We, who Survived
Chapter Twenty-Four

The forest was darker and wilder compared to the first trek I had made through it, the stern trees almost trying to tell us to stay back rather than letting us through. I worried then that I would twist my ankle again even though we weren’t running, but the roots threatened to trip me. Staying close to Fern, I tried to keep my anxiety under lock ’n key.

“We should have brought Elias,” Jacob muttered from behind me. “More of us is better than this pitiful three.”

“Less of us is best for showing off peaceful advancements. We are not as threatening while being us pitiful three,” Zed explained calmly. He walked in front of us, hand gripping his hatchet handle tightly. “Especially with yours and Fern’s tendency to blow up and become violent at the slightest point of challenge made.”

“Zed has a point. Plus, if what Maria said is right, there won’t be a need to be threatening. Everyone is sick,” I stated, stretching my arm out so I could take ahold of Fern’s. His hand instantly wrapped around mine.

“We will have to see about that, Space Rat,” Jacob growled, causing me to roll my eyes. Already he was aiming for a fight.

Snow began to fall steadily, causing build-ups of the white stuff to grow on the sides of buildings. By then, the hunters and I were wearing our jackets with stitched fur inside and had slipped on feather-lined boots. The new baggy jacket and my torn old one was making me blissfully warm.

I still held Fern’s hand, talking in hushed voices so only Zed and Jacob could hear. Jacob’s mood seemed to have lightened even though the snow had not. When I asked why he looked like a kid in the cafeteria for the first time, he glared at me before bashfully admitting it was his first time in the city during winter. He had a small smile on his lips after telling me, his head moving side-to-side openly as he glanced at the buildings.

Once in a while, Spark would glance back over his shoulder at me. His expression still held his hurt and disbelief. I returned every glance with a glare. Fern would tense up when he picked up the exchange. He seemed willing to just turn around and take us back to the village but then he would shake his head and squeeze my hand. He had his tough-guy act on, determination clear in his grey-green eyes.

As we trekked through the city, I watched as Maria spoke to both Joon and Max. Their conversation looked to leave a sour taste in their mouths as Max was the first to shake his head violently and increase his pace so he walked in the middle of their group. His face showed clear anger and frustration as his fists clenched.

“Nathan, can you tell us about your leaders? Going in blind is not the best thing for us right now,” Zed said. The hood of his jacket was up, concealing his expression from us.

“There are five of us, two of which are up in front. The guy who...kissed me, Spark, is the head of the engineers. The only girl up there is Maria, she is the head of medical aid. The other two are food and defence. I am one too but it’s not important.”

“Yes, it is. What are you the head of?”


We went silent again which was becoming irritating but, in a way, it gave me some sort of relief. We were one block away from the base now.

“Shouldn’t we be hunting? These guys won’t be feeding us anytime soon,” Jacob said.

“I have six rabbits between mine and Nathan’s bag. We may have to look for something to eat in the morning,” Fern explained. Jacob made a sound of recognition; a response Fern must have gotten plenty of due to his reaction of just nodding.

Sighing, my feet were starting to throb from both the cold and long walk. Even though they were warm in the boots I wore, I could still feel them becoming numb to the environment. Even though the snow glittered in the sun and was pretty, it was deadly. My worst fear out here was getting hypothermia and frostbite.

I was not paying attention and when I looked up from the ground, I saw that the others had stopped a couple of meters in front of us. Spark was staring at me with a smirk on his lips.

“We do not feel comfortable with you staying in the main building with us. We will take Nathan and you can stay in one of the surrounding buildings!” Spark shouted. Raising my eyebrows, I scoffed. He thought that doing this would get me to go back with him? Squeezing Fern’s hand, I looked up at him. He was smiling but it was sad as if he expected me to go with Spark and not stay with him. I grinned up at him and a small flicker of confidence ignited in his eye.

“The hunters are not bothered with staying in one of the surrounding buildings,” I shouted back, gripping Fern’s hand a little tighter. “But I ain’t going back with you, asshole.” Jacob failed to muffle his loud laugh while Zed did not even bother hiding his. “We will meet you at the base’s gates in the morning.”

Glancing at Fern, he smirked proudly before leading us off to a two-storey building with small broken windows. Spark could not even respond with how shocked he was. It made me feel happy. I was not going to listen to him after his stunt. Not once had I shown him that I was interested or at least I thought I had not. His want to control me could go somewhere the sun did not shine.

I could hear arguing but not the words said. When I sent a glance over my shoulder, I saw Maria, Joon and Max all ganging up on Spark. Hands were going wild in the air and fingers were being pointed in both my direction and Spark’s. It made me smile. Spark’s happy delusional world was set on fire and plummeting to the ground.

“I did not think you would turn that guy’s request down. I don’t think I would have done it any better.” Jacob gave me a nod of approval and a thumbs-up as he walked into the building first.

“I think he’s coming around to you. Maybe you can teach him how to be polite too?” Fern joked, making me roll my eyes.

“We will have to see.”

I was sitting in front of the fireplace, watching Zed attempt at making a fire with the kindling and twigs he had brought with him. A fur blanket was wrapped around my shoulders and I was sat on a stuffed one that acted as a large bedroll that Fern and I would share. A small smile was on my lips as I replayed Spark’s reaction to my saying no to him.

“What are you smiling at?” Fern asked as he sat behind me so his legs rested alongside mine. He then leaned forward and placed his chin on my shoulder

“Nothing really. I was thinking about Spark’s expression when we left him. I can’t believe he thought I would have gone with him after his little stunt.” I scrunched up my nose until I felt Fern’s lips on the back of my neck. I went to tap the back of his head when he decided to tighten his arms around me.

“Hey Zed, could you go check on Jacob? He might be having trouble with skinning the rabbits. I can make the fire,” Fern said, his breath hot on the back of my neck. Zed sighed in defeat before standing up.

“Yeah, yeah. I don’t know if the kindling is wrong or what but if it lights, I will give you a rabbit leg.”

As soon as he was out of the room, Fern turned me around so I straddled his hips and smashed his lips against mine. He was rough and hungry with each movement and I did not know what to do besides close my eyes. When he pulled away, a string of saliva connected our lips. Fern smirked down at me; his eyes dilated. He leaned in again and I found myself meeting his lips for a softer kiss that did not last as long but was memorable all the same. When we pulled back, Fern rested his forehead against mine. My lips tingled with the memory of his.

“You have no clue how long I have been wanting to do that,” He whispered, voice husky. I nodded shakily before leaning my head on his shoulder. I was still straddling him and just wrapped my legs around his back. He chuckled softly as he pulled me flush against him.

“Y...y-you need to make the fire before Zed and Jacob come back. If you don’t, they will know something happened.” My voice was soft yet husky. The unfamiliar tone surprised me. Is this what generally happened after making out?

“Okay, Kitten. Move the bedroll to that wall so the furs don’t accidentally catch alight. It won’t take too long to have a roaring fire in here.” Fern kissed me again before we unwillingly separated. I pulled the bedroll to the wall where Zed and Jacob’s were placed. They were close enough to the fire to still feel the warmth of it and Jacob had sealed the windows with branches, leaves and a sticky concoction. In no time the fire was crackling away and Jacob and Zed were roasting the rabbits on spits.

“Is there anyone you are happy to see tomorrow?” Zed asked around a mouthful of rabbit. Without any hesitancy, I said Carly’s name. All three hunters had given me questioning stares. I smiled and happily explained how I had gotten to know her. As I spoke, the zebra and Rock Cat made themselves at home.

“Is there anyone else that looks like that girl...um Maria?” Jacob muttered. Fern and Zed instantly broke out in grins and snorts.

“No way, do you have a crush on her?” Fern jabbed Jacob in the ribs jokingly and watched as his tanned face turned red.

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We laughed at his discomfort before I answered him.

“Only if you like her otherwise, there are no others.”

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