The Shadow Alpha

Today's the day.

I slipped on my cerise pink hoodie and threw my hair up in a messy bun. The dread set in deeper as I caught sight of the scene outside the pack house.

Today is the day that the Full Moon pack officially returns to their pack territory.

Devin has been doing a fantastic job; he’s been attentive, taking care of the needs of both packs, seeing to the daily running of the packs along with getting his territory back into shape. He insisted that I take all the time I had to train the Cresent Moon members while he took care of everything else, which I was more than grateful for.

On a lighter note, they were making great progress, they were learning to trust and depend on each other, which made all the difference. They were also staring to warm up to the pack and myself, I knew that there was still a long way to go, but we were taking it one step at a time.

Despite the heaviness in my heart, I couldn't deny the happiness I felt knowing that the sun had finally shown itself. Devin was more in control than I had ever seen him; his relationship with Tatiana was starting to become a reality. He seemed exponentially more comfortable in his role of Alpha and that made me proud.

The pack house and surrounding buildings were completed and ready to be occupied, but I was yet to see the new developments. Somehow I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Devin has invited me on many occasions, but every time I found an excuse as to why I couldn't go with him, his disappointment was evident every time I denied, but I just couldn't do it.

Part of me wasn't ready to see the place that changed my life again, but an even bigger part of me didn't want to see everything they had done, seeing it would make it real and that made me sick to the stomach.

I was so used to having everyone around, the reality that just as fast as it came, it would be gone, that was a bitter pill to swallow.

Gazing from my window my eyes immediately found Devin's large form standing a little away staring at pack members rushing around with suitcases and boxes in hand. He watched the scene with a concentrated scowl, a look I found cute.

A little spark of hope still lived inside me, amidst the dark sea of uncertainty.

This isnt the end; I'll make sure of it! My eyes narrowed in determination.

“That's the spirit!’ Shadow chirped, perking up at the change in my demeanour.

I rushed out of my room to the front yard, my steps were calculated, my mind was set only on one person.

"Don’t go.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop it, the moment I was within earshot.

Devin’'s body tensed, his back still facing me. Despite the lack of response, I couldn“t bring myself to regret my request, regardless of its abrupt delivery.

“Allison.” Devin acknowledged, his tone giving away no emotions as he turned to face me. His face was as impassive as his voice; I wanted so badly to know what he was thinking, but the last thing I wanted was to invade his mind without his permission.

“Devin, don't go.” I repeated, this time more assertively.

"Why now? Why not when I asked you to come with me to see the pack house?” a hint of curiosity peaked from behind his emotionless facade. The way in which his eyes studied me, made me feel somewhat intimidated.

“I was afraid.” I stated plainly, knowing that there was no time like the present to be honest with him. “I was afraid that it would all be too real, but that fear pales in comparison to what I feel standing here right now.” The admission surprised him, as if he hadn't expected me to drop my guard so easily.

Devin responded by taking two large strides till he was standing directly in front of me. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me flush against his hot body.

"My beautiful mate? My brave heart that stood fearless in battle and stared in the face of danger, is afraid, why?” there was a twinkle of wonder in his eyes, his tone was gentle and affectionate as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

“My Allie cat, not an inch, a mile or a thousand, could ever take me away from you. I am not going anywhere.”

A teary smile formed on my face, I felt giddy at his revelation, like a teenager whose crush just admitted his feelings to her.

“You're not getting rid of me that easily, not when I finally have the chance to make you fully mine.” a smirk lifted at the corner of his mouth, the double meaning was not lost on me.

“When did you become so poetic?” I smirked back which caused his own to widen.

“I've always been, you're just noticing now.” He stated cockily and I replied with a hearty laugh.

“I see.” suddenly his eyes turned serious.

“I'm sorry, Allison.” That worried me.

“Sorry?” I croaked, feeling slightly panicked.

“Yeah, sorry, but you are stuck with me for the rest of your life.” he whispered in my ear, his voice mischievous. Feeling annoyed by his teasing I tried pushing away from him, but his grip was firm. “Let go Devin.” I glared up in annoyance.

“Never!” he whispered, staring me in the eye which caused a shiver to run down my spine.

A throat clearing behind him caught our attention, “Alpha.” Julian acknowledged when we turned around to face him. He looked a little out of place as he glanced between us. “There are some people who would like to speak to you both.” He gestured to the group huddled a little behind him with similar wary looks plastered on their faces. Devin and I shared a look, but stepped forward “Thank you Julian, we will handle this.” he nodded in Julian's direction and the man scurried off, no doubt feeling awkward from having interrupted our moment.

“Hey guys.” I greeted enthusiastically.

"Good morning Alpha Allison.” The greeting echoed like a class of elementary school kids greeting their teacher, making me chuckle.

“This is ridiculous.” A boy a few years younger than me burst and pushed his way through the crowd. My curiosity was piqued; they seemed awfully organised for a group of teenagers. “Alpha Devin, Lu- I mean Alpha Allison,” he flushed at the slip and an involuntary smile slipped onto my face, “We were all wondering, if it would be possible for us to stay here instead of...” he trailed off, seeming to have lost his gumption from earlier.

I smiled wide at the uncertain eyes staring at either me or the ground; I glanced up at Devin who had a stoic look on his face, though I could see the glint of amusement in his eyes. He made no move to answer their question so I took the liberty to annoy him.

“Between us, I also think I'm way cooler than Devin over here.” I whispered loudly as if he wasn't supposed to hear me, which we all knew was nonsense. Their eyes widened, panic was evident when they jumped to disagree with me.

"Oh so you're saying that you like Devin better?” I asked, faking a hurt look and yet another round of disagreements ensued. Unable to stop myself I burst out laughing at their frustration and Devin chuckled in amusement.

“Guys calm down; I'm just messing with you. Devin and I both know I'm the awesome one here, there's no need to argue about it.” I didn't dare look at him, but I could feel him roll his eyes at my antics, a scoff accompanying his flat look.

“You don’t have to ask, you are all always welcome in Blue Moon territory and if you choose to stay here permanently, even better.” I smiled kindly, meaning every word.

“The Blue Moon and Full Moon packs have been one since the day we arrived here months ago and like that we will remain. You are welcome to choose wherever you would like to take up permanent residence and that goes for everyone, Blue Moon and Full Moon.” Devin said the last part loudly, gaining the attention of everyone in the front yard. Cheers erupted making me smile.

"Now let's talk about that awesomeness factor you spoke about.” Devin whispered in my ear, pulling my back against his front.

“Now, what kind of Alpha would I be if I didn't see the pack off?” I smirked, pushing away from him, I walked towards Hunter and Jolene who were both packed up and ready to leave.

“You're really leaving us?” I frowned upon seeing Jo's favourite teddy bear perched on the passenger seat of the SUV.

“I feel so loved.” Hunter wiped away a fake tear and threw his arms around me exaggeratedly.

"Get off me you oaf!” I laughed, but hugged him back, knowing that I would miss him more than anything.

“Way to assert your words, Allie cat.” He smirked when he pulled away; I just slapped his arm in response, ignoring the “ouch’ that erupted from him.

“Hey, we're not leaving the country. We're only a half an hour drive away, fifteen if you run.” She assured me, causing a frown to form on my face.

“What?” I asked confusedly, both of them shared a disbelieving look.

“You don’t know?” Hunter asked, seeming baffled by the thought.

“Know what!” I emphasized, feeling anxious about being out of the loop.

“Allison, take a walk with me.” Devin grasped my wrist and pulled me away from Hunter before he could answer.

“No I-" I protested, attempting to free myself from his grip.

“Go Allie, Ill tell you later.” Weighing my options, I sighed, giving in to Devin's insistence.

“Where are we going?” I asked curiously as he led the way into the forest, in the direction of the South border- the direction of his territory.

“You'll see.” his answer did little to appease me, but it was clear that he wouldn't tell me. I considered invading his mind to find my answer, but decided against it knowing that he would feel my presence in his mind and block his thoughts.

“Devin, can I ask you a question?” I wondered aloud.

“Well you just asked one, but since I'm feeling generous, I'll let you ask another one.” he smirked and I rolled my eyes at his childishness. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Idiot.” I muttered under my breath, but before he could speak I continued, “How were you able to hear my thoughts that day?” I looked up at him curiously.

“When I saw you running through the forest that day, you looked... distracted, something I wasn't used to seeing from you, you were always so aware and focussed, I knew immediately that something was wrong, so I followed you. I wanted so badly to know what was going through your mind that hurt you so much, so at first I mind linked Hunter, when he told me what happened, it made some sense, but it still didn't explain why you were the way you were. It was out of character for you to allow someone else's thoughts affect your judgement. I didn't even realise that I was trying to get into your head until your thoughts sounded in my mind. I was surprised at first, but mostly because you didn't know I was there and actually in your mind. I don't know how it happened, but I haven't tried it again so I don’t know if it would work.” he rambled, but I listened closely, feeling awed by how well he knew me.

They were the little things about a person's character that you never really paid much attention to, the involuntary traits that you thought went unnoticed, it was now that I realised that they weren't unnoticed.

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