How do you describe destruction? Oh wait let me re-phrase it to, well myself. How do you describe destruction in person? Because lets just say I had no idea about it until right now when I was practically thrown head first in front of it, more precisely him, with my hands all tied up oozing with wisteria.

Any one up to give me some kind of competition on this one? Because I swear I can almost see my doom waving from afar.

Despite how much I tried to develop any kind of humour in my head it did not help. People say sarcasm can get you through hell but I do not think so because right now I can not take this hell for granted.

How did I end up here? Kian was so right. I should have listened to him when he told me to not come here but I had this breathing on my neck, did I not? Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Suddenly my head snapped up, it was a sudden jolt from where I was staring at the floor beneath me with my gears all jammed inside my brain. There was some kind of force wrapping itself around my head as I was forced to look up against my will.

"I saw you striving for any lead, hope if I may say so, that could lead you to our dear Virtues. From Impío to Fuego." The voice, the otherworldly accent was twisted in so many ways which was out of my imagination plate. A strange amount of domination was there, mixed with polite words that were nothing less than demon's own poison. "Yet when you finally find the ultimate evil doer, you can not look him in the eye?"

I kept quiet.

It was not because I was not ready to fall for his words, in all honesty I believed every menacing yet mannered word that came out of his mouth, but it was because I was frozen. All the determination, the motivation, plans, execution was gone.

"I think that would be all. Death, Chaos why don't you leave me and my little friend here for some private conversation?" Is he always so well versed with his words? I couldn't help but notice how careful he was in selecting what he chose to say and as far as me being his friend was concerned, I think it was an open announcement for my funeral. Nevertheless who were Death and yes, Chaos to defy the God himself?

As the door clicked in its frame behind me, my hopes for any good that could happen in this world shut down themself too.

He stared at me, a relentless gaze that was burning with a promise to devour my existence, if I so much so blinked and I did blink realising the hold of magic on me was gone but I refused to move.

In the little time that I had been here, it allowed me to notice how different he was from all the myths that went around the Diverso-terra and in the mortal lands where he is infamously know as devil.

Despite all the fear, I was still awed by the mere presence of God in front of me who was really modest with his appearance than described in those ancient manuscripts.

He was well-built, tall, dressed in black. His attire was simple where as his face? It was far from anything but simple. His features were so out of universe that he literally oozed with celestial vibes. His jet black hair were neatly swiped away which drew my attention completely to his eyes. Those black orbs which were foreign to me were all that had me at his mercy. I could not think anything of them, nothing to comment or draw anything for all I knew was that they demanded my submission and I had no choice.

"Perhaps a dinner will warm you up to talk?" He directed his hand in a table's direction which I clearly did not notice. I frowned. How am I suppose to react? Here is where that advice 'don't eat something that a stranger provides you with' would have come in handy but considering the fact I had no mother who could have taught me that, I think I would have to go with whatever he says.

I nodded feebly because that is what came first to me and we both proceeded for whatever he had in his evil mind. Maybe poison me? I will never know. We neared the table and he pulled out a chair, looking expectantly at me.

For me?

Without any questions, I took it muttering a thank you and sat upright. All alert. He took one across to me and to say this was not the most dangerous yet funniest situation of my life would be an understatement.

He served all the food and I could not move a little hair on my body due to the astonishment that was consuming me because I was with the God. The literal God and this was not I had imaged him to be like rather I did not even think about him at all. Ever.

"God, we thank you for this food.."

"I am sorry, your kind Sir, but who are you praying to?" I blurted out because that stupidity happens when I can not keep my curiosity in along with my greatest surprise. I mean why would a God pray to himself?

"I shall offer my prayers first and so do you." He said without opening his eyes. "God, we thank you for this food. For rest and home and all things good. That we may be strong and serve. But most of all for those we love. Amen."

He ate. Finished all on his plate without even looking up while I just sat their gawking and musing what the heaven was going on here. He looked up and noticed that I had not even touched my food.

"I get that look but I do not exchange words as I take in the food. So we do it this way. I shall talk in return of your generous attention while you finish that. Are we okay with that arrangement, my dear?" I gulped and nodded. I recalled Chao telling me to push my way calmly through all of this so I took in a breath and eased my nerves before starting my meal.

"I am God of destruction. Creation is not known to me. Food, one of the many such fascinating creations is offered to me." He looked around the table, with what looked like an adoring gaze like he was cherishing what he had. That was weird but I kept eating. "So to pay my respect and gratitude, I offer my prayers to...never you mind."

I gulped down the water and frowned. I did not realise how hungry I was after how quickly I shoved all the food down my throat. Maybe it was because I wanted to be a part of conversation. Monologue seemed more biased to me.

"Apologies for interrupting you but can I know why I am here and what do you know about my sisters?" I asked in a calm and polite manner even though my whole body was shaken up.

"A long while ago, Humility I was going through some rough deals. Had the whole world stirred up because I couldn't rest myself." Lucian said in a quiet, distant voice. "Did some terrible deeds. I couldn't help myself but inflict pain throughout the universe."

Well I could not imagine him doing anything else but that either. I am not being judgemental but then what was I suppose to make out of his 'once upon a time' tale? If I thought Death or for that matter Chao was cryptic then I take it back. This man or whoever he likes to call himself was a whole another level of incomprehensible study.

It was tough assessing his words and what he meant by them because even though he openly displayed his emotion for me, his little thing for manners, should I just believe them?

Out of all the people who could be sitting here discussing Diablo's past and past of past, why me?

"And in doing so, I chased away all the good that was coming my way." He turned to me and pinned me with that disturbing gaze of his. "Tragedy is, I did not know that I was destroying my own future."

How is that even possible? Is he not the god of destruction? The ultimate captain of evil ship which in general terms is known as hell? How could he not foresee his own destiny? If that is what he is talking about.

"I don't know what this means." I said and to be honest I did not. What was this all about? He kidnapped all the virtues just so he can lure me in to narrate his elapsed life?

"Indeed. And so did I back then. I couldn't comprehend my own way out of all the disaster I had conjured."

Was he testing me? A front for me to look past? Challenging my intelligence? A trick to make a joke out of me?

Why else would he be discussing his story with me? I am nothing, no one who was just here to rescue her sisters. If he is so, as I assume, guilty then why do all this again? Why repeat the history of his own life? Is he not stirring up a disaster in the world by hiding away the Virtues?

"I lost the most significant part of me."

Where was he going with this?

"Do you Humility?" I looked up at his abstract question. "Do you know how that feels? To lose someone that holds a ground in you soul?"

I blinked and nodded.

I do know that feeling. Now more than ever but what really got my attention was the fact that he was grieving. He lost someone or something that was dearest to him. What can I say about it? Not being stereotypical but to know even the God who can have everything in this universe grieves on losing.

To say that God of destruction is no different is shockingly comforting. That simply means, he feels and is not a rebel without a cause.

"I do." I agreed.

A small smirk grew on his lips and instantly my heart sank down. I was too quick to conclude anything. Was I not? The small gesture snapped me out of my trance and splashed me with the reality that sat across to me.

"Well if you must agree then we can both change that." He said and his face settled with a dark look that was deactivating my whole nervous system. "You find me the cause of misery to my soul and I shall release all the Virtues unharmed."

I gulped.

"Can I, first, see my sisters?" I asked in a hope that it won't let me straight to death realm. He said nothing.

"If you need so." He waved his hand in front of me in a smooth measure and rippled the air. A bright light flashed before I heard a distant voice of a girl.

My eyes widen as I saw Karen. She was closing the door of what looked like a cabin and turned around to everyone. The Virtues. All of them. They were alive, safe, untouched. My eyes glazed up with tears as I saw all of them together. Despite how miserable they looked all locked up in their which I am sure was a mystical prison, I released a sigh knowing they were okay for now.

I was about to say something when it disappeared. The image was gone.

I closed my eyes and took in a determined breath.

I have to do this.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"A deal then I presume. Wise. That is why I asked my dear Death to leave you behind." He said nodding. "But as my knowledge tells me, you used the mark of Virtue upon which I was required to change my original plans but not anymore. Everything is now on a very fast mode which means I will get it sooner than later."

His words only made me more anxious under my skin. What was it that he wanted so badly?

"I want you to find my mate."


"You must know her, she is lovely. Your Creador."

No, this is bad. This is bad. This is a nightmare.

"And when you do meet her, you must tell her that the Virtues lay on her burden." There was an evil gleam in his eyes and there was nothing I could do to save myself as he got up and went away. Just as he was about to exit the terrace, he turned around to look at me as I stayed glued in my seat.

"Humility, can you also tell her that I still offer my prayers to her everyday and I mean them? Thank you."

I need Kian.


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Karen is Virtue of Chastity.

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