The Sinner: A Dark College Romance
The Sinner: EPILOGUE

I’M IN MY father’s study back at my parents’ house. His cell phone on the desk, paused on a video of my wife. It’s the fifth video I’ve watched so far. All the same. Some James sent my father. Some he recorded himself. Another has Linc in it.

The one in particular I’ve got open is one that I never even thought to think of. It’s Chance. He’s sitting in James’s office and my wife is bent over his desk. James fucking her cunt while Lincoln’s cock is down her throat. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I never asked Elli about what my sister meant when she barged into my bedroom and she spoke about Amelia saying I told her about James and Linc both fucking her. When I turned to ask Chance about it, he pretended to know nothing. But he did. The fucking bastard was there. Recording it. The thing was, Elli never told me how or when Linc fucked her. I never asked her to give me details and she never offered them.

When they’re done with her, they toss her to the floor where she lies there, naked from the waist down, barely conscious. She’s fucked up.

The video ends and I drop my head, running my hands through my hair, my body shaking with fury. It’s over. But knowing that isn’t enough. There’s so much that she doesn’t even remember, how much is there that we’ll never know?

Jumping to my feet, I shove everything off his desk and watch it crash to the floor. Picking up a paperweight, I throw it across the room and break a framed picture he has of our family. It was after my first year at Barrington. Who knew how long he had been sleeping with Elli by then. How many times he had seen her naked and used.

Storming over to it, I yank it off the wall and bang it against the desk, until it is nothing but shattered glass and splintered wood. I remove the picture from the remains and rip it to shreds. Then I turn and grab his golf clubs, slamming them into the wall. Over and over, enjoying the holes it leaves.

Throwing it across the room, I go over to his safe and punch in the code, hoping he hadn’t changed it since last time. It pops open and I grab the box that contains naked pictures of my wife. I throw his cell in the box and go to storm out of the study, when the door opens, bringing me to a stop.

Wide blue eyes search the destroyed room before they land on mine. “Sin—” Her eyes drop to the floor, and I realize a picture had fallen from the box. She goes to pick it up and I step on it, covering up a naked Elli from her view. Taking a step back, her watery eyes meet mine once again. “Mom told me,” my sister whispers. “I’ve tried calling Elli…” She trails off and I don’t have anything to say to that.

A lot has come to light in the last week, and it’ll take time to move on. She knows how I feel about my father, but Elli still feels ashamed. Didn’t know how my mother and sister would feel about my father raping her and as far as they all know, I killed him. The last thing I want is for them to find out about the Spade brothers.

“Will you tell her to call me?” she asks. “That I’m here for her. Whatever she needs.”

I bend down, pick up the picture, and toss it into the box. “Yeah.” I walk past her toward the door to exit, but she speaks again.

“Sin?” I turn to face her but say nothing. “I hope you made him pay for what he did to her.”

Without another word, I turn and leave the house, heading home to my wife. We’re going to have a bonfire with this box of pictures and destroy this phone.


I STAND IN the living room, hands tucked into my slacks as I watch my wife stand out on the balcony of our cabin. We wanted a weekend away from everything. Just the two of us. Things have been so hectic for so long. It’s weird now, even though things have yet to calm down. It’s just a different kind of chaos now.

I’ve stepped in and taken over at Asher Corp. It wasn’t what I was supposed to do, but it’s what I want. Me, Elli, and Nicholas sat down and discussed the options for the company. Like I figured, Elli doesn’t want anything to do with it. She wants to follow in her mother’s footsteps as a sex therapist. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that at first, but she explained to me that she wished she had someone to talk to all those years and I couldn’t deny that I wished she had that too.

My eyes run up over her red six-inch high heels and over her exposed legs up to the hem of her black cocktail dress. We’ve got dinner reservations in an hour. I had taken a call, only to find her standing out of the balcony, looking over the town lights at the bottom of the hill. My cock hardens at the fact that her matching thong is soaked with my cum dripping out of her cunt. I love my wife and I would do anything for her, but I will always remind her that I own her. That no other man can bring her to her knees like I can. Make her beg like I can.

Life isn’t normal but I think it’s as close as it will ever be for us. She’s returned to Barrington; she’s even attending her psychology of human sexuality class. There is a new professor since I killed David, and I accompany her and sit in her seat every time she’s up there reading off what everyone thinks is an imaginary scene. It’s the biggest turn-on I’ve ever experienced. Knowing that the journal entries are about me and her. It’s like our little secret that no one gets to be a part of.

I also like to go to make Mack uncomfortable. Remind him to not fuck with my wife. I beat the shit out of him a few weeks ago. Went over to his house and broke his nose along with his jaw. He deserved to be reminded that what he did to her will not be allowed. I know Holland was the one who wanted to make her suffer because of me but Mack had an opportunity to warn her what she was really taking that night at the party, and he didn’t. That deserved consequences.

A cell rings and I pull mine out, expecting it to be another business call, only to realize it’s hers. Looking up, I see her remove it from her clutch. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, princess. What are you up to?” I hear him on speakerphone.

“About to go to dinner,” she states. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your vacation…”

“You’re okay,” she assures him, sticking her ass out while she leans against the railing.

I lick my lips, thinking about dropping to my knees behind her and burying my face into her cum-dripping cunt.

“What’s going on?” Elli asks him.

“Me and Tamara are on our way to Paris,” he answers.

I let him borrow my father’s jet. Not like he’ll need it anymore. Her mother had sold Nicholas’s jet after she helped set up his death. I figured it was the least I could do for him.

“I was wondering…” He clears his throat, sounding nervous all of a sudden. “If you and Easton would like to have dinner with us when we return?”

She’s been wanting to meet his girlfriend, but she hasn’t been sure if he wanted them to meet or not. His girlfriend has no idea that he was a Lord, or that we even exist for that matter. After we made sure every threat was taken care of, I got him a new identity. Jenkins Lancaster is just an average man who works his ass off every day at Asher Corp, chasing the American dream. I fired everyone that was employed at Asher Corp that knew or could recognize him, including anyone on the board of directors. Jenkins stays behind the scenes for the most part, but you can never be too careful. I thought about giving him his brother’s identity, but he deserved a fresh start. A new name that wasn’t tainted with a past record and debt.

“Yeah.” Her voice cracks and she clears her throat, recovering. “That would be great.”

“Okay, we’ll be back on Sunday. We’re about to take off, Elli. Tell Easton I said hi and I’ll see you when we get back. I love you.”

She goes to tell him she loves him too, but he’s already hung up. Placing her phone back in her clutch, I hear mine beep, signaling a message.

I pull it out to read the text.

UNKNOWN: We need to talk.

I frown, reading over it.

“Everything okay?”

I place the cell back in my pocket without responding. He can wait. “Yeah,” I answer, seeing she has turned around now, facing me but still on the balcony. “Everything is great.”

Smiling, she pushes off the railing and walks through the open sliding glass doors. I stay where I’m at, letting her come to me. My eyes dropping over the V-cut in her dress that shows off her amazing tits. They’re still pierced. She loves when I play with them. Especially lately. They’ve been extra sensitive.

Coming up to me, she tosses her clutch onto the white leather couch to my left before wrapping her arms around my neck. “My father called.”

“I heard.”

“Listening to my conversations, huh?” She arches a dark brow.

“Yes.” I nod, reaching up and pushing her bleach-blond hair from her shoulders to fall down her back so I have a clear view of her gorgeous face.

“I want to tell him.” She speaks softly as if I’m going to tell her that’s a bad idea. I’m not.

“You know what I want?” I ask.

She tilts her head to the side, brow furrowing at my question. “What?”

I reach down, grab her soft thighs, and pick her up, the dress riding up to show off her ass as her legs wrap around my hips.

“Sin,” she breathes as I lay her on the bed to my right. She spreads her legs for me as I kneel between them and push her dress up her body to expose her growing belly. Most wouldn’t notice it yet, but I do.

Leaning down, I gently kiss it and she runs her hands through my hair, arching her back. “Sin—”

“I’m going to take my pregnant wife to dinner, but first you’re going to ride my face until you’re coming all over it. I want you to be what I taste when we’re sitting at the table.”

She whimpers.

“How’s that sound, little demon?” I trail my lips lower to her thong and I pull it to the side, exposing her wet pussy to me.

“Amazing.” Her hips buck, and I smile.

“Beg me, Elli,” I command softly, giving her inner thigh a gentle kiss, knowing it’ll drive her nuts. My wife likes to be fucked, taken, owned. “Beg me to get you off.”

“Please.” She’s gasping, hips bucking while her fingers dig into my scalp, trying to force my lips where she wants them.


IT’S BEEN A month since we took our vacation. We’ve been going nonstop since we returned. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Smiling, I look down at my wedding ring. Sin will always be my devil. And I’ll forever by his little demon who will choose to burn with him. It’s who we are.

A hand runs up and down my thigh and I smile, looking over at Sin who sits next to me. We invited my father over for lunch. He sits across from us at our kitchen table.

“I don’t understand.” He shakes his head, reading over the paperwork in front of him.

“I sold it,” I explain. “Sin has wired the money to your account.” My husband slides the receipt from the transfer across the table to him. “It’s all yours,” I add.

My father looks up at me, then over to Sin. His blue eyes start to water, and it makes my chest tighten. “Why would you do that?” he asks softly.

“It was your house,” I answer simply. He bought that mansion when my mother was pregnant with me. I came home to that house, so many good things happened there but it was never the same after his brother was murdered. So many evil things took place there. I have no use for it, and I know he wouldn’t either. Sin and I decided this is what we wanted to do with it.

“You deserve a fresh start,” Sin tells him. “You and Tamara.”

My father is in love. We met her a few weeks back and she’s great. He tells us that he’s planning on marrying her. I hope that she can make him happy. That she can be the wife that he deserves.

He picks up the receipt and sighs heavily. He had paid cash for that house. It was a long time ago, but still in the millions then. Sin’s mother was able to sell it for more than the asking price, which was over what my father paid for it all those years ago. He’s no longer a Lord and with that comes a different life for him. One he doesn’t deserve. We want to help him out as much as possible.

“I … I don’t know what to say,” he whispers.

“Say that you’ll remain in Pennsylvania.” That’s my biggest fear. That he’ll leave and I won’t get to see him as often as I want. I know that’s selfish of me, but I want him to be part of our lives and our children’s. I want my family to have the life I wish I had. Surrounded with lots of love and support.

He gets up from his seat and walks around the table. I stand and he pulls me into a big hug. “I’m not leaving, Elli,” he says roughly, and I feel tears sting my eyes. His arms hug me tighter. “I’m not going anywhere.” Letting me go, he steps over to Sin, and they share a man hug.

I feel the first tear run down my face while I smile. This is what I always wanted. To be loved and feel safe.

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