“Sooo… what was that all about?” I start prying as soon as I’m through the kitchen threshold, not giving her a second to forget what we just witnessed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Anaya.” Mom walks toward her home office, hidden right through the pantry. It’s a convenient location which gives her privacy and allows her to stay near her favorite room in the house—the kitchen.

This is her domain, but even here she can’t hide from me. I follow her through the ample butler’s pantry and through the secret sliding door. “Oh, no. You’re not running away from this.”

At this, she turns. “I’m not running, Anaya. That’s the private family business of Mr. Crown and Pen.”

I purse my lips and give her side-eye. “If Mr. Crown wants me to stay on, I need to know what’s going on between him and his step-niece. Either that or I walk. I can’t blindly care for kids, not anticipating what type of support they might need in the event of more drama. Besides, Penelope is home, and I was only supposed to stay on until she returned.”

I’m totally bluffing. There’s no way I would abandon the kids, but I’m nosy as hell, so I’m banking on my mom not knowing that. She’s always been able to read me, but after this morning’s dramatic events, I’m hoping she thinks I’ve had my share of drama to last me all year.

“Anaya, that isn’t fair to the children. They need you.”

“Life isn’t fair, and you know that.” I’m staring straight at her, unflinching, praying she buys what I’m selling—even if it makes me seem coldhearted. Truth be told, this is more than just my being nosy. It involves the children too. I need to know how to tread around the situation and if I need to prepare them for more of a shift in their surrounding relationships.

I see her wall crumble as she plops down into her chair. “Fine. But not a word of this gets out. Especially to the children. This is their family business and I’m only telling you in the event the kids don’t take the news well. This way, you’re not blindsided and don’t know what to say or do.”

She’s raising a brow, waiting for me to agree. Of course, I do. I’m no snitch and I’m definitely no gossip. “Yes, Mom. You have my word.”

“I noticed the spark between Pen and Jack as soon as she arrived at the ranch. But it wasn’t until I’d caught her on Jack’s lap, practically grinding on him, that I realized there was something more going on.”

My mouth is hanging wide open. What in the world? “But she’s seventeen, isn’t she? And his niece?!”

“Technically, she’s not anymore since her mother passed away and she never was blood related to Jack since Austin was her stepfather. As for the age, yes. She was seventeen when I caught them in a compromising position, but she’s since turned eighteen. Unfortunately, she spent her birthday while down in Mexico.” She powers up her computer, turning away from me. “Which reminds me, we need to rectify that and you’re helping me plan her a proper birthday party.”

I’m still floored by all of this information when something else hits me… “Wait, so if she’s with Jack, then… the baby? Is it his?”

A whoosh of air escapes Mom’s lips. “Christ. I hadn’t thought of that. I was too wrapped up in the homecoming.”

I’m nodding at her, my fingertips pressed to my lips as my eyes go wide as saucers. “Does Austin know any of this?”

Mom shakes her head. “This I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Austin yourself.”

I’m nodding when a voice I know all too well speaks from behind me. “Ask me what?”

Shit. How much did he hear?

Amanda and Alex come to either side of me, pressing themselves into me with hugs. “Anaya, can you help us get our puzzle from your room? Dad wouldn’t let us go in there without your permission.”

I turn and see his narrowed eyes and frown. Why is he upset?

“Should I be questioning why the kids were working on a puzzle in your room?”

Wow. Just wow. What exactly is he accusing me of?

I rear my head back, eyes blinking in disbelief. “For your information, it was a puzzle I was working on myself. One night the kids came in, restless and unable to sleep.” I glare at him, willing him to know that he was the reason they couldn’t sleep. “So I suggested we work on my puzzle. It’s been the perfect remedy for insomnia.”

Austin’s eyes soften, though he doesn’t reply. He just stares. And stares. Finally giving up on an apology for his assumptions, I take both kids in hand. “How about we go see if we can find cardboard or something similar to put under the puzzle. Maybe that way we can move it into the game room so your daddy can help with it, too.”

Both kids smile up at me, eager to help with the task. And with a nod and a smile back at Mom, I head out of the room, leaving the cranky Crown behind.


That woman drives me fucking insane.

I knew there was no nefarious reason behind the puzzle being in her room, but did that stop me from asking and accusing her of something?

No. It sure as hell didn’t.

I’m rubbing a hand over my face and letting out a breath when I see it. What the hell?

“Mary, why is a shotgun on your desk?” I pick it up and open the barrel. Loaded. “Let me rephrase… why is a loaded shotgun on your desk?”

Her face heats, and just then our ranch hand enters. “Ma’am, you called?”

Mary looks even more flustered now, something I rarely see. “It’s no worry, Sam. I’ve handled the matter, though I’d appreciate it if you’d be a little quicker next time.”

Sam tips his hat. “Sorry, ma’am. We had a situation with a birthing cow. The vet had me step in and my hands were a little occupied.”

She nods, dismissing him. But I’m not done with either of them. “Sam, please stay. Mary, why did you call the ranch hand? Would it have anything to do with the shotgun on your desk?”

Mary’s cheeks flush red as she nods. “We had a situation at the front of the house, but I took care of it.”

Sam makes a noise of distress at Mary’s words. “I’m so sorry. I would’ve dropped everything had I known.”

I address Sam without taking my eyes off Mary. “Please be sure to treat every request from Mary as an emergency. We’ve had a rough couple of months, and we can’t take any chances.”

“Yes, sir.”

Deciding now is as good a time as any to call an all-hands meeting, I turn toward Sam and clap a hand on his shoulder. “I need you to round up all the men. Tell them to meet Jack and me in his office in about an hour.”

Sam nods, his eyes apologetic. But I don’t want apologies. I want actions, and after our meeting I’ll make sure everyone is on the same page.

As soon as Sam has cleared the office door, I lay into Mary. “I need you to tell me everything. How many? What did they look like? Did they have any distinguishing tattoos? Did they say what they wanted?”

Mary presses herself further back into her seat. “Austin, please.” She’s pressing her hand to her chest, clearly overwhelmed with everything I just laid on her.

“I’m sorry, Mary, but I need to know. Our family has made enemies with one of the most notorious cartels in Mexico. In order to keep us safe, I need you to tell me every last detail.”

She blows out a breath before covering her face with her hands. “It wasn’t a cartel.”

My brows drop and pull together. “How could you be so sure? Is that what they told you?”

She clears her throat while straightening her already immaculate dress. “I know, because it was Anaya’s husband.”

My entire body clenches at her words, a fire lighting somewhere in my chest as I process what she just said. “Excuse me?”

“Yes. But it’s okay. He won’t be coming back anymore.” She still isn’t looking at me, her hands clamped together on her lap.

“Is that so? Can I ask why your daughter’s husband was welcomed with a shotgun instead of a hug? Last I checked, that’s not a typical greeting for someone you’re married to?” I feel my cheek jump with the restraint I’m having to show.

So many questions are running through my mind. Did he hurt her? Is that why she left? Is she running away? Away from him?

“The details are not mine to tell, Austin. But since you are the ranch owner’s brother, I’ll tell you that he will no longer be coming around. Anything else needs to be learned from Anaya herself.”

This makes my blood boil for more reasons than one, and I really try to rein myself in, but I feel myself explode before I can properly temper my emotions. “Mary, I really do care and respect you. That’s why I’m going to let you in on a secret. This ranch is as good as mine. Jack is taking on family business and the ranch will be in my care. Every single person on here is under my protection. Including the nanny. So, when I ask you something, I expect you to answer.”

She’s clenching her jaw now, eyes shooting daggers into mine. I see where Anaya gets her fire. “I understand, Mr. Crown. But what happens between Anaya and her husband is still her business, and none of yours.”

My ire hits new levels, and the cheek jumping turns into eye twitching.

Thoughts of Anaya in the arms of another man, a man who was terrifying enough to merit a damn gun, sends nothing but homicidal rage running through me.

“Clearly she was in some sort of danger.” I wave at the shotgun still on display. “That means my children were in danger too. Everyone here on the ranch was in danger. Damn it, Mary. I deserve to know what in the hell happened.”

Her audible swallow fills the room before she gives me the same answer as before. “I understand, but it’s still not my place. This is a conversation you need to have with Anaya.” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I feel the corner of my mouth turn up as the anger ebbs with the realization of what she is. “You’re loyal, Mary. Something I value and the only reason I’m allowing your insubordination.”

She nods, her features softening with my reprimand laced with praise. “Loyalty is everything, sir.”

An involuntary shudder hits me, and not the good kind. “Please, just call me Austin.”

There’s only one woman in this home that can get away with calling me sir, and it definitely isn’t Mary.

“Yes, Austin.” She raises a knowing brow, and I wonder if she can read my thoughts.

Doesn’t matter. It won’t deter me from finding out what in the hell happened here. “I’m going in search of your daughter, and I better get answers.”

“Please.” Mary’s face scrunches. “Be gentle. She’s been through a lot.”

I make a non-committal sound, unwilling to promise something I’m not sure I can deliver. The things I’m feeling are anything but gentle as my mind races with all the scenarios that asshole of a husband put her through, each new scene renewing my ire. I’m about to walk out when I remember, “Please put that back in its safe. We don’t want the kids getting a hold of it.”

“Definitely.” Mary gets up, picking up the firearm before walking it over to her closet.

“Oh, and Mary. If you’re ever faced with an unwanted intruder, call me. Night or day. I’ll be there.”

She smiles at me then, the skin around her eyes crinkling. “I will, Austin. Promise.”

Her assurance brings me little comfort and I know I won’t rest easy until I get the full story from Anaya.

With each step toward my nanny, my fury reaches new heights, sending my breathing into a rapid-fire staccato. This man needs to go, but I can’t quash a threat I don’t know about, and I intend to know every single thing about Anaya’s other half. Starting with his intention.

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