The Sun God Diaries
Chapter Sixteen: Dinner, Dancing, and Drama Intensified!

“You okay, bro?”

I snapped out of my meditative state to find both Gabe and Mike (both of them dressed for school) as they stood in the doorway. “Yeah,” I muttered, standing up from the floor and stretching my legs. “Just doing some meditation before I begin classes.”

“We bet you are,” Gabe replied. “Look, we know that you’re still taking things slow with your mates and they’re courting you properly with date nights. But we- Mike, our brothers, and I- were worried that our friends might be breaking your heart or trying something fresh on you.”

“No offense,” Mike added, “but you’re the only Omega in our family other than Dad and we just want to make sure that they treat you with respect. You are of royalty, after all.”

“I know,” I replied, folding my arms. “And don’t worry about the guys. They haven’t tried anything funny on me. And they won’t since I know that you guys world introduce your fists to their faces.”

“Damn right,” piped up Alain as he, Quentin, and Dominic joined the twins. “We won’t be afraid to knock some sense into them if they do go rotten on you. I hate to turn them into sushi and feed them to the sharks back in LA.”

I rolled my eyes, knowing that my merman father would definitely carry out his threat just like I knew that Dominic would sic the rogue vamps on them if Quentin didn’t send the Eight to hell and have his guards beat them to a bloody pulp. “Well, don’t worry about all of that,” I assured them. “The Eight made it very clear that I would lose my virginity only when my heat begins or after we walk down the aisle. I’m still chaste and virginal.”

“Good to know,” commented Quentin, giving me a toothy grin. “And I do believe that your tutors should be here in thirty while Gabe and Mike need to get a move on to classes.”

Gabe and Mike nodded, giving me a silent wave goodbye as they left with Quentin and Alain following behind them. Dominic, however, stayed behind. “You sure that you’re okay?” he asked, folding his arms. “I mean, being homeschooled is never easy and all that, given what had happened with-”

“I’m fine, Dominic,” I assured my vampire father. “Other than a few nightmares with that hellcat kissing me like I was her prize and her breath smelling like rotten tuna and rotten flesh, I am just peachy.”

“Excuse me, sir,” piped a meek female servant as she arrived with my breakfast tray and a note. “I have a note from two of the Magnificent Eight and his breakfast.”

Dominic nodded, letting the maid place my tray on my desk before they left. Taking the note off the tray, I opened the envelope and began to read.

To our lovely mate,

Prepare to dance the night away, Italian style.

La Polaris Trattoria. Tonight at five p.m.

Your outfit for tonight will be delivered at lunch (formal attire).

Madam Zallenda and Floriana will join us as well.

Until then, we’ll be dreaming of you.

-Yavier and Thomas.

I smiled softly, placing the letter to the side before I sat down and dug into my morning meal. I hoped that today was going to be when I would brush up on my Italian since I wanted to practice the art of sensual seduction.


“You look so beautiful,” Thomas breathed as he and Yavier (both of them dressed in all-black Tom Ford suits) greeted me (I decided to go as Helios since they sent me a Givenchy tuxedo in indigo), Aunt Ciara, and Floriana (both in matching black Dior cocktail dresses) at the lobby of the upscale Italian restaurant. “I knew that the suit we sent you would pull your look together seamlessly.”

“Bella, Bella,” murmured Yavier as he kissed my hand. “Baby boy, you definitely look so edible tonight.”

“Watch yourself, bambino,” I tutted, sending him a mock-glare. “We aren’t at the altar just yet.”

“But of course,” the Alpha dragon-shifter commented. “I hope you all love Italian because tonight is going to be an authentic feast.”

He led us through the intimate yet busy main dining room that boasted of Denver’s movers and shakers as well as the elite Alphas and their mates until we reached a small and tastefully-decorated private dining room that smelled like I was at a Roman holiday for a chef: basil, tomato, mozzarella, butter, and even chocolate tickled my nose.

We all took our seats just as the head waiter (a wiry Beta vampire) came into the room. “Ah, welcome to La Polaris,” he said in a crisp British accent. “Your Grace, we prepared a fantastic feast that will leave you nice and stuffed for two days. We do hope you will enjoy this experience.”

“Thank you,” I replied just as two more waiters came in with glasses of sparkling grape juice on hand.

The meal went smoothly as we all enjoyed each other’s company. From the chicken Caesar salad and bruschetta down to the pasta dishes and the chicken Caprese, our bellies were full and leaving us content. And in between each meal, I learned a lot about my hellhound and dragon-shifter mates. Yavier’s hellhound pack was originally from Mexico starting in the late 1700s until the time of the Mexican-American war and the founding of the Republic of Texas. He and his pack relocated to the Mid-Atlantic states and established their territories from Delaware and Virginia to Maryland and as far as Ohio.

Thomas, on the other hand, came from a long line of middle-class dragon shifters that founded its roots in northern England. His family soon became royalty that was almost as famous as Queen Victoria until the coven moved several times, founding new communities in southern Italy, Greece, Albania, and even the northernmost coasts of Africa as far as Morocco to Egypt. They were the last supernatural community to move to the USA starting in the 1950s and soon settled into DC up until the time Thomas was born.

The dinner soon gave way to dancing and I was suddenly swept up in a heavenly waltz with the Hispanic hellhound as Thomas was dancing with Floriana and the head waiter with Aunt Ciara, the hired orchestra playing Strauss as my spirit felt like I was walking on air. “This is magical,” I murmured, letting Yavier lead me into a dip. “I thought that I would never be worthy of love.”

“You are, Corazon,” Yavier replied huskily, his eyes glowing molten gold. “I love you, my Sun God Wolf King and Moon Wolf Prince. Thomas and I love you more than you ever know.”

“I love you, too,” I staffed softly as the music faded and the other customers applauded alongside the dtaff that took a break from cooking to watch us dance. “I love you, Thomas, Ian, Damien, Ivan, Nathaniel, Isaiah, and Vincent. Thank you all for helping me break down my walls of fear that kept me from falling in love.”

Yavier grinned, despite a lone tear of fire falling from his face and hitting the floor that didn’t leave scorch on the carpet. “You’re welcome,” he breathed. “We will never break your-”

“Sir,” a female server came to our side, the moment ruined as the hellhound frowned. “I have a note that arrived at the front. It’s for the prince.”

“Who is it from?” Thomas asked as I took the note while he and the Zallenda women came to our side.

I opened the envelope, my stomach dropping as I saw the same loopy scrawl from the letter that was from yesterday. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Your Grace,

Surely you know that it’s not polite to take what doesn’t belong to you.

I’ll be nice once again and tell you that the Magnificent Eight belong to me.

They are mine, despite what they tell you. They are MINE!

Find yourself another Alpha to leech on and leave my boyfriends alone...



“Fuck!” I exclaimed. “Who the hell is AVC and why is she threatening me to stay away from you,” I spat.

The looks on both Yavier and Thomas’s face was serious and stoic. “She’s threatening you,” the former replied. “Did she send you a previous note?”

I nodded. “Yesterday when I was on my third date with Nathan and Ivan,” I replied. “She said that you guys belong to her. Is she a deranged stalker or a jealous ex-girlfriend?”

“Stalker,” Thomas replied. “And we might need to tell your parents as soon as possible because she’s after you, my love.”

Aunt Ciara nodded, pulling out her phone and dialing Dad’s number while Floriana pulled me to the side. “Damn,” she replied. “How come you never told me anything about this?”

“First off, you never asked. And secondly, I told Nate and Ivan to drop it for now since I didn’t think too much of it at first,” I answered. “But it looks like AVC isn’t playing around. There’s no way around it. I’m in trouble and things are heating up.”

“I’ll bet they are,” my female Alpha bestie replied as she saw her mother motion us to head outside where the limo was waiting. “We better head back.”

“Right.” It looks like it’s going to be one hell of a night, folks! And if I knew better, the surprises would keep on coming!

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