am 859 years old.” Violet and I just stared at him, not believing what we just heard. “Yes, you heard right. That is my actual age, something for you two to look forward to. We in the Supernatural world lives much longer than the average human.” “So you say that we are going to be living for a long time, a very-very long time?”

“Yes, and to answer your other questions, I will close my training center as I only did it to keep myself busy, but now I have a new mission that will keep me busy enough. The tutor is an old friend of mine that is well established in the human world and I am sure that he will love to help us and keep your secret. Before you ask, yes, he is a Vampire, but he doesn’t feed on humans. He lives on animal blood so don’t look so worried and the secret that he will have to keep is that you are Assassins. You need the training, because when the rest of our world finds out that the Assassins have returned, there will be some of the inhumane species that will want you dead as you will be a threat to them.”

I sat back, taking it all in, my mind wondered and suddenly I had this feeling as I realized the death of my husband could have been at the hand of an inhumane creature. “Chin there was a killing just over a year ago on the South side of Ashdown Forest.” As I said this, I looked into Violet’s eyes to see if she realize where I was going with this and to my satisfaction she did. When I look at Chin, I could see that he also knew, but I could also see that he knew exactly what happen there. Almost in a whisper, I asked, “It wasn’t a bear attack, was it?”

“No, it wasn’t. I heard about the attack and did my investigation on it, as attacks were not very common in those parts of the woods. I found out who killed your husband that day... It was Werewolf rouges.” “You say rouges, as in more than one? Who are they Chin.” “They are three guys that move through the forest now and again, they have never made any trouble. I don’t know why they did what they did that day.” “Where are they, Chin?”

“You need to train first before you can even think of doing what you want to do now.” “You knew all along.” I could feel my anger start to boil inside me. I could feel the change in my eyes happening, the tears that are forming and, as if reacting to what I am feeling, Violet’s eyes also glowed. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Calm done you two, no need to go that far, I will tell you everything that you need to know to avenge Christopher’s death, but only when you are ready and I am sorry but you are not ready yet.” “Dam you Chin!!! I shouted as I brought my fist down on the table breaking it in half.” “Tell me who they are and where they are now!” “Scarlet please just think about it, if you go to them now, you are going to die!!!! Please listen to me they will get there day but it is not today please calm down.”

As I look into his eyes, I could not help but to feel his pleading tugging on my heart. I hated to see this powerful man pleading and begging. It did not suit him and as that thought disappeared, so did my anger. As if Violet was reacting to me yet again, she also went back to normal. I will not forget the promise I made to myself. They will die, but not yet. “I am going to keep you to your word, Chin, and that is a promise.” “I know, and I will keep my word.”

With that said, he picked up half of the table and gestured to me to pick up the other half. “Let’s take this to my truck. I know someone that can fix it.” “Thank you Chin, I appreciate it, but I have to ask why? Why are you doing this for us, closing your training center and helping us? You hardly know us.” “I know enough to want to help you, and to be honest, I am not just doing this for you. Part of it is for me. My beloved was one of those Assassins that died that day, and I made a promise to myself to help the humans wherever I can.”

“By helping us, you are helping them. I am sorry to hear about your beloved. I know how it feels to lose the one you love.” “I know you do, and that makes it even more personal for me, Baby girl.” “We are only two Assassins Chin, how are we going to protect the humans?”

As we stood there in front of each other, he took my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. I could not stop myself as I relaxed in his hold. It has been more than a year since I last had any physical contact with a man. It felt good. I felt safe for the first time in a long time. I lost my parents almost 10 years ago, and I was an only child. So the loneliness sometimes got a bit much, but at least Violet was always there when I needed her and so was I for her. But now we have Chin and I trust him with our lives. “Don’t worry, Baby girl, everything will work out. You are stronger than you think.”

After that we separated, and I felt a little better about our future. “I will send you the coordinates to my place as we will train at my house from now on. Don’t worry about anything, I will make all the arrangements that need to be made at your work and at Violets School. The only thing that you need to do is show up every day at 08:00 am at my house.”

“Thank you, Chin. I don’t know what to say.” “Say nothing. I will always help you and Violet. So I will see you tomorrow morning, Baby girl. Don’t… be late.” “Are you really going to stick with that nickname, Chin?” “Yes, yes I am.” With that said, I just rolled my eyes and gave a little laugh, knowing it was hopeless to argue.

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