My eyes search the horizon for a sign, anything that tells me they’re okay.

It’s been a week since Austin left and saying that I wasn’t worried would be an outright lie. Not a second goes by that I don’t think about those pools of emerald and the cranky Crown they belong to.

Is he okay? Is he coming back?

Giggles in the distance have me pulling away from the window. Both kids are with Mom in the kitchen and I’m about to give up and join them when a cloud of dust in the distance catches my eye. Could it be?

Without thinking, I step outside, not even bothering with putting on shoes. It’s early morning and the road leading up to the house is thick with fog, obstructing my vision.

It’s not until the vehicle gets closer that I see that it’s a black SUV, but not one I’ve seen any of the brothers drive. Feeling my brows push together, I stare on and hope that it’s not bad news.

Walking out further, I let the dirt and rocks dig up into the soles of my feet. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the SUV stops in front of the house.

But as the dark head of hair becomes visible, all blood drains from my body. Ray. He’s here.

Stupid girl. I knew it was only a matter of time.

I take a stumbling step back, needing more space from the asshole in front of me.

“Anaya.” His voice, one I once thought brought comfort, now brings nothing but pain.

“What are you doing here, Ray? Don’t you have some home-wrecker to be with?”

“Stop, Anaya. That was a mistake. She meant nothing to me.” He steps closer, despite my retreating form. Can’t he see I don’t want him anywhere near me? “Why don’t we go inside and talk. Something we should’ve done a long time ago.”

“No! Stay back, Ray. I mean it. I’m not ready to talk to you. Didn’t you get the hint? I ran as far away from you as possible. Even turned off my phone so I didn’t have to deal with your cheating ass.” He’s advancing even as I get closer to the front door. “Stop, Ray. I’m not ready to talk. You need to give me more time.”

“Time?” Ray sneers, his face contorting into one of disgust. “I’ve given you plenty of time. You need to get over it and come home.” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He’s on me now, a breath away when his hands clamp down on my biceps, his fingers squeezing to where I know they’ll bruise.

I know I should probably be scared, but right now all I feel is a blinding rage.

A cackle born from fury and sarcasm erupts from deep within me as he holds me. “Home? You’re not my home. You’re nothing but a mistake. And if you don’t want to give me time, then I’ll tell you right here and now. I want a divorce, and I never want to see you again.”

“Shut up. Shut that stupid mouth. You have no idea what you’re talking about, Anaya. You are mine. You promised to be mine the day you married me and that’s the way it’s going to stay until the day you die.” His fingers dig in even deeper with that last word, something dark crossing over his face like the promise of the devil hidden inside.

Rearing my head back, I spit in his face. “I’d rather die than go back with you.”

His face twists into something unrecognizable and I think he’s about to strike me when the loud cocking of a shotgun reverberates behind us. “Ray. Take a step away from my daughter and get your ass back in your car. Don’t come back here. Ever. Or I won’t hesitate to put a hole into that empty head of yours, you hear?”

“Momma Mary.” Ray drops his hold, raising both palms toward my mom, but she isn’t having any of it.

“Don’t you ‘Momma Mary’ me. You lost that right when you dipped your wick in another woman. Now do as I say or find out how good of a shot I am.” Mom raises a brow, still aiming the shotgun at Ray.

Seeing she’s not letting up, he gives her a small nod before turning to me while walking backward toward his car. “Anaya, this isn’t over. I’m not giving up on us. I promise I’ll make things right. I’ll show you where you belong.”

His words are meant to be sweet, but they bring me nothing but uncomfortable terror. Like some ominous cloud hanging over me.

I want nothing to do with him, and this encounter has made it all that much clearer. He was the biggest mistake of my life; one I have to rectify immediately. I make a mental note to get divorce papers filed ASAP.

As soon as he’s back in his SUV I let out a breath of relief, finally letting myself go up onto the porch with Mom.

“Where are the kids?” I whisper as we both watch the taillights disappear into the morning fog.

“I told them to lock themselves in the study and call for the ranch hand.” Mom is finally lowering the shotgun when another set of headlights approaches the house. A ball of lead forms in my stomach, thinking Ray changed his mind and is coming back. It’s not until the car reaches the big clearing that I see the familiar outline of the SUV and let out a breath of relief.

“They’re home!” I squeal, rushing to open the door. “I’ll go get the kids. I know they won’t want to miss the homecoming.”

“Anaya,” Mom calls from the porch. “Give us a minute to make sure everything’s okay.”

Her words have me slowing my run. Oh my god. I didn’t even think of the possibility that not everyone would be returning.

Turning back toward Mom, I nod. “Okay. I’ll go wait with the kids. You can get us when you know everyone is okay.”

“Breathe, Anaya. Everything is going to be okay.”

I roll in my lips and attempt a closed-mouth smile, though it’s forced. These kids have been through so much. I just pray that today is another happy memory instead of a tragic one.

I’M in the study with both kids when there’s a knock at the door. With a lump in my throat, I crack it open and peer out. This is it. The moment of truth. Mom is standing there with a huge smile on her face, making my body release all the tension it’d been holding onto.

Finally, turning toward the children, I let them in on the good news. “Daddy’s home.”

Before I’ve finished the sentence, they’re zooming past me and heading into the hallway.

My cheeks hurt from how hard I’m smiling as I turn to face Mom, wanting to give the kids a little space so they can reconnect with their dad and their sister. “Did you see them?”

“I did. Penelope is glowing despite the recent events and all the boys look good and healthy.”

I’d been chewing on my bottom lip, but at her confirmation I let it go, releasing the poor battered flesh that’s probably blood red at this point. “Thank god. I don’t know what I would’ve done had they not all returned.”

I say all, but one set of deep emerald eyes flitter before my mind’s eye.

“Come. Let’s go join them. I’m not sure if Austin or Penelope will be ready to entertain the children just yet.” Mom weaves her arm through mine, walking me out into the hallway and toward the homecoming.

As soon as we reach the foyer, I see her, Penelope. She’s stunning. With long brown hair and big hazel eyes that are now full of so much love as she hugs her brother and sister.

“Careful,” Jack’s voice cuts into the moment, his hands steadying Penelope. “Your sister is carrying precious cargo.”

My eyes go wide at his statement… is she pregnant? I shoot a look to Mom whose eyes are just as big as mine. I guess this is news to her too.

Just then Jack’s step-niece looks back at him, staring death darts straight at him. Interesting.

“Cargo?” Alex cuts into the staring match, making Penelope’s facial expression falter.

She lowers herself down to Alex, whispering, “It’s a secret I’ll tell you about later. For now, how about you give me a great big hug? I’ve missed you two so much.”

“We missed you too, Pen.” Both kids are tearing up now, sniffling as they squeeze their sister.

“Shhh. Dry those eyes. Everything is going to be okay.” Her eyes come up over their head, landing on a black SUV just outside the window. “Look who’s here.”

“Dad!” Both kids beeline it to the door and I take it as my cue to step out of the shadows and finally introduce myself to the newest arrival.

Jack speaks up before I can say anything. “Pen, this is Mary’s daughter, Anaya. She’s been helping with the kids while we handled things in Mexico.”

Penelope’s expression shifts from one of apprehension to one of gratitude in a matter of seconds. She extends her hand to me, a soft smile playing on her lips. “So nice to meet you, Anaya. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done. I honestly couldn’t thank you enough.”

My cheeks heat at her words. The kids adore Penelope, and her acceptance means the world to me. “No worries, miss. It’s been a pleasure. Those two have the biggest heart.”

“I’m glad you like your job because I’ll be asking you to stay on. Austin will be staying here at the ranch while he undergoes therapy and once finished, he’ll be helping take over the business.” Jack speaks beside Penelope, his words making me freeze in place.

My head is a jumbled mess, unsure if this is what I should be doing. I thought that this was a temporary job. A favor until Penelope was home and able to care for the kids.

I’m lost in thoughts when Austin walks in with the children, his eyes landing on mine and changing from a serene green to a murky emerald. “Anaya. Hello.”

His words come out choppy and forced, like he had to have a cattle prod to his ass in order to say them. Great. He still hates me. Sir. Welcome home.”

Austin clears his throat, uncomfortable with the words I used to address him. Over the past month, I’ve realized his aversion to terms of dominance such as master, sir, or my favorite—Daddy. He becomes flustered every time, but that last one puts him in a special kind of tizzy. So of course, I use it to make him turn red, irritating him whenever I can.

Heat washes over me at the memory of the last time I called him Daddy. Yes, he was bothered. But if I were being honest with myself, so was I.

It stirred something deep inside me. Something I’m not really sure I’m ready to acknowledge.

Oblivious to my inner monolog, Austin turns toward Amanda and Alex. “Kids, why don’t you show me what you’ve been up to while I’ve been away?”

Amanda hops up and down while Alex’s face splits into a wide grin. “Yes, dad. You have to see the model airplane I’ve been working on with Anaya.”

“And my dolly. I cut her hair and made her all pretty.” Amanda squeals, not wanting to be left behind.

With both kids in hand and a wide smile, Austin heads out of the foyer. “I’ll see y’all for dinner. I’m off to spend some time with my kids.”

My heart squeezes at his words. God knows what this man has been through this past week yet here he is, not wasting a second of time without his children. Despite his being an asshole boss, he’s an amazing father and my heart soars for the kids. They deserve it. They deserve to have someone making them a priority.

I’m still staring off at Austin’s retreating frame when I hear a slap.

“Don’t touch me.” Penelope hisses at Jack, drawing my eyes to the pair who are still lingering by the door.

“What are you talking about? I touched you in Mexico, in front of a freaking cartel boss, risking my life by showing his only heir affection. And now? Now you deny me a simple touch?”

My eyes are widening at what’s transpiring before me. It’s clearly a private moment that has me feeling like an interloper.

Mom must have the same thought because I feel her hand in mine, dragging me away from the two and toward the kitchen.

Well, she can drag me as far away as she wants, but she can bet her favorite china that once we get there, I’m grilling her about this. There’s no way I’m being left out of the loop.

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