The Shadow Alpha

By the end we had gained the attention of most of the pack members, young and old stood watching us dual and everyone cheered us on as we walked into the house hand in hand.

My parents, brothers and friends all stood together, Hunter and Tatiana both had excited smiles on their faces, while the rest just stared on in concern. I sent them a reassuring smile as we passed, I didn't blame them for glancing between us warily after everything that happened.

“I must give it to you both, I would never be able to lay a hand on my mate let alone have a full blown fight.” Oliver commented from behind us, I just laughed lightly and looked up at Devin affectionately.

"We were friends before we were Mates; it's just like the good old days when we rolled around in the grass tugging at each other's hair to determine a winner.” He smiled amusedly at the memory. “Yeah funnily enough, even back then we couldn't determine a winner.” Hunter scoffed and grumbled,

“Yeah and even back then I had to stop you both from ripping each other's hair out.” We all laughed at his faux annoyance and Jo kissed his cheek which made a smile light up his face.

He is so whipped! I cackled internally. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I noticed April staring at us with a soft look in her eyes while Austin's eyes were calculating and it felt like a bucket of ice water over my head. We can have as much fun as we like, but the threat only worsens with time.

We needed to do something about him and fast, but first we had to prepare the attack, because the moment word got out that Austin was out of the picture, the rogues would surely attack.

Back to reality then, I guess. I sighed internally.

“Soon my dear, we will overcome this and reality will put a smile on your face.’ Shadow comforted and I smiled to myself.

I excused myself and walked to my room to have a shower, still deep in thought about the inevitable war that would soon be upon us. We needed to either be prepared to attack or to be attacked and at this stage I haven't decided which option is better.

After a warm shower I threw on a pair of light washed jeans and a black tank top with my black converse sneakers and went straight to the dining hall where breakfast was being served. I took my usual seat at the head of the table and Devin slid into the chair to my right a few moments later. Noticing that everyone was seated, I stood up and clapped my hands to gain their attention.

“Good morning my darlings, just a few little announcements before you all dig in. We will have a pack meeting at 8pm tonight in the back yard and I ask that everyone is present, if someone is not here this morning, please do notify them to be here on time for the meeting. Secondly, I'd like to see my task force in my office after breakfast. Lastly, I will be doing a few spot checks, see how everyone is settling in so please see to it that everyone stays within the territory today.” They all nodded in understanding so I preceded, “Okay great! We thank the Goddess Mother Selene for this lovely meal and may she bless the hands who prepared it. Enjoy.”

As usual everyone chatted merrily throughout breakfast till one by one they dispersed to do whatever it is they planned for the day. As soon as I finished breakfast I went straight to my office with Devin and the others following close behind.

I stood and looked directly into the biometric identification system that was mounted within my wood covered titanium door to unlock it. I usually didn’t lock the office so extensively, but taking chances at a time like this would only prove to be a disadvantage to us.

When the pack house was revamped and the new one built beside it, my office was transformed into a safe room with state of the art security equipment installed so that no one, but specially authorised persons could enter when the system is locked. When unlocked anyone could enter which is why all the drawers and cabinets with important information is sealed shut and can only be accessed with a biometric fingerprint sensor.

My system is so advanced that if anyone tried to force open a door or even snooped around in my office, the sensors will store identification data on the intruder and in case of a full on security breach the system will lock with the culprit inside and an alarm will sound throughout the territory notifying the whole pack of the threat. The system was designed by Jimmy when he was just seventeen years old and it's brilliant.

Basically it was fool proof and it wasn't all for nothing, my office held important information about all the packs that I helped train as well as my own and the Shadow wolf, I could not allow anyone to gain access to such information so I had to take extra caution.

Once the system identified me it unlocked and all that could be heard was the swishing of the multiple hydraulic locks pulling back, I caught Hunter's freaked out look from beside me to which I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Wow sis, you really are paranoid.” He joked and I smirked once again.

“You don’t know the half of it Bro.” He chuckled and sent me an incredulous look. We all stepped inside and when the last person entered and shut the door I turned to face them, placed my hands on my desk and stared each one in the eye.

“The plan gets put into motion today.” I said seriously getting straight to the point, everyone glanced at each other meaningfully and one by one they took a seat. Everyone apart from Devin was seated when he turned to me and asked,

"What's the plan?” his eyes were narrowed in a concentration and a grave atmosphere settled over the room.

“Last night Austin left the territory, for what I don't know, but it can only mean that the Rogues are getting closer to their target, they are gaining on us. We need to make our move before they strike and catch us off guard, I can feel their presence looming along our borders. With their snooping and Austin's inside influence, they are gaining an advantage over us. That ends today.” I emphasised with finality in my tone, a murmur of agreement passed through the room before their attention settled on me once again.

"Hunter I need you and Jolene to make sure that the safe rooms are all cleaned and stocked before the meeting tonight, also get Jimmy to check the systems and ensure that they're all in order, if push comes to shove we can't risk any error. Jo knows what needs to be done, but do it quietly. “Connor and Bradley, I need the both of you to check our ammunition, report back to me on what we have and I'll decide whether or not we need to order more.

"Dristan, I need you, Lexi and Doctor Winters to check the medical supplies and order anything else they think they may need. Ask Avery to get Doctor Calvin Lorez up to speed with the procedure, however I doubt it will be much different from what he is used to.

“Dad, I need you to check up on Justin and have him transferred to the infirmary in the Dungeons, you'll have to use the back entrance in order not to alert the pack or Austin.

“Jacob, you need to gather ten of the strongest warriors from both packs and have them brought here after the meeting is over. I need the entire border patrol doing rounds today, scrap the roster, we need to be covered fully.

“Papa Jamie, I need you to check up on Tatiana and make sure that she is still doing okay, I know it's been tough for her to stay in hiding, but it won't last much longer.” Everyone nodded understanding their duties, which is when I shared my plans with them.

Once I was done explaining everyone but Devin and Papa J left to do what they had been asked, I raised an eyebrow at Papa J wondering what else he needed when he glanced at Devin and looked back at me,

“Allie cat, I trust that whatever you are doing is well thought out and will be perfectly executed, but please baby girl be careful. Austin is a dangerous man and any suspicion by the rogues that he has been compromised will leave us unguarded and vulnerable. Always stay vigilant and trust yourself and your family.” he advised and I smiled softly at him.

“Papa Jamie, you have taught me well, for a long time I have felt like I was responsible for the well- being of our kind on my own, but I realised that each and every one of you were sent into my life to assist me and to help me fulfil my duty and I'm not alone at all. Together we are stronger and it is time we became one.” he smiled and glanced at Devin's hand that I had taken in my own.

"Hurt her again and I'll be your worst nightmare, is that clear Alpha Summers?” Papa Jamie narrowed his eyes at my mate who nodded in acknowledgement.

“I've regretted my actions for a long time and I don't plan on making the same mistake twice.” Devin glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

“Good.” Papa Jamie asserted and stalked out the office.

Devin turned towards me and I twisted my body to face him, he cupped my face with his palm and I leaned into his touch. The sparkly warmth that erupted throughout my body from his touch brought me peace and calmed my wild spirit; I felt a connection between us whenever we touched. I could feel the mate bond pulling us to one another, but at the same time there was something else that held us together, something deeper, something purer.

"He really loves you.” Devin commented and I nodded with my eyes closed.

“I owe him so much, he took me in when I had nothing and gave me the world. He's amazing, I love him too.” Devin smiled before his face turned grave once again.

“Allison, 1 don't think this is a very good idea. This is going to take up a lot of your strength and energy and I just don't think your body will be able to handle it all.” he said in a worried tone and I could see the conflict in his eyes. He knew it was the fastest and most effective way to spot the traitors, but he was also worried about my well-being and at the same time he didn't want to hurt or offend me.

I smiled at him reassuringly and wrapped my fingers around his wrists holding his hands to my face, “Devin I meant what I said to Papa Jamie. I am not alone as long as you're by my side. It's just like you said earlier, with you by my side, I will never lose. I know we can do this together because together we are whole and that makes us strong. Trust me, trust yourself and trust in us.” I saw relief and determination take over his feature and just as the last word left my lips he pressed his lips firmly against mine in a chaste kiss and later leaned his forehead against mine.

“I trust us Allie and I trust you.” I smiled in appreciation and kissed his cheek.

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