We, who Survived
Chapter Thirty-Six


It was pouring down with rain when my body decided to wake up. I held my breath, waiting for the deafening thunder to shake the room but nothing came. It was just raining for once. Sighing, I pressed my forehead against Fern’s chest and brushed my fingers over his abs, feeling him shiver under my touch. Not wanting to give him any ideas, I snuggled closer, his arm tightening around my waist. This moment we shared was one of my favourites, where we just cuddled like this, enjoying each other’s embrace.

“You’re not getting out of training,” Fern mumbled, pressing himself flush against me. I groaned at the idea of getting up and exercising. “Come on, Kitten.” Even though his voice was filled with intent, he still clung to me and when I looked up, his eyes were still closed.

“You shouldn’t be talking,” I teased, poking his arm. Fern groaned before abruptly sitting up and gazing down at me. I felt a sense of vulnerability with him drinking in my red-spotted form as well with him being higher than me.

“Hawk will have my ass if you don’t know at least how to block or dodge punches.” Fern pouted, again the expression seeming foreign on his rugged features. “Do it for me?”

“Only if you give me a kiss, a massage and more of that trail mix before we begin.”


I found myself gasping for breath as I lay on the cold stone floor, a rain-scented breeze blowing across my sweat-streaked face. Fern stood with his hands on his hips, staring down at me with amusement in his piercing grey-green eyes. He had hardly broken a sweat, his chest dry of any precipitation while the front of my tunic had a trail. No doubt the back did too.

“One more round than you can rest and I will massage your back,” Fern said, extending out his arm. I didn’t want to take it but it would be easier for both of us if I did. Begrudgingly, I grabbed his hand and was hauled to my feet.


“Yes, but tomorrow will be the same drill.”


And so, I got into the fighting stance Fern had shown me, squaring my shoulders and holding my fists in front of me. Fern smirked, licking his lips and mirroring me only a lot more confidently and cleanly.

“Ready?” I nodded, feeling anything but so. Fern instantly jumped forward, the air seeming to move right next to me as I dodged left. Trying to throw a punch myself, Fern grabbed my wrist and roughly pulled me away so I lost my balance, almost falling to the floor if I had not steadied myself. He just smirked when I glared at him. And as you can guess, it continued like so for what felt like hours. Me trying to get my hits in only to be off course, stumbling around like an idiot.

When we finally stopped for good, I was back on the ground spread-eagled with no tunic on, attempting to cool down my overheating body. The rain outside had lightened though the scent was heavy in the main room, the light outside making everything grey. Somewhere out there, Gem and the annoying falcon were hunting. And Fern, he was once again looking down at me, now with desire in his eyes. Gulping, I unsteadily sat up.

“W-what are you looking at?” I asked, my voice betraying my nerves.

“You,” Fern stated before coming to crouch in front of me. “You look so hot right now, you won’t even understand.”

Fern was just looking at me, his gaze running up my chest with a prideful smirk on his lips. Then he crawled between my legs and touched his lips to mine. There was that familiar fear of being in this position but as his hand came to cup my cheek, it dissipated as fast it came and I was kissing back, my hands linked behind his neck and pulling him closer. Fern deepened the kiss, causing me to moan and press my crotch against his. He chuckled almost darkly as he began to move down my jaw, neck, collarbone until he stopped by my chest, littering it with new hickeys. I was a moaning mess.

Then the worst thing happened, not a flashback, but more embarrassing than frightening. The door banged open and a soaking wet person stood frozen in the doorway. I could imagine the thoughts that were going through their head.

“Fern stop,” I hissed, pushing him off me and bringing my legs to my chest. Fern stared at me before registering the stranger’s presence. He instantly came to stand in front of me, his fists clenched at his sides. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Wow, did not expect that as a welcoming committee,” The stranger said, their voice deep and filled with amusement. They then pulled down their hood to reveal a handsome face with a mischievous grin. His hair, a dirty-blond, was shaved on the sides and slicked back from his face which had a tattoo running over his nose and dark blue eyes that crinkled at the corners. On his shoulder rested a skull that looked so much like the Mutie’s if it had fur on it. Lastly was the spike that stuck out of his right ear.

“H-Hawk?” Fern stuttered as he took a step forward, excitement radiating off him. “You should have knocked! What if we were doing something more than making out?”

“I would be scarred for life that’s what would have happened,” Hawk replied amused. The way they were talking was making me more nervous and embarrassed. This was Fern’s older brother? He was taller and scarier than Fern!

“And who is this?” Hawk’s question snapped me out of my thoughts. I held my legs closer to my body, keeping quiet and gently shaking my head. Fern was by my side immediately, pulling the fur blanket over my shoulders then kissed my temple.

“This is Nathan, my mate or unofficial one at the moment,” Fern explained, taking my hand. “He’s a bit shy around new people and self-conscious so don’t hassle him.”

“Understood. Nice to meet you anyway.” Hawk smiled, almost seeming to be forced. “I’ll go find a room and place my stuff down. If you don’t mind, I’m going for a bath. The rain is like ice.”

Fern nodded to his brother, smiling as he left. I felt like crying when he did go. Fern picked up on my emotions and sat down next to me, pulling me into his lap, making sure the blanket was secure around me then hugged me close to his chest.

“You’re okay,” He whispered, playing with the hair at the back of my neck. “I’m here to protect you.”

I was crying. This situation was way too familiar. The only difference being I was not being raped and Fern was the one kissing me. My body remembered everything and it was not willing to forget anytime soon.

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