Chapter 51

With a hint of reluctance, Andrius helplessly followed Halle in.

Roman Restaurant was known for being a diner that only served couples, so the decorations and interior were all related to love with roses being the main focus of the design.

Andrius and Halle sat down in the center of the restaurant which was the most eye-catching spot on the floor. The table was shaped like a heart, and even the dual-compartment pot in the center resembled one when combined together.

They sat opposite each other awkwardly.

It was Halle who took the initiative to break the ice by saying, ” Andrius, Luna told me about the Business Guild’s annual dinner last night. I assume that Master Hempton took good care of the

Crestfalls because of you, didn’t he?”

“You can say so.” Andrius nodded but did not explain further.

Halle continued, “Then, are you the one behind the Northern Point incident as well?”

Andrius continued to nod.

Halle poured herself a glass of wine and said, “You should at least let people know what you did. Maybe your relationship with Luna will


“I know she doesn’t like me. The reason why both of us are nominal husband and wife is because of the 5% of New Moon Corporation shares which Master Crestfall promised,” Andrius said matter-of- factly. “Besides, I am indebted to the Crestfalls, so it’s nothing. In three to four months, she and I will get a divorce, so there’s no point taking credit for it.”

Andrius then took his glass and drained the wine to the last drop.

Halle poured him another glass. “Well, what are your plans after the divorce?”

“I’ll take my money and leave,” Andrius replied.

Halle asked, “Luna is the most beautiful woman in Sumeria. Are you sure you don’t want to give it a shot and try to be with her?”

“It depends on fate, really. There’s nothing to be conflicted about. A man doesn’t need to fear not having a wife.”

Halle was delighted to hear his response.

In three to four months, when Luna finally divorced Andrius, she would have the chance to make a move on him.

Andrius glanced at her and asked, “Ms. Fullbery, I assume you did not just invite me here just to ask me those questions.”

“Of course not.” Halle raised her glass for a toast before she asked, “I heard our Sumerian mayor, Marcus Freely, used to be your

subordinate. I am incredibly curious about your true identity.”

Andrius shook his head. “It’s confidential. You don’t need to know who I am.”

The more he decided to stay mysterious, the more curious Halle was. She had done some research on Marcus, the mayor before.

Marcus had held quite a high-ranking position when he was serving the army, and if Andrius was his superior, then he must be, at least, a general.

Before she could continue her question, a little commotion was heard from the entrance.

“I am a Golden member here, yet you refuse to give me a table?”


The two of them looked toward the entrance together.

A man in a branded suit with neatly gelled hair and a woman in heavy makeup were the cause of the commotion.

The man waved the golden card in his hand arrogantly.

The receptionist said apologetically, “Sir, our restaurant is fully booked for the night. If you don’t mind, maybe you can wait for a while


The woman slapped the receptionist before she could finish. “My boyfriend spent more than five million here all these years, and you are telling us to wait? Are you out of your mind?”

“I am so sorry, Madam, Sir.”

The poor receptionist teared up and apologized repeatedly.

The man refused to talk to the receptionist. Instead, he looked inside and spotted Andrius and Halle. He sauntered over to them and pulled out a stack of money before he slammed it on the table. “I want this- table. Take the money and leave.”

Chapter 52

Annoyed, Halle glared at the man and declared, “We don’t need the money.”

The woman leaned on the man’s shoulder and said in a saccharine tone, “Honey, she said she doesn’t need the money. It must be too little.”

“Hmph!” The man opened his sling bag and pulled out another stack. of bills. “Here, this is more than two months of your salary. Take the money and leave.”


As an upper-class socialite, it was the first time Halle had been insulted with money, and it made her lose her patience.

The receptionist came over and tried to intervene. “Madam, he’s the young master of the rich and powerful Hollands, Dick Holland. It’s not a good idea to go against him. Why don’t you and your boyfriend take the money and leave?”

Halle’s expression changed when she heard the name Dick Holland. Every Sumerian had heard of him because he was the local bully.

Dick was never particularly good at anything except wasting his family’s money on gambling and women. He was notorious because he had a brother who was an ex-soldier named Roy Holland.

Roy and Marcus, the mayor, used to serve on the Western Frontline. While Marcus became the mayor that governed over the city, Roy became the military governor, policing the city. The council and the military worked together to run the city.

Dick was his brother’s favorite, therefore it fueled his arrogance and turned him into a bully. Every time he made a mess, his brother would


intervene and clean up after him. As time went by, his audacity grew and his attitude got worse.

Halle gulped nervously. Her hands were shaking. Out of all the terrible people to run into, she encountered the worst.

Just when she was about to pull Andrius away, the latter said indifferently, “So what if you are rich and powerful? Haven’t you heard of first come, first served?”

“What the hell?” Dick found it amusing and burst into laughter. “Punk, in this world, money and power are king. Don’t use your bullsh*t to reason with me!

“I’ve spent millions in Roman Restaurant, and I am getting the priority treatment no matter what. I cannot be compared to a peasant like you. You can’t afford to offend me, so take the money and leave,” Dick roared as if he was superior to Andrius.

“Everyone is equal; there are no peasants or kings here.”

“Only the lowest rung peasants talk about equality. In the upper social circle, money and power trump everything else!”

Andrius scoffed. “Hmph. Trying to act superior over a meal? I want to ask the owner of this restaurant if a person without money or power has ever dined here.”

Then, Andrius made a call to Noir. “Noir, I want to see the owner of Roman Restaurant on the Hidari Coast in five minutes.”


Dick was amused. He cackled with laughter and said, “Punk, do you even know what you are talking about?

“The owner of this restaurant, Venus Valentine, is a mysterious woman. Not everyone can meet her. Not even government officials can meet her on short notice; an appointment must be made a month


“You stupid idiot, you want to meet Venus in five minutes? You really know how to look like a fool. In fact, you are even stupider than a


The other guests gibed and chuckled at Andrius’ request. In their eyes, he was an idiot.

Trying to look imposing in public without the foundation or the capability to support one’s argument was not the wisest thing to do. One would lose dignity in an instant.

Everyone believed that Andrius should just take the money and leave.

Andrius ignored every gaze on him and said calmly, “You will know in five minutes if I am the real deal.”

“Alright. I’ll wait.” Dick lifted his Rolex and had a glance. “If Venus isn’t here in five minutes, I will break your limbs!”

Fear and nervousness overtook Halle.

Chapter 53

Halle tugged the edge of Andrius’ shirt and tried to convince him to leave. “Andrius, stop this farce. Let’s just go.”

“Why?” Andrius sat down confidently and continued, “I want the

owner to tell me if people like me, who have no money and no power, can dine here.”

Halle’s lips pursed. She wanted to convince him otherwise, but her words were stuck in her throat. She knew that Andrius might be someone powerful, but Venus was not a Jane Doe either.

In fact, she was more profound and mysterious, and even Mayor Freely was afraid of her.

Halle could not understand why Andrius had the audacity to challenge Dick. Where did he get the confidence from?

Five minutes felt like an eternity to Halle.

Finally, the torment was over as the time was up.

Dick glanced at his Rolex and said, “Punk, time’s up. You chose death, so don’t blame me for being rough.”

Right before Dick could pull his phone out to call his men over, hurried footsteps sounded. The clacking of heels captured everyone’s attention as they came from the stairs.

Everyone in the restaurant saw an alluring woman in a red dress with her hair bunned up coming down the stairs.

“I-isn’t that Venus?”

“Why is she here? I thought her whereabouts are a mystery.”

“She has rarely appeared in the restaurant since its opening.”

The famous Venus Valentine captured many men’s attention, and it caused them to neglect their partners opposite them.

Dick was shocked. He went up to Venus and said, “Venus, you…”

Before Dick could finish his words though, Venus walked past him and went over to Andrius.

Everyone else was astonished. Comments then ensued.

“That punk badmouthed Venus. I bet he’s going to suffer soon.”

“I remember once when there was a rich playboy who got drunk and teased Venus, but she broke his leg. She was not afraid of the playboy’s wealthy family either.”

“I also remember that some government officials caused a scene at one of her places, yet the next day, the men’s superior brought them over and made them apologize to Venus. It made the headlines for days.”

Everyone gloated at Andrius. They assumed he had gotten ahead of himself and would suffer the consequences.

In the next second, Venus bowed politely at Andrius and said, “Sir, am sorry for what happened. It is my mistake that your dining experience with us has been affected. Please accept my apology.”

The sudden twist of events left everyone dumbfounded.

What just happened?

Halle stared at Venus blankly. She was curious about what Andrius could have done to make Venus bow down to him.

Under everyone’s curious gazes, Andrius asked, “So, you are the owner of this restaurant?”

Venus’ head remained lowered. She said in reverence, “I’m Venus

Valentine, but you can just call me Venus. I am indeed the owner of

this restaurant. How may I address you, sir?”

“Andrius Moonshade. I want to know if someone who has no money and power like me can dine here.”

“Yes. Why not?” Venus looked at Andrius with an alluring gaze and said softly, “The guests at Roman Restaurant are all equally respected, and we always abide by the first-come, first-served rule.”

The twist of events embarrassed Dick.

He could barely maintain the astonished smile on his face. He pulled his golden card out and said, “Venus, I am a member of Roman Restaurant, and I have spent millions over the past few years. Your rules make my spending look like a joke!”

“This is my territory, and my words are the rules here.” Venus glared at Dick and said coldly, “Dick Holland, we do not welcome troublemakers in the restaurant. Please leave at once.”

Chapter 54

Dick was stunned. He stared at Venus incredulously and stammered,” W-what did you say?”

“I said…” Venus inhaled deeply and raised her voice, “You are not welcome here at Roman Restaurant, so please leave immediately and never set foot here ever again!”

“Venus, do you know who you are speaking to?” Dick revealed his identity. “I am Dick Holland, and my brother is Roy Holland! Are you seriously telling me to leave?”

“This is my territory. Not even your brother has power here.” Venus gave the order to throw Dick out, “Please escort this man and his partner out.”

Two ferocious security guards came over and dragged Dick away.


After Dick was thrown out of the restaurant, he turned around grudgingly and roared, “You f*cking b*tch! I will not forget this!”

“He’s too noisy. Teach him a lesson.”

The security guards went up and beat Dick up, silencing him completely.

Dick left after being beaten up. He pulled his phone out and called his brother. “Roy, I was just beaten up!”

Roy loved his brother dearly, and when he knew that the latter was bullied, he was infuriated. “Tell me who did it.”

“It was Venus and some guy!” Dick exaggerated what happened to paint him as the victim.

“Venus has really strong support, but who is that guy? How dare he

beat my brother, up?” Roy was angry. “Where are you now?”

“I am still around Roman Restaurant. Bring your men over and don’t let him escape!”

“Okay. I will be right there.”

Roy hung up the phone and gathered his men. “Team Three, follow me at once.”

After the call, Dick reverted back to his arrogant self. “Venus, my brother is coming. I wonder how you are going to protect that f*cker!” Back at the restaurant, Venus apologized to Andrius again, “Mr. Moonshade, I am so sorry about this. It is our restaurant’s mistake for affecting your dining experience. I’ll prepare two special cocktails for you as a token of apology.”

Venus went behind the bar and started bartending.

The other guests were jealous of Andrius when she offered to prepare cocktails for him.

After all, Venus was a well-known bartender, and her famous

masterpiece was the Beauty Blossom. Those who were lucky enough to taste her cocktails said that one had not come alive until they had Venus’ Beauty Blossom.

Many men wanted to have a taste of Beauty Blossom, but after Venus won the national bartending competition, she never made it for anyone anymore.

Now, she just went behind the bar because of a young man and started making her famous Beauty Blossom. Should the news get out, it would make the headlines.

Soon, Venus came back with two glasses of Beauty Blossom and served them to Andrius and Halle.

“Sir, Madam, please.”

“Thank you, Venus.” Halle was overwhelmed when she was served

the Beauty Blossom. As a Sumerian, she also knew about the Beauty Blossom and the stories behind it. She never thought she would have the chance to taste it, and it was all because of Andrius.

After serving the cocktails, Venus excused herself and went back to her office.

The first thing she did was to call her contact and search for information about Andrius.

Chapter 55

Andrius’ information was classified as a national secret, but Venus’ contact was powerful and influential, and he was able to dig up some useful information.

When Venus saw Andrius’ picture as the Wolf King, she shuddered and sweat profusely. “H-he’s the Wolf King!?”

It explained why the Black Wolf of the Western Frontline would call her up himself and instruct her to meet Andrius downstairs.

Andrius Moonshade was the Wolf King that commanded a million Lycantroops in the Western Frontline!

With that, Venus swiftly went downstairs. She went to Andrius’ table and respectfully said, “Mr. Moonshade, Ms. Fullbery, how’s the food?”

Halle was once again flattered and overwhelmed by Venus’ attentiveness.

Before she could thank Venus, Andrius commented, “The food is okay, but the wine is exceptional.”

“I’ll make sure we improve on that.” Venus bowed and handed Andrius a card. “Mr. Moonshade, this is our Diamond membership. It gives a 10% discount on all bills, and you can dine here for free once every three months. Please accept it.”

The Diamond membership card was actually embedded with diamonds which made it look extravagant and lavish.

After Andrius accepted the card, the roars of engines were heard outside the restaurant.

The guests peered outside the window and saw multiple military trucks stopping in front of the restaurant. The headlights illuminated the entrance brightly.


The security guard ran in in a hurry, sweating profusely in fright.” Boss, It’s Governor Holland’s men…’

Venus frowned. She then said to Andrius, “Mr. Moonshade, please excuse me while I handle the situation.”

Venus then strutted toward the entrance.

Halle was frightened. She looked at Andrius, but he remained calm, somewhat frivolous, as he continued eating and drinking like normal. Was he truly fearless or was he that great at acting?

The entrance of the restaurant was filled with a group of armed men.

Roy came down from the truck in his uniform and stood in front of the entrance, glaring fiercely. If he did not revere the person behind Venus, he would have stormed in and grabbed Andrius.

When Venus emerged, Roy said, “Venus, you’re finally here.”

Venus laughed. “Governor Holland, I told my men to teach your brother a lesson, and this is how you react? Why all the fuss?”

“Venus, skip the nonsense.” Roy sneered, “I won’t hold you responsible for the sake of the person behind you, but I am taking the punk away, dead or alive.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t let you do that,” Venus said without a second thought.

“What did you say?” Roy was furious. “Venus, are you standing up against me because of your support? Do you really think I won’t dare to storm in to apprehend him?”

“I dare not stand against your way, Governor Holland, but I am sure even you cannot afford to offend the person in there.”

Dick, who was behind Roy, shouted, “Bullsh*t! My brother is the military governor of the city! He can offend anyone he likes…”

“Shut up!” Roy glared at Dick and stopped him from making things


Dick immediately backed down and zipped his mouth.

Roy then raised a brow and said, “I am still out here and not inside there because I respect the person supporting you, but you have to tell the punk inside to come out. Right now. Venus, please don’t put me in a difficult situation.”

Immediately, the men behind him cocked their guns.

Chapter 56

Venus pondered for a moment before she nodded and said, ”

Governor Holland, I can go in and call him out, but it is up to him if he wants to come out or not.”

She then returned to Roman Restaurant. She went up to Andrius and said respectfully, “Mr. Moonshade. Roy Holland wants me to inform you to meet him outside.”

“Hmph!” Andrius grunted “A mere military governor wants me to go out and meet him? Venus, tell him to get in here to see me right away.”

Following his words, every other guest in the restaurant was shocked.

“Is he trying to get himself killed?”

“Roy Holland is the military governor of Sumeria. No one in the city

dares to defy him.”

“Is he a fool or a hero?”

Venus knew Andrius’ identity, so she went back outside to Roy to deliver the message.

Roy reacted bitterly. He had governed the city for many years, and this was the first time someone was disrespecting his command. Should the news get out, he would be embarrassed.

“Hmph!” Roy grunted.

Just as he was about to take his men in, Venus stopped him.” Governor Holland, he only wants you inside-alone.”

“Wait for me outside. I want to see who is that audacious to

challenge my authority today.” Roy snapped his fingers, signaling his men to wait for him outside as he followed Venus into the restaurant.


Venus then guided Roy to Andrius at the table.

Sitting across from Andrius, Halle became more and more nervous as Roy approached with an intimidating and fierce glare.

Her hands that were holding the glass of wine were shaking, and she forced herself to take a few sips to calm herself down.

The other guests in the restaurant held their breaths as they watched Roy approach Andrius. They were imagining all kinds of outcomes when the two finally met.

Under several pairs of eyes, Roy walked up to Andrius and firmly placed his hand on his shoulder.

Andrius held his glass of wine in his hand as he leisurely turned around. He smiled at Roy and said, “Roy, look at you now!”

It was at that moment, Roy had a good look at Andrius’ face, and chills ran down his spine and gave him goosebumps all over his body.

The Wolf King?! The Wolf King who commanded a million


His ex-boss?!

Roy’s scalp went numb. As goosebumps covered him from top to

bottom, his clothes were drenched in his sweat, causing them to stick to his skin.



Roy immediately knew what Andrius’ hum meant. He changed his words and continued, “S-Sir? l-it’s you?”

The entire restaurant was astonished.


Did the military governor of the city, Roy Holland, just call someone sir?!

It was unlike his usual self!

He had always been a proud and intimidating man, and there were less than a handful of people in the city who could make him lower himself like that.

While the guests were shocked, Andrius squinted and said with a smile, “Roy, it’s only been a few years, but look at you now, being the city’s military governor with many men working for you, and you are telling me to meet you outside?”

Andrius’ words terrified Roy. He immediately explained, “Sir, you must be kidding! If I’d known you were having dinner here, I would never have brought my men here and caused a scene.”

Roy tried his utter best to flatter the Wolf King, but the forced smile looked uglier than his crumpling face. He wanted to dash out of the restaurant and beat his useless brother to the ground.

Out of all the people he could offend, he had to offend the most terrifying one!

Chapter 57

The Wolf King of the Western Frontline!

The fiercest commander that commanded a million elite soldiers, the Lycantroops!

Many years ago, the Emperor’s driver accidentally offended the Wolf King, and he beat the man up in front of the Emperor’s ten elite bodyguards.

Not a single one of them dared to stop him.

If even the Emperor’s top ten elite bodyguards did not dare to offend the Wolf King, his former subordinate would not either.

Andrius looked at Roy indifferently and said, “Roy, your little brother called me powerless and poor and insisted that I shouldn’t be having dinner here. What do you think? Am I qualified to have dinner here?”

Roy shuddered when he heard Andrius. “Sir, my brother was foolish to have offended you. I’ll bring him in and make him apologize to you.”

Roy then signaled his men outside the restaurant.

Dick then strutted into the restaurant. He had no idea what happened and simply believed that his brother had solved the little conflict.

When he went up to Andrius, he roared, “You punk…”

Roy stopped his brother with a slap on his face. He boomed, “You little piece of sh*t! Shut the hell up!”


Dick covered his swollen face and looked at his brother in grief.

Since they were young, his brother had never hit him before, yet the first time he was slapped was in front of a crowd.


Roy then kicked Dick in the knees and forced him to kneel in front of Andrius. He added, “You little piece of sh*t, if you don’t get Sir’s

forgiveness, I’m going to skin you alive today.”

After scolding his brother, Roy looked at Andrius and bowed, “Sir, I take half of the responsibility for not teaching my brother properly. Please allow me to offer a toast to apologize, and my brother will also kowtow for what he has done.”

Roy then looked at Venus.

Venus told her men to bring three glasses of strong liquor over and put them in front of Roy. He grabbed one of the glasses and gulped it down without hesitation.

The liquor was so high in alcohol percentage that even a soldier could not handle the spiciness.

When Dick saw his brother drink the liquor without hesitation, he knew given that his brother was someone with power, the man before him was someone so formidable that not even his brother could

afford to offend.

With that, he kowtowed as hard as he could.

Each time his forehead hit the floor, his mind would remind him of his arrogance from earlier, and it gave him chills.

The sudden turn of events shocked everyone. They had imagined all kinds of outcomes but definitely not this.

Opposite Andrius, Halle was astonished. She dared not believe her eyes. She even pinched her arm to see if she was dreaming, but the pain confirmed that she was awake.

She was not dreaming! Everything that she saw before her eyes were really happening.

Who exactly was Andrius Moonshade? Why would the military


governor, Roy Holland, be so afraid of him?

The million-dollar question was stuck in Halle’s, and also every guest’s head.

A while later, Roy finished all three glasses of strong liquor, and Dick’s forehead was swollen and bleeding after kowtowing multiple times.

Roy looked at Andrius cautiously and asked, “Sir, is this alright?”

“No more next time.” Andrius waved his hand and added, “Roy, teach your brother properly. If something like this happens again, don’t blame me for making things rough.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you. I will do as told, sir.”

Roy dared not linger for another second. He quickly grabbed Dick and ran out of the restaurant.

Until Roy and his men had left the restaurant, Dick then asked in a small voice, “Roy, who is that man?”

“He is…the Wolf King!”

“The Wolf King?”

“Mm-hmm.” Roy added in reverence, “The Wolf King who commands a million Lycantroops!”

Chapter 58

Back in the restaurant, Halle tried to find out who Andrius really was by baiting him with trick questions, but he did not fall for her traps.

With all options run out, she had one last trick up her sleeve-making him drunk and then forcing him to talk.

“Andrius, you drink ten glasses, I drink one.” Halle tried to force Andrius to drink using the most shameless way, but in the end, she was the one who got drunk.

Andrius was fine, but Halle’s face slammed on the table with a loud thud.


Andrius nudged Halle.

Halle was out cold on the table. He was forced to carry her out of the


Then, he called Noir to pick him up.

A while later, Noir came in his minivan.

Noir grinned mischievously when he saw Andrius carrying an unconscious beautiful woman. “Andy, you are the man tonight! I see you had a lot of fun.”

“Shut up.” Andrius glared at Noir and helplessly said, “This is Luna’s best friend, Halle Fullberry. She asked me out and tried to make me drunk…”

“Gotcha.” Noir continued to grin as he asked. “Where to; Andy boy?”

Looking at the unconscious Halle, Andrius helplessly said, “Send her home, of course.”


“Where does she live?” Noir asked.

Andrius was stunned as he had no idea where Halle lived.

If he called Luna to ask where Halle lived, it would be asking for trouble. With all options exhausted, Andrius was forced to bring Halle back to Royal Garden.

After he settled Halle down, he took Noir’s car back to Dream’s Waterfront.

Luan was already at home. She was on the couch looking at her phone with her legs crossed.

When Andrius came in, she asked, “Andrius, why are you back so late?”

Andrius simply came up with an excuse and said, “I went for a walk.”

Luna pulled her attention away and continued looking at her phone.

Andrius returned to his room to grab some clothes before he headed

into the bathroom for a warm shower.

When he came out from the bathroom, he heard Luna talking to him, Andrius, you were outside the whole day, weren’t you? Did you know about Roman Restaurant on the Hidari Coast?”


“Who is the person who scared Governor Holland away?”

“I heard it’s the Wolf King of the Western Frontline,” Andrius said as he wiped his dripping hair with the towel.

Luna jumped to her feet and looked at him seriously. “Are you sure it’s the Wolf King of the Western Frontline?”

“It should be.”

“Is he handsome?”


Andrius did not know whether to cry or to laugh at her question.

As Luna continued to scroll on her phone, he returned to his room.

He did not want to reveal his identity to Luna since they had no feelings for each other, and their ‘marriage’ would not last long either. After paying his debt on behalf of his master, he and Luna would leave each other.

Andrius put his thoughts away and started taking care of the military affairs for today.

The next day, Luna went to work early in the morning as usual.

Chapter 59

Andrius went to Royal Garden to check on Halle and tell her to go home.

When he opened the gate, he saw Halle walking around the yard. “Yo, you’re up early after a heavy night.”

“Andrius? Did you send me here last night?” Halle asked when she saw Andrius.

“Who else could it be?” Andrius rolled his eyes. Annoyed, he added, “If you can’t drink, don’t drink that much.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Halle was shocked. “You own the Royal Garden?”

Andrius said indifferently, “Someone gave it to me.”


The Royal Garden was the biggest and the most lavish estate in Sumeria. A rich man from the capital bought it after it was completed, but then it was given to Andrius?

It was said that the entire estate cost ten billion to build!

Both the Fullberrys and New Moon Corporation’s combined net worth was not even one-tenth of the cost of the Royal Garden.

Looking at the shock on Halle’s face, Andrius urged her, “Since you are awake, please go home. I have to go back to work, or else Luna will punish me again.”

“Andrius, can I have a tour…”

“Go home!”

Andrius dragged her out of the gate and threw her out.

Halle was upset. She grumbled, “Where are your manners? No wonder

everyone calls you a poor guy from the countryside!”

Andrius ignored her and headed to work.

When he arrived at his department, Fatty Frank was not around.

Andrius got to his workstation and asked, “Where’s Fatty Frank?”

Angel brought him a cup of tea and said, “Frank went for a meeting.”

Andrius was surprised. “Why would anyone in the company want someone in the Trust Fund Team for a meeting?”

Angel awkwardly said, “Just to make up the numbers?”

Andrius scoffed but did not say anything.

A while later, Fatty Frank came back. The first thing he did was look for Andrius. “Is the boss here yet?”

“What is it?” Andrius asked.

“Boss, please help me!” Fatty Frank threw himself at Andrius. He almost knelt down on the floor and hugged Andrius’ leg.

Andrius pushed Fatty Frank away. “What is it? Don’t be touchy.”

Fatty Frank said, “Boss, I got a task at the meeting.”

“What task?” The other trust fund babies came over.

“They want us to take care of the relocation.”

“It’s not difficult. Just pay the occupants handsomely and they will leave,” Andrius said without being too concerned.

“Boss, you have no idea.” Fatty Frank explained, “The land that the Valiant Institute is being built on is almost cleared except for one factory. The factory owner, Connor Rogers, is not someone who likes to talk. He took our deposit but refuses to relocate. I can’t deal with him alone.”

Andrius knew what was going on after listening to Fatty Frank’s explanation.

The man known as Connor Rogers was a shameless prick. He had taken the deposit from the company but refused to move out.

Andrius asked after a sigh, “If you can’t solve this problem, why did you accept the task?”

“Boss, I didn’t ask for it. I was forced to take it.”

Fatty Frank’s eyes got teary. “Someone at the meeting suggested disbanding Team Five. Luna then suggested that we take this task in order to prevent disbandment.”

Andrius finally knew the truth behind Fatty Frank’s request. Since

Fatty Frank called him boss, he could not just leave the entire Team Five to die.

With that, Andrius nodded, “Alright. I’ll go with you.”

Chapter 60

After lunch, Andrius took Fatty Frank’s car to the construction site.

On the way there, Fatty Frank called Connor’s phone.

To his surprise, Connor informed him that he would be waiting for him at his office at the factory.

Fatty Frank looked worried. He asked, “Boss, do you think Connor is up to no good?”

Andrius said, “We’ll cross the bridge when we come to it. Let’s see what trick he has up his sleeve.”


With Andrius by his side, Fatty Frank gained confidence. “With Boss by my side, no tricks will work on us!”

Andrius was amused.

The two of them soon arrived at the factory.

Connor kept his promise and was waiting for them in his office. However, behind the man was a group of buffed men, lined up neatly with their hands behind their backs, showing off their bulging pecs. They looked like they were about to threaten someone.

“Yo…” Connor looked at Fatty Frank and teased him with a sardonic smile. “It’s just a relocation. Why did you bring someone with you? What is it? Afraid that I won’t move?”

He scoffed. “Even if I don’t relocate, I don’t think your guy can do anything to me. He looks puny and weak.”

Fatty Frank’s expression turned bitter. If he came alone, he would have already run. However, with Andrius by his side, he was able to draw confidence from him. He went up to Connor and asked, “Connor,

are you signing this relocation contract or not?”

“Of course! Of course, I’m signing it!” Connor showed unprecedented cooperation and took the contract out. “I, Connor Rogers, am a good citizen, not a prick. I’ve signed it. It’s your turn.”

Fatty Frank despised the man’s words, but he did not refute or comment on them.

Since Connor was willing to cooperate, he did not want to drag things out either. He lifted his pen and wanted to sign the contract.

Before his pen could touch the paper, Andrius pulled him back. He wanted to read through the contract carefully.

Connor looked at him strangely. Upset, he said, “Hey, punk! Are you trying to say I’m cheating you? It’s just a contract. Do you need to go through every detail? Besides, the price is already fixed. Sign it and get over it. Stop being a p*ssy!”

Andrius then pointed at the contract and grinned coldly. “Thirty

million. This area that your factory is located is just one spot in the entire land that we are buying, and you want to charge us thirty million just for you to relocate?”

Fatty Frank was stunned. “What? What thirty million? We agreed on

three million!”

Then, he had a look at the contract and realized what was going on. He roared at Connor, “You b*stard! You raised the price tenfold?”

Connor grinned wickedly. He signaled the men behind him and said, ” Yeah. It’s just one tiny spot, but my men have taken good care of the land for you guys for so long. It’s only fair for me to charge some extra fees. Thirty million is just nice.”

He then grabbed the contract from Andrius and shoved it into Fatty Frank’s hand. “Fatty, sign it. Don’t force me to be rough.”


With that, the men behind Connor cracked their fingers and exercised their necks. The cracking of finger joints echoed in the room.

The men then took a step forward together.


The unified thuds made, Fatty Frank clench his muscles nervously. If he refused, he would have to face the buff men’s fists.

“Boss, what should we do now?” Fatty Frank swallowed nervously and looked at Andrius.

“It’s easy.”

Andrius’ body shifted all of a sudden.

Connor cackled in disdain. “Punk, I hired all these elite fighters. Any

one of them can…”


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