I have felt every feeling in its most pure form, in a form where everything is more clear and loudly expressed, being an emotion that comes naturally to me. So it was no surprise the way I was feeling now.

The astonishment that was flooding me from top to toe was too much. It was raw and made me feel like I could explode into thousand pieces. The more I tried to contain myself, the more it pushed through my senses to come alive as I took every breath in.

What is this? What sort of mess have I got myself into? I feel like I have lost it already. How am I going to find Creador?

I channelled myself again and left that doomed place as soon as I could and came back to Fuego. The moment I set a foot here, I left a sigh and took in the fresh breath which did not feel like it was dripping with evil. It was a much welcomed feeling.

Ignis has been bugging me since then to tell her about it with all the details but I just could not talk. Its not like I do not want to tell her, honestly I really want to tell someone and let out all the frustration, all the filth that is piling inside me but I want Kian right now. I want to talk to him. So I called Río this morning and asked him to send Kian my message.

I will see him tonight at the borders of Santo.


I turned away from the window at Ignis's voice who was leaning into the door frame, standing at the threshold of the room, she gave me that questioning look that was screaming at me to spill my guts already.

"Yeah?" I asked ignoring her look that was making me uncomfortable.

"Are you leaving?" She asked with a frown.

How does she know? I did not say a word about my scheduled meeting with Kian to her or anyone except for Río....oh.

"I suppose Río tipped you off, huh?" I asked sighing and flopping down on the foot of the bed. Her shoulders gave a weak shrug and she came to sat beside me with her legs crossed. Her head came down to rest on my shoulder.

I smiled. Río can have his effect on her even though she is too stubborn to admit that. I think I may have an idea about what actually their fight is all about, after all.

"How are you feeling?" She asked in a soft voice.

A small smile played on my lips. I was feeling confused, overwhelmed, afraid and too small to bear the burden of the world.

"I am okay." I said instead.

"You are a terrible liar, you know that right?" She chuckled.

"So are you." I retorted rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah?" She challenged and started humming to some song she has been recently obsessed with.

"Uh-huh." I continued. "Then what is the deal with Río?"

A heavy sigh left her system which stretched into a long silence that fell between us. I did not push her, I know I would not want that for myself so I let her take her time to answer that, if I was even getting an answer in the first place. Ignis can be really hard to crack through.

"Its complicated." She finally said in a tone that was sad and tired. "I do not want to be a part of it yet I-I can't do anything about it either."

Why is everyone such a fan of cryptic talks?

How am I supposed to interpret that one?

Yet I could not help but relate to her words. We often find ourselves into some situations we do not want to be a part of, afraid that it might consume our belief system and destroy it. It may cost us what we love or give us what we want, who knows? But most of all its the situation we are most afraid of that may define us for rest of our lives. That moment which may be just the ultimate check point of the life, from where everything changes for good. A change that may be good or bad but either way we are never ready for the path it may lead us down.

"It will be fine." I said anyways and meant it because thats what I have believed in since forever. No matter what everything will be fine, no matter the consequences. Thats how this works. You have to realise the fact that when you do things they have the effect and that effect, despite how big or small may be, despite the impact it may leave on you, you are going to be fine.

"Yeah I wish that too." She replied in a hopeful voice. She pushed herself straight and turned to face me. "So? Are you going to tell me what is going on?"

I groaned.

"Nothing really. I am just going to talk to Kian. That pretty much is my plan for now."

"Talk about what?"

"Persistent. Aren't you?"

"Yeah I can be. Now answer you sick emotion."

"You offend me."

"Glad." She gave a sarcastic smile but did not show any signs of leaving the matter alone. So I gave in. I told her about what happened after I departed with Aire, everything except I made sure to leave out the actual part where I am supposed to find the Creador and just about every other detail. I do not want to spread a word around unless I am sure that I have already found her.

She gave me a concerned look.


Yeah thats right. Wow, isn't it? I mean how many of us have ever wanted to find a god? And I am not talking metaphorically.

I wanted to laugh at her expression because she is not even close to understanding what it was like to be there and I hope that she never has to be able to understand it either. I would not wish that for anyone, even if they were the Sins themselves.

Speaking of.

"I gotta go, Ignis." I said and got up from the bed. I did not have any luggage on me since I was using Ignis's so I figured I will have to just fade away.

"Come here." She pulled me in a long and comforting hug. The familiarity always made me feel better. "You take care okay?" I nodded. "And keep me informed."

"I will." I smiled and skipped the room within seconds, before I knew anything, I was on the borders of Santo already.

I leaned my back against a tree as I stood there gazing over my lands, careful to not step over the line that I stood near to. I did not want to go there just yet. It was still early, the sun was on the brim of going down and completely out of the view, leaving a breath taking effect behind.

With every passing minute, I was feeling more and more anxious about seeing him. I know he would not be actually here, with his stupid holograms and all, maybe that is what actually bothered me. I wanted to touch him, feel those blissful sparks all across my body but I still remember the deal.

Oh how I wish I could take that back but with his hologram, its easy to control the urge to just grab his face between my hands and feel his soft skin on mine.

I know I have not been myself lately, I would not be having such rebellious thoughts about anyone, and definitely not for a Sin for that matter. I just could not help myself but be drawn to Kian in ways one could never understand.

Is it a two ways thing? Does Kian feel the same way too? Or is it just me?

The urge, that I feel, does he feel that too?

I wish I had answers.

"You are early."

I jumped at the voice and turned around to find him standing a few steps away from me. A flutter ran across my veins and I felt considerably good even though every thing in my life was considerably not good. Still his presence was all I wished for at the moment.

He searched me from every where in case I had any physical injury from my little adventure and finally settled those deep velvety eyes, that I admire so much, on my face. Our eyes met and I could see a smile that reflected just in his eyes.

"Hey." I said and it sounded more like a sigh of relief that I was feeling upon seeing him.

"Hi." He nodded and then advanced towards the tree I was standing next to. He came close and leaned along the trunk, his hands shoved in his jeans. I noticed his dark tee which was too tight on his muscles. My gaze travelled up to his face, his hair was messed up more than usual and he looked tired.

I frowned.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned.

"I missed you." He said softly. My eyebrows shot up. That was not what I had expected.

"Is that right? The all mighty Pride missed me?" I joked to lighten the air. It felt electric.

"You were gone for a week, Shye." He scowled at me as if I were dumb to be so light about it which I was apparently.

"What?" I asked, my jaw technically hitting the ground below us. How is that possible? What kind of dimension I was in? What kind of proportion is that? This means that I have a week less on me to do what is to be done.

I still have no idea though. What am I supposed to do?

"What happened?" He asked and I just dived into every detail. I told him every thing that had happened over there, from the moment I met Death to how I ended up having dinner with Diablo or Lucien as he called himself.

"..and Creador is his mate." I finished. It felt so good to finally let all of it out. It physically weighed me down to keep every thing in until now.

Kian had this brooding expression on his face that created shadows on his already tired stature.

"Why did he tell you all of that?" He asked after a pause.

"So that I could find his mate for him." I sighed and took a step closer to him. Instantly, his intoxicating and delicious trace filled my senses and my eyes widened. My head snapped up to meet his eyes.

"You are here."

I know I sounded stupid but I could not stop the tears that were welling up in my eyes. Yes I was aware of how much of an idiot I looked in front of him but I did not care. He was here, actually, physically here.

He smirked lazily. Boy did I miss that one.

"That excited for me huh?" He asked, almost closing the distance between us to the point where my thoughts were starting to go haphazard but I couldn't stop smiling.

"I missed you too." I admitted looking down. Why am I so shy around him? He is my mate for god's sake. He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him.

"So what do we do now?" He asked. I shrugged and frowned when he gave me a crooked smile.


"The good is always mated to the bad, eh?"

Oh I know.

"Everything fuels your pride, doesn't it?"

"I have you. Thats enough." His gleaming eyes were starting to give me thoughts I shouln't be having while still being a virtue.

"Do you?" I asked in a teasing voice.

"Wanna try me?" Oh he just wouldn't give in. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Yeah. One day. When all of this is over." I blurted out. He smiled.

"You so want me little Virtue."



Hey guys!

Sorry for hanging the story like that. I have not been doing well lately because of some post surgery effects. I hope you understand.

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