Chapter 31

“Just wait! Third Master Ringstone will get you!”

Andrius was not bothered by Hendrick’s threats.

Five minutes went by.

Hendrick glanced at his Rolex and scoffed coldly, “Punk, five minutes are up. You failed to level the Northern Point construction site. You’re dead meat!”


With Hendrick’s shout, the security guards waiting outside the room stormed in.

“Get him! Take him to Third Master Ringstone!”

The security guards rolled their sleeves up before they tried to apprehend Andrius.

However, right before they could touch him, rumbling noises sounded- outside the window, followed by the ground trembling.

Hendrick and his men frowned. “What’s going on?”

One of the security guards then said, “Sir, there are a lot of tractors



Disheartened, Hendrick called his men to go out. “Go have a look!”

The group of them ran outside and were shocked by what they saw.

A number of tractors were outside the construction site. The smoke that their exhaust pipes emitted made the air smell like diesel fuel.

“W-what are you people doing?”

Despite Hendrick’s arrogance, he was frightened by the intimidating


“I said I’d level the construction site to the ground,” Andrius’ voice rang out. He sauntered out of the office.

Hendrick was furious. “Kid, there’s no reason for you to go this far…”

“You talk too much.” Andrius interrupted Hendrick and bellowed, “You have one more minute to leave the place, or you will have to bear the consequences.”

A hundred tractors were waiting outside the construction site, and they were not here for games.

The workers dared not stay for another second and fled the scene like startled birds.

One minute passed.

Andrius snapped his fingers and commanded, “Level it down.”


A hundred tractor engines roared to life, releasing a thunderous noise

that shook not only the sky but also the ground.

It was at that moment a minivan sprinted in and screeched to a stop

before the tractors.

A middle-aged man came out with two antique walnuts in his hand. He roared furiously, “Who the hell dares to level my construction site?”

It was Third Master Ringstone, the most powerful man in the

Sumerian underworld.

Hendrick ran over to him immediately and pointed at Andrius. “Third Master, this punk here is trying to level our construction site!”

“Kid, you are a bold one, bringing that many tractors here to my

Ringstone clapped.

A large number of armed men jumped out from the shadows and surrounded all the tractors immediately.

“Wreck the tractors! And take that punk down!” Third Master Ringstone ordered.

Thud, thud, thud…

Right before the armed men could start wrecking the tractors, the ground trembled.

A thunderous march could be heard.

“What’s going on?”

Third Master Ringstone frowned and looked around nervously.

As the marching came closer, it sounded like an army had arrived.

The night grew restless as a large group of armed Lycantroops appeared in front of Third Master Ringstone and his men.

Chapter 32

Third Master Ringstone and his men were stunned by the armed


“W-what is going on?”

“Why are there so many Lycantroops here?”

While they were astonished, the Lycantroops entered formation and pointed their guns at Third Master Ringstone and his men.

Cling! Clunk!

Third Master Ringstone’s men were so terrified that their choppers fell onto the ground. A few cowardly ones even wet their pants.

The men had dominated in the Sumerian underworld for many years and had committed so many atrocious crimes without the slightest remorse, yet they were terrified by the Lycantroops.

Noir walked up to Andrius and saluted formally.

Both Third Master Ringstone and Hendrick were flabbergasted because the Lycantroops were here because of Andrius!

They had finally hit a snag after so long.


Third Master Ringstone’s legs turned weak, and he fell to his knees. His men knelt down as well and lowered their heads, begging for


Third Master Ringstone gulped nervously and stuttered, “S-Sir, i-it’s a misunderstanding…”

“Did I give you permission to speak?”

Noir strode up and kicked the man on the shoulder. Third Master


Ringstone dared not even squeal in pain even though it hurt.

Noir bellowed, “One more word and I will put a bullet in your head!”

Third Master Ringstone nodded repeatedly. He dared not even breath heavily as he was afraid it might anger Noir.

Andrius looked at the kneeling Third Master Ringstone and said, ” Third Master Ringstone, is it?”

“No, no, no, no!” Third Master Ringstone explained nervously, “I daren’t call myself master in front of you, sir! My name is Jamire Ringstone. Just Jamire will do.”

“Great. Jamire. I will be leveling the construction site to the ground. Do you have any objections?” Andrius asked.

“N-no objections…” Jamire answered.

“Do it.”

Andrius signaled with his hand gesture and the hundred bulldozers started up once more.


The first factory was destroyed and leveled to the ground.

With it went Jamire’s hope and profits in a plume of smoke. He had a

lot of stakes in the Northern Point construction site, and it was worth

a lot on the market.

As more and more buildings were leveled to the ground, his heart

clenched as if a knife had stabbed him.

However, he was not an idiot. He chose his life over money because

he had to be alive first to enjoy his wealth.

Andrius’ frosty expression relaxed after a large number of factories were leveled to the ground. He then looked at Hendrick. “So, you are Hendrick Mysticwood, the chairman of Mystic Woods Group?”

“Y-yes, I am, sir…”

Hendrick nodded repeatedly. He pleaded, “I was deceived. Please spare me, good sir…”

“Who deceived you?” Andrius asked,

“Solomon Stormbrew of Castlerock Corporation! He made me stall so that New Moon Corporation would have difficulties recollecting their funds.” Hendrick spilled the truth out of fear.

Solomon Stormbrew of Castlerock Corporation! Andrius’ eyes narrowed when he heard the name.

Chapter 33

It seemed like Andrius had to pay a visit to the Stormbrews.

He said coldly to the kneeling Hendrick, “Deliver the remaining

payment to New Moon Corporation tomorrow and finish up the work here, or I will have your head next.”

“Yes, sir. Yes, sir! I will!”

Hendrick dared not talk back. Losing money was not as terrible as losing his life, so he was grateful to be able to breathe for another day.

Jamire nodded repeatedly as well. “Sir, I will make sure Hendrick apologizes to Ms. Crestfall tomorrow, and I promise that everything will go on smoothly.”

The two of them lowered themselves in front of Andrius and dared not even look him in the eye.

It was only after Andrius and his Lycantroops left that they helped each other up.

As soon as Jamire got up on his feet, he slapped Hendrick and roared, “Hendrick, don’t you drag me into this anymore! If you can’t get Ms. Crestfall’s forgiveness tomorrow, I will chop you into pieces and feed you to the sharks myself!”

Hendrick dared not even talk back after the slap. He quickly left to prepare the necessary documents for tomorrow.

Andrius and Noir then went to a cafe.

It was almost midnight when Andrius returned to Dream’s Waterfront. He was not given the key to the house, and he got no reply after knocking at the door.

Noir came back after seeing Andrius’ situation. “Andy, what’s up?”

“Curfew, I suppose,” Andrius said with a shrug.

“Pfft!” Noir burst out in laughter. “Andy, you’re right. Women are indeed more difficult to deal with than the enemy.”

“Shut up, Noir,” Andrius grumbled and stared at Noir.

“Ahem…” Noir awkwardly cleared his throat and suggested, “Andy, you actually have a house here in Sumeria. Why don’t you go stay there for the night?”

“I have a house here in Sumeria?”

“Yeah. Someone gave it to you when you arrived. I thought you might need a place to stay, so I accepted it on your behalf.”

“Where is it?” Andrius asked.

Noir scratched his head and said, “Royal Garden.”

The Royal Garden was the biggest and most luxurious estate in Sumeria. When the construction was completed, a wealthy family bought it, and it now became somewhere Andrius could stay.

After Andrius and Noir left, the lights on the second floor of the mansion were switched on. Luna stood on the balcony in her sexy lingerie, but her face was smeared with displeasure.

“Ms. Crestfall, are you not going to open the door for Mr.

Moonshade?” Athena came over and asked.

“No,” Luna grunted. “I told him that I have a curfew here, and he did not take my words seriously. He’ll have to spend the night outside.

Let this be a lesson for him.”

“But Mr. Moonshade…”

“Enough. Don’t try to defend him anymore. I have to go to the

Northern Point construction site to deal with the collection tomorrow, so I have to rest. You should too.”

Luna then returned to her bedroom.

On the next morning, Luna woke up early and drove to the office with Athena.

Hendrick was already waiting outside the New Moon Corporation building. He was terrified because of what happened yesterday, so he even waited outside the building the whole night so that he could apologize to Luna first thing in the morning.

Andrius did make it clear before he left. If Hendrick was not able to get Luna’s forgiveness, he would put a bullet in his head.

While he paced anxiously outside the gate, a red Ferrari screeched to a stop.

It was Luna’s car.

The red Ferrari was like the beacon of hope for Hendrick. He immediately ran over to the car.

As soon as Luna stepped out of the car, she saw Hendrick’s swollen face and was frightened, so she quickly stepped behind Athena.

Athena looked at Hendrick cautiously and said, “Stay back!”

Hendrick was stunned. He realized his abrupt entrance frightened Luna. He quickly bent over and lowered himself in front of her. “Ms. Crestfall, I’ve been waiting for you all night!”

“Mr. Mysticwood!”

Luna uttered with dissatisfaction, “New Moon Corporation isn’t going to stand down. Whatever trick you have up your sleeve, just bring it out. We are not afraid of you!”

Chapter 34

Hendrick immediately explained, “Ms. Crestfall, wait! It’s a

misunderstanding! I was wrong to put you in a tough spot. I am sorry that I have offended you. The good sir has taught me a lesson last night. Please forgive me, I beg of you.

“These are the funds for the Northern Point construction site. Not a penny less! Please have a look!”

Hendrick waved his hand, and four bodyguards came over with

briefcases that were filled with money.

Hendrick then opened his own briefcase to pull out a document. “Ms. Crestfall, this is the land that New Moon Corporation offered to purchase the other day. I have told my men to make the necessary arrangements, and the ownership will be transferred to your company soon. Take it as a token of apology.

“Ms. Crestfall, I hope I’ve done enough to make up for my mistakes. Please inform the good sir that I have done my part.”

Hendrick held the document with both his hands and offered it to

Luna who was completely dumbfounded.

Hendrick had been arrogant and impolite yesterday, and he even made rude demands on Luna, yet he had now turned into an entirely different person overnight.

Not only did he deliver the Northern Point-related funds, but he even offered a piece of land to the company as a token of apology.

It felt surreal.

Luna pinched her own arm to make sure she was not dreaming. She then noticed something strange in Hendrick’s words.

Did someone teach Hendrick a lesson last night and force him to

notorious than the Dragon Gang in the underworld. With him as support, who would dare to level the construction site to the ground?”

“I don’t know about the details, but after last night, Mr. Mysticwood went to New Moon Corporation early in the morning and apologized to Luna.”

The secretary saw the change of expression on Solomon’s face. “Sir, could it be the same person behind the Dragon Gang’s demise?”

Solomon calmed his mind down to ponder. “It might be.”

The secretary asked, “Sir, what should we do now?”

“Hmph! So what if New Moon Corporation overcomes this hurdle?” Solomon grunted. “As long as we still have the Cloudens under our control and stop the New Moon Corporation from entering the

Business Guild, they will have to split the Valiant Institute project sooner or later.”

The Business Guild was an alliance formed by East River State’s Ministry of Finance. When a company met the requirements to join the guild, a sizable amount of subsidies on raw ingredients would be provided.

The Valiant Institute project cost a lot of money, and the only profit came from the government subsidies on raw ingredients and


As long as Solomon could stop the subsidies from the government, he could force the Crestfalls to spit the project back.

The secretary asked, “Sir, we are organizing the Business Guild’s annual dinner this year. Are we not sending an invitation to New Moon Corporation as usual…”

“No!” Solomon interrupted the secretary. “This time, we will send an invite to New Moon Corporation openly, and I want the Crestfalls to bring their new son-in-law to the event.”

“Why?” the secretary asked.

“This year, East River State’s Ministry of Finance is sending a deputy minister over to attend the annual dinner as their representative.”

Solomon scoffed, “The son-in-law of the Crestfalls might be powerful, but I bet he has a temper. As long as we continue to pressure the Crestfalls at the dinner and provoke him, there’s no guarantee that he could stay calm. He might even cause a scene or even start a fight!”

The secretary echoed with an evil grin, “If that happens, the Crestfalls will embarrass themselves in front of the deputy minister, and they will have a hard time ahead.”

“I’m glad you see the big picture.” Solomon pulled a cigar out of his drawer and started smoking.

After a few puffs, he said to the secretary, “Go prepare the invitations.

I’m eager to see the punk embarrassing himself in front of the deputy minister!”

Chapter 36

Unbeknownst to Andrius, there was a sinister plan targeting him.

After he woke up in the Royal Garden estate that spanned 14 million square feet wide, he washed up before heading to New Moon Corporation.

He bought some bread for breakfast along the way.

Suddenly, he saw a group of people.

Upon a closer look, Andrius found that they were actually surrounding a pale elderly on the ground. The bystanders stood and watched, and no one offered a helping hand.

Andrius squeezed through the crowd to the elderly on the ground.

Just when he was about to take the old man’s pulse, one of the bystanders said, “Hey, his heart is not beating. Aren’t you afraid that his family will blackmail you?”

Andrius ignored the man and continued to take the elderly’s pulse.

His heart had stopped and was in critical condition. It must have been a recurring condition that caused his collapse. If he was one minute late, the old man would have met his maker.

Fortunately, Andrius was there, and the man’s condition was nothing for him.

Andrius took out his silver needles and started performing

acupuncture on the man.

The bystanders criticized his foolishness.

“Is he stupid?”

“The man has no more heartbeat. Not even modern medical

technology can save him, let alone acupuncture.”

“Just wait. The old man’s family will definitely blackmail him.”

Andrius ignored the bystanders as he poked the silver needles into the old man’s body deftly. Each needle was poked into a different accupoint with different levels of strength.

The old man’s body’s qi and blood circulation were weak, so Andrius used the silver needles to channel the qi and blood around his body to awaken the dormant organs.

The old man would wake up after the brief acupuncture session.

Several minutes later, the old man remained unconscious and the bystanders started to criticize and ridicule Andrius.

“I said acupuncture is useless but he ignored me.”

“Why do you care?”

“It’s over for him. The old man’s family will blackmail him.”

While the crowd continued to mock and ridicule Andrius, a series of coughs sounded.

“Cough, cough…”

It shocked everyone as the elderly man who had no more heartbeat was resuscitated!

It was unbelievable!

A few minutes later, the elderly man’s breath stabilized, and the paleness on his face faded. He looked even healthier than before.

Andrius called an ambulance and then advised the elderly man, “Sir, your body’s Qi regulation is severely messed up, which caused you to collapse. It is probably from a recurring condition, so you must get it checked at the hospital.”

“Thank you, kid!”

The elderly man held Andrius’ hand tightly to express his gratitude.” Had it not been for you, I would have died!”

“It’s nothing,” Andrius said with a smile.

Soon, the ambulance arrived. The elderly man was sent to the

hospital to receive proper treatment.

A group of men in formal attire was gathered outside the ward, each of them pacing back and forth anxiously. They were all influential political figures in Sumeria.

The elderly man in the ward was the deputy finance minister of the East River State, Alfred Hempton, and he was an influential figure with authoritative power.

Chapter 37

Should anything happen to Master Hempton in Sumeria, all of the political figures would lose their jobs.

After a long and anxious wait, the doors to the ward finally opened.

The group of political figures rushed inside and asked about his


“Master Hempton, are you feeling better now?”

“I have some aged ginseng in my collection. I’ll call my wife to bring it over for you.”

“Master Hempton, if you are feeling unwell, I’ll call my wife over to give you a massage.”

Alfred simply smiled at their flattery. “Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate all of them.”

A while later, the medical consultant came in with the records.

All the political figures surrounded the doctor and asked anxiously,” How’s Master Hempton doing?”

The doctor gave Alfred his medical records and said with a surprised look, “Master Hempton, the recurring condition that has troubled you for years is showing signs of recovery! This is a miracle!”

Alfred looked at the medical records, and the first thought that

popped into his mind was Andrius. His eyes gleamed. “Could it be him?”

With that, Alfred called his bodyguard over and said, “Go and find the young man who gave me acupuncture.”

“Yes, sir.”

The bodyguard immediately left to carry out the order.

Based on the street surveillance footage, the bodyguard soon found out that the young man who saved Master Hempton using

acupuncture was the son-in-law of the Crestfalls.

Alfred nodded in praise. “The young Samaritan is adept in acupuncture, and he did a good deed without leaving his name. He must be a great character.”

“The Crestfalls have got themselves a fine son-in-law.”

“I heard the Crestfalls are applying to join the Business Guild. Is it true?” Alfred asked his assistant.

“I do recall seeing their application, but their overall performance is below average, and they are still a few criteria short of being eligible,” the assistant said.

“We can definitely be more lenient on this.” Alfred waved and said, ” Since the Crestfalls have such a fine son-in-law, I believe they will

soon meet all the application criteria.

“I will personally oversee this, and as a token of gratitude for saving my life, I will surprise the Crestfalls by proceeding with their application during tomorrow’s annual dinner.”

The other political figures were jealous.

After all, Master Hempton was the deputy finance minister of the East River State and was in charge of the financial development of the entire state. He was a god to the businessmen, and his little gift to a family was more than enough to alter their fate for good.

Andrius had no idea the man he saved by the road was the deputy finance minister. Even if he knew, it would not bother him anyway. As the commander of a million Lycantroops, his status was far higher

than a state deputy minister.

Back at New Moon Corporation, Luna and her father, Harry, were discussing the details of the Business Guild’s annual dinner

tomorrow night.

“Dad, Castlerock Corporation is this year’s organizer. I bet Solomon Stormbrew will come up with some lame excuse and not invite us


Getting an invitation was more difficult than usual with Castlerock

Corporation being the organizer this year.

“Alas.” Harry sighed. “Joining the guild will definitely benefit us, but Castlerock Corporation has got a head start in this and has been c* ckblocking us.”

Luna suggested, “Dad, I heard the deputy finance minister is visiting Sumeria this year. If we can simply win his favor, we might be able to join the guild.”

“But given how high Master Hempton’s stature is, it won’t be easy meeting him.”

Luna was discouraged by her father’s concerns.

As the father and daughter struggled to find a way to join the guild, Danni, the secretary, rushed in and gasped. “Ms. Crestfall, Castlerock Corporation just sent us an invitation!”

Chapter 38

The name Castlerock Corporation surprised both Luna and her father.

“Danni, what did you say?” Luna asked with furrowed brows.

“Castlerock Corporation just sent us an invitation to the guild’s annual dinner!” Danni then put the invitation card on the desk.

“The invitation to the Business Guild’s annual dinner?” Luna glanced at the invitation and was shocked.

In previous years, Solomon had always found a way to keep them from attending the annual dinner, but this year, they received three invitation cards.

What could have changed Castlerock Corporation’s mind?

Harry held the invitation card in her hand and had a closer look at it. There’s a stamp of the Business Guild on the invitation. It can’t be wrong.”

Luna pondered for a moment before she asked, “Danni, did the

representative from Castlerock Corporation say anything when they delivered the invitations?”

“Yeah. The person who came by had a message from Mr. Solomon Stormbrew. He wants you to attend the annual dinner with Mr. Moonshade, Ms. Crestfall, or you will not be granted entry.”

“Now I see. Solomon Stormbrew is planning to embarrass us at the annual dinner!” Harry’s expression turned gloomy.

Harry saw Andrius as a stain on the family and thought that he could keep their relationship out of the public eye for as long as possible, but Solomon was now summoning him personally and wanted him to attend the dinner together with them.

It was an obvious attempt to embarrass the Crestfalls in front of many influential figures.

Luna said with gritted teeth, “This is our only chance to join the Business Guild. No matter what Solomon is planning, we have to attend the dinner with Andrius.”


Harry slammed the desk angrily. He wished he could cut Solomon into a million pieces and feed him to the fish. However, he also understood that this would be their only chance to join the Business Guild.c

“Dad, for the sake of our family, we have to do this,” Luna persuaded her father.

“We have no other options,” Harry said as he left Luna’s office with al heavy heart.

Luna felt terrible when she saw the defeat in her father’s figure. Her father had always been a proud man who valued social recognition, but Solomon’s move was like a huge slap in his face.

“Just you wait, Solomon Stormbrew!” Luna swore inwardly.

At this time, Andrius came into the office.

Luna glared at him and said coldly, “Andrius, do you know what time it


“10.30 a.m.,” Andrius said.

“You do know how to read the time. Andrius, I have told you before that you are not allowed to be late, be absent from work, or leave early, yet you break the rules over and over again.” Luna’s expression turned grim as she yelled, “It seems like I’ve been too lenient on you.”

“Actually…” Andrius tried to explain himself, but she stopped him.

“I don’t want to listen to your excuses. Stop talking. From now on, you are no longer my office assistant. You are to report to Team Five of the Project Department. Your pay will be halved.”

A hint of resentment flashed in Luna’s eyes as she glared at him. She added, “Go to the Project Department and report to Team Five’s leader.”


Andrius nodded and left the CEO’s office. He was not interested in starting an argument with Luna.

Seeing him walk out of her office, Luna was even more infuriated. His indifference and frivolous attitude fueled her resentment.

How dare this poor guy from the countryside act like he was superior to others?

With that, Luna picked up her landline and called Team Five’s leader.

“Yes, Luna. What can I do for you?”

“Fatty, someone named Andrius Moonshade is going to join your team. I want you to teach him a lesson.”

“Don’t worry about it, Luna. I’ll make sure that he remembers the lesson, and he shall obey everything you say from now on.”

Luna added cautiously, “Fatty, please don’t go all out, or else I don’t know how I am going to tell my grandfather if something bad happens.”

Chapter 39

“Got it.”

A paunchy man in Team Five’s office hung up the phone.

He lit a cigarette and took a strong puff before he looked at his team members. “Guys, Luna just called. She wants us to teach someone named Andrius Moonshade a lesson.”

“Really? Hahaha!”

“That punk must be really audacious to make Luna mad. We must teach him a lesson that he won’t ever forget.”

“Nice. Let’s form a plan now.”

The others echoed in excitement.

Team Five of the Project Department was the infamous Trust Fund Team because they were children of the board members or high- ranking executives, yet none of them ever did anything properly.

New Moon Corporation actually had a board meeting regarding these trust fund babies. The consensus was that they would rather spend money to keep them under control than let them go out to cause trouble.

The fat man who was just talking to Luna on the phone was the team leader of the Trust Fund Team, Frank Cobalt, also known as Fatty Frank.

A while later, knocks came from the entrance.

Andrius walked in and greeted everyone energetically, “Hello!”

“So, you’re Andrius Moonshade?”

Fatty Frank stood up from his chair and sized Andrius up.

Andrius nodded. “Ms. Crestfall told me to report to the team leader here.”

“The way we greet each other here is different from other

departments,” Fatty Frank said arrogantly as he spat clouds of smoke

at Andrius’ face.

“How so?” Andrius asked.

“We are going to have a party after we finish work today.” Fatty Frank walked closer to Andrius and put his hand on his shoulder. “Until then, you will learn how different it is.”

“Alright!” Andrius did not ask for the details.

His first day in Team Five was surprising and enlightening.

The trust fund babies were either smoking, playing games, or simply lying down on the couch with their legs crossed. No one was really working.

As soon as it was time to clock off, Fatty Frank led his team to the


“Come on, we’ve gotten everything prepared for you.”

Andrius followed them to a club.

Fatty Frank sat down on the center seat and invited Andrius, “Have a


Andrius took a glance at the other trust fund babies before he pulled

a chair out and sat down at the table.

Fatty Frank clapped and said loudly, “Angel, the shots!”

One of the girls lined up twenty shot glasses on the table and filled them up with potent liquor.

“This is how you say hello in Team Five!” Fatty Frank pointed at the

row of liquor shots and grinned.

It was what Team Five usually did to bully newcomers.

After Andrius was drunk, he would be tossed onto the street where they would continue to insult him.

Seeing Andrius remain silent, Fatty Frank pressured him by saying, ” This is our unique way of greeting one another. Are you sure you don’t want to do it?”


“You can’t even take twenty shots? How are you going to work with us in the future?”

“The last guy took his shots but ended up in the hospital after that.”

As the trust fund babies teased him, Angel pushed one of the shot glasses to Andrius. “If you don’t drink, you will never be one of us.”

“Must I really drink?” Andrius asked after a glance at Angel.

“Yeap!” She nodded firmly.

While Andrius reached out to the glass, the other trust fund babies curled their lips into a cunning grin.

This was what they were waiting for.

Chapter 40

Andrius picked up the glass and finished the liquor in one go.

Fatty Frank and the others urged him. “Not bad, but there are nineteen more. Take your time.”

People who were good at drinking were usually of age. Andrius was only in his 30s, so it was impossible for him to drink twenty glasses of strong liquor in one go.

“Open your eyes and take a good look.”

Andrius then took another glass and drained it within three short seconds.

The liquor had an extremely high alcohol percentage. However, he looked fine after drinking two shots consecutively.

Under Fatty Frank and the trust fund babies’ excited gazes, he

reached out for the third glass.

Andrius did not even pause when he drank the fourth. It happened so smoothly and naturally as if he was drinking water.






Soon, Andrius finished all twenty shots on the table. As he drained the last one to the final drop, he slammed it on the table with a loud thunk.

Fatty Frank and the others looked at him in disbelief.

Despite having finished twenty shots in one sitting, Andrius did not look drunk in the least.

Just how good was he at drinking? sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Looking at the astonished group, Andrius said, “I’ve done what you asked me to, so can I report for duty now?”

“S-something must be wrong with the liquor!”

Angel refused to believe what just happened. She grabbed the bottle of liquor that she had poured from and took a swig from it.

She downed the mouthful of alcohol without any hesitation. When the liquor entered her mouth and traveled down her throat, it burned her and left her stomach rumbling.

“Cough, cough…”

Angel choked on the fiery sensation down her throat. She threw up everything before she could even swallow it properly.

“I have to go to the toilet!”

She ran to the toilet and threw up for a while before she recovered.

Then, she looked into the mirror to fix her makeup and she stared at herself begrudgingly. She never thought that there would be someone who could finish twenty shots in one sitting without feeling anything.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

On her way back to the room, her terrible condition and sour mood drove her to bump into another man. She apologized and quickly ran back to the room.

The lackey beside the young man scoffed as he watched Angel run back to the room. “Lothar, that’s a fine woman there.”

“I’m not blind.”

The man known as Lothar licked his dry lips. A dash of mischief flashed in his curved eyes. “Mark her room number and call the others.”

Angel returned to the room with a disheartened look. “How are you still standing after downing so many glasses? You must have taken pills!”

“Yeah!” Fatty Frank echoed. “You sly little punk, how dare you cheat in the welcome ceremony?”

“Heh…” Andrius laughed it off.

When he was young, he had accidentally fallen into a den of

poisonous snakes. Old Hagstorm had used the strongest herbal wine

in the world to save his life.

Since then, he became immune to alcohol. He could not even get drunk with two hundred shots, let alone twenty.


Fatty Frank slammed the table and sprang to his feet. He pointed at Andrius vehemently. “What are you scoffing at? I now declare that you cheated in the welcome ceremony. The twenty glasses don’t


He then snapped his fingers.

A few waiters came in with a big pot of soup covered in fiery red


Fatty Frank opened a few more bottles of liquor and poured them all into the pot. He then grinned at Andrius and said, “Finish this!”

Andrius’ expression turned grim.

He only drank the twenty shots because of the Crestfalls, but the

trust fund babies were pushing their luck too far.

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