The Sin's Virtue

One can never anticipate the actual trouble in its very raw form and it is only in that moment when one can truly feel the dread that comes along with it. The fear so magnificently big, that it consumes every bit of your system, runs through the veins and latches on your heart, stopping its complete work.

Why, after all the courage I muster up, the confidence I wear, must his existence still shake me up from within?

I can never know why I react to him in ways that makes me look so weak. I have got nothing for him but some how I always end up giving him the satisfaction that allows him to be this smug right in my face.

He blinked and those continuously swirling orbs came to a pause, thats when I came to my senses. It was the first time that I had ever seen those chaotic eyes as still as they were right now and it scared me all the way more because it was a sign that said against his nature. I looked at my side where Kian was looking at him through narrowed eyes.

Oh lord how did I end up being here with them? The very two men who I never want to cross each other are right here, right in front of each other and I have never felt so sick.

You should have told him when you still had time.

It isn't about him!

Then why are you afraid of it?

You are right. I shouldn't be worried about anything.

You are such a mess.

Tell me about it.

"What are you doin' hear?" To my surprise Kian broke the heavy tension between the three of us. Something about the way he said those words suggested a great deal of familiarity between the two or maybe I was just imagining stuff because of my haphazard thoughts given the tricky situation I was in.

"So what now huh? You get the girl and forget about your best friend?"

Ever felt like someone just pulled the rug from beneath you? Because I just felt like someone just snatched away the whole damn earth from underneath of me.

Chao's words rang so sharply in my ears that for a moment I felt almost stupid standing which in this case was exactly the scenario. I felt hurt more than anything that Kian kept such a detail from me.

You did not tell him either.

Stop! This is different! How can Chao be best friends with Kian?! This is so twisted.

Or just a very small world.

And a very sick one. Why me? Oh lord, why me?!

Suddenly Kian left from my side making me feel stupefied and walked up to the man of my misery who was just not ready to leave me in peace and hugged him.

Something inside me churned. I almost felt like throwing up when Chao winked at me from over the shoulder of Kian. Seeing those two made me sick in my stomach and I just wanted to run as far away from both of them as possible.

Kian turned around and waved me over to come near but I was stuck and my legs just refused to go anywhere near my doom.

"C'mon Shye." Kian gave me a look that told me not to be afraid of him. "He is a friend."

If only you knew.

I gave him a small reluctant smile and went to stand near Kian who did not see how uncomfortable I was, seeing how he did not know what actually was going on here.

Maybe he knew? If Chao is his best friend then maybe he knows about the history Chao and I share?

Or may be not. Does he look like he knows?

My heart sank down deep into my soul, realising the graveness of the situation which was growing stickier by each passing moment.

"Shye, this is Chao. My best friend." Kian said slinging a hand around Chao's shoulder. "And Chao, this is Shye, my mate." My eyes widened as he said that.

I thought we agreed to not tell anyone for now. Not from his side at least.

"Don't worry he knows that already." Kian said giving me a comforting look when he realised what he did but I was not focusing on anything right now but on the jerk who stood there in front of me, smirking.

He was doing this on purpose, was he not? He is here to ruin everything between me and Kian and things have just only started to get better. How in the heaven is this possible? How do I end up at this cynical man's mercy again and again every time I try to move on with my life which by the way has been an eternal deal.

There was this feeling in the pit of my stomach that he was here for something that may just cost me more than anything this time.

I just wish that I am wrong.

Oh lord just prove me wrong.

"Yeah. I am happy for you both." He said in a sugar coated voice which was beyond a possible limit of lie. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Haha. Step back we have a blessing though.

Even my conscience hates Chao.

I muttered a 'thank you' and decided to not fall for any word games that he might pull on me any moment. It was best if I kept my calm and stayed quiet. I do not want him to hit any of my nerve which may jeopardise anything with Kian.

Thought, this wasn't about kian?

I sighed internally out of sadness. Despite of the justifiable explanations I had in my defence, I still felt guilty when it came to Kian. I look at my mate and some how I just think that, past all the sinful persona, he still deserved better than me. I was not pure even though I was one of the primary Virtues.

"I am sorry I did not tell you this sooner but Chao is here to help with the situation. In fact I tipped him off the moment you left to meet Death, figuring he might be of help to you." Kian explained oblivious to the anger that was simmering under my skin. I wanted to smash my head on every trunk of tree around us so that I may go numb already. Of course the anger was totally personal but somehow I felt this strong urge to throw a punch right in that handsome face of his. Ugh.

At least now you know that he is clueless about the history that Chao and you share.

I did not know whether to be relieved about it or worried that it might just be the cause of all the unwanted trouble that is heading our way.

I just nodded. I did not want to be rude but I just could not help with all the hostility that was threatening to push past from within me. All my energy was being utilised in taming myself and that was enough said.

"Yeah we had a little chat, me and Shye the other day at Death's place. I hope I am not being an intruder." He said in sincere tone. That was totally an attempt to mock me.

"Its Humility." I said with the same politeness that he was faking except unlike him, it came naturally to me. "I would very much like it if you called me that."

Kian gave an understanding nod which I was grateful for. At least he is not reading into this too much.

"Of course." Chao gave me a cheeky grin which was only creeping me out so I just looked away from him.

"Lets go in." Kian led us into the cabin which was not much of an interest to me now having the unwanted creature sharing the same space. It felt suffocating.

I wanted to be alone with Kian. It was more of a disappointment that it was not the case.

I glared as Chao walked in front of me, his back turned to me. He sauntered his way into the cabin which was actually huge and very cozy from inside. It was decorated quite beautifully and looked very expensive with all the modern stuff in which it was adorned. Never the less, I did not like it in here much. In some other case I would have loved it here if not for Chao crashing here.

"So how did you find us?" Kian asked as both the men sat down on the couches in the drawing room. I made my way to Kian and sat down very near to him ensuring we were closer than the usual but still left enough breathing space so there was no actual physical contact.

Chao narrowed his eyes ever so slightly, that if it were not for my heightened vision, I would have surely missed that almost invisible response.

"I went to the Sin Villa. You weren't there and nobody knew where you were so I came here and ta-da!" It was unnerving, how he was so casual with his ways around here. His friendship with Kian was starting to give me chills more than I liked to acknowledge it.

I have been so naive this whole time.

I should have known when Chao was being nice to me when I was summoned by Death. He can never be anything with out some ultimate motive.

I just do not know what that it is. Yet.

"Well, have you?" Kian gave him a look, a moment of unsaid conversation passed between them and I just looked down because of how uneasy it was all making me.

I guess this is how my life has become now which was becoming a prime example of 'nothing is impossible' on a whole new level.

Kian and Chao. How unrealistically true.

"As a matter of fact, yes I have." Chao replied at which I looked up. "In fact she should be here in a couple of hours." He said glancing down at his wrist watch.

I frowned.

Who else was on in his way to here?

"Are we going to have more company?" I asked to Kian who turned to me.

"Don't worry, him and I have arranged for some help. It may take some time so if you want you can go on and take some rest upstairs." He gave me a look of assurance and I gladly excused myself from the cramming room and rushed upstairs to finally catch a breath.

I walked down the hallway which had a few doors on the either side of the wall and opened one of the last door at the end of the corridor which had a faint hint of Kian's trace.

Hmm he must have been here a long time ago because the trace was very mild, almost gone. Still it was enough for me recognise it.

I entered in and shut the door behind me. I walked upto the foot of the bed when I felt my eyes going slightly blur. I blinked a few times to adjust my focus but with the sudden pounding in my head it seemed almost impossible to concentrate.

I shook my head and glanced around the room but none of it made sense, its like all of it was dancing around.

All my blood was rushing to my head making me too dizzy to even stand and right on the cue my knees gave out and collapsed on the hard floor beneath me. I couldn't call out for help as I felt too weak to even make a slight noice.

I just lay there, very still, with my body completely out of functioning. I couldn't move, couldn't speak. It was hard enough to fight for consciousness but as I started to slip away, a few words rang deep in my ears.

"Admit it mate, you have got it bad for her."

It was Chao's voice, clear and sharp, enough to take away last bit of strength away from me, as I gave in to the darkness.


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