The Sun God Diaries
Chapter Seventeen: Gag-Worthy Surprises (Part One)


“Who the fuck is this bitch?!”


That’s some of the reactions from my family after Nathaniel, Ivan, Thomas, and Yavier recapped them (alongside the Yanez clan, my godparents, and friends) about the threatening letters from AVC I’ve received this evening and yesterday when I was on my dates with them. And needless to say, no one was happy about me being threatened but not as much with the fact that I kept them in the dark.

“All right,” Dad said after everyone had calmed down. “We need to know who are we dealing with. Mr. St. Matthews, who is this AVC girl or guy that’s been threatening my son?”

Damien took a deep breath. “AVC is known as Alyssa Victoire Cunningham, a relentless omega phoenix who never learns when to quit,” he explained. “All of us were in eighth grade when we met her- a blonde-haired, blue-eyed heiress to a once-powerful family known as the Cunninghams of Baltimore. She was known to be a bit of a daredevil and has a mean streak that’s worse than Abaddon and Azrael’s, but she’s also the one who likes to sleep with every budding male- and female- Alpha ever since the seventh grade.”

“So...she’s nothing more than a hoe,” Sapphire commented. “Good to know.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Sapphire,” her father sternly admonished her.

“Thank you,” Vincent commented. “But Sapphire’s right, Mr. Skye. Alyssa is nothing more than a shameless whore- sorry, Your Grace- who likes to make everyone’s life miserable. And the day that we met her when we started eighth grade was when my friends and I knew to keep away from her at all costs.”

“But you wouldn’t be able to tell her that since she likes to find the next eligible Alpha in line so she could start planning to become the perfect Luna- that is if she wasn’t trying to get him or her into her bed,” Thomas added. “And when she met us, she did all she could to try to woo each one of us into her bed- currying favor, various gifts, making snide comments about our sexuality, even going as far as blackmailing us. You name it, she tried it. But as often as she did, we’d tell her that we were strictly gay and we were not interested in her.”

“Her parents knew all of us and our families, and even they couldn’t get her to take the word ‘no’ for an answer,” Ian commented. “It got so bad with her stalking us that we almost gave in and prepared to sleep with her.”

That caught everyone’s attention. “Please tell me that y’all didn’t,” Floriana said, her wolf Taina coming out to play as her eyes glowed Alpha red. “Please tell me that y’all weren’t foolish enough to-”

“Thankfully, no,” replied Ian, “and with good reason. The night that we talked about giving her what she wanted, I learned that she seduced two of my dad’s top warriors before killing them and almost setting my family’s manor in Hampton on fire. She would’ve succeeded had it not been for a nearby family of banshees giving us a heads-up. We turned her into the local council. They immediately branded her a rogue, sending her to live with the rogues.”

“What about her family?” Uncle Clay wanted to know.

“Her parents were so humiliated that they went into hiding, her older brother turning gay and vowing to cut all ties with Alyssa,” Isaiah said. “Last time we heard today after the second letter came to Malachi, Alyssa’s parents had never spoken about her or even made contact. The way I see it, I don’t think they’ll plan to given her reckless demeanor. But her father did warn me that she was planning to make an appearance when she learned about us being bonded to Malachi. I don’t know when, but we’ll need to make preparations for the inevitable.”

“And we shall,” commented Anis, folding his arms. “Boys, I want you to call the Cunninghams and let them know that we want to talk with them about their daughter so we can get a full analysis of the situation. Also get her brother as well. We need to know all things about Alyssa Cunningham and make sure that she never harms our son.”

“I don’t know if her parents would want to resurface since she made a lot of threats to kill them,” Nathaniel replied, “but we can get her brother Adam and his mate Cameron to come over. They live in Nevada since Cameron’s an Alpha werewolf and leader of the Silk Skull pack in Reno.”

“I’ll have a few of my witches from my coven cast a few nets,” commented Aunt Fianna. “Camden will have his betas do the same.”

Uncle Camden nodded.

“We’ll check around on our end,” Uncle Topaz replied, his twin cousin nodding in agreement. “I can use my radio show contacts to spread the news. There might be a few leads.”

“What about Malachi?” Clayton asked. “He might need to be under the closest watch now that we got a femme fatale who’s on the rampage due to her being green with envy.”

“Your question is mine to answer,” boomed the voice of the Moon Goddess as the familiar ethereal white light morphed into her heavenly form. Following her was Aunt Enya and four young male Gorgons with the skin of dark chocolate and snakes for hair that were short.

“Your Majesty,” we all breathed as we bowed and curtseyed low.

“You may rise,” She replied. “I have heard and seen all regarding the threatening letters from Miss Alyssa Cunningham as well as other threats that are aimed at Malachi.”

The room erupted in whispers of worry and anger. “What do you mean, Mother?” commented Iain.

“There is indeed another threat aiming at Malachi in the form of two Alphas that have been watching him,” She intoned. “Both of them have eyed Malachi as their perfect mate, but they do not know that Malachi himself is already bonded by his destined eight Alpha well as these four young men beside me.”

“And that’s where I come in,” Enya replied, gesturing for the four Gorgon brothers (all identical quadruplets) to step forward. “These are my sons- all demigods and mermen hybrids: Galen, Cyler, Aivox, and Veronique.”

The first brother stepped forward. “Charmed to meet you, our mate,” he said. “I am Galen.”

“I’m Cyler,” the second brother piped up, stepping forward to kiss my hand. “It is an honor for me and my brothers to claim you as our mate.”

“We promise to make sure that you are loved,” the third one added, his eyes glowing bright green. “Name’s Aivox, by the way.”

The fourth brother, who looked as domineering yet demure as he stepped forward. “And I am Veronique,” he said formally, bowing low. “And while my name is feminine, I am all man.”

“Hot damn,” Aunt Ciara whistled low. To me, “I thought your father was a lucky bastard with nine mates. This takes the fucking cake and then some.”

“You think?!” exclaimed Charissa as she and Persephone stood up and walked around the athletically-built brothers. “My fucking ovaries just exploded.”

The Moon Goddess smiled wanly. “Peace, Miss Suarez-Draper,” she replied. “You will be destined for your mate as your parents are for each other. But Malachi will not be given twelve mates...he has thirteen mates, the final one who will, sure enough, appear when the time is right.”

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by a wave of pain as I began to shift. Not even five seconds went by until I had finished, looking down to see that I was now light-skinned with a slightly muscular frame. “What the-” I began, looking up to see everyone’s mouths dropping low. “What’s going on?”

“Holy fucking shit,” breathed Abaddon as his brother handed me a mirror. “You’re a...a...”

I looked at my reflection in the mirror to see that I was now more like Vincent...but with snakes as hair- cobras, to be exact. “I’m a Gorgon,” I breathed. “I’m an actual Gorgon.”

“That you are,” I heard a low voice say with a lisp. “I am Orpheum, your Gorgon half. And since you are mated to our significant others with the Gorgons, I am now a part of you.”

“ bonkers,” replied Pauly as his mother took out her camera and snapped photos of me. “Can things get any crazier?”

My Great-Grandmother smiled. “You might be surprised,” was all she said as I felt myself transform.

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