Chapter 61

At the next moment, he was horrified as if he had seen a ghost.

Andrius knocked out one man in a single punch, rendering the man defenseless.

The other men jumped forward to surround Andrius.

Andrius delivered a roundhouse kick that sent everyone flying

backward with foam and blood spewing from their mouths.

That single kick knocked out almost half of all their teeth from their mouths.

The rest were horrified by Andrius’ explosive movements.

Andrius tended to stay a low profile, but whenever he decided to act, it would be shocking. He jumped forward, knocking out the men with a punch each.

In less than two minutes, every single one of the buff men was knocked out.

“Freaking…awesome!” Fatty Frank was stunned. He prolonged his

tone as his eyes shone with excitement. “Boss, you are the freaking

God of War!”

Connor was stunned.

Andrius was fierce and swift, and he knocked out a dozen buff men in

less than two minutes.

However, he did not compromise just yet. Thirty million was a lot of money, and a lot of people would definitely take the risk. Connor was a slave of money and he would do anything to get it.

He looked ferocious as he pulled a gun from the drawer. He unlocked the safety and aimed it at Andrius.


“So what if you can fight? I have a gun!” Connor glared at Andrius and wore a ferocious grin. He pulled the trigger and shouted, “Kneel!”


A burst of smoke came out from the barrel.

Fatty Frank was horrified by the gunshot, and it sent him scuttling onto the floor on his backside.

He then thought of Andrius. He looked up and saw an astonishing


Andrius’ head tilted, and he was unscathed.

“Huh? Quite the luck you have there.” Connor remained ferocious.” But how many times more can you dodge?”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He pulled the trigger multiple times after that.

Andrius’ eyes narrowed coldly.

He dodged the bullets and appeared beside Connor in a flash. He snatched the gun away, and with a series of adept hand movements, the gun was disassembled into multiple pieces.

“That’s not how you play with a gun,” Andrius said.

Connor was horrified.

How did Andrius dodge all the bullets? Was he a monster?

Damn it! How did Fatty Frank get someone this powerful to help him?

Connor looked anxious. He wanted to run.

As long as he refused to sign the contract, they would not be able to do anything to him when it came to the land that his factory occupied.

However, he was inside the office with Andrius and Fatty Frank

standing at the entrance. There was nowhere he could run. A quick thought later, he noticed the window behind him and decided to flee from there.

Unfortunately, Andrius grabbed him by the back of his collar and slammed him on the ground. He stepped on the man’s hand and asked, “Are you moving out or not?”

With how things had developed, Connor dared not refuse anymore.” Yes! I’ll move immediately! We’ll sign the contract right away!”

“How much is it?”

“Three million! Three million!” Connor said anxiously.

Andrius smiled brightly at Connor. “Who told you it’s three million?”

Chapter 62

“T-then how much is it?”

A hint of anger flashed in Conner’s eyes, but he dared not express it.

Andrius bellowed, “According to the market price, your place is worth, at most, a million.”

A million only?

Connor was infuriated. He really wanted to toughen up and fight back, but he was losing in terms of power.

With Andrius stepping on his hand, he could not fight back even if he wanted to. He was forced to accept the terms. “F-fine.”

Andrius released Connor and watched the man print a brand new relocation contract. After he checked the amount and made sure it was a million, both Fatty Frank and Connor signed it.

Fatty Frank had yet to recover from the blank state of his mind. He remained stunned from the moment Andrius dodged the bullet. Until Connor reluctantly pushed the contract and the pen to him, then he recovered his composure.

He happily signed his name on the contract.

Then, Fatty Frank and Andrius left the office.

Fatty Frank said excitedly, “Boss, you are the best! You just need to show this kind of person the power of your fist!”

Andrius was not overly bothered. “People like him are afraid of power. Beat him up and he’ll be like a good puppy.”

The two of them got into the car and left.

Back at Connor’s office, he watched the car drive away from his sight


from the window. His expression remained gloomy. “That b*stard. How dare he meddle with my profit?! Don’t let me get the chance, or I will cut you up alive, mince you, and feed you to the dogs.”

He grumbled before he called Solomon. “Mr. Stormbrew, I’ve lost the occupancy of the land.”

Solomon’s displeased voice came from the other side of the phone.” What do you mean by that, Connor?”

Connor explained in an upset tone, “New Moon Corporation just sent two men over. One of them was Fatty Frank, and the other one was a fierce guy. He beat up all my men and forced me to sign the contract.”

Solomon went silent for a moment before a peal of bright and

cheerful laughter came from the phone.

Connor was still aggrieved when he heard the laughter from the

phone. It fueled his displeasure. “Mr. Stormbrew, what are you laughing at?”

Solomon said, “I am laughing because the New Moon Corporation is digging its own grave!”

Connor was confused. “What do you mean?”

“If you were forced to sign the contract, we will use the media to make news out of this, and we can tell the public New Moon

Corporation resolved in violence to force you to relocate. They sent people over to beat you up…”

Before he could finish, Connor cried in excitement, “Mr. Stormbrew,

you are a genius!”

Solomon grunted. “I already have a plan. Just play along tomorrow and you will get ten million after this is done.”

Connor tapped his chest confidently and said, “Mr. Stormbrew, don’t you worry. I will do my best to support you.”

After hanging up the phone, Connor called his friend. “Hello? Let’s grab a beer at our usual place.”


an hour later, Connor finally met up with his friend, Jamire Ringstone!

They sat down and had a couple of glasses before they started to blabber about nonsense.

Then, Connor mentioned what happened earlier today.

“Jamire, I bet you’ve seen a lot of powerful men after staying in Sumeria for so long.”

He was thinking about Andrius. Although he looked bitter and hated Andrius, he had to admit that the man had looked cool when he dodged the bullets.

“Why are you talking about this?” Jamire was slightly surprised before he chuckled and said, “I’ve been traveling the world for many years, and I’ve met more powerful men than the women you’ve slept with…”

“Then, have you seen anyone who could dodge bullets?” Connor asked, leaving Jamire stunned.

“Dodge bullets?” Jamire went silent. He had seen men who played with fire and swallowed swords, but dodging bullets was something

out of a movie. Even he had never seen someone do it before.

However, he somehow thought of Andrius and believed a man like Andrius must know someone who could dodge bullets. “You’ve never seen it before, right?”

Chapter 63

Connor knew the answer from the look on Jamire’s face. He grinned.”

Jamire, I saw it today.”


“It’s freaking cool!”

Then, he told Jamire what had happened earlier and did not exaggerate what had happened because it was already over-the-top.

“Wait…” Jamire captured the point in Connor’s story. “Someone from New Moon Corporation?”

After what happened at the Northern Point construction site, he was somewhat sensitive to the name.

That terrifying man was from the New Moon Corporation.

Could Connor be referring to the same person?

Jamire’s expression shifted. He lost interest in the meat and the beer on the table and looked at Connor with an astonished look.

“What does he look like?”

Connor described Andrius to Jamire.

Jamire shuddered. His expression changed as he said, “Connor, take my advice. Stay away from that man. Do you know about the hundred bulldozers leveling the Northern Point construction site? I was there trying to give the person a lesson and guess what happened?”

Before Connor could answer, he continued, “He is the man that you mentioned, and he summoned an army of the Lycantroops! Guns were pointed at my head, and all he needs is a hum to shoot me into

a sieve.”

Jamire’s forehead was already glistening with sweat. He was horrified just speaking of the person.

“Is he really that powerful?”

Connor knew how powerful Jamire was in the underworld.

If even he was defeated and threatened, then going against Luina and New Moon Corporation would be suicidal.

With that, his mind went blank. He quickly left the table and ran towards New Moon Corporation.

Back at New Moon Corporation, Luna was thrilled when Fatty Frank came back with the signed relocation contract, especially when the compensation amount was lowered to just a million.

However, when she asked how Fatty Frank made Connor sign the contract, Fatty Frank simply said he beat the man up.

Luna got to Andrius and shrieked at him, “Did you two just go to Connor’s office and beat him up?”

Andrius nodded.


Luna was furious. She was breathing heavily which made her big chest heave up and down. “Fatty Frank is a Trust Fund Baby. It’s normal that he causes problems, but shouldn’t you be there to hold

him back?”

She did not even consider that it might be Andrius who had beaten Connor up.

First, it was not news that Fatty Frank would beat someone up.

Second, she remembered what a coward Andrius was.

Andrius did not explain. He simply asked, “If that Connor Rogers was the bad guy and Fatty Frank beat him up, why should I have held him back? Connor Rogers is a prick, and things won’t be solved without a beating. Now that the contract has been signed, it’s the best outcome.”

“Huh?” Luna scoffed. She was forced to look at Andrius differently

once more.

People from the countryside were all violent and boorish, and they only knew how to solve problems with violence.

What a reckless man!

She sighed and said, “Connor Rogers is affiliated with the gang. If you beat him up, trouble will follow.”

As soon as her words subsided, loud honks could be heard outside the building before a car screeched to a stop in front of the entrance.

Then, Danni, the secretary came into the room in a hurry. “Ms. Crestfall, Connor Rogers is here!”

Chapter 64

Connor was already here?

Luna narrowed her eyes. “Look what you two have done!”

She glared at Andrius before she and Athena went out of the office.

Outside the building, Connor was pacing back and forth anxiously, waiting.

When Luna came down, his eyes shone brightly, and he strode over to her.

Athena stepped forward and stopped him.

Connor showed a flattering smile, but before he could say a word, Luna said, “Connor, I know it’s our fault that my men beat you up, but you’ve already taken the deposit and you’ve been dragging out on the relocation. That’s why my men were there to nudge you.

“If you are here to take revenge or whatever, just do it. I’m not afraid of you.” Luna knew Connor was not a proper person, but she could not come out as a weakling.

Connor was startled. He quickly explained, “Ms. Crestfall, you have the wrong idea. I’m not here because I was beaten up by your men. I signed the contract because my conscience told me I shouldn’t be doing this. It has nothing to do with me being beaten up! I swear!”

He put his hand up and swore sincerely, which stunned Luna.

What happened to Connor? Had he bumped his head into a wall or something?

The man was known as the biggest prick in Sumeria. Everyone had a hard time dealing with him.

However, not only did he sign the contract, but he even lowered


himself in front of her and claimed that it was because of his conscience.

Not even a three-year-old would believe his nonsense.

Commor noticed the blank look on Luna’s face, and he took it as a sign of displeasure. He immediately explained, “Ms. Crestfall, I’ll be honest with you. I’m dragging it out because Solomon Stormbrew of

Castlerock is behind this.

“He forced me to do it and wanted me to accuse New Moon Corporation of forcing me to leave with violence. He’s going to bring the media here tomorrow.”

His revelation shocked Luna.

Violent coercion and media at their door! Solomon was trying to bring down the entire New Moon Corporation!

“What did you say? Solomon wants to use it against us?” she asked Connor.

Luna got nervous.

The amount of money involved in the relocation and demolition was large and it had always been the city government’s priority of


There was a major company that was involved with gangs that was made an example out of due to coercion against the occupants, and the entire company had disappeared from Sumeria.

If New Moon Corporation was involved in rumors like this, even if they could escape alive, their reputation would be severely damaged.

Luna dared not think about it anymore.

Just when Connor wanted to ask what Luna was going to do, he looked up and coincidentally saw Andrius behind her. Chills ran down his spine and caused his legs to turn weak as he knelt down before

Luna immediately.

“Ms. Crestfall, I never planned to help Solomon testify. I assure you I will be on your side tomorrow and will defend New Moon Corporation! Please…forgive me for dragging this matter out for so long.”

Then, he looked up at Luna, or more precisely, at Andrius who was behind her.

Noticing the man’s gaze, Luna turned around and saw Andrius standing there.

Luna was confused.

Connor was acting strange, but she could not pinpoint what it was. He was unlike his usual self and looked at Andrius with reverence.

“Ms. Crestfall!”

Connor’s anxiety grew as Luna stayed silent. He immediately

continued, “Ms. Crestfall, I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s Solomon, that b*stard forced me to! I will never dare to be disrespectful to you. I can also offer you another piece of land as compensation!”

He was like a dog by the street begging for food except for the fact that he could speak.

Luna could not figure out what happened, but it was a desired

outcome. Not only did it solve the problem, but she even got to learn of Solomon’s schemes.

She nodded and said, “I can forgive you, but you have to testify for me tomorrow. Understand?”

apter 65

“I got it! I got it!” Connor nodded repeatedly. “Thank you, Ms. Crestfall, thank you! I will be prepared for tomorrow!”

Then, he had a glance at Andrius, and when he did not see any disapproving expression on the man’s face, he breathed a sigh of relief and got up.

He apologized a few more times before he left in a hurry.

Luna watched the man leave her sight as she pondered.

When she returned to her office, she asked, “Andrius, tell me the truth. Why did Connor look so horrified when he sees you?”

Andrius simply said, “Maybe he’s scared of me beating him up.”

“You are the one who beat him up?”

Luna was slightly surprised. She rolled her eyes at him and looked somewhat angry. “Don’t simply throw your fist at someone. Don’t forget you are still my nominal husband. I don’t want to be involved in anything unpleasant.”

Andrius remained silent.

Luna coldly grunted at his silence, “This is a lawful society. Things won’t get solved with a fist or violence.”

Andrius did not bother to explain himself. Sometimes, the fist was the best solution to all the problems.

The next day, Luna was going through her schedule for the upcoming days.

Danni came into the office in a hurry. “Ms. Crestfall! There’s a bunch of reporters at our door!”

It was happening. Solomon has made his move against New Moon Corporation.

A frosty look appeared on Luna’s beautiful face. “Let’s go have a look.”

When they reached the entrance, there were at least a hundred reporters out there. Not even a fly could get through, let alone

a person.

When they saw Luna, the crowd grew tumultuous, and the microphones and the cameras were almost shoved into Luna’s


“Ms. Crestfall! Please comment on your company’s decision to remove the occupants through coercion.”

“Ms. Crestfall, there’s news about a fight at Connor Rogers’ factory. It’s located on the land that your company is purchasing. Care to explain?”

“Ms. Crestfall, the project is still at an early stage.

Construction still hasn’t started yet New Moon Group is acting like its king. Are you not afraid?”

“Ms. Crestfall!”

The reporters were ceaseless and relentless with their ridiculous questions.

Without Connor’s warning from yesterday, Luna would have

been at a loss for words.

Now, she was prepared for this.


Luna cleared her throat to silence all the reporters. She glanced over everyone and assured them with absolute confidence, “New Moon Corporation is not involved in any coercion or violence. Relocation and demolitions are all carried

out according to lawful procedures and occupants are compensated reasonably.

“We were not and will not be involved. Connor Rogers signed his land to us because of his conscience. I hope the media will stop making mountains out of molehills about this.”

As soon as his words subsided, a cold grunt sounded.

It was Solomon!

He wore a wicked grin on his face as he said, “Luna Crestfall, you claim your company is not involved in any coercion or violent relocation? Where’s your proof?

“I’ve talked to Connor Rogers after what happened, and he told me that you sent your men to his office and beat him up, forcing him to sign the contract to sell you the land at a price lower than the market price! If you can’t prove yourself…”

Solomon’s wicked grin grew wider. “New Moon Corporation will be expelled from the Sumeria Business Guild. Not even Master Hempton will have a say in this anymore!”

Luna’s heart skipped a beat.

If she was not prepared for Solomon’s ambush, New Moon Corporation would surely be expelled from the Sumeria Business Guild and lose the Valiant Institute project. It would mark the end of the company and the Crestfalls.

Now, Luna was fully prepared for this. “You want proof? There’s a lot on the internet. Just search for it.”

The reporters took their phones out and went online.

The first search result left them speechless and shocked.

“I, Connor Rogers, am testifying against Solomon Stormbrew of the Castlerock Corporation for threatening and bribing me to target New Moon Corporation.”

Chapter 66

Connor looked serious in the video while he held his

identification card in front of his chest as he explained the rumors in detail.

The reporters were like sharks that sensed blood as they swarmed over to Solomon in the blink of an eye.

In just a few seconds, the reporters had Solomon surrounded completely; Luna was left alone.

“Mr. Stormbrew!”

“What is your comment on Connor Rogers’ accusation?

“Mr. Stormbrew!”

“Did you threaten and bribe, or instigate, Connor Rogers to slander New Moon Corporation?”

“Mr. Stormbrew!”

“The city council is targeting the gangs and they are serious about it. What is your opinion on this? Mind sharing some comments?”

“Mr. Stormbrew!”

The reporters treated Solomon the same way they treated Luna earlier. A barrage of ridiculous questions was fired at him ceaselessly.

Solomon became the common target all of a sudden.

He looked furious as he pushed the reporters away. “I, Solomon Stormbrew, have never and will never do such a

thing. I am a good citizen! Connor Rogers must be acting

under Luna Crestfall’s order, that’s why he’s accusing me! This is slander! A blatant slander!”

The reporters turned to Luna again, but they did not let go of Solomon.

Luna did not want to argue with the man on the topic

anymore. She scoffed and said, “You know better than anyone

if I am slandering you. Solomon Stormbrew, I’ll remember this!”

With her response, the reporters turned to Solomon again, waiting for his reply.

Solomon knew his plan had been foiled with Connors turning against him.

The longer he stayed, the more embarrassed he would be. He pushed himself out of the encirclement and made his way to his car, which was farther away. He looked as wretched as he could be.

When he got into his car, he glared at Luna and criticized inwardly, “That b*tch! I’ll get you one day! You’ll pay for the insult I’ve received today!”

He then stepped on the acceleration pedal and drove away. The longer he stayed, even his car would be surrounded by reporters.

Luna was delighted as she watched Solomon embarrass himself in front of the reporters. She returned to the office with a wide smile on her face. “Danni, tell Fatty Frank to see me at my office.”

Fatty Frank knocked on the door and came into the office. ”

You’re looking for me?”

“Have a seat.”

Luna directed him to the chair in front of her desk. Fatty Frank was flattered.

“You did great on this, especially the way you dealt with

Connor Rogers. Not only did you get him to sign the contract, but you even saved us two million. You should be rewarded for your effort. I’ll mark it down and commend you during the monthly bonus session.”

Fatty Frank was thrilled.

Team Five had been notorious in the company for as long as they existed and even almost got disbanded yesterday.

Now, Luna was commending him for his efforts.

It felt great.

“Since you did well this time, I’ll hand you more tasks. You can start in the afternoon.”

Luna put a stack of files in front of him. They were all signed contracts, and all Fatty Frank needed to do was retrieve the funds from the clients.

Fatty Frank knew that it was only because of Andrius that this task was completed smoothly.

He scratched his head awkwardly and asked, “Luna, can I

bring Andrius with me? With him, I can get things done a lot faster.”

Luna looked at him in surprise.

Was Andrius that capable?

She shook her head and thought it must be Fatty Frank’s psychological effect. “You can bring him but don’t beat up anyone, understand?”

“Why would we beat anyone up?” Fatty Frank chuckled awkwardly, “No way. We won’t lay a finger on anyone.”

Luna hummed a reply at Fatty Frank’s assurance.

Fatty Frank then left the office with a wide smile.

A while later, Harry came into the office.

Spin to Claim Your Surprise Reward!

Chapter 67

“Luna, how’s the progress on the Valiant Institute project’s funding?” Harry asked straightforwardly.

The funding was their priority at the moment.

The project was only moderately profitable, but it required a lot of investment and the timeline was tight.

“I…” Luna’s expression turned bitter. “We managed to collect some debts from some leftover projects, but the gap is still huge. Plus, the project itself isn’t that profitable. The board members have started to voice their rejections, and we are having difficulties in gathering funds.”

Harry knew what was happening too. He frowned and said, “If we drag it out, we won’t be able to give Mayor Freely an explanation.”

He was worried about answering Mayor Freely.

They had gotten the project after many obstacles, and if they could not initiate the project on time, what would Mayor Freely think?

Harry suggested, “Why don’t we go get a loan from the bank?”

Luna’s bitter look remained. “It’s not that easy. We still haven’t paid back our previous loan. The bank won’t lend us any more money.”

Harry knew the odds were slim as well.

Luna gritted her teeth and said, “I’ll go ask my friends and see if we can come up with a solution. If all options are exhausted,

we will have to talk to Grandfather.”

Harry sighed. “I guess that’s the only way.”

On the other hand, Fatty Frank hopped his way back to his

team after being commended by Luna. Even his flappy cheeks jostled.

“Frank, you look happy. What’s up?” Angel went up to him and asked curiously.

“You won’t believe what just happened.” Fatty Frank looked like the cat who ate the canary. He explained, “Luna just praised me for doing a good up and she’s commending me!”

The entire team was thrilled.

“Frank! You did it!”

“Frank has made Team Five proud!”

“Yeah! That’s great! Our future is bright!”

Fatty Frank enjoyed his proud moment for a while before walking over to Andrius and hugging the man’s arm.

He said loudly, “This is all made possible because of our boss! When Team Five makes it in the future, don’t forget about our boss and the things he has done for us!”

“Go away! Just say what you want to say,” Andrius said as he pushed Fatty Frank away. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Hehe.” Fatty Frank wore a flattering smile and put the stack of documents on the table. “Luna gave me some new tasks. Let’s go complete them.”

Andrius nodded since he basically had nothing to do in the office.

The two of them left the office to run errands.

Fatty Frank was smart. He did not bother Andrius with the easy tasks and completed them by himself.

Andrius was bored, so he went for a stroll.

It was then that he noticed a luxurious motorcade ahead.

The leading car was a Roll-Royce Phantom, and the last car in the motorcade was a Maserati. It was luxurious and grand but not as grand as Andrius’ official motorcade.

If he had to make a public appearance, the Roll-Royce Phantom was the bare minimum.

When the motorcade passed by, he saw the window of the Phantom was wound down, and the old man in the rear seat was breathing heavily as if he could not catch a breath.

He was having an acute heart attack!

Based on his principle of saving lives, Andrius went closer.

“What are you doing?”

A girl stopped Andrius. She had a beautiful face with bare minimum makeup. Her pure and innocent temperament felt like one’s first love.

Andrius pointed at the old man and said, “I have to save him.”

“That’s not necessary. We have our professional medical team. Please leave,” the girl rejected Andrius’ request.

“He is having an acute heart attack. It happens really quickly, and its mortality rate is high.” Andrius continued strongly, ” When your professional medical team arrives, he might

already be dead. Not even some miracle medicine can save him then.”

Chapter 68

The girl was in a dilemma.

She had a professional medical team, but they were stuck in traffic and it would take them some time to get there.

Her grandfather was in critical condition, and if what the man in front of her said was true, if something happened to her grandfather, even regret would be useless.

Looking at the girl’s hesitation, Andrius added, “Every second you spent hesitating is putting the man in more danger.”

Following his words and the old man’s pale face, the girl was scared. She said to Andrius, “Sir, please save my grandfather.”


Andrius walked over to the old man and checked his pulse.

Then he took out his bag of needles and stuck them around the old man’s heart. Each needle he stuck into the acupuncture points was different in length and force.

After poking all the necessary needles, Andrius’ hand skillfully and softly stroked the tip of the needle as if he was touching the strings of a musical instrument.

Then, the professional medical team arrived behind the car.

The leading specialist was in shock when he saw Andrius beside the old man. He was the old man’s private physician, and if anything happened to the old man, he would be held responsible.

“Get away from him, kid!”

Andrius was in the middle of the treatment and could not just step away. He ignored the man, but it fueled the man’s anger.

The man roared angrily, “Acute heart attack is usually caused by severe occlusive lesions in the coronary arteries, causing persistent ischemia and hypoxia in the myocardium, which also greatly increases the burden on the heart.

“And you are poking needles around the heart?! You’re messing around! Who allowed you to use the needles on him?”

As the man roared, the girl started to be afraid.

Terrified, she said in a small voice, “Dr. Key, i-it’s me. I let him treat my grandfather…”

“Ms. Henderson, this is outrageous! How could you?” Dr. Key sighed heavily. He then looked at the bodyguards and said, Why didn’t you guys stop her? What if something happens to Master Henderson? Are you guys taking responsibility?”

The bodyguards were aggrieved. They were scolded for no reason, and it was not a good feeling.

However, they could not simply blame the girl or argue with the specialist, so they diverted their grievance to Andrius.

Right before the chief bodyguard could pull Andrius away, the unconscious old man’s finger moved.

“Grandfather!” the girl cried in surprise.

The old man opened his eyes and looked around. He spotted Andrius and a smile appeared on his face. “Young man, thank you! Or else, I would not have woken up…”

He sighed and the smile on his face turned bitter.

Andrius smiled and humbly said, “Sir, you’re welcome. It’s nothing.”

Then, he looked at the specialist, Dr. Key. “Why are you still standing there? Give him the medicine.”

Dr. Key regained his composure and quickly gave the old man his medicine.

After a few pills, the old man slowly regained his energy and already looked healthier.

Then, the ambulance came.

The man said to the girl, “Suletta, this young man is my savior. Bring him home. I want to thank him myself.”

“I understand, Grandfather.”

The girl, Suletta Henderson, nodded. However, when she turned around, Andrius was nowhere to be found.

The old man exclaimed, “He has the ability to save people’s lives, but he keeps a low profile. Even when Victor scolds him, he doesn’t look angry or hold a grudge, which shows how big his heart is. He just leaves after doing a good deed…”

Chapter 69

“The sleeping giant is hiding his light under a bushel.”

Suletta was surprised because it was the first time she had ever seen her grandfather praise someone so highly.

Was the man that capable?

The old man continued, “Suletta, find him and use whatever we have to bring him to power.”

Those who knew the old man would be shocked by his words because he was none other than Anthony Henderson, the richest man in Sumeria. One word from him could change people’s lives or end them. He could easily ruin someone’s life or vice versa.

He wanted to bring Andrius to power not only because he wanted to repay the debt.

He was of age and his body was no longer healthy. If he could befriend Andrius, he might not need to challenge death’s patience next time.

Besides, bringing Andrius to power was also an investment to the Hendersons. Should Andrius rise to power one day, the Hendersons would benefit from it as well.

This was the shrewdness of the richest man in the city. He was able to foresee what would happen in the future based on one trivial thing.

Suletta nodded respectfully. “Grandfather, I promise I will find him.”

It was already late after the little incident. Andrius went

looking for Fatty Frank and wanted to go back to the office together.

To his surprise, while he was looking for Fatty Frank, he ran into a familiar acquaintance. The person was talking on his phone while facing the road, and he seemed agitated.

“No! Your company is too far off from the supporting criteria. Negotiate?” The man scoffed coldly. “There’s nothing to negotiate. Him? There’s no use talking to him. It won’t work no matter who you talk to. I said it! I’m telling you, there’s no way the documents for your company will go through, so stop thinking about it.”

He then tapped on his phone angrily and hung up.

It was the mayor, Marcus Freely.

“What’s with the temper, Marcus?” Andrius went over to the man leisurely.

When Marcus saw Andrius, he put his anger away and forced a humble smile on his face. “Wolf King, how embarrassing! Please excuse my temper.

“Sumeria isn’t that big, but there are all kinds of trivial matters to deal with. A lot of documents will have to go through me to get my permission.

“This is about the supporting program that we started, and the Cloverfields submitted an application for their company. I’ve told them countless times that their company lost a lot of money and that they did not meet the minimum requirements for the program.

“I rejected their application countless times, but they are relentless. They called me and wanted me to give them a chance. They even hinted at a possible bribe. How ridiculous!”

With that, Marcus realized his anger had taken over his manners. He bowed apologetically and said, “I’m sorry, Wolf King. I didn’t mean to be loud, but I just can’t stand the Cloverfields.”

Andrius waved his hand and said indifferently. “It’s okay. Speaking of the Cloverfields, is there someone named Axel in their family?”

Marcus was slightly surprised. He asked, “Yeah, there is. Do you know him?”

Andrius grinned meaningfully. “I guess you could say so.”

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Chapter 70

Marcus recalled what happened at his birthday event. The Wolf King had told him to forbid Axel’s entry.

With that, the Wolf King’s words sounded very intriguing.

Andrius did not think about it. He just thought that Axel’s status as a rich young master was not that stable, so where did he get the confidence to be arrogant?

The two chatted for a while before Marcus got a call. He excused himself and left in a hurry.

Andrius continued looking for Fatty Frank.

Back at Luna’s office, after Harry left, she made a few calls to her friends to ask for help.

However, gathering funds for a project was difficult. Her friends told her there was not much of a solution, which fueled her anxiety.

Then, Danni came into the office. “Ms. Crestfall, Axel Cloverfield is here to see you. He said that he’s here to talk to you about something important. Do you…”

“Axel?” A hint of annoyance flashed on Luna’s face.

The disgusting things Axel did at the mayor’s birthday event scarred her. She had no good impressions left of the playboy cum Trust Fund Baby.

However, out of respect, she said, “Danni, bring him to the reception room.”

Danni nodded and went out.

Luna waited in the reception room for a while before Axel

came in.

“Luna.” Axel sat next to Luna on the couch when he came in. ”

I heard you were having trouble gathering funds for the project.”

Luna subtly drew distance from Axel and said, “Yeah.”

“Luna, why didn’t you talk to me about this?”

Axel looked at Luna’s perfect face, and a hint of lust and greed flashed in his eyes.

Luna’s heart raced when she heard Axel. She looked at Axel with slight anticipation. “What do you mean? Do you have a way to help us gather the necessary funds?”

Axel smiled mysteriously. He sat closer to get a whiff of Luna’s body scent before he whispered, “Luna, don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you.”

“Alright. I won’t tell anyone.” Since Axel was being

mysterious, she nodded and agreed.

“Alright.” Axel nodded. He then said, “Yesterday, I

accidentally heard something from my dad during dinner, and he’s talking about us being listed publicly.”

A public listing?

Luna raised a brow.

If it was true, then the Cloverfields would earn a massive profit.

Once the company was listed, it would be able to gather more

honest with you. Your concerns are unnecessary.

“I am my father’s only child. No matter how much he earns, it will eventually be mine. If I make him, he will agree.”

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