Chapter 21

The board members erupted in laughter.

Everyone looked at Andrius like he was an idiot.

Donovan was the second largest shareholder of the company. He was not the most powerful person in Sumeria, and there were indeed people who could take his place away from the city, but it was definitely not a mere assistant.


Andrius gestured to silence the laughing group. He then dialed a number on his phone.

“The second largest shareholder of New Moon Corporation, Donovan Seaview… I want him out of the city for good.”

“F*ck.” Donovan felt challenged.

Even though Andrius was nothing but a clown to him, being disrespected by a mere assistant in front of other board members fueled his anger. He glared at Andrius and said with gritted teeth, Boy, if you can’t make your claims come true today, I will make sure you crawl out of this place…”


Before Donovan could finish, his phone rang.

He answered it and heard an anxious voice from the other end. “Mr. Seaview, this is bad! We received news from the police, saying that you are a prime suspect in money laundering for a casino! Our accounts are all frozen by the banks!”

Donovan was shaken by the sudden news.

Other than his informant in the casino and himself, no one else on earth knew about the money


The casino would never report him to the police!

Who could have done it then?

Before he could wrap his head around the situation, he got another phone call.

He did not even get the chance to speak and was urged by another anxious voice, “Donovan, something bad has happened to your properties. The land you bought near our old house is being taken back due to illegal purchasing procedures! You are also wanted for a tax–evading investigation!”

Donovan broke out in a cold sweat when he learned the news.

He had several secret properties back at his old house with his family. He bought it under his friend’s name because he did not want his status with the corporation to hold him accountable for

tax. He did a good job keeping it conspicuous and spent quite a fortune to seal lips.

If those involved snitched on him, they themselves would be arrested first before him.

Therefore, it was impossible for them to betray him.

Who would have spilled the secret?

Then, another call came in.

Donovan answered. This time, he could no longer keep his calm. His hand was shaking.

On the other end of the call was the angry voice of his uncle.

“You son of a b*tch! What is wrong with you? You asked me to get you an investor for a project, and I introduced you to my best friend, but you són–of–a–b*tch, you took all the money?! You scammed even your own uncle? Your freaking monster! Give me an explanation, or I will get my friend to sue you!”

Three phone calls, three terrible pieces of news, and each appalled him terribly.

Donovan’s face was glistening with sweat, and the shirt under his jacket was drenched.

“I… I…” Donovan stammered and was unable to form a proper sentence.

He then looked at Andrius and finally realized what happened.

“It’s you! It’s you who’s doing this to me!”

Donovan lost it. He shouted at Andrius furiously, “H–how did you know all about my stuff?”

“I know more than that. I know a lot of dirty things that you have done.”

Andrius got up and went behind Donovan. He put his hands on the man’s shoulders and whispered into his ear, “Such as…”

Chapter 22

“Such as smuggling from the local customs! If this got out, what do you think will happen?”

Donovan jumped to his feet with a start. He pointed at Andrius with his shaking hand and cried, “W -who the hell are you?”

It took Andrius one call to expose all of Donovan’s dirty dealings and secrets. No John Doe could have such capabilities to force a man to such desperation.

If all the dirty secrets got out, Donovan would have to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Andrius smiled innocently at the nervous Donovan. “Mr. Seaview, I told you. I’m just an assistant in the CEO’s office, and I am here to threaten you people.”

With that, Donovan’s phone continued to ring. The ringtone fueled his anxiety. He finally realized the ‘assistant‘ was not joking!

If he refused to cooperate, he would really lose his place in the city.

The thought made his legs weak. He fell on the floor and started to beg, “Okay, okay! I’ll listen to whatever you say! Please stop this!”

“I can, but you know what you must do,” Andrius said as he looked into Donovan’s eyes.

“I got it! I got it! I will agree to whatever suggestions Ms. Crestfall has for the Valiant Institute project!” Donovan nodded repeatedly.

“Good boy.” Andrius tapped on the man’s cheek.

Donovan dared not argue despite being insulted by the tap. He forced a smile on his face and tried his best not to further provoke Andrius.

Andrius scanned the room again and continued in a threatening tone, “If Ms. Crestfall is still not in the mood later, I will hold every one of you responsible.”

All the board members nodded timidly as they averted his threatening gaze. They were no saints, and the dirty secrets they held rivaled that of Donovan’s. If Andrius decided to go after any one of them, the consequences would be disastrous!

Back at the CEO’s office, Luna took a deep breath to suppress the anger within her. She fixed her

makeup in front of the mirror before she encouraged herself, “Luna, you can do this!”

Then, she walked out of the office and strutted back to the meeting room. She had no idea what had happened in the meeting room.

The noisy meeting room quieted down after Andrius left.

With their heads dropped, all the board members averted Luna’s gaze as she sat down. Luna scanned the room and said, “Let us continue.”

“About the details regarding the Valiant Institute project, I really hope all of you can reconsider the


“No need to reconsider!”

apter 22


Before Luna could finish, Donovan said in haste, “I am all in on whatever suggestions you have for the project! I support your decision all the way!”

“Yes! Me, too! Full support!”

“We will listen to you!”

The other board members echoed and agreed unanimously.

Luna was surprised by the board members‘ reaction.

A while ago, the board members would rather go to war with her than agree to her suggestions. Now, everyone changed their minds.

What happened?

Had they picked up their conscience?

Luna smiled. She had no idea what caused the sudden change of heart, but she was glad that it happened.

Chapter 23

“Now that I have everyone’s consent, then the Valiant Institute project will proceed according to my decision.”

“Sounds great!”

Seeing the smile on Luna’s face, Donovan and the other board members sighed a breath of relief.

Luna was in a great mood. This was the most successful board meeting she had in years. No matter what suggestions offered or decisions she made, the board members supported her unconditionally.

“Great! I think that’s all for today. Thank you, everyone.”

Luna started to tidy up her documents before leaving.

She accidentally caught a glance of Donovan and asked out of curiosity, “Mr. Seaview, is it the air- con? You’re drenched. Are you okay? Better take a day off and go see the doctor if you aren’t.”

Donovan was vexed by Luna’s sudden ‘concern‘ about his condition.

‘Do I look like I’m sick? Open your damn eyes and look! It’s that assistant of yours who scared me!‘ he thought inwardly.

He gulped. Despite cursing endlessly in his heart, he forced an awkward smile on his face. “Thank you, Ms. Crestfall, I’m fine…”


Luna left the meeting room and returned to her office.

Seeing the smile on Luna’s face, Andrius knew the meeting went well.

Luna looked at Andrius who crossed his legs and then at the shattered cup on the floor. Her brows furrowed, but since she was in a good mood, her words sounded less harsh. “Andrius, clean up the floor. We’re going back to have dinner.”


After Luna walked out of the office, Andrius cleaned up the broken cup on the floor.

Suddenly, the surveillance camera in the CEO’s office went dark and a figure in dark entered the


It was Noir.

Seeing Andrius cleaning up the broken cup on the floor, Noir was amused and shocked.

“Andy, Andy, you…”

“What?” Andrius asked without even looking at him.

“The cloth you are holding is a world–class treasure, known for its meticulous sewing! It’s worth a building, and you are using it to wipe the floor?! If Master Bellucci knew you are using it as a wipe cloth, he’d be heartbroken!”

“Cloths are used to wipe things.”

Andrius got up and turned to Noir. He tried giving the expensive cloth to Noir and said, “If you like it, here you go.”

“No, no, no, no! This is a present from Master Bellucci. I don’t want it!” Noir rejected repeatedly.

Andrius was not overly bothered. It was just a cloth, which purpose was to wipe things. He cleaned up the coffee on the ground and asked, “Why are you here?”

“Sir, I’ve gotten news on the Dragon Gang.”

“Go ahead.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“The Dragon Gang is quite a big gang here in Sumeria. They have people in both the local law enforcement and the underworld. Many businessmen are afraid of them.

“The leader of the gang, Diago Century, was brought up by the chairman of Castlerock

Corporation, Solomon Stormbrew. The gang has done many dirty things for the chairman, and the reason why they went after Ms. Crestfall is because of the Valiant Institute project.”

“Where is this Dragon Gang’s hideout?” Andrius asked.

“A festaurant named Sivon Grandola.”

Andrius‘ gaze turned cold after he learned the hideout’s name.

He did not want to use the methods he used on the enemies on some street gang, but if the street gang challenged his patience, he did not mind showing them true terror.

Chapter 24

After cleaning up the office, Andrius went outside and unlocked a scooter using the app on his phone. He rode it back to Dream’s Waterfront.

Dream’s Waterfront was a high-end residential area, so no electric scooters were allowed inside.

Andrius parked the scooter further away and walked into the neighborhood.

When he arrived at the entrance of the house, he heard a little


Athena was at the entrance, and she was smiling helplessly at him.

“Athena? What’s wrong?” Andrius asked.

“The decisions Ms. Crestfall made at the board meeting earlier somehow affected the uncles’ profits, so they came here to reason with her,” Athena explained.

Andrius frowned. He heard two loud voices from inside the house,

overpowering Luna. He knew Luna was at a disadvantage.

They were not here reasoning but arguing with Luna!

With the thought in mind, Andrius went in. His arrival attracted all the attention in the house. All of them shot a contemptuous gaze at him, especially the two women opposite Luna.

Andrius could tell that they were the ones screaming earlier. They were George’s and Dick’s wives, Janet and Deborah.

The two of them were from reputable backgrounds, but their mouths spewed the harshest words. They were relentless when they argued

with Luna.

Aggrieved, Janet immediately took it out on Andrius. She yelled, “Are you blind? Can’t you see we are discussing family business here?!”

Andrius’ expression turned cold. Had it not been for Master Crestfall, he would have given the woman a slap.

Janet continued harshly, “Why are you standing there? Get the hell


“Why? This is his house too, and you are the guest. You’re in no position to let him get out of the house.” Luna argued.

“Heh…” Janet’s son, Brent, interrupted scornfully, “He is just a poor guy growing up in the mountains who got lucky that we Crestfalls took him in. Do you really think that it makes him one of us?”

His contempt for Andrius further agitated Luna. She said, “One of us? All the board members supported my decision on the Valiant Institute project unconditionally, yet you and your mother come to argue with me about the profits? And you call yourself a Crestfall?”

“Shut up, Luna!” Brent jumped to his feet and pointed a finger at Luna. “If you want to argue, I’m not going to hold back. Luna, you are not even one of us. The blood in you is not even Crestfall blood. Everyone knows that your mother cheated on your father back then. That’s why you don’t even care about our family’s wealth and squander it at will!”

Brent diverted the topic of Luna’s background.

Luna clenched her fists tightly. She argued, “No, you shut up! My mother did not cheat on my father!”

Brent grinned. “Luna, there’s no point arguing about it now. You are not even one of us. You are a b*stard-”

Before he could finish, he was slapped in the face.

Everyone’s heart skipped a beat when they saw the red mark on

Brent’s face.

Andrius looked at Brent expressionlessly. He said coldly, “Apologize to my wife.”

“You… You piece of shit! How dare you slap-”


Andrius slapped him on the other cheek. “I said, apologize!”

“You f*ck…”


“I’ll kill you!”

Chapter 25


Andrius gave Brent another hard slap. After being slapped four times, Brent’s face was badly swollen.

“You peasant! How dare you slap my son…”

Janet wanted to avenge her son but was deterred when she saw Andrius’ glare.

Anxious, she turned to Luna and bellowed, “Luna, you little b*tch! How dare you order your peasant husband to slap your cousin? I’ll go tell your grandfather what you did! You will pay for this!”

“Hmph!” Luna snorted as she argued, “You people come to my house with all this nonsense, and I can’t even defend myself?”

“Besides, the decisions on the Valiant Institute project are all Grandfather’s ideas. If he finds out that you two are unhappy with his decisions and caused trouble at my place, what would he think of you two?” she expressed bluntly.


Janet was tongue-tied. She tried to argue, but Andrius’ death stare deterred her. Knowing her disadvantage, Janet left Dream’s

Waterfront with her son.

Andrius wanted to stop them and make Brent apologize, but Luna’s gaze stopped him.

With Janet and Brent gone, Deborah was left alone with her son. Discouraged, the two also left shortly after that.

The entire house returned to peace and quiet.

Andrius glanced at Luna and asked, “Why didn’t you make him


apologize before letting them go?”

“The two of them hold quite a number of shares in the company. If this is exacerbated, it won’t benefit me, either.”

Then, it fell silent once again.

A few seconds later, Luna looked up at Andrius. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. We may be fake husband and wife, but we have to

make it look real. No man can stand seeing his wife scolded or bullied.”

Luna was surprised by his answer. It seemed like he was not as useless as she thought.

No! What was she thinking?

Andrius said that no man could stand seeing his wife scolded or bullied, so it meant that every man out there would have done the same as he did.

Later in the afternoon, Luna and Athena went back to the office.

Andrius washed his face and prepared to head back to the office as


Before he headed out, he received a call from Noir. “What’s up, Noir?”

Noir said, “Sir, our intelligence division informed me that someone is digging into your profile.”

“The Stormbrews?” Andrius asked.

“Yes, sir. Solomon Stormbrew is running background checks on you. I think he’s targeting you next. Do you want me to bring a strike team in and erase them?”

“Don’t waste your bullets on them. If Solomon Stormbrew is trying to

find out who I really am, then let’s give him a big surprise!”

After the call, Andrius hailed a taxi. “Sivon Grandola, please.”

He had not met Solomon in person, so he ought to surprise the man

with a big present. He decided to make an example out of the Dragon Gang!

Chapter 26

Sivon Grandola was a bar that specialized in all kinds of alcoholic beverages in front while being Dragon Gang’s discreet hideout in the back.

The customers were mostly street thugs and gang members, but the bar welcomed a group of uninvited guests for the first time: the local police!

Noelle was leading the raid. The investigation of the previous fight led her to the bar.

The owner of the bar was the big boss of the Dragon Gang, Raphael Bambino. The man in the handsome suit had no tattoos on his body, unlike his men. He looked more like a businessman than a mafia

boss. However, he was actually a ruthless man who did things mercilessly.

“Captain Freely, we are running a legitimate business here. Is there any misunderstanding?” Raphael said gently to Noelle.

“We got the news that your men are involved in the gang fight. We are here for an investigation and a possible arrest,” Nolle said strictly.

“Very well. This way, please.”

Raphael invited her in before he led the officers into a spacious room.

Noelle picked up a fragrance in the air. The fragrance could easily

knock a cow unconscious.

Raphael and his men had taken the antidote, so they were unaffected by the fragrance.

Noelle and her men started to grow weak. Their strength rapidly left their bodies, and they collapsed to the ground.

“You…” Noelle could barely keep her consciousness. She pointed at Raphael but could not finish her sentence.

“Captain, you are still young.” Raphael grinned at the unconscious captain. “Men, let’s invite our beloved captain to the studio for a couple of sexy photoshoots.”

This was how Sivon Grandola did things around here.

Whenever the police visited them for an investigation, they would knock them out using gas and use their nude photos against them. This was also the reason why many officers stayed away from Sivon Grandola.

Just when the thugs wanted to bring Noelle into the studio, a loud bang came from the entrance.

The loud noise startled Raphael. He looked back and saw a young


It was Andrius!

One of the thugs recognized him. He shouted, “Boss, it’s him! Andrius


Raphael’s expression turned gloomy. His eyes overflowed with killing intent. “Kid, you broke my men, yet you dare to trespass into my


“Of course. I have the courage to trample over you b*stards.” Andrius leaped forward like a panther, throwing a swift punch at Raphael’s face.


Broken teeth and blood flew across the air, drawing an arch.

Raphael was sent flying backward. Before he could crash into the wall, Andrius grabbed his leg and slammed him down on the ground.


The impact broke the chair into pieces beside him.


A bunch of thugs went up hurriedly and helped Raphael up.

Raphael wiped the blood off his face and shouted at the top of his lungs, “DESTROY HIM!”

The thugs unveiled their daggers and knives before throwing themselves at Andrius.

Andrius moved swiftly and attacked with explosive strength. He dashed towards the dozen armed thugs fearlessly.

Broken bones and slams could be heard across the room. Punches landed on the thug’s bodies, breaking bones and tearing muscles.

Raphael widened his eyes in disbelief and shock.

A dozen of his men could not even land a cut on Andrius with their daggers and knives, and they were all defeated!

Not even a novel had the words to describe such an unbelievable fight scene!

Chapter 27

In the blink of an eye, a dozen armed thugs were beaten to the ground.

Andrius’ fists were as tough as iron. No one could get up after taking a punch from him.

When Raphael sensed Andrius’ gaze, he broke out in a cold sweat.” You… Stay away from me! I have Castlerock Corporation and the Stormbrews’ support!”

“I know.” Andrius approached Raphael with a frosty grin. “That is why I am using you to prepare a gift for the Stormbrews.”

With that, he grabbed Raphael’s head and slammed it onto the ground.


The boss of the Dragon Gang was killed just like that!

Andrius went over to the unconscious Noelle and used her pager to request reinforcements. He waited until the reinforcements arrived before he left the bar.

While he was on his way back to the office, Luna received a text on her phone. The men who ambushed her the other day were from the Dragon Gang.

Luna frowned. As a Sumerian, she knew about the Dragon Gang and the underworld forces. Those people lived off their reputation, so when they received a task and payment, they ought to complete it to the fullest. Therefore, it was safe to say that she had become the number one target of the Dragon Gang.

With this horrifying thought in mind, she called her father and informed him of the Dragon Gang.

“Luna, calm down. I have a friend who has connections with the

underworld. I can ask him to help us talk to the Dragon Gang.”

“Okay. Thank you, Dad.”

Luna was still afraid and nervous after the call.

Three minutes later, Harry called back.

Luna asked anxiously, “Dad, what did your friend say?”

“Luna, don’t worry. The boss of Dragon Gang is dead!”

Luna was shocked.

Dead? The boss of Dragon Gang was dead?

It took Luna a while to accept the fact. She added, “Dad, how?”

“I don’t know about the details, but my friend said it was a gang fight. The gang’s rival went to their bar and killed him, including his right- hand men.” Harry added, “You don’t need to worry now. You don’t need to care who killed him. All you need to know is that the Dragon Gang won’t come after you anymore. Your priority is to launch the Valiant Institute project and also collect all the payments from Northern Point’s projects.

“The Valiant Institute project is very important to us. You have to oversee it yourself,” Harry reminded.

“I understand, Dad. I’ll go to Northern Point and close all the projects,” Luna said in a delighted mood.

After the call, she contacted Athena to prepare for an outing.

When they were at the building entrance, they ran into Andrius.

Luna’s expression turned gloomy. Displeased, she questioned him, ” Andrius, do you know what time it is now?”

“Half past ten,” Andrius said indifferently after a glance at the wall clock.

“The day is almost over, and you’re here now? What are you planning to do here at this time? I’ll consider you absent for half a day. Your full attendance for this month is gone. If you are late again, I’ll deduct your salary.”

“Okay.” Andrius shrugged. He was not bothered at all.

Athena suddenly picked up the stench of copper in the air. She frowned and asked, “Ms. Moonshade, why do you smell like blood?”

Andrius’ heart skipped a beat.


He had gotten blood on himself when he fought Dragon Gang.

Athena, who used to be a soldier, was trained to detect blood, so there was no way the stench could escape her nose!


hapter 28

Luna frowned. She sniffed the air before she looked at Athena with a confused look. She was not a soldier, so there was no way for her to determine what smell it was.

Andrius simply came up with an excuse. “Maybe I passed by the market earlier and got some chicken blood on my shoes.”

“I suppose so.”

Athena recalled Andrius’ disappearance when they were attacked by the eight men. If he was already terrified by a small group of attackers, how would he have the courage to kill someone or worse?

Andrius breathed a sigh of relief. He did not want Luna to learn his true identity to save himself the trouble.

After Luna and Athena left, Andrius went looking for Noir at Noir’s

Workshop instead of going into the office. The workshop was Noir’s

cover in Sumeria.

He served as a technical instructor in the army before he was the captain of the Shadow Wolves. He could fix tanks on land, jets in the sky, aircraft carriers, and submarines in the water. He was probably one of the best mechanics in the country. He also earned the title of Best Repair Soldier for five years straight.

Repairing a car was child’s play to him.

Andrius took a bath in the workshop. While he was drying his hair, he said, “Business looks good. You’re doing great, my boy.”

Noir scratched his head. “Come on, Andy. Stop teasing me. I can only fix things other than carrying out infiltration and assassination.”

Andrius leisurely sat down in the fauteuil and chuckled. “At least, you have a set of skills that won’t starve you.”

“Why are you here, Andy? Shouldn’t you be an assistant in the CEO’s office?” Noir asked.

“Don’t even get me started.”

Andrius’ expression spelled helplessness when he heard Noir. “All I want now is to get an excuse for the woman to divorce me. I hope these three months can pass faster.”

With that said, his phone rang. It was from an unknown number.

After he answered it, he heard a familiar voice.

“Captain Noelle Freely of the Sumeria Police Department!”

“How did you get my number?”

“You are the Crestfalls’ son-in-law. It isn’t that hard to get your number,” Noelle answered.

“Oh, then what is this about?”

“Where are you now?”

“Noir’s Workshop.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” Noelle spoke as succinctly as usual. The call ended without a sign.

Noir asked curiously, “Who’s that?”

“Marcus’ daughter. Someone who is even more unreasonable than Luna Crestfall,” Andrius answered helplessly.

In less than ten minutes, a police cruiser arrived in front of the workshop. Noelle came down from the passenger seat.

Andrius remained seated with his legs crossed.

“Captain Freely, to what do I owe this visit?”

“Where were you this morning?” Noelle asked.

“I was…”

“Don’t tell me you were working in New Moon Corporation. I’ve asked the receptionists, and they told me you didn’t turn up for work.”

“Captain Freely, going to work or not is my call. Why do you care?” Andrius rolled his eyes at her.

Noelle looked into Andrius’ eyes and said seriously, “This morning, the biggest gang faction in the city, the Dragon Gang, was eliminated, and their boss was killed together with his men.”

“What does it have to do with me? Are you suspecting me of murder?”

“You’ve fought the Dragon Gang before. I have a solid reason to make you a suspect.”

Chapter 29


Andrius snuck a gaze at Noir. He then said loudly, “Captain, I have been here the entire morning.”

“Yes, yes, captain. He’s been here the entire morning,” Noir echoed.

“Andy came here to have a chat with me, and we’ve been talking since this morning.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am.” Noir nodded.

Noelle pondered deeply.

While the Dragon Gang was being annihilated at the bar, she was there, but she had been unconscious.

Right before she passed out, she saw someone that resembled Andrius coming in. That was why she came to Andrius as soon as she recovered.

However, she did not have enough evidence to prove it was him.

“You’d better not cross the line or commit a crime. If not, not even Marcus Freely can save you,” Noelle warned Andrius before she got

into her cruiser and left.

Noir sighed. “Marcus’ daughter is really fearless. Why is she poking her nose into this?”

“As long as she’s happy.” Andrius helplessly continued, “Three months later, we’ll be out of Sumeria and return to the Western


“Haha. Women are much more difficult to deal with than enemies.”

Andrius stayed in the workshop until the evening before he went back home.

When he arrived at the entrance of the mansion, he heard Luna’s displeased voice, “Tell him to stop dreaming! New Moon Corporation is not some toy he can play with!”.

As soon as Andrius entered the room, Luna hung up the phone.

She looked at him with a gloomy expression. “Where have you been this afternoon?”

“I saw you went out with Athena, and there was nothing to do in the office, so I went out for a walk,” Andrius said.

“You are not allowed to skip work even if you have nothing to do! I’ll deduct your salary! If you go absent again, I’ll deduct double!”

Luna then stormed upstairs.

Andrius was baffled by her hot temper. He looked at Athena and asked, “What’s wrong with her?”

“New Moon Corporation is getting ready to launch the Valiant Institute project, and Ms. Crestfall is collecting funds for it. She went to Northern Point to close projects and collect funds, but the person in charge there threatened her and requested that she sleep with him before paying, or else the collection of funds would be delayed indefinitely.”

Andrius stayed quiet.

Disdain was visible in Athena’s eyes, as though she was asking why Andrius did not react when his woman was being teased by another


Little did she know that Andrius captured every detail.

After dinner, he came up with an excuse and went out before calling


“What’s up, Andy?” Noir answered almost instantly.

“Get me a tractor. We’re going to Northern Point,” he said.

“A tractor?” Noir was relaxing on the bamboo tatami when he got the call. He sat up immediately and asked, “Why do you need a tractor?”

“To level something. The person in charge of the Northern Point’s project gave Luna a hard time, so I want to get a tractor to level the place as a lesson for him.”

“I’m on it.”

Noir hung up the phone and went to find a tractor.

Chapter 30

The Northern Point construction site was located at the Northern Industrial Park of the city. New Moon Corporation was the contractor, and the developer was Mystic Woods Group.

The chairman of Mystic Wood Group, Hendrick Mysticwood, accepted benefits from Castlerock Corporation’s Solomon to go against New Moon Corporation.

In Mystic Woods Group’s office, the chairman, Hendrick, dialed Solomon’s number.

“Mr. Stormbrew, it’s me, Hendrick.”

On the other end of the phone, Solomon asked, “Mr. Mysticwood, how’re things over there?”

“New Moon Corporation wanted to close the projects here and collect. all their funds. I’ve rejected it as you requested,” Hendrick said.

“Hahaha. Nice one, Mr. Mysticwood. The funds I promise you will soon reach your account.” Solomon cackled.

“Nice working with you!”

Hendrick hung up the phone and started to smoke his expensive cigar. He tapped on his keyboard to bring up Luna’s picture on his


Looking at the beautiful woman on his screen, Hendrick curled his lips into a wicked grin. He muttered, “Luna Crestfall, the most beautiful woman in Sumeria. I am looking forward to seeing how you are going to crawl into my bed. I want to see what you have under that professional and chaste look of yours…”



It was then that his secretary knocked on the door. “Sir, someone is here for you.”

“Who is it?” Hendrick asked.

“I don’t know. He simply said he wanted to see you,” the secretary said.

“Let him in.” Hendrick sat up straight.

The secretary then brought Andrius into the chairman’s office.

“Who might you be…”

Before Hendrick could get his answer, Andrius rushed up to him.

Caught off guard, Hendrick was grabbed by the hair and slammed onto his desk. The sudden pain almost knocked him out cold. He

touched his forehead as blood rolled down his face. “What the hell? Do you want to die?”

“Heh. So, you are Hendrick Mysticwood?” Andrius then sat down in front of the man.

“I am. Who the hell are you?” Hendrick glared at Andrius with gritted


“My identity is not important. The thing is that you made Luna Crestfall unhappy, so I am here to level your construction site,” Andrius said straightforwardly.

Hendrick was stunned. He let out a loud guffaw and said, “Kid, are you joking? Not even New Moon Corporation dares to speak to me like that. You, some nameless punk, want to level my construction site? You are bullshitting me! It only takes a call for me to end you right here, right now!”

“Shh…” Andrius shushed him. “You have five minutes to evacuate all unrelated personnel. I don’t want to hurt them.”


Hendrick punched the floor and glared at Andrius furiously. He could swallow Andrius alive if he was a monster.

“Punk, you’ve made me mad! Five minutes? Hmph! If my construction site is still here in five minutes, I’ll chop you into a million pieces!”

Hendrick got on his feet, tidied his collar, and wiped the blood off his face with a tissue. He picked up his phone and called the security department. “I want all the security guards in my office right away.”

After that, he made another call. “Third Master Ringstone, someone is trying to cause trouble here at the construction site. Bring some men over.”

After the call, he returned to his seat and lit another cigar. “Kid, I bet you’ve heard of the infamous Third Master Ringstone. He’s the big boss of the underworld here in Sumeria. He has shares in our


“Leveling our construction site means disturbing Third Master Ringstone’s business. You will pay terribly for it.”

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