“Why don’t you get undressed and get into bed?” Lifting her face up so that she had to look at him he kissed her.

She stood, removed her clothes and got under the covers. “Aren’t you coming to bed?” she asked when she saw him going and sitting by the window.

“I will soon, I just need to sit here and think for a while.”

“Ok,” she answered, closing her eyes.

Zane sat looking out the window, his gun laid in his lap. The only sound in the room was of her breathing as she slept. He kept going over in his mind about what happened to the cottage, he knew in his gut it wasn’t an accident. One thing for sure Joe had nothing to do with it. Until recently he hadn’t heard of Jade. Now Reggie and Kenny were a different case altogether. He didn’t trust either one of them, and what about her ex Trevor?

It was late so he got up and taking off his clothes got into bed, his gun was placed on the nightstand next to him. Though she was still asleep he put his arms around her and pulled her close to him without waking her.

The light was just starting to shine through the window when he woke up to Jade with her back to him, his arm around her. He really didn’t plan on making love to her that morning, not after what happened. But damn, she had her ass pressed right up against him, his cock grew hard and poking her she woke up and moaned.

“Oh my, someone’s horny,” she moaned softly. Wiggling her bum which caused him to become more aroused.

He kissed the back of her neck, his hand moved to her breast and down over her curves. “Damn, you smell and feel so fucken good. If you want me to stop I’ll understand but you’ll have to tell me now. I won’t be able to stop once I start.”

“I’m not stopping you,” she said, her hand going to the back of his head when he kissed her neck. His erection was hard, pressing against her. His hands and mouth were doing things that had her squirming frantically. He had her body throbbing and on fire, only he had that power over her and she liked it.

He pulled off her panties and rolled her over onto her back, his mouth moved over her in a rush to devour every inch, every curve.

“Zane wait. Do you have something to put on?”

Lowering his head he growled. The condoms were back at the cottage and now destroyed, and he was horny as hell. “No,” he muttered.

“I’m sorry Zane, you know my rule. No glove, no love.” She was just as disappointed as he was but she refused to have sex without using them. Only when she found the man she would marry and spend her life with would she have sex without condoms.

Still, on top, he kissed her. “I need to go take a cold shower then, a very cold shower.”

She covered her mouth to stop from laughing when he leaped out of bed, his boner showing as he hurried into the bathroom. Getting out of bed she got dressed, even thought about throwing caution to the wind and jumping into the shower with him. No, she couldn’t, wouldn’t.

Drying off he put his pants on he entered the other room and stopped when she walked in from outside carrying two foam cups of coffee and a bag. “Where were you?” he snapped.

Jade was shocked at his tone. “I went and got us something to eat. What the hell is your problem?”

“Christ Jade, you shouldn’t have gone out alone. How am I going to protect you if you keep running out?”

“I only went to the motel’s snack shop.” She sat down the coffee and threw the bag of bagels on the table. I will not be talked to in this way.”

Trapping her between him and the table so she couldn’t walk away. “I’m sorry, but you can’t go wandering off without me.” Grabbing a fistful of her hair pushed her head towards his face and kissed her hard. He knew his kiss would make her anger disappear, and he was right, she put her arms around him and kissed him back.

The kiss turned more passionate and might have developed into more if it weren’t for a knock at the door. “Damn it,” he cursed out loud and releasing her went to see who was at the door. It was housekeeping, but he told the woman to come back after they were gone. It was just as well, things were about to get really hot. So they had their breakfast and headed back to the city and to Jade’s home.

He drove while she slept. He didn’t mind, she had been through so much and was mentally and physically exhausted. He did stop halfway to get gas and went to the store to pick up a couple of cold drinks and yes, some condoms. He didn’t want to be caught short again.

“We’re here,” Zane said, giving her a light shake.

She sat up straight, rubbing her eyes. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t much company for you.”

“That’s ok, there’s a cold drink in there if you’re thirsty.”

“Oh yes thank you.” Opening the bag took out the bottle of water. Looking in the bag and seeing the box of condoms she raised an eyebrow at him. “A little sure of yourself aren’t you?”

Smiling at her he shrugged his shoulders.

Once inside her apartment, he laid the bag down and followed her into the kitchen where she started a pot of coffee and asked if he were hungry. When saying yes she started preparing some scrambled eggs and toast and they sat down to eat.

Hearing a knock at the door he offered to answer it, finding his partner Joe.

“You’re back, good,” he said and walked in. “Where is Miss Edwards?”

“In the kitchen,” Zane replied. “What’s up?”

“I heard what happened at the cottage, thank God you’re both ok. Any idea what happened?”

“I don’t know for sure yet, it’s being investigated. But it’s weird though how it could just catch on fire the way it did. I have a feeling it was done on purpose but I’ll have to wait to find out for sure. So why are you here?”

“I found out some information about this Kenny guy.”

“Like what?”

“Well, his real name is Howard Crain. He was placed in a mental hospital at the age of sixteen, along with the physical problems he also has some serious mental ones. He became obsessed with a girl in his high school class. One day he kidnapped her and kept her locked up in an old abandoned warehouse. She was held captive for two months before she was found.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“My God,” Zane gasped. “Did he rape her?”

“No. He told the police he was in love with her, that she was pure and only wanted to make sure she stayed that way. He thought she would eventually fall in love with him and they would live happily ever after. He escaped a few years ago and was never heard from since so he was presumed dead and the cops stopped looking for him.”

“Where is he now?” Zane barked, his throat felt dry.

“We came here to talk to him but can’t find him. No one has seen him in the last two days. I have men going to his room downstairs as we speak.”

“Have you got his home address?”

“That’s just it, there isn’t one so I have no idea where he’s living.”

“I suspected him of being crazy but not the killer type,” Zane said. Getting up he paced back and forth. “He’s out there somewhere just waiting to get to Jade.” He turned to look at Joe. “Do you think he’s smart enough to rig the cottage to make it blow up?”

“Anything’s possible.”

Just then Joe’s phone rang and he answered it, listened for a minute and then barked out some orders. “Don’t touch anything, we’ll be right there.” Hanging up he got to his feet and looked at Zane. “They found something in the janitor’s closet, let’s go check it out. I'll have a man stand guard outside Jade's door."

“Just give me a minute to tell Jade where I’m going.” He turned and went into the kitchen where she was putting the dishes away.

“Who’s at the door,” she asked when she saw him enter.

Taking her hand he led her over to a chair and had her sit down. Squatting in front of her he told her everything Joe had told him.

“I can’t believe it’s Kenny or whoever he is, he was always so sweet. Are you sure there’s not a mistake? Maybe he’s not this man Howard.”

“There’s no mistake and the police can’t find him but right now they are downstairs. Joe and I have to go see what they’ve found. I want you to lock the door behind me and don’t open it for anyone.”

She shivered and crossed her arms. “You think he’s coming for me don’t you?”

“Yes.” He reached up and stroked her cheek, his heart was being torn in half when he saw the haunted look in her eyes and knew she was scared to death.

Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m scared Zane, for the first time I’m really scared. Don’t leave me, stay.”

“I’ll be right downstairs and I’ll have an officer stand right outside your door till I get back. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Pulling her to her feet he kissed her, holding her tight against him. “Walk me to the door and lock it after I leave.” He held her hand as they walked into the other room where Joe was waiting impatiently for him.

Joe noticed them holding hands and knew Zane had crossed the line and was probably sleeping with her. “Miss Edwards, I assume Zane told you everything.”

She nodded.

“I want you to know we are doing everything possible to find Kenny/ Howard. Let’s go, Zane.”

He turned to Jade. “Will you be ok?”

“Yes. I’m going to shower and change my clothes. I’ve been wearing them since yesterday.” She handed him her key. “Let yourself in.”

He didn’t care if Joe was watching when he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.

“What?” he asked Joe when they got into the elevator.

“You’re sleeping with her.”

“What we do is our business,” Zane answered.

“Damn it, man, you know better than that. I suggest you stop doing what you’re doing before you get yourself in a whole lot of trouble. If the chief finds out he’ll take you off this case.”

Zane turned to him. “He’s not going to find out and you’re not going to tell him.”

“Calm down pal. Of course, I’m not going to say anything, but watch your step around others. So why her? You can have any woman you want.”

Zane leaned against the wall of the elevator. “I don’t know. She’s different somehow, real, not fake. I like her, a lot.”

“Are you falling in love?”

He looked at Joe. “I’m not sure, all I know is how I feel when I’m with her. My stomach is in knots, I feel all nervous and I sweat. I haven’t even thought of other women.”

“Yup, you are falling hard my friend. But how does she feel about you?”

“I know she’s attracted to me. But she has reminded me that we are only having fun with no strings attached.”

They reached the janitor’s closet where the police were and opened a secret door that was hidden behind some cabinets. Zane and Joe were the first ones to walk in, their eyes went wide as they stared around the small room.

“Oh my God.” Both Zane and Joe said at the same time.

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