Luna was moved by Axel’s words.

First of all, Axel’s words made sense.

Second of all, she was in need of funding for the project, even more so when a few of her friends had either rejected her or were unable to help her.

If she missed this opportunity, it would be difficult to proceed with the project.

“Luna, why are you still hesitating?”

Axel stood on his feet with a dash of impatience on his face.” I’m telling you this out of goodwill and you… Forget it.”

He then headed towards the exit.


Luna fell for the temptation in the end. She said, “Axel, thank you. I’ll go prepare the funds. Please help me process the necessary documents and procedures.”


A hint of viciousness flashed in Axel’s eyes.

As a matter of fact, the Cloverfields had lost almost all their money and would be announcing their bankruptcy in a few days.

As for being listed publicly, it was impossible.

His father told him to borrow some money from his friends or whoever and get ready to leave the city.

Axel came to Luna and decided to give it a try. To his surprise, she fell for his trick.

It was a welcome surprise for him.

After Axel left, Luna called her father, Harry, “Dad, I might have gotten a solution for the funding.”

“What? How?” Harry sounded surprised.

Luna explained, “Well, Axel just told me that his family, the Cloverfields, are preparing to get listed to raise more funds for the company, so he offered me to invest in them now. When they are publicly listed, we will earn ten times our


“This is great news!” Harry cheered in delight. “When the Cloverfields are listed, we will be able to secure the funding for the Valiant Institute project!”

Out of caution, Luna asked, “Dad, do you think there’s something amiss? I mean it feels a little too good to be true.”

“I think it’s good. I can tell Axel is into you. He might be a Trust Fund Kid, but he will do anything to win a girl’s heart. He won’t lie to you.”

Luna was assured when she heard her father.

Harry then added a final reminder, “Luna, remember to keep this a secret and don’t tell anyone. If others know about the investment opportunity, we will lose a lot of profit; if Solomon knows about this, he will definitely try to sabotage us.”

Luna said, “Don’t worry, Dad. I know what to do.”

After a bit more chit-chat, the call ended.

Knock, knock.

Fatty Frank knocked on the door and came into the office with an update on his assignments.

“Come in.”

Fatty Frank saw a happy Luna, so it put a smile on his face as well. “Luna, what’s with the wide grin? Come on, share your happiness with me.”

He was rather close with Luna, or else she would not have protected Team Five at the meeting yesterday.

It was their relationship that fueled Fatty Frank’s confidence.

Luna pondered. Fatty Frank was not an outsider and had always been like a brother to her, so she revealed, “The Cloverfields are getting listed soon.”

“Listed?” Fatty Frank might not be an expert in running a company, but he knew the basics. “Does it mean we are getting rich?”

Luna said, “We are. Go gather some funds and invest in the Cloverfields. We’ll make more money together!”

“Thank you, Luna!”

Fatty Frank had always longed for a chance to perform, and now he finally had it in his grasp.

“Remember, don’t tell anyone,” Luna warned him strictly.

“Don’t worry. I’m not an idiot.” Fatty Frank tapped his chest confidently.

After updating her about his assignment progress, Fatty Frank

returned to his office.

When he saw Andrius, he went up to him. He had a quick glance around and then whispered, “Boss, I have a great chance to earn a ton of money! The Cloverfields are getting listed soon! Gather your money and invest in them! We’ll earn a ton of profit when they are listed.”

Chapter 72

Andrius frowned. “Frank, listen to me. Do not buy the shares from the Cloverfields.”

He had just met Marcus, the mayor.

The Cloverfields had sustained a major loss and had filed for bankruptcy. How could they get publicly listed while facing a devastating financial crisis?

They were trying to cheat people’s money and flee the city!

Fatty Frank was discouraged. “Boss, why?”

Andrius explained, “The Cloverfields are going bankrupt soon, so this is just a trap. They intentionally leaked the news and let people think this is a great opportunity. When they get the money, they will flee the city.”

“That’s impossible!” Fatty Frank confidently explained, “The Cloverfields are doing great! They even went on national

television a few years ago, and their businesses are doing well! How can they be facing bankruptcy?”

Andrius could not be bothered to explain further. He simply said, “Believe it or not, it’s up to you.”

Fatty Frank hesitated. He admired Andrius who was the best fighter he had ever met in his life.

However, when it came to the stock market…

After some serious consideration and hesitation, Fatty Frank bit the bullet and decided to trust Andrius.

If he invested and the Cloverfields fled, he might lose money;

if he did not invest, he would not earn a profit but would not lose anything either!

Fatty Frank knew how capable he was. He never really wanted to earn a lot of money. As long as he could stay out of trouble and live a normal life, he would be more than happy.

Later that night at Dream’s Waterfront, Andrius came back and saw Luna on her phone.

His sharp eyes spotted the stock market interface on her screen. She was looking at the Cloverfields’ company. She even keyed in the setting to automatically purchase the shares first thing when the stock market opened the next day.

Andrius warned her, “The Cloverfields can’t even save

themselves now. They are trying to cheat your money and run away. Don’t buy their stocks.”

Luna was in a delighted mood until Andrius ruined it with his advice.

She put her phone away and grunted coldly. “Do you even understand Sumeria’s economic status? Are you some financial professor who studies the stock market? Stop being a nosy person and order people around. I don’t need you to teach me how to use my company’s funds.”

Andrius’ kind reminder was treated as nonsense, and he even got criticized by Luna. However, he could not be bothered to argue with her.

Since he already warned her, it was up to her to take his advice

or not.

Luna lost her mood. She returned to her room and called Halle to complain about Andrius.

“Halle, Andrius is so full of nonsense. He sure likes to brag a lot.”

Halle went silent for a moment before she asked, “Luna, what happened?”

Luna said, “I was going to buy the Cloverfields’ company shares, but he told me that the company cannot even save themselves and warned me to not buy their shares… What a joke! Is he some financial advisor? Or is he some supervisor working for the Ministry of Finance? How dare he say something like that in my face?”

Her words were full of contempt for Andrius.

Halle heard Luna’s complaint and she said, “Luna, why don’t you think it over? Look, you were running around to gather funds in the afternoon, and now you have suddenly decided to buy the Cloverfields’ company shares. If the Cloverfields really go bankrupt, your money will…”

She knew Andrius was a capable person who would never speak without thinking. He must have gotten some insider


Before she could finish, Luna stopped her. “Hold up, hold up! No! Don’t say that! It won’t happen! We are going to earn a lot of money this time, and I must seize this chance to not only get the funds for the project, but I will also use this chance to prove myself to my family! I have to go now. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Luna then hung up the phone.

Halle signed helplessly after the call ended. She did not expect Luna to act the opposite after listening to her advice.

Luna did not turn her decision around. In fact, it even

strengthened her opinion of buying the Cloverfields’ company shares.

Chapter 73

Halle knew that Andrius must have insider news on the matter, so she called him. “Andrius, Luna is going to buy the Cloverfields’ company shares. She told me you said that the Cloverfields can’t even save themselves. Are you serious?”

“Of course.” Andrius sounded firm. “I got the news from Marcus. The company has been losing money for a while now. They are planning to get whatever money they can and leave the city.”

Halle believed him.

The mayor, Marcus, was Andrius’ ex-subordinate, so it was impossible for him to make such a low mistake.

If Andrius said the Cloverfields would be over soon, they would

be over soon.

Anxious, Halle asked, “Then, what should we do? Luna insists on buying the shares, I tried talking to her, but it didn’t work.”

“We’ll cross the bridge when we come to it.”

Andrius was helpless as well. He made it clear to Luna, yet she insisted on jumping into the trap.

What else could he do about it?

The night went by quietly.

The next day, while Andrius was still sleeping, a few hurried knocks came from his door.

He got up to open the door.

Luna was outside his room. “Andrius, my cousin is coming to Sumeria for school today. I have something else to do later, so I need you to pick her up at the airport, and help her move her luggage or whatever. I’ll send you her contact and picture.”

She tapped on her phone and sent Andrius the contact and the picture.

Before Andrius could say a word, Luna grabbed her purse and left the house in a hurry.

Andrius went to the bathroom to clean up before he headed to Noir’s auto repair garage.

Noir was surprised to see Andrius at his place this early. Andy, you’re early today.”

Andrius helplessly said, “I’m going to the airport to pick

someone up, so I need a car from you.”

“You’re gonna pick someone up?” Noir ridiculed, “I see you are expanding your business.”

Andrius was rendered speechless.

Noir chuckled. “What car are you looking for? Name it and it’s yours for the road.”

“Don’t need to go through all the trouble.” Andrius waved his hand and then simply pointed at a normal-looking car in the garage. “Is this in working condition?”

Noir scratched his head. “It’s working, but it doesn’t match your status.”

Andrius pouted. “Enough, stop with the nonsense. I’m taking it.”

He got into the car and drove out of the garage.

The car sped on the freeway and reached the airport after a while. It was still too early when he arrived, so he parked the car and went to get breakfast.

Ten minutes later, a girl came out from the departure gate.

The tall, leggy girl looked cute in her white dress that fluttered as she sauntered lightly out of the gate.

She pulled her phone out and dialed a series of numbers.” Hello? Mr. Moonshade? I’m Rainbow Conery, Luna’s cousin. You can come to pick me up at the departure gate. I’m almost there.”

Then, she hung up the phone and headed to the exit.

Then, a BMW 7 Series stopped in front of her with the window wound down.

A gangster, whose top was bare with his tattoos showing, whistled at her and teased her frivolously, “Hey, sweetie, get in and we’ll have a good time.”

Rainbow ignored him and drew distance from the car.

‘Damn, she looks like a virgin! I’m in luck!’

The gangster’s narrowed eyes gleamed wickedly as he got out. of the car. He strode to Rainbow and pervertedly said, “Come on, cutie, your time will be rewarded.”

He swallowed and pulled out a stack of money. “One night with me, and this whole stack of money is yours.”

Chapter 74

“Get out of my face!”

Rainbow lost her patience, but her shout did not startle or frighten the gangster. Instead, it piqued his interest even


“Feisty! I like a feisty girl.”

He sized Rainbow up with an invasive gaze. If he could get her in his bed, they would have wild sex tonight.

“Babe, I have never heard of a woman not spreading her legs for money. It’s not enough, is it?”

Before Rainbow could say anything, the gangster pulled out another stack of bills from his car. “Twenty grand, enough? It’s considered quite high around here. With this price, I can get myself a lesser-known fashion model.”

Rainbow glanced at her watch. The person who should be picking her up was not in sight yet, and she was being annoyed by the gangster, so she was forced to move away from the spot.

As she dragged her luggage away with her, the gangster stopped her once more.

“Come on, babe. Don’t go. Twenty grand ain’t enough? Damn, girl, you’ve got a big appetite. Okay, how about fifty grand?”

The gangster fanned out all five of his fingers. This time he did not pull any more money from his car because he did not have that much with him either.

Rainbow ignored him and continued forward.

The more resistant she was, the more intrigued the gangster was. This time, he grabbed Rainbow’s luggage and stopped her on the spot.

“Babe, let’s talk it out. We can discuss it until the price is right.”

The gangster stared at Rainbow, drooling over her beauty.” Last offer, a hundred grand! It’s a good price. I can get top celebrities with that price!”

He had a sniff of Rainbow’s scent and was more intoxicated than ever. “I really like you. That’s why I am offering you this high a price. And this is just the start. If you continue to go out with me, I’ll give you everything you want. Money, watches, cars, bags, you name it!”

He was talking nonsense, which was what gangsters did best.

If he could get the girl in the car and record them having sex, forcing her to submit to his will, then he would have total control over her. It was not his first time ruining a girl’s life.

Rainbow was expressionless as she did not even spare a glance at him.

The gangster lost his patience. A glint of viciousness flashed in his eyes. He pulled a bottle of water from his car and said, ” Hey, babe, are you thirsty? Have a drink! I know you must be exhausted after the flight.”

Rainbow scoffed. She knew what the gangster was trying to do

to her.

“Rainbow, there you are!”

An Audi R8 stopped in front of Rainbow, and a handsome

young man came down. It was Rainbow’s classmate, Garren Greenhill.

“Who are you? Why are you holding Rainbow’s luggage?” Garren asked when he saw the gangster.

Even though he was intimidated by the gangster’s tattoos, he mustered up enough courage to question him. He had always liked Rainbow and was there to pick her up to give her a good impression.

Coincidentally, Rainbow was being harassed by some

gangster, and if he could help her get out of the situation, he could shorten the distance between them.

Garren had it all planned out.

To his surprise, the gangster stared at him viciously and bellowed, “Who the hell are you? I’m talking to this babe here! Not you!”

“I’m her classmate!” Garren mustered more courage and tried to snatch the luggage back from the gangster.

However, despite him using all his strength, he could not free. the luggage from the gangster’s grip.

Things went south all of a sudden.

Chapter 75

The gangster grinned wickedly when he sensed how weak Garren was. “Classmate? You better f*ck off before I f*ck you up. Do you know who I am?”

Garren was frightened. He asked timidly, “W-who are you?”

“I’m in the Empire.”

As the gangster grinned, the flaps on his cheeks widened, making him look vicious. He raised his arm to display the dragon tattoo on it and said, “See this? They call me Dragon.”

“Y-you are Dragon of the Empire?” Garren was frightened, and even his voice trembled.

Dragon of the Empire was a man with a notorious reputation. He had a hundred men under his command. He would either

bring his men out to cause problems or stay at the club, the Empire, to fool around with women.

There was once when a few drunkards caused a scene at the

Empire, and on the next day, they were all murdered, dismembered, and tossed into the river.

“Now you know who I am, get the hell out of my face, or do you want me to f*ck you up?” Dragon said with a grin.

Garren’s expression shifted multiple times, and he was at a loss of action for a moment.

If he walked away, he would paint himself a terrible image in Rainbow’s heart; if he stayed, he might suffer the

consequences if Dragon called his men on him.

Chapter 75

Garren found himself in a difficult situation.

Then, Andrius came by after he finished his meal.

He had a glance at the situation before he went over and snatched the luggage away from Dragon.

Dragon tried to seize it back, but Andrius tripped him, causing him to fall to his face.

“You piece of sh*t! Do you wanna die?!” His flappy cheeks jiggled while he appeared intimidating.

Andrius ignored him. He looked at Rainbow and said, “I’m Andrius, here to pick you up on behalf of Luna. Let’s go.”

Dragon was furious when Andrius ignored him. Aggrieved, he stopped Andrius and roared, “You f*cktard! Stay out of this, or I will call my men…”


Before Dragon could finish, Andrius slapped him on the face and bellowed, “Go away!”

The powerful slap sent Dragon rolling on the ground.

Both Rainbow and Garren were shocked by Andrius’ bravado.

Dragon was stunned for a moment before he got up on his feet. He stared at Andrius grudgingly and bellowed, “You piece of sh*t! Just you wait!”

He then ran further away but kept Andrius within sight. Then, he pulled his phone out to call his men here.

Andrius ignored him, but then he realized Rainbow was heading in the other direction.

It was Garren who pulled Rainbow away when Andrius slapped

Dragon away.

“Rainbow, I know of a five-star hotel here that serves one of the best meals. Let’s go have lunch,” Garren sweet-talked her as he took her away, much to Andrius’ amusement.

How dare Garren snatch Rainbow from him?

They were not playing soccer, and Rainbow was not the ball.

Andrius went up to Garren and slapped him, making his lips almost fall off.

“Why didn’t you stand up for her just now? Instead, you’re acting all macho now after the gangster is gone?”

Andrius then dragged Rainbow to his car before Garren could


Before they could get into the car, Dragon came back with his men. There were more than a dozen men behind him who looked absolutely frightening. Many of them had their hair dyed and some were dressed frivolously.

They quickly surrounded Andrius and Rainbow and stared at them with hostility.

Chapter 76

Garren wanted to reason with Andrius, but when he saw

Dragon and his men, he lost his courage. He quickly fled back to his car before Dragon could notice him. He stayed in the car and observed what would happen next.

“Punk.” Dragon stared at Andrius viciously. He grinned to show his terrible and yellowish teeth and bellowed, “We meet again so soon.”

Andrius grunted. “A good dog won’t obstruct the way.”

“You piece of sh*t! You’re making things worse for you and you’re asking for it!” Dragon was infuriated. He roared, “Get him and rip him to pieces!”

As soon as his voice subsided, his men jumped on him.

The intimidating scene shocked Rainbow.

Andrius pulled her behind him and said to her, “Stay here. Don’t move. They won’t be able to hurt you.”

He was ready for a fight, but then a unified march approached them. Andrius looked in that direction and saw a battalion of soldiers, armed with loaded guns.

Dragon’s men were stunned and petrified on the spot. Some of them tried to run.

Then, someone shouted loudly, “Everyone, freeze! Hands on your heads!”

Dragon and his men gave in immediately and squatted down, looking terrified. All their hands were placed on their heads.

The soldiers surrounded them and took the men away.

From the moment the soldiers appeared to the men being brought away, Dragon’s men did not utter a word.

The soldiers did not even look at Andrius and Rainbow.

“Let’s go.”

Andrius dragged the luggage and wanted to head into the car, but then he realized Rainbow was stunned on the spot.

She was staring at the battalion of soldiers who were leaving

the scene.

“They’re gone already. Let’s go!” Andrius called out to her. Confused, he asked, “Why are you looking at them? Are they that handsome?”

Rainbow got excited. “Of course! Don’t you think the armed soldiers are cool and handsome?”

Andrius looked in the same direction.

The soldiers might have looked intimidating, but compared to his Lycantroops at the border, they were nothing.

Then, Garren came out from his car again and went up to Rainbow. “Rainbow, did you see that? Aren’t they cool? I called them!”

“You called them?” Rainbow’s eyes were gleaming with admiration and disbelief.

“Of course!” Garren noticed he had caught Rainbow’s attention. He smiled brightly and began to boast, “I called my father’s friend in the military, who is now a general, since I thought Dragon might cause a scene. Who would have thought

that he would send a battalion of soldiers?”

Garren spoke rather convincingly.

Rainbow was captivated. “Wow! Garren, I didn’t know you are so well-connected. You didn’t even mention anything about it.”

“Hehe. I like to keep a low profile.”

“Too low, in fact!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Andrius was amused. Luna’s cousin, Rainbow, was a little too


Just when Andrius wanted to bring Rainbow to the school to report for attendance, Garren looked at his phone and then said, “It’s getting late. Since the problem is solved, why don’t we go have lunch?”

“Sure. Lead the way.”

Rainbow agreed to join him for lunch without much thought. She admired soldiers that protected the country, and when she found out Garren knew a general in the military, she was intrigued and wanted to talk to Garren about the general.

The two of them got into the Audi R8, leaving Andrius helplessly stunned on the spot. He came here to pick Rainbow up, but the girl refused to follow him.

With that, he got back into his car.

Just when he was about to leave, Noir called him. “Andy,

how’s it going? Where’s the girl?”

Annoyed, Andrius said, “I found her, but she followed someone else away.”

Chapter 77

What was going on?

Was Andrius having lunch with a general?

It seemed like the general treated him with respect and courtesy as well.

Was Rainbow mistaken?

She could not believe her eyes, so she rubbed them, but she heard Andrius saying, “Stop rubbing your eyes. You are not hallucinating.”

Rainbow looked excited and awkward at the same time. “You, me. I… You…”

“What?” Andrius pointed at Noir and introduced him, “He’s


Andrius then explained, “This is Rainbow Conery, Luna’s cousin. She’s here to study, and she seems to be a military otaku.”

“Hi! Hi! Nice to meet you!”

When Noir heard Rainbow was a military otaku, he got up and saluted her formally before he stretched his hand out for a

handshake. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Rainbow was thrilled. She shook his hand lightly because her hand was shaking.

“Join us.” Noir pulled the chair beside Andrius and signaled

Rainbow to sit down.

Rainbow was flattered. She looked at Noir excitedly, “I… Can I really sit down and have lunch with you?”

Noir nodded. “Of course. It’s just lunch.’


Then, Noir called the waiter to bring another set of cutlery.

Rainbow sat down. Everything happened so quickly, and it felt surreal.

When Garren saw what happened, he came over furtively. The general he mentioned was a bluff, but Noir was a real soldier of high ranks.

If he could get to know Noir, he would no longer need to lie or bluff to Rainbow, and he could do whatever he wanted in the future.

“Uhm…” Garren gulped. He asked cautiously, “I’m Rainbow’s classmate, Garren Greenhill. Can I join you guys…”

“Go away!” Noir bellowed before he could finish.

Noir’s voice frightened him, but he did not want to give up just yet. He looked at Noir and explained, “It’s just lunch. It’s nothing…”

“Are you deaf?”

Noir grunted. He grabbed Garren’s wrist and dragged him out of the hotel before tossing him onto the road.

The little fiasco ended with Garren out of the scene.

Rainbow enjoyed lunch with Noir and Andrius. She asked Noir a lot of questions, and as long as they were not confidential secrets, Noir answered all of them with ease.

In addition to his identity as a Lycantroop, he was eloquent. He boasted a lot about his military adventures, and the stories were endless.

Rainbow was so intoxicated that she could not stop thinking about it.

It was until both Noir and Andrius finished eating that

Rainbow regained her senses and was embarrassed by her infatuation.

When Noir went to get the bill, Rainbow hugged Andrius’ arm and asked, “Andrius, my dear brother-in-law, can I get a picture with him?”

She had heard of Andrius and Luna’s relationship.

At first, she had no good impression of this brother-in-law of hers, but after she found out he was close with Noir, she started to look at him differently and even called him brother- in-law wholeheartedly.

Andrius was shocked. He had never acknowledged the

marriage with Luna before, but since Rainbow called him brother-in-law, it would be awkward if he denied the girl’s request.

Therefore, he said, “Sure. I’ll ask him.”

After Noir came back, he saw Andrius and Rainbow chatting


He asked out of curiosity, “What are you guys talking about?”

Andrius dragged Noir by the collar and said, “Take a picture with her.”

Noir was speechless.

Had he become a mascot of some sort?

Unfortunately, he dared not and was not in a position to deny his superior’s request. With that, he allowed Rainbow to instruct him to pose for multiple pictures.

Rainbow took so many pictures to the point that even she felt embarrassed.

Noir went back to his duties with Marcus while Andrius brought Rainbow to her school.

On the way there, Rainbow went through the pictures she took with Noir and somehow teared up.

“What’s wrong, Rainbow?” Andrius asked.

“I’m fine!” Rainbow choked but she continued, “I’m just so, so happy.”

Andrius was rendered speechless. “Isn’t this a little too much?”

“Too much?! It’s not enough!” Rainbow reacted strongly.

Andrius shook his head and smiled in silence.

“You don’t understand!” Rainbow saw the nonchalant look on his face. She continued, “He’s a general, a hero that protects our country! Taking a picture with a general is precious. It is my honor!”

Andrius did not ruin her fantasy since she was so into it.

As a matter of fact, the generals were honored to have a picture with him, the Wolf King, but he would never tell


Andrius knew he was not going to stay for long. Once his fake marriage with Luna was over, it was highly unlikely that he would come back.

“Andrius, how do you know him?” Rainbow asked all of a sudden.

Andrius simply said, “We were childhood friends. He got into the military and became a general.”

“Ooh.” Rainbow’s eyes gleamed with interest. “There are still many chances for me to see him in the future, right?”

“Of course.” Andrius added, “If you want to take pictures with him again, just tell me. I’ll call him over.”

“Wow!” Rainbow squealed in excitement.

While the car was stopping in front of the traffic lights, she kissed Andrius on the cheek.

“I love you, Andrius!”

She was so quick that even Andrius failed to react and was left speechless. He was only playing Luna’s husband and was not really her spouse, yet Rainbow treated him like her real brother -in-law and kissed him.

He did not know who to complain to.

They finally reached Rainbow’s school.

“Andrius, can you do me a favor?” Rainbow got out of the car and gave Andrius a key. She pointed at the school dorm and said, “Can you help me bring the luggage to my dorm? I wanna get a boba tea.”

Rainbow then hopped towards the nearby boba tea shop, seemingly delighted.

There was a long line in front of the boba tea shop.

Andrius bitterly smiled and got to work.

Fortunately, Rainbow did not bring a lot of luggage with her: only a large backpack, two boxes, and a big handheld.

Andrius wanted to finish the task in one trip, but the big handheld was heavier than expected. The strap would break if he was not careful.

He left one box and the big handheld behind and decided to make two trips.

After he was done with the first trip, he came back to the car and saw that another Porsche had stopped beside his own.

Chapter 78

A pair of fair and long legs stepped out of the car.

The woman then walked over to Andrius with a soft smile. It was Suletta, the granddaughter of the old man that Andrius. had saved the other day.

The old man was Anthony Henderson, the richest man in Sumeria.

When Suletta saw Andrius doing laborious work and moving luggage around, she was shocked.

“Mr. Moonshade, thank you for saving my grandfather yesterday. If not for you, my grandfather might not have made it.”

Andrius recognized her, but since he was in the middle of moving Rainbow’s luggage, he simply hummed a reply and did not extend the conversation.

“Mr. Moonshade, you’ve done our family a great deed by saving my grandfather! Tell me how we should reward you.” Suletta somehow looked proud when she made the offer.

Whatever Andrius requested, the Hendersons could make it happen.

Andrius said, “It’s a doctor’s duty to save people. If you really want to thank me, a simple ‘thank you’ is more than enough.”

Sulette found it amusing. She was born into a wealthy family, and money was God to her. She believed that money had the power to move everything in the world. A doctor’s duty was nothing but an excuse.

He did not have time for the granddaughter of some rich man in a city.

“Do you know her?” Rainbow asked. “What does she want with you?”

She was standing further away and did not hear the conversation between Suletta and Andrius.

Andrius simply said, “She wanted to give me five billion, but I said no.”


Rainbow spat her boba tea out.

Fortunately, Andrius dodged it quickly, or else he would have been sprayed with saliva and boba.

“Andrius, you certainly are a brag!” Rainbow said with disdain.

Andrius did not bother to explain either.

After Suletta got into her car, she contacted her secretary, Bella Cornstacy.

“Bella, what did Mr. Moonshade mean?”

“Ms. Suletta, isn’t that obvious?” Bella wore a disdainful look. “Andrius Moonshade is super duper greedy! He thought that by saving Master Henderson, he can go overboard. He’s trying to get more from us. This is extortion!”

Suletta agreed.

She believed that Andrius knew who she was and that with the

Chapter 79

Hendersons’ resources, she could easily locate him, hence him leaving yesterday without claiming credit.

He was trying to erect a good image and impression for himself. Fame and fortune were nothing after he had done his duty, or at least, that was what he wanted others to think of him.

With that, Suletta felt disgusted by Andrius’ greed. She ridiculed, “I thought he’s someone virtuous, but it’s just an act. He’s trying to play tough with me. What a joke!”

A while later, her car entered a massive estate named River Helm. It indicated that the family could helm the source of a river and control its own wealth by doing business near the

water source.

“Suletta, what did Mr. Moonshade say? I see he is a humble man and a gentleman. He looks like someone who can achieve big things. I believe you two must have had a great chat,” Anthony asked.

“Grandfather, you’ve fallen for his tricks.” Suletta said in disdain, “Andrius Moonshade is not a good man.”

“Huh?” Anthony raised his brows. “How so?”

“Grandfather, you have no idea what just happened.” Suletta sighed and told her grandfather what happened, “I offered him a hundred million, but he said that I can just thank him for his deed.

“So, in order to show my sincerity, I gave him a card loaded with a billion, but he rejected it as well. Then, I increased the offer all the way up to five billion, and he still didn’t want to take it. He’s there doing the job of a bellboy! A laborer turning

down five billion just to move things around, do you even think it is possible, Grandfather?”

A laborer rejecting the temptation of five billion?

It felt and sounded impossible.

That was, unless he was asking for more.

“I think he’s playing tough to get. He knows we can find him easily. That’s why he left in a hurry yesterday.” Suletta

continued to grumble, “When I got to him just now, he was being over-demanding and decided to show his true colors. How disgusting!”

Anthony’s eyes flickered. He sighed and ridiculed, “I’m old. I mistook him for someone virtuous. There are people who chase after different things, not just fame and wealth, and they all do it in different ways. Andrius Moonshade is one of them.”

Then, Anthony shook his head. “Suletta, settle this as soon as possible. Otherwise, he might take advantage of us after saving my life, and he will come back for more. We will be in a moral low ground, and he will be a persistent problem for us.”

Anthony had seen many leeches in his life. Those leeches. relied on the good deeds they performed and sucked their benefactors dry.

The best way to deal with leeches would be to remove them. from the skin as soon as possible.

“Alright, Grandfather. I will deal with it as soon as possible,” Suletta said as she agreed with her grandfather.

Chapter 80

Andrius had no idea that his ‘image’ was heavily distorted by a delusional girl in less than an hour.

He was helping Rainbow settle down in her dorm.

Despite the few pieces of luggage Rainbow brought with her, she unpacked into an entire house. The bags she brought could hold more things than his military backpack.

In addition to the somewhat isolated dorm, he helped with cleaning and laying out her things.

He almost cleaned the entire place just for Rainbow. When he was done with everything, it was already evening.

It had been a full day since he left Dream’s Waterfront at 7 a.m.

How did he spend his day like this?

Back when he was at war, he could lead the charge to the enemy’s base in just a morning.

In other words, it was more terrifying and exhausting to be with a woman than to kill enemies on the battlefield.

“Andrius, do you need some rest?”

Rainbow barely did anything, thus she felt embarrassed. She pointed at the boba tea on the table. “The boba tea I got you is getting warm. Why don’t you drink it first?”

Andrius had no time to drink tea. He continued cleaning and working around the dorm and finally settled everything before the moon rose.

Rainbow suggested, “Um… since you helped me with everything, I’ll buy you dinner! Let’s go get something good!”

Before Andrius could say yes, he got a phone call.

He pulled his phone out and saw Dr. Artemis’ name.

Andrius went to the side to answer the phone.

“Young man, are you free? Do you want to have dinner?” Dr. Artemis said with a laugh.

Andrius glanced at Rainbow and decided to go to dinner with Dr. Artemis instead. “Of course.”

Rainbow was a young adult who loved sweets and boba tea which did not match Andrius’ taste buds.

“Alright. It’s settled then.” Dr. Artemis was happy that Andrius answered his invitation. “I’ll tell Lyra to pick you up. Where are you now?”

“I’m around the university area.”

On second thought, he decided to give a more precise location, “Tell her to wait for me at the traffic light in front of Sumeria University’s main gate.”

“Not a problem.”

The call ended.

Rainbow went up to him and asked, “Andrius, are you having dinner with me?”

“Uh…” Andrius quickly came up with an excuse and said, “You can treat me to dinner when you know how to earn money. I’ll pass this time. I still have something to do, so I have to go


Then, before Rainbow could say a word, he left towards the main campus gate.

Rainbow had a feeling Andrius was hiding something, and things were not as simple as they looked.

After Andrius left her dorm room, she came out, locked the door, and decided to trail him secretly. She wanted to know who Andrius was meeting.

Little did she know, Andrius already knew that she was

following him the moment she came out. Rainbow was not a good spy given her poor stealth technique. He was unfazed and did not bother to explain either. He simply ignored the girl and waited for Lyra by the traffic light.

A while later, a pink Mini Cooper stopped next to Andrius.

The window wound down, and it was Lyra.

“Mr. Doctor, come in!”

Andrius got into the passenger’s seat.

Rainbow saw him getting into the pink Mini Cooper. She was confused why her brother-in-law would get into some other woman’s car.

She did not remember her cousin, Luna, driving a pink Mini Cooper, and there was no way a man would drive a pink car, or at least, not in her assumption.

Who could the woman be?

Rainbow’s head was filled with multiple questions.

Lyra drove back to Artemis’ Clinic, parked her car, and went down; Andrius followed her.

Suddenly, an old street lamp, due to poor maintenance over the years, fell down, crashing toward Lyra’s head.

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