Zane stared at all the pictures of Jade taped to the walls, every wall was covered with her in every outfit, every pose she had done. There were even pictures of her taken with a camera, walking to and from the building. Some of her when she entered her apartment and others when she was going in and out of stores as she shopped. A pile of magazines was on the table that had her pictures on the cover, the pics inside were cut out.

“Look at this one Zane. Is that blood?” Joe asked, pointing to one picture that had been blown up and on her lips was what appeared to be blood.

“Fuck,” Zane swore. “This man is really sick. That is blood, but whose?” He looked at the other pictures, at least there weren’t any ones of her in the nude. “We have to find this prick.” He may be obsessed with her but I don’t get the feeling he’s a killer.”

Rooting through some drawers they found a woman’s bra and panties. “Could these belong to Miss Edwards?” Joe asked.

“My guess is yes, but how did he get them?” Zane said, feeling his anger rising.

“Guys, you’re going to want to see this.” One of the officers turned on the computer that sat on the small desk in the room.

Both Zane and Joe walked over, looking over the man’s shoulder. As they looked at the screen and the officer clicked on a button a picture of Jade’s living room showed. He clicked on a different button and there was her kitchen.

“The son of a bitch has planted cameras inside her apartment.

They then saw her bedroom and when it went to the bathroom they saw Jade getting out of the shower.

“Turn it off,” Zane yelled loudly into the officer’s ear.

“Why? It’s just getting good.”

“I said turn the fucking thing off.” He reached over and ripped the cord from its socket, the screen went dead.

The cocky officer stood up, facing Zane. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

“Have some respect,” Zane snapped.

“You would have done the same thing. What are you fucking her Warner? Is that why you’re so touchy? I wouldn’t mind a piece of that myself.”

In a fit of wild rage, Zane pinned the officer up against the wall, his forearm over his neck, making him gag. “You shut that fucking mouth of yours.”

“Zane, stop,” Joe said as he pulled him off the other man. He shoved the younger officer. “Get out of here, you’re off this case.”

“That dirty pig, did you see the way he was staring at her.” It made him sick to his stomach the way he was watching her and seeing as much of her as he had.

“I know Zane, he was way out of line. I’ll have all this bagged and taken in, maybe there’s a clue in there as to where this Howard is.”

Zane ran his hand over his face. “She’s going to be devastated when she finds out. Send someone over to find and remove all the cameras. I better go back and tell her. Thanks, Joe. Keep me up to speed on what they find, it wouldn’t hurt to have extra security around here in case he comes after her.”

“Yeah, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. You go now and I’ll finish up here.”

He was still fuming when he let himself into her apartment. He didn’t have a problem with men seeing her in just underwear, it was her job after all. But for that young pervert to see her naked made his blood boil and he wanted to smash his face in.

“You’re back, did you find anything?” she asked, walking over to him. “What is it? You look really angry.”

His teeth grazed his bottom lip, he looked into her beautiful hazel eyes. He wanted to keep it from her knowing how upset she’d be, but she had a right to know. Besides, once the men came to remove the cameras she’d find out. Taking her hand he walked her over to the couch and sat her down, he sat next to her. Taking her hand in his he lowered his eyes.

“Zane please, you’re scaring me.”

“We found a secret room inside the janitor's closet. The walls were covered with photos, photos of you Jade. Of every picture that was taken of you, from magazines to ones he took himself. We also found a bra and matching panties. I believe they belong to you.”

Her eyes glazed over, her jaw dropped open. “He would have to have been in here when I was out to take my underwear. How many times did he come in here? I can’t get over it, he was always so nice to me.”

“There’s more,” Zane said, swallowing the lump in his throat.

She sat straight up, her eyes grew wide with fear. “What?” she asked, wringing her hands together.”

“He’s been watching you. There was a computer in the room and it showed every room in your apartment.

“How?” she asked, her voice shook.

“There are cameras hidden in every room.”

She jumped up, her eyes scanning the room. “Cameras, where? I don’t see any,” she cried out, looking up at the ceiling.

“I’m not sure yet. Joe is having a team come over to find them.”

She looked at him. “Kenny’s been watching me, for how long?” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I don’t know,” Zane said, shaking his head.

Jade’s face paled, her chest began rising and falling and she became hysterical. “He watched me sleep, eat and oh my God, he watched me shower.” Her hand flew to her mouth and tears flowed down her face. “Zane, he watched us, watched us having sex.”

He hurried over to her, taking her in his arms. Screaming she pushed him away and sank to the floor and sobbed. Getting down on his knees he pulled her back into his arms, holding her tight when she tried to push him away.

“He saw everything we did. Oh, I feel so violated, dirty.”

His heart swelled up, he felt as though he too would break down and cry from seeing her in so much pain. He could feel her heart beating so fast against his chest, her body shook violently as her sobs rang loudly throughout the room.

Once she had calmed down he helped her up and over to the sofa. He got her a shot of brandy and one for himself. He wiped her tears away and sat with his arm around her. He knew if he got his hands on Kenny he’d kill him. “I’ll make you something to eat.”

“No,” she shook her head. “I’m not hungry, just hold me please.”

They stayed like that for over an hour until there was a knock at the door. Zane put a blanket over her before answering it, telling her it was the men coming to remove the cameras. There were three of them and they got right to work. There were five in total, hidden in places you would never think to look. The one in the bedroom was in the ceiling fan, made to look like a knob that was part of the fan. It was right above the bed. The same in the bathroom, right in the shower head. In the living room, one was on a glass statue, made to look like the eye. The others were placed where you’d never suspect them to be.

Jade watched as Zane examined them and listened as he talked to the men.

“These are very high-tech and expensive. Whoever planted these must have a lot of knowledge of them. They aren’t your everyday surveillance cameras,” said the one man.

“You’re sure you got them all?” Zane asked him.

“Yes sir, we combed everything and our detector didn’t show anymore.”

“Was there sound on any of them?” Jade asked, pulling the blanket tightly around her.

“No Miss, no sound at all.”

“Thanks, guys, make sure these are taken down to the station.” He walked them to the door and locked it behind them. He looked over at her. “I’m going to order pizza, we’ve got to eat.”

She nodded her head but didn’t speak. Her eyes stung and felt heavy, though she wasn’t sleepy she felt worn out. At the mention of pizza, her stomach growled, she was feeling light-headed from not having eaten in a while. Laying her head back on the sofa she watched Zane as he poured them another drink and as he went and answered the door when the food arrived. She was so grateful that he was there, she felt safe with him.

“I know Kenny is a pervert, but do you really think he is the one trying to kill me?”

He thought about what to tell her, he didn’t want to scare her any more than she already was so he tried not to say too much. “We won’t know for sure until we find him. Until then I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

She took a bite of her pizza and washed it down with some wine, she knew he wasn’t telling her everything. “I’m going to bed now,” she said and stood.

“Ok, I’ll tidy up and be right there.”

She got up and placing her hand on his chest lowered her eyes. “Would you mind sleeping in the other room tonight? I, I just don’t feel comfortable after knowing we were being watched.” She looked up and saw the hurt that flashed in his eyes.

“The cameras are all gone, you don’t have to worry about anyone watching. I only want to hold you, nothing more. But if that’s what you want I will respect your wishes.”

“Thank you, Zane. I just want to be alone, it has nothing to do with you.”

He took her face in his hands, using his thumb to stroke her cheeks. “If you change your mind through the night all you have to do is call out and I’ll be right there.” Pulling her face closer gave her a tender kiss. He wanted more, wanted to pick her up and take her to bed. But he knew she was too upset and him trying it on with her right now would only damage whatever it was that was happening between them. He didn’t want to risk pushing her away so he would wait until she was ready. He only hoped that she would be and that this wasn’t the end for them.

“Goodnight Zane,” she said and walked away, turning to look at him before shutting the door. She tried hard to fall asleep, but something was missing, no someone was. An hour went by and as tired as she was she couldn’t sleep. Getting up she walked over to the door and opened it. Zane was on the sofa with the TV on but he wasn’t watching it she noticed.

Leaning against the door frame she stared at him until he noticed her and he clicked off the TV. Their eyes locked, and she slowly raised her hand and held it towards him. He got up and going over took her hand as she led him into her room. He shut the door behind him, no words were spoken as they climbed into bed.

With his arm around her, she rested her head on his chest, her arm going over his stomach. He lovingly stroked her hair, loving the softness of it. There was no sex that night, it wasn’t the time for it and he knew all she needed was to be held. A first for him. He waited until he heard her even breathing and knowing she was asleep he too closed his eyes.

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