The Shadow Alpha

I was aware of the eyes on me as I spoke, but I kept mine trained on his back. “I know how it feels Christopher; to be shunned, to be rejected by the one person who is supposed to love you and all your flaws, but I can tell you from experience that not everyone is looking to hurt you. All it takes is a little faith.”

He turned around and looked me directly in the eye, “You don't know me.”

“No. I don't, but I do know how it feels to be in your position. In some way I understand you, not even you can deny that.” He gave a sardonic laugh at my words.

“You know nothing; we were all there when your mate openly claimed you as his Luna and defended you in front of his pack.” now it was my turn to laugh bitterly.

"Yeah, it was only four years too late. Give up Christopher, stop fighting a losing battle. I'm not out to get you, I'm offering you a chance at a better life without any ulterior motives, why is that so hard to accept?” he looked taken aback by my words, which I honestly hadn't expected.

“Everyone has an ulterior motive.” He shot back despite his reaction.

“Fine, you got me.” I said, throwing my hands up in surrender, he was about to come up with a smug comment when I cut him off, “I have this need to fix everything, a need to give everyone a chance at something better. How do you think my pack has gotten so big? You think I give them time off just to make babies and increase our numbers?” Everyone laughed at my sarcastic reply, even the man himself cracked a smile, “I find rogues near my borders every day, I'm not like other Alpha’s who kill every rogue in sight to “protect’ my pack. I was once a rogue myself; a rogue that was given a chance, so yeah I believe everyone deserves a fair chance to prove themselves which is why I choose which rogues to accept into my pack and which ones not too. I want you all here because I believe that you're all good people, or are you going to try and prove me wrong?” I raised a challenging eyebrow at him.

Christopher's eyes flitted to each member of his pack that stared back at him in apprehension. After a minute of contemplating he sighed and his shoulders sagged, that's when I knew that I had gotten through to him.

“Fine.” I smiled in triumph, but was once again cut off by his voice, “BUT, if I ever find that you are hiding something; I will personally challenge you for the Alpha title.” He said with all seriousness and I hid my smile; Oliver on the other hand, didn’t bother holding back and burst out laughing, Jake and Dris just smirked secretly. “What's so funny?” Christopher asked with annoyance as the rest looked on with confusion evident on their features.

“Shut up Oliver.” I sent him a warning look and he bit his lip to stop the sound from escaping.

“I wouldn't expect anything less from a Beta blood.” I continued and his eyebrows lifted at my observation, I saw the question in his eyes, “You have a very strong energy surrounding you.” I said in answer to his silent question which did little to ease his misunderstanding, instead he looked even more perplexed than before.

“Now that we have gotten that out of the way, can we please get the oath over and done with so that I can go to sleep?” I said faking miserably which made everyone chuckle and nod in agreement. “Put your right hand over your heart and repeat after me and insert your own name where I say mine, okay?” They nodded in understanding and I began speaking, “I Allison Trust Wells vow to honour and protect the Blue Moon Pack and its members with dignity and loyalty. I promise to respect and serve my pack, its traditions and property to the best of my ability. Fidem sicut Luna noctis, umbram secutus. (Loyalty like the moon to the night, follower of the shadow)" I felt their link forming within me as they said the oath and watched as smiles formed on their faces

“I missed the feeling of a pack link.” Oliver said with a small smile on his face, they were all too young to have had mind links so all they could feel was the pack link. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

They all followed me as we exited my office and I locked the door behind Ivy who was the last person to exit.

"Wow, it's weird having all these voices in your head.” Shane said with eyes wide in wonder.

“Just imagine a wall blocking them out and it will stop, you get used to it eventually and pretty soon the wall will be a reflex.” They all concentrated on doing just that and smiled in triumph when they got it right, “You all know where your rooms are right?” they nodded, “Great, if you have any problems just mind link me. Goodnight!” I said as they stepped out of the main pack house and made the short walk to the other one.

I turned around and pressed the button for the elevator; just as the “ding’ sounded and the doors opened I was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the metal box and against a hard chest. The sparks shot through me before I could register anything else and I knew instantaneously who it was. “I was just about to come look for you.” Devin smirked at me which I returned with a scowl.

“You have got to stop doing that!” his eyebrows furrowed playfully.

"What, this?” he tugged me towards him for the third time today, bringing us so close that our breaths mingled. His gaze dropped from my eyes to my lips when they parted to speak the words on the tip of my tongue.

“What floor?” he shrugged and pressed a random number without breaking his gaze from my lips, I glanced distractedly at the keypad and realised that he had pressed '3".

Well the elevator is clearly not going to move now

I rolled my eyes and stepped away to enter the code. I could feel his heavy gaze on me as I faced the doors of the lift waiting for it to come to a standstill, out of the corner of my eye I could see the small smile that played on his lips as he continued to stare at me. When the lift came to a stop and the doors parted I turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

“You coming or are you gonna watch me walk away alone?” I asked teasingly, what I didn’t count on was the sudden seriousness that took over his features. Devin pushed me out of the elevator and pinned my body against the opposite wall; anger, hurt and guilt flashed through his eyes as he stared down at me with his jaw set in a firm line.

Gone was the carefree, playful man from a few seconds ago, in his place stood a powerful Alpha Male staring at me with cold eyes.

“I will never let you walk away from me again!” he bit out, the displeasure overpowered the vulnerability he was trying to hide, but I saw right through it and my eyes softened.

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