The Shadow Alpha

“What?” Jake voiced dumbfounded.

“Please step aside.” Perhaps it was the softness in his voice that made them comply, but they stepped aside after sharing a look.

“Well I'll be damned.” Devin muttered next to me.

Oliver pulled a necklace from his shirt that held a locket, he opened the locket and stepped closer to them, the four of them tensed but he simply handed Jake the locket. As they stared at the picture I saw realisation dawn upon Dristan’s face, suddenly Rosie's head shot up.

"Oli?" a light chuckle left his lips and he nodded

“Zanna.” The name must have triggered a memory in Lily as her head shot up.

"Oh my god!” She muttered and threw her hands over her mouth.

“Anne.” He acknowledged with a grin.

Seconds later both girls threw themselves at him and Oliver hugged them back with just as much ferocity.

It was strange seeing both girls so open and excited. Since they first got here, they had been timid and reserved.

"Wait, how come they don't have the pack marking?” I wondered when they separated from their hug.

“We do.” Rosie turned around and moved her hair off her shoulder to reveal a tattoo hidden beneath her dark hair. The marking was significantly smaller than her brother's, but clearly identifiable when it wasn't being blocked by her hair.

"What a small world.” I shook my head in wonder, sending them a smile.

Before taking my seat at the dinner table I walked up to the group who were gathered in a circle, I cleared my throat to gain their attention.

“I don't believe we have had the chance to meet as yet. Alpha Allison Trust Wells.” I said with a smile. Some frowned while others smiled warily at me.

“My name is Chloe Smith, this right here is Ivy Brown-" The stunning blonde from earlier gestured to the redhead who had spoken first, “Christopher and Shane Butler-" she gestured at the two brown haired, brown eyed guys who shared little similarity other than their similar facial features, “and lastly these two love birds are Brianne Conley and Ethan Cross.” She pointed at the couple who had their arms wrapped around each other's waists. The guy had pitch black hair and Blue eyes while the girl had a strange greying tone to her hair which I must admit brought out her piercing Black eyes even more.

“It's a pleasure to meet you all, now come grab a seat before all the food is gone.” I gestured to a few empty seats that I asked the pack to reserve for our guests. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

They hesitated, “They won't mind?” Shane asked warily, glancing at the few people who watched us from the corner of their eye.

"Hey guys, would you all mind terribly if these lovely people joined us for dinner?” probably not my best idea, but I hoped there were a few who would make them feel welcome.

"Why should we? Those good for nothing rogues attacked Justin, now you expect us to welcome them to eat with us?” the obnoxious voice that belonged to my old nemesis, Amy Farris spoke.

So much for welcoming them, I thought bitterly.

Before I could give her a piece of my mind an angry voice cut her off, “I'd be mindful of my tone if I were you, Allison is an Alpha and more so, your Luna. Know your place.” Devin's eyes narrowed at her, challenging her to disobey him.

“They are our guests and should be treated as such, if you don't agree, you are more than welcome to leave.” No one dared stand at his invitation.

“Please join us, make yourselves at home.” Devin said in a welcoming voice that I believe set a lot of his and my members at ease despite having spoken so sternly moments ago.

No one made any comments against his word even though some seemed to disagree with his choice, but as the evening progressed, the atmosphere turned lighter.

I could sense Jake and Dris's unease throughout the time that their mates spoke with Oliver, I know that the only reason they actually let them go was, because they had recognised him as their brother, though that fact did little to calm them.

After dinner I gathered the group of Celestia members along with Jake and Dris and walked to my office. As we neared the door I could hear whispers and moans from behind it; my mind registered the voices of Jolene and Hunter which made me want to puke. The room was soundproof meaning they thought no one would hear them.

I hate this super senses thing sometimes, I groaned inwardly.

The two of you better NOT be getting it on in my office or so help me Goddess I will hang you by your feet from a tree just as I find you!" the noises halted momentarily and turned into shuffling which made me groan out loud. I threw open the door as soon as I reached it with my eyes narrowed. I surveyed the area for any traces of stray clothing and sighed in relief when all I saw was their messed up hair, swollen lips and flushed faces

"Out of the hundreds of rooms in this house you specifically chose my office, why? Why would you do that?” I asked with pain and disbelief etched in my voice, Hunter chuckled seeming considerably less embarrassed than Jo

“It was the closest one.” he shrugged with a smirk causing me to scowl.

“Should have barged in and left him to embarrass himself back there, this is what I get for being a good person.” I mumbled more to myself than anything, but I knew they heard it when everyone chuckled and Jo's cheeks flamed even more and she hightailed out of there dragging Hunter behind her.

"Get it Jo!" Jake teased and cackled loudly when she flicked him the bird over her shoulder.

Oliver was the last to enter and closed the door after himself, “Before we do this I want to know; does everyone want this? I know Oliver does, but I don’t want anyone being forced into joining a pack if you don't want to.” Christopher scoffed and looked at Oliver, but said nothing.

Brianne looked at her friends before looking at me with a soft smile, “Your offer for us to join the pack is really generous Alpha Allison. We all would love to be able to live our lives as pack wolves again; It's time for us to accept that the Celestia pack is no more and no matter how much we wish we had something to go back to, we don't.” I was about to say something when I was cut off by yet another scoff, everyone looked at Christopher wide eyed when he shook his head.

"Have you all lost your minds? As if she’s just going to welcome us into her pack with open arms. We're rogues! No one just accepts people like us.” he yelled shocking me; the others didn't seem altogether shocked more, sad.

Ethan looked him dead in the eye and spoke with a harsh tone, “Not everyone is like her, Christopher. Alpha Allison is offering us what we've longed for since the rogue attack thirteen years ago. You need to move on and stop comparing everyone to her.” Christopher's harsh glare was now directed between him and his mate.

“It's easy for you to say, you weren't the one rejected by your mate!” he spat venomously and got up from his seat, as his hand reached for the door I spoke.

“I was.” His whole body tensed and he remained frozen in position.

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