The Shadow Alpha

I lifted my hand to caress his cheek, “Then don't.” I said with a small smile, enjoying the buzz that I got from having him so close to me.

He was about to reply when he was cut off by my yawn, Devin stared at my wide eyed face for a moment before bursting out laughing causing me to flush with embarrassment. I crossed my arms over my chest with my lips set in a pout.

"Stop laughing! I'm tired, okay? It's been a really long eventful day.” I whined, but couldn't help the tiny smile that formed on my face at seeing him so happy and watching his eyes sparkle with unshed tears of joy.

When he calmed down enough he grabbed my hand in his and tugged lightly on it, “Come on Bambi, let's get you to bed.” I rolled my eyes at the nickname and led the way to my room.

I shut the door behind us and walked over to my closet while he silently inspected the room. I pulled out a comfy pair of short and a tank top that I usually slept in and slipped into the bathroom. Once I was done with my business I emerged from the bathroom only to find Devin standing in front of my pin board. The board was covered by an array of pictures and memories from when I had travelled the world as well as a whole lot with my pack, friends and family.

I stepped closer to get a closer look at the one picture he seemed to be staring at, it was pinned at the top left hand corner of the board almost completely covered by the rest of the memories I made over the years. My eyes zoomed in on the only picture other than the family picture in my office that I had of my old life. The picture was of an eight year old me standing in front of Hunter and Devin who were both ten years old; Devin's face was scrunched up in concentration as he focused on clasping bracelet he had gotten me for my birthday on my little wrist while I smiled shyly at him. Hunter stood beside Devin scowling at the two of us.

I still remember him boasting to Hunter how he had picked out and paid for my gift himself unlike the car that Hunter bought for me. He claimed I liked the bracelet more, because it I would always have it with me.

It was a bittersweet memory, one of the last of the good ones I had with both boys, before things went south. The picture along with the bracelet, car and a black leather diary was kept in a wooden box; the wooden box and diary being the last gift from my parents before they were kidnapped. They were not memories I visited often, choosing to not rehash the sentimental pain that was attached to them; I kept it at the back of my mind.

I walked over to the dresser and took out the box. I was part of the few things I took with me when I left the Full Moon pack, though I'm not sure why I did when in the past twelve years I only associated those memories with pain. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Devin's eyes never strayed from the picture until I placed the box in front of him; he glanced at me for a second before opening the box. His breath hitched as he caught sight of the contents, “You kept it.” He picked the thin chain between his fingers; there was an awed look on his face as he stared between the bracelet and the car.

“No matter how hard I tried, no matter how much seeing it pained me. I could never bring myself to throw it away.” he placed the bracelet back in the box and handed it back to me wordlessly, his face held a thoughtful expression, but I couldn't decipher the look no matter how hard I tried.

After laying the box back in the drawer I walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. He was about to tuck me in once I climbed on the bed, but I stopped him.

“Stay.” His eyes widened a fraction before a wide smile took over his face and he nodded hurriedly. He peeled off his t-shirt before scrambling onto the bed beside me; I closed my eyes and took a lungful of his delicious woodsy, pineapple scent when he pulled me into his chest and fell into a slumber, more peaceful than anything I'd ever experienced before.

I was woken up by a fierce growl and a crash that sounded from downstairs; I shot out of bed resulting in Devin being shoved to the edge of the bed from the sudden movement.

"Hmm what, what's wrong?” he jumped off the bed, his eyes scanned the room for any danger, I could feel his wolf at the surface and his eyes were slightly glazed over. Once he was satisfied that there was no imminent danger his eyes landed on where I was throwing on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants.

“I don't know, but we're about to find out.” I declared and the both of us took off out of the room. We raced down the stairs and came to skidding halt at the door of the gym, I threw it open to reveal the six newest members of the Blue Moon pack standing around a half shifted Christopher who was writhing on the ground looking every bit like a feral wolf.

The instant we entered all heads shot in our direction and as if previously rehearsed, twelve eyed widened in unison and darted between Christopher's agonised state and us who stood staring at him writhing on the rubber mat that lined the floor area of the gym.

"What the hell is going on?” I shouted and rushed forward, but before I could make it far, two strong arms wrapped around my waist bringing me to a skidding halt. Christopher might not have been in my pack for anything more than a few hours, but I felt a certain connection to him and furthermore, he was a pack member and as his Alpha I felt his pain. I struggled in Devin's arms as I watched Christopher biting back the screams that were wracking through his body.

I turned to Oliver with pleading eyes, “What's happening to him?” Oliver sighed and ran a hand through his hair; I could see the pain in his eyes as he gazed at Christopher.

"His mate is mating with another.” My eyes widened as I glanced back at Devin whose grip had loosened, before he could realise I slipped from his grip and leaped towards Christopher. The closer I got the more anguish I saw in his cognac brown eyes.

I had to help him.

“Alpha no, it's too dangerous!” a voice I recognised as Shane's cried out as I advanced in his direction. Devin tried grabbing onto me before I was close enough to touch him, but my fast reflexes were too much for him.

"OUT!" My Alpha tone shook the room leaving behind a deafening silence. The air became thick with tension with both Devin and Oliver fighting to disobey my order, which proved unsuccessful when they left the room one by one, Devin being the last.

Devin stopped in the doorway and looked back at me with a mix of hurt, betrayal and most prominently; anger. With one last lingering look he slammed the door loudly behind his tense figure.

A stab of pain shot through my heart and my wolf cried inwardly at the hurt in her mate's eyes, I felt torn between the need to comfort my mate and my duty as an Alpha. The feeling was foreign to me and I found it extremely difficult to choose.

Another strained growl tore from Christopher's chest which snapped me from me daze and back to his distressed eyes.

In that instant, my mind was made up.

I will help Christopher and deal with Devin later. No matter how much the thought pained both Shadow and I, we understood our responsibility as the Shadow Wolf.

I sucked in a deep breath and pulled his large form towards me, he was curled in a foetal position with his hands balled up into fists. With my left arm I held onto his left shoulder and held his arm off his chest. I carefully laid a warm hand on his chest directly above his heart, where I expected the origin of the pain was.

With my eyes shut I concentrated hard on the rapid beating of his heart and opened my mind to his. I could hear each and every one of his thoughts, he was screaming out in agony, I could feel the influx of emotions and latched onto it.

I felt pain travelling from my hand that lay on his chest to the rest of my body. I clenched my teeth as I endured and shared the in pain he was feeling

I had a very high tolerance for pain so what I felt was not anything I could not handle, but the fact that I was using my mind link as well as enduring such pain placed immense strain on me. I felt the writhing ease up and his tense muscles loosen drastically as the emotions drained from his body, I kept my eyes sealed shut and my hand placed firmly on his chest till his inner torment subsided and his mind shut down, a few seconds later his body fell limp in my arms, his ragged breathing calmed into soft pants as he lost consciousness.

My body keeled over and my mind cut off the link as the strain from Christopher's shared pain weighed on me.

My breathing was ragged, I felt completely drained.

“Devin..." I whispered through the mind link, but I was sure he would not hear me. A little while later I felt arms grab me and lift me into the air, the voices around me were all a haze.

If it had not been for the tell-a-tale sparks I would not have known who held me in their arms, the last thing I felt was a feather light kiss on my forehead before I fell into a deep slumber.

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