The Sinner: A Dark College Romance
The Sinner: Chapter 62

I GET HER back to our house and carry her into the kitchen. The only light that’s on is over the stove, giving me just enough to see the island and to set her down on a barstool. “Sit right here,” I tell her, turning to the fridge and grabbing her a water.

Turning back to her, I see she’s now bent over, chest and face lying on the marble island, arms fanned out in front of her. Sitting the bottle down, I go over and flip on the light, only to turn back and freeze when I see a man sitting at the head of the table, and it’s not her father. “What the fuck do you want?” I growl.

He taps his fingers on the table, tilting his head to the side. His blue eyes drop to Elli, and I step in front of the island to block his view of her, and he smirks. “I don’t believe in love,” he states and I snort. “Something so pure can’t survive in hell. But I do believe in revenge.”

“Why are you here?” I’ve had all the riddles I can take tonight. I’m fucking sore as shit and exhausted. I just want to clean both of us off and crawl into bed with my wife, knowing she’s safe and sound.

“Do you know why I called Tyson and told him to bring you back after your first meeting with us at Carnage?”

“No.” I didn’t care.

“Me and my brothers didn’t run Carnage when Nicholas was brought in. Not until later on. But we found it strange that all those nine years he’d been there no one ever asked about him. Until after you showed up.”

I frown, stepping closer to the table. “What do you mean?”

“We hadn’t asked who you wanted because it didn’t matter. We don’t hand anyone over. No one gets a pass. But you…” He sits up straighter. “You show up with Tyson, demanding to see our roster, and when we tell you no, you leave. That very next day we get a phone call. Someone checking on a Lord. Do you know how often we get calls from people wanting to know the status of someone at Carnage?”

“How many?”


“Who was it?” I wonder, looking over my shoulder to see her still lying on the island. I quickly scan the room to make sure the other two aren’t here as well. I’m here alone right now. Gavin dropped me and Elli off and her father stayed back at the house with Tyson to clean up the mess of dead bodies we made.

“Your father,” he answers, getting my attention once more.

I look at him and frown. “How did he…?” Of course. I asked him about Carnage. If he knew about them, but I never told him who or what I wanted. Thank God for that. He could have beat me to Nick and made sure he was dead for real somehow. Making sure we never found out the truth of what my father did to put him away.

“I don’t believe in coincidences,” he goes on. “So we called you back for a meeting, and wouldn’t you know, you wanted the same Lord that he called about.” Crossing his tattooed arms over his chest, he sits back in the chair. “We decided we’d hand him over in exchange for you. Honestly, we didn’t think you’d do it.” Tilting his head to the side, he asks, “How do you feel, by the way?” his eyes drop to my bloody shirt.

I don’t answer, making him give a dark chuckle. “Yeah, it hurts like a bitch. That’s what it’s supposed to feel like.”

“What do you want?” I’d rather not rehash this situation. And he came here for another reason other than why they let me make a deal to release Nicholas.

“The only reason you’re free to fuck your cunt,” he nods to Elli, “is because her father offered up yours.”

My hands fist. “Get to the point,” I demand. This is not news to me.

“Your father hasn’t been able to keep his mouth shut since he’s been dropped off. Went on and out about his partner.”

Partner? What the fuck is he talking about? Who else is out there that I have to hunt down and kill to make sure my wife stays safe?

“We thought he meant your mother at first, but he started dropping names. Guess who was one of them?”

Elli moans and I look over my shoulder to see her run her hands through her hair to push it off her face. But her eyes remain closed. “Who?” I ask, ready to get this over with.


My spine straightens and he taps his tatted knuckles on the table. “So I planted a bug.”

“What do you mean by planted a bug?”

“I made sure he got word that you had passed away.” He gives me a smile, showing off his white teeth. They’re a stark contrast to the black ink that wraps up around his neck to his jawline.

“You what?” I snap, stepping closer to the table. That’s why Chance’s face turned white when he saw me and said I was dead. He was so sure that I had died. “Why would you…” My voice trails off and I suck in a deep breath. “You wanted him to go after Elli.” He used her as bait. “You son of a bitch…”

“It worked, didn’t it?” He looks over at her still passed out.

“He could have killed her.” I point to her.

“She looks alive to me. A little out of it,” he shrugs carelessly. “But breathing nonetheless.”

“He could have. Fuck. He drugged her. Who knows what he would have done to her had I not got to her in time.” I’m screaming, throat burning. Fuck him for playing this game with me. My wife is off-limits.

“I made sure you were aware of the situation…”

“Situation? You didn’t tell me where she was. I thought you guys had her, for fuck’s sake.”

He snorts at that. “If we were going to take your wife, the last thing we’d do is let you know. She’d just … vanish.”

My chest tightens at that thought and I step back, getting closer to her once again.

“What happened to Nicholas was unfortunate. And we don’t like being made to look like fools.” His eyes go to my wife as she makes another noise that sounds more like a whimper. “And Elli really was an innocent.” They return back to mine. “I’m all for brutal revenge, but not when it’s not deserved. So…” He stands from the head of the table. “Take it as the peace offering it is. She has her father and you. Not to mention, I brought to your attention an enemy that you didn’t know existed. Now you’ve killed every person that has harmed or planned to harm your wife. I’ll say our business is done.” Walking over to me, he holds out a black box I hadn’t noticed he had with him. “Here, you’ll want this.”

“What is this?” I’m so tired of surprises.

“It’s your father’s phone. There’s some interesting content on it.” He walks past Elli, not even bothering to look at her, and goes to exit the kitchen.

“My father and her mother?” I ask, needing to know.

He pauses, wanting a second to decide if he wants to tell me or not. “They’re both still alive. For now. But don’t worry, you have my word they won’t ever leave Carnage. The guys have already found her mother to be useful, and they enjoy the way your father begs.” He smiles. “Now enjoy your wife, I know I would.” He turns and exits the kitchen. I hear the front door open and close seconds later.

I slide my father’s phone into a kitchen drawer; I’ll come back and get it later. Walking over to Elli, I grab a hold of her shoulders, pulling her face and chest up off the island. Picking her up in my arms and grabbing her water, I carry her into the master suite bathroom.

I sit on the edge of the corner Jacuzzi tub and hold on to her with one arm while the other turns on the faucet. Once the water is where I know she’ll like it, I stand and set her on the edge.

Her head falls forward, and I cup her cheeks, holding it in place. “Elli, I need you to help me out a little, okay?”

Heavy eyes open and look around aimlessly. “Sin?”

“You need a bath, Elli. Okay. I’ve got to clean you off.” Reaching the hem of her shirt, I pull it up and over her head. Then I unfasten her bra and toss it to the floor. I lift her up and hold her with one arm while the other undoes her jeans. I manage to get them down her legs and pick her up before placing her in the tub. I’m going to get her clean and put her in our bed. Then I’ll shower and wash myself off before joining her because I’m having problems keeping my eyes open. I’m crashing hard. I’m so done with this day. Hopefully tomorrow is better.


I OPEN MY eyes, a little confused, but it only takes me a second to realize that I’m back at home. Morning light filters through the window. I look over to my right and see Sin on his stomach, arms up under the pillow, sound asleep. I remember bits and pieces of last night. Like in the bathtub—him washing me clean and me crying, confused why he was there. I was told he was dead. He just kept reassuring me that he wasn’t going anywhere and that I was safe while I hugged him tightly. I was afraid to let him go. That he’d disappear.

I’ve got a slight headache but other than that, I feel okay. Reaching under the covers, I run my hands over my body to find myself naked and I wonder if we had sex last night. If so, I don’t remember. My body feels tight, muscles ache. That could have been the drugs or a really good fuck.

The thought has me lowering my hand between my legs. I run my fingers over my pussy and I’m wet. Like soaking wet. My pussy begging to be fucked. To get off. Pushing one finger inside of myself, I’m disappointed when I don’t feel sore there. That my husband didn’t take advantage of me last night while I was fucked up. Probably because he was too tired. Or maybe he was hurting. He went through so much while at Carnage.

Looking at him once again, I bite my lip. I don’t want to wake him up. He’s got to be exhausted. Rolling over the opposite direction, I open up the top drawer of my nightstand and pull out my silver bullet. I want a fucking jackhammer right now but this’ll do.

Lying on my back, I shove it under the covers and between my legs, turning it on. A moan escapes my lips, and I throw my free hand over my mouth, taking a quick look at Sin. But he hasn’t moved, thankfully.

I close my legs, trying to smother the vibrating sound. It works a little, but you can still hear the powerful thing. I rub it back and forth over my hood piercing. I don’t need an earth-shattering orgasm, just something to hold me over for a few days, maybe a week. However long it takes him to recover from the Spade brothers. I wonder if he killed them—

I push that thought out of my mind and take a deep breath. Concentrate, Elli. Think of Sin, tying you up in the basement. My clit pulses. That’s it. Forcing his cock down my throat. I swallow at the thought, imagining drool running out of the corners of my lips while he tells me I’m his good girl and how well I take it.

I arch my back, my hand moving the bullet faster. My fingers digging deeper into my cheeks to keep me quiet.

My breath hitches and my body stiffens. I come, biting my tongue, and then sink into the bed. I stay staring up at the ceiling for a second, the bullet still in my hand but now off. Reaching over, I place it on the nightstand and close my eyes. Rolling to my other side, I sigh, getting comfortable, and open my eyes.

I gasp, looking into a set of blue eyes. I bite my lip nervously, knowing he probably just watched me get myself off. “Good morning,” I say. “How do you feel?”

He reaches out, grabbing the back of my neck and shoves me onto my stomach before I can react. My body too sluggish at the moment. The ecstasy is still lingering, not to mention the orgasm I just had. His knees effortlessly spread my legs wide open, forcing my ass up in the air. “Sin—”

He slaps my ass. “I watched you get yourself off, little demon.”

I whimper, my fingers digging into the fitted sheet.

“That won’t be happening again.” His knuckles run over my exposed pussy, coating his fingers with my cum. Then they’re gone and I hear him sucking on them a second later. “I love the taste of my wife for breakfast,” he mumbles, making me moan. “You want to come, Elli? I’ll make you come. Ask me nicely.” He slaps my cunt, making me cry out, and I try to move away from him, but his hand wrapped around the back of my neck keeps me pinned in place.

“Pl-ease?” I suck in a deep breath. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Again.” He slaps my pussy once more.

I’m gasping. “Please … make me come.”

He slides two fingers deep inside of me and I push against them as he adds another, spreading my cunt open. “You know I watched you tie yourself up and get off once before.”

“Oh, God.” I rock back and forth against his fingers at his words, making my pussy clench around them.

“I wanted so bad to hold you down and fuck that mouth of yours. To punish you for touching what’s mine.” Removing his fingers, I tense, thinking he’s going to slap me again, but instead I feel his cock against my pussy before he pushes into me, making my breath hitch. Leaning forward, he places his weight against my body, his mouth by my ear, and he lets out a moan as he slides balls deep, stretching me wide to accommodate his large size. He whispers, “From here on out, you get yourself off, you will be punished, Elli. Do you understand?” He pulls back and slams his cock into my pussy.

“Yes,” I cry out.

“I own this cunt, this ass, and this mouth.” He pulls his hips back and thrusts forward again, making the bed hit the wall. “Say it,” he commands, gathering my hair in one of his hands and fisting it tightly, making me whimper. “Say I’m yours, Sin.”

“I’m … yours, Sin.” I gasp, licking my lips. “Please, make me come,” I add, that feeling building once more.

He gently kisses the side of my face as his free hand slides underneath me and wraps around my throat. “You’re going to come all right, little demon.” I whimper. “On my cock, then my fingers, and lastly on my face.” His hand tightens, taking away what little air I had. “We’re going to spend all day in this bed and I’m going to make sure that you never forget that you’re mine.”

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