The Sin's Virtue
Conflicting thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?"


"Hmm. Enlighten me."

I looked at my side where Kian was sitting, his back against the tree, resting. I looked at his him carefully and noticed how changed he actually looked from the last time I saw him. Even though he was still his smart self but something was changed about him. He looked like he had not rested in a while. There were shadows under his eyes. His hair was a complete muss and he looked weak. His shoulders had a slouch in them which was an easy give away.

I know we do not know each other that well, maybe not at all for that matter but its been different since I met him, really met him as my mate. He is more tamed now, humble even in a way only Pride can be. Subtle. That is of course when I am around. Is that my doing? Am I controlling him? No that can not happen right? He is the Sin of Pride, far out of my reach yet I can not help but think about what is it that goes on between us?

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly. I do not know why but I just had this feeling that something was wrong with him. He opened his eyes and gave me a long pondering look.

What was he thinking about?

"I am now." He answered and gave me a small smile. That secret, shy smile I like to think is only reserved for me.


"Just don't leave me okay?" He said looking away from me and my heart leaped forward. Why would he say that? What is it that he does not tell me? I do not want to push it out of him. I want him to be honest with me on his own accounts and not for something else.

Are you, with him?

I ignored the guilty voice in my head. I will tell him when its right. That was way before Kian came along, way before I knew that Kian was my mate. Period


"Okay." I answered him. Whatever he meant by it, I am sure he will tell me one day. "So, how are we going to find Creador?"

Back to the reality, how am I supposed to find Creador? It is not easy, even for immortals like us, to search for the God herself, especially when we are not her direct creations. I mean Lucien is a God himself, why did he ask me to do this? Is he not capable of doing this himself, or why not ask his dear Diablers to do the biding? She is his mate for heaven's sake! Why does he want to find her unless...

"I may have an idea.." Kian mumbled, more to himself but I was too distracted to pay attention to his words. I got up and paced around in confusion. It felt like I was missing something, like there was something I did not know or something that is not known to me.

"Answer this Kian," I turned to him in a hope maybe he could help with this. May be he knows about something that I missed out on. "Why would a God need to find another God?"

He gave me a confused look.

"Because she is his mate..?"

"Exactly. So why would he need me to find her? I mean look at me, I come last on the hierarchy platform, I am not a direct creation of Creador, I am not the most powerful out there, heck I can barely control my powers sometimes, even though its been thousands of years now." I went on, more confused and discouraged than ever.

"Calm down Shye, we'll figure something out." Kian got up worried. He took a few steps in my direction but I was not focusing on him.

"No. Look at it like this. One who is a God and knows who his mate is, then how come he is not able to find her himself?" What sort of wondrous mystery is this?

Kian looked at me with his dead set face which was hard to comprehend.

"Tell me that I am wrong and looking into this is too much and I should just find her because that is completely normal so that I can breath for the love of lords!" By this time I was shamefully desperate for answers and it was not easy to find them either.

"Stop." He snapped and I came to a halt. I looked at him with a dazed looked. All my blood was rushing to my head blurring my vision slightly. I blinked to adjust and focus my eyes on Kian who was glaring at me. "Stop it okay? Think about this calmly."

I gave him a blank look.

As if I were a genius at figuring this out.

"You are a Virtue, Shye. You are good and pure. You are closer to the right side of the Creador than you think. Lucien on the other hand is not." Kian had that brooding look on his face, one that said he had thought this through. "He may say that he drove her away as you had mentioned but then maybe he never got her in the first place? This can be his strike out of frustration, to get her to be with him?"

Oh my god. There.

Why didn't I think of that sooner?

He took away the Virtues because he knew if he messes with the good side of the balance, Creador will respond.

"And if that is it, he will not destroy the Virtues because if he did, Creador will never be his to call. Ever." The sound of that thought brought a sigh of relief that could not be described in words.

"Lets not make conclusions for now." Kian said with a frown which confused me. Does he not think so? "He is Diablo, Shye. I think thats enough said."

He is right. I should not take any chances on his accounts. They are not very fair for that matter.

"Yeah. You are right." I nodded at his words. I will have to be more cautious with this. "How many days we have till I go back and trace the mark?"

That is my primary issue. I do not have time and its suffocating me.

"Two weeks." Kian said with a solemn look. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. This is not going to go well.

"Okay then I think I may have an idea." I said as a certain thought crossed my mind. "We'll need Aire for that."

"Why her?"

"I don't know how we are going to find Creador but if we contact Creadas, maybe it will help." I said in a doubtful voice. Honestly I was not sure about anything right now but at least its a start.

Kian gave me nod but something told me he was just as unsure about this as I was.

"Fine. I'll tip her off." He said. "But this time you are not going alone."

I shook my head at his words.

"If you don't stay here, who will handle the Sins?" I asked if it was not obvious. The last thing I want right now is for them to breath down my back purely out of spite. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Don't be stupid. I'll be using a hologram." He said giving me a dead pan.

"Then how come you are here in person?" I asked, genuniely curious. When I sent him the message, I did not expect him to actually show in person at all.

I am not complaining though. If it were not for that bet, I would have jumped in his arms the moment I realised that he was actually here. I do not know from where these thoughts are coming and buzzing in my head because in my sane mind, I would never think of Kian, the Sin of Pride, my mate like this. I feel like I am getting used to having him around and with no one else to company me as of now, I think its affecting me in a drastic way and I feel good when he stands beside me or when he goes back to his playful mode or the time when he shows his concern for me but most of all, I like it when he is in command. Its like authority pleasures him the most, in a way that nothing can. He looks adorable when he tries to concentrate on the task and starts to order everyone around. It just never ends. Everything about him is so foreign to me and that excites me beyond what is good for me. I feel good about myself when I am around him.

Woah there. What was that?

I do not know but lately I have been thinking a lot about him. I know I should be worried more about the fact that I am supposed to find a God but with Kian, I can not help it anymore. With all of these thoughts, I am only getting confused for the feelings that are initiating their move inside me yet I do not know where these feelings stand or where am I going to go with them.

What do you think?

I am in conflicting state. I can not place my fingers on anything right now. Whether these feelings are my natural instinct towards the mate bond that Kian and me share or are these feelings starting to build on the facts of my knowledge which I have about Kian as an individual? Am I feeling this sense of fluttering under my skin because of the mate bond or is it Kian?


That difficult, huh?

Yeah. Its a Sin after all.

"Well I figured I gave you enough of scare the last time I was with you besides I did not want my mate to walk right through me..." His expression turned sour and he cringed remembering the night he freaked me out with his hologram. I chuckled.

It was weird to witness his face turning and reacting to these different situations and emotions. I had always seen him in his dead serious look with a touch of superiority whenever we crossed each other at the meetings and annual parties before I got to know he was my mate.

Look how things are so different now, and its just been two weeks but it feels like ages ago. He is starkly opposite of what I knew about him.

People can be surprising.

Yeah that and the fact that those people share a bond of mate with you.

"I am glad." I replied. Honestly I wanted him here in person myself.

"Yeah you are." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. In all seriousness, it does not even take him seconds to become all cocky. "Anyways, there is this cabin that I own, its in the woods, couple of miles away. Let me take you there."

"If I stayed in your cabin, which I am grateful of you to offer by the way, won't I be in trouble with the Sins?" I asked, slightly uncomfortable that I had to remind him of his brothers every now and then.

"They can't smell your trace. Its just me. Relax. You will be safe there and well rested." He said shaking his head and clearing my doubt. I smiled and muttered a thank you for his generosity. "C'mon."

He started to walk in a direction, south to us. He looked familiar with the route and lead me down the beaten path which soon turned into a beautiful forest around us. The place was quiet and I could hear the sound of all the animals trailing within the woods. They were so vivid and clear in my ears, it was soothing. Kian updated me on the latest news within his territory and as we continued on our way, my eyes caught the sight of a wooden roof which was in the distant. We crossed a few more ways and came down to the clearing in which the cabin was erected beautifully, only to stop dead in my way, Kian came to a halt as well.

My gaze froze as my stomach dropped.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here."


Hey guys!

Who do you think it is?

Also I was just wondering whether you guys liked love triangles or not? Coz this is going down some serious paths.

Comment down you thoughts.

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Lia xo.

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