The Shadow Alpha

"Why so serious Alpha Allison Trust Wells?” Devin teased, but the concern was evident in his voice, I found that adorable.

“Nothing major Alpha Devin Summers.” I spun around and threw my arms around his neck, sending him a wicked smile. Devin placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer; the teasing look was now replaced by an apprehensive frown.

“Allie Cat, you know you can tell me anything.” He assured me hopefully, but I wouldn't budge.

"It's really nothing Devin, I swear.” I tried, but he was adamant.

“Humour me then.” He shrugged and we had a little stare down, after realising that he wasn't letting it go, I released a long breath of annoyance.

Secretly, I was relieved.

"What's going to happen to us Devin?” I voiced, my eyes fell to his shirt clad chest unable to meet his gaze. Sensing my unease, Devin tugged on my waist and pulled me towards his bed. He sat me down on the bed and sank down on his knees before me with his hands gripping onto mine. The position was both intimate and comforting.

"Haven't I told you Allison? I am not going anywhere. I know we haven't had the best relationship, but I know that what we have is worth fighting for. I have loved you since we were kids and no amount of distance or time will change that.” His revelation shocked me, but his serious tone baffled me beyond words. I had no idea how he felt, but as our childhood flashed before my eyes, it all made sense. His affection was obvious, even though I was oblivious.

“I know this is a shock to you.” he smiled encouragingly, “I wish I could turn back time and takeaway all the years I failed to protect you from the wrath of my father and the pack, I wish I could take back the moment I rejected you, I wish I could take back turning my back on you when you told me you loved me, but I can't. I can't undo the hurt, I can only make up for it and I will spend the rest of my life by your side as the mate that you deserve, completing your soul in the way I was meant to.” My eyes softened as I listened to him speak with so much conviction. He was sure of every word he spoke, despite his soft tone.

"How do we make this work?” With those words, something in me broke free. A rush of emotions hit me like a freight train, my eyes snapped up to meet his wide ones. His reaction was the same as mine.

“Do you feel that?” his voice dropped, the look he sent me spoke volumes about his feelings. Unable to speak, I nodded. Before I knew it his lips were on mine, moving feverishly as he lifted my further onto the bed and leaned his hot body over me.

All sense left my brain as his hands travelled against my skin, exploring every crevice of my body. I felt high off him, like I couldn't get enough, I ached to feel his hot skin beneath my fingertips and before I could comprehend what was happening, my fingers were tugging the material off his taut body.

Devin's body froze, he leaned up and stared deep into my eyes silently questioning. I felt warmth spread through me at his gesture and without a moment's hesitation I pulled him back down to me. Just like that we lost ourselves in each other.

co Dream co

“Mother Selene?” I questioned excitedly, it had been a while since she last visited me and I was happy to see her. I stared in awe as the gorgeous woman dressed in glowing white smiled beside me.

“My beautiful Shadow Alpha.” She greeted, her tone giving away her elation.

“Mother, I missed you so much.” I confessed and she smiled knowingly.

“As have I, my child.” I felt calm; I didn't know whether it was because I was seeing Mother Selene after all this time or because of what happened between Devin and I. Mother Selene giggled lightly, the sound caused my attention to snap to her glowing features in curiosity.

“You are glowing.” She explained and I blushed crimson, knowing what she was referring to. “I am proud of you Allison, both of you. I did not have a sliver of doubt that you both would succeed and I am proud to see how far you have both come.” My heart swelled with pride at her words, but my eyebrows furrowed in question, not knowing what exactly she meant by her statement.

“What do you mean mother?”

“Today you both have proven yourselves. You have become one in spirit and truly accepted one another. You found your soul in him when together you defeated the uprising, but only today have you placed your trust in him.” My eyes were wide in wonder.

“That feeling...” I muttered more to myself, but she nodded.

“Yes.” I chuckled breathlessly.

"Wow, so all this time... All this time what we had been feeling?” I wondered, feeling puzzled by the sudden turn of events.

"You recognised the mate bond, but the feelings between you till today had nothing to do with that. The barrier created by the Gods stopped you from feeling its true pull.” She smiled at my wide eyed look.

“You mean; I loved Devin even without the mate bond?” she nodded affirmative, I was a little taken aback, but it was an amazing feeling

“I don't know what to say.” I was speechless, but ecstatic. Somehow I knew Devin and I would be alright.

“Thank you Mother, thank you so much.” I threw my arms around her, but stiffened when I realised what I'd done, before I could let go, her arms wrapped around me in the most comforting hug I'd ever felt.

“My dear Shadow Alpha, you have on so many occasions surpassed my expectations, I have absolute confidence that the Werewolf race is in good hands.” She stroked my cheek affectionately. I knew this was goodbye.

“Mother Selene...” I muttered through teary eyes, reaching towards her.

“This is not goodbye my child, it is “Till I see you again.” With that her figure faded into the distance. co End of Dream co

A warm calloused hand caressing my cheek brought me back to reality.

“Hi.” Devin whispered when my eyes cracked open, his face was set in a beautiful smile that caused my breath to hitch.

"Hi." I blushed.

“How are you feeling beautiful?” my heart swelled at the concern in his eyes.

“Amazing.” The word was out before I realised I was speaking, causing me to blush. Devin's hands slipped beneath the sheet, down to my waist to tug me closer. Our proximity was affecting my senses.

“I think you're always amazing.” Devin smirked flirtatiously and I laughed out loud.

“I think you're pretty amazing yourself, handsome.” I bit my lip as I concentrated on the imaginary letters 1 was tracing on his tanned chest.

"What are you writing?” He whispered curiously, trying to recognise the letters formed by my fingertips.

“I. LOVE. YOU." I voiced as my fingers glided on his skin. When I was done, he grabbed my hand in his and kissed my fingertips.

“I Love you too, Allison Trust Wells.” He leaned and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead, making me beam. We didn't need to say anything else; we just laid there in the dark, the moonlight creeping in through the window.

“Devin?” I called quietly. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Hmm?" his eyes opened to meet mine with curiosity.

"How do we make this work?” I asked the same question I had earlier and he smiled.

“I meant to answer that.” He chuckled lightly knowing that we had both gotten side tracked after that. “Move in with me Allison.” The words were simple and the answer was obvious, but it was so much more complicated than that.

“Devin, I want nothing more than to do that, but it isn’t that simple. I have close to six hundred werewolves relying on me, if something had to happen, I wouldn't be able to get to them in time despite being so close to my territory.” I voiced concernedly. Devin blew out a puff of air, his body deflating at my answer. “I'm sorry Dev.” He shook his head in protest.

“No Allie Cat, don't apologise, it was wrong of me to expect such a thing of you when you have your pack to take care of. I wouldn't be able to leave my pack either.” He pulled me closer once again and placed a kiss on my forehead, “We'll figure something out.” His words reassured me, I was sure we would find some way to make things work.

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