The Shadow Alpha

"What the...” I trailed off, dumbfounded by the sight before me.

“Surprise!” Devin cheered; I looked up at him unable to mask my shock and confusion.

“I- 1 don’t understand... How?" I wondered.

“Well, this wasn't the plan when we first started, but one day on my way back I realised that it was the perfect spot. It's big enough to accommodate everyone and in essence the area is better protected in the case of an attack.” He explained, my mind was running a mile a minute.

Here we were, a mere five miles from the border, staring at the brand new Full Moon pack house. "How did I not know that this was happening?” I frowned, feeling baffled by the recent turn of events.

“Well I am glad to know that I can still surprise you. You were really busy and hardly did border control these past few weeks.” He shrugged and smiled a dimpled smile.

“Wow, I mean, Devin that's great!” excitement bubbled within me. The old pack house was more towards the south West corner of the Full Moon territory, which happened to be the furthest point from Blue Moon.

“Told you I'm not going anywhere.” I turned around and jumped into his arms, laughing giddily. Devin chuckled at my reaction, but wasted no time in lifting me off the ground and spinning me around in circles.

The earlier worry I felt seemed to have disappeared into thin air, I mean I would much prefer it if there was no distance between us, but what's a few miles between mates?

"So mate, what would you say to a tour?” Devin grinned, offering me his arm which I gladly accepted.

“I'd love a tour.” I said in a posh accent, to which he chuckled.


"And here we have the Alpha’s office.” he pushed open the door to a large modern looking office. The whole hose was slick and modern, somewhat of a change from my pack house which had a mix of old and new. I had an appreciation for old furniture and walls covered in bookshelves, which was something I couldn't get rid of when we revamped the old pack house.

“It honestly looks incredible Devin; every single thing fits so perfectly. It's so you.” it really was. Devin liked clean, pristine environments. I still remember when he was a child how his room was always clutter free, no useless fixtures and mismatched artefacts.

"Why are there two desks?” I questioned, taking in the solid mahogany desk sitting beside the clean cut white desk. The contrasting shades looked magnificent together; they were both of the same design, but one looked antique while the other looked new and modern. They complimented each other.

“Well I was thinking that you'd probably like your own space.” My head swivelled to meet his eye as soon as the words were out of his mouth.

“It's for me?” I repeated and he nodded

“Yeah, I would rather lose my mind than try to sort through all the garbage on your desk.” He shuddered and I glared.

“It's not garbage, it's organised chaos.” I stated matter-of-factly, turning my head away from his disbelieving look.

"Right... let's call it that.” He trailed off and I grinned.

"Come on good sir, we still have a kitchen to visit.” My stomach growled at the thought of food. I hadn't eaten since I woke up; it was only natural to be hungry.

"Of course, let's feed that monster inside of you before it eats me up.” His eyes widened.

"Well it wouldn't mind eating both.” Devin’s steps halted at the suggestive tone of my voice. Before I could react he had me pinned up against the nearest wall, uncaring of all the pack members lurking around.

“I just might have to hold you to that.” Devin growled into my ear as his teeth nibbled on my ear lobe. The sensation sent shockwaves down to my core, my body temperature rose as his lips grazed along my neck, leaving wet kisses as he went along.

“Devin...” I breathed, sensing a pack member approaching, but instead of moving away, another pleasurable purr left his lips. I could feel his canines brushing against the tender skin of my neck; he was now sucking on a spot below my neck. A euphoric sensation was wracking through my body. “Devin.” I moaned, using all my strength to push him away, “Stop, not here.” I added breathlessly and his movements halted.

Our breathing was ragged and uneven, the high of having his lips on me was too much to handle, the pleasure coursing through me was like nothing I'd ever felt before. His head rested on my shoulder, inhaling my scent.

"Are you sniffing me?” I asked amusedly.

“You smell so damn good.” He rasped and I giggled.

"You know what would smell even better right now?" my voice dropped an octave and he lifted his head off my shoulder to look into my eyes, I could see the underlying lust beneath the curiosity. “What?”

“Food.” I laughed out loud at the way his face contorted in disappointment. “Come on you perv, I'm hungry.” I said, pulling him in the direction I figured the kitchen was in.

"Hungry monsters getting in the way of my mate time.” He grumbled quietly, but I heard him and burst out laughing at his childish behaviour.

“So, what would you like to have?” Devin asked, swinging open the fully stocked fridge.

"Hmm, how about something cheesy?” I pondered, spotting the cheese on the shelf.

"Okay, cheese and?” he placed the cheese on the counter, looking at me expectantly.

"Ooh, I know, Lasagne!” The idea occurred to me and I heard yet another grow! from my stomach. Devin laughed at the familiar sound and I couldn't help, but join him.

“Okay, what do you need?” I proceeded to order him around the kitchen collecting all the ingredients and utensils I needed to make a creamy chicken Lasagne.

"What goes first?” Devin raised his eyebrows at me, awaiting instructions. We prepared all the ingredients and in the last minute decided that Devin would cook.

“First you put oil in your heated pan and once the oil has heated up too, you add the onions and bell peppers.” He followed my instructions, careful not to drop the onions anywhere but the pan. “You're going to let that brown for a bit while you season the chicken cubes.” He nodded, looking cutely focussed on his task.

"What seasoning do I put in the chicken?” he looked puzzled by the array of spices spread out in front of him

“So this is kind of something you learn as you go along. When it comes to chicken, spices like parsley, rosemary, oregano and such fit well to compliment the taste when paired with the usual salt and pepper.” I continued to point out the ingredients, all the while explaining why each one was important and before we knew it, we were pushing a cheese covered tray of lasagne into the pre heated oven. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"You're an excellent teacher, you know that?” Devin smirked, trapping me against the counter with his hands on either side of my body.

“Is that so?" I countered, running my finger down his toned arm

“I know it's going to taste just as good as you.” he whispered, but before his lips could touch my neck a voice interrupted us.

"Okay we need to set some ground rules.” Hunter frowned and I raised an eyebrow at him, interested to hear his next words. Devin moved so that he was leaning against the counter beside me, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at Hunter intrigued.

"Firstly, this is a kitchen, so ewe. Secondly, she’s my little sister, so I do not want to see you making out with her. Thirdly, can you keep your hands off her while I'm around?” He said the last part as a statement rather than a question, directing his attention to Devin who looked positively pleased by his annoyance.

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