You Kissed My Soul
Chapter 21

It's been a day since Dylan called me on my phone. Now I am not saying that I miss him, but I kind of get bored without him. No fight, no irritation and I think I miss all this.

“Lu- uh Adie why are you not saying anything?” I looked to my side to find Jenny looking at me worriedly.

I gave her a smile to which she returned and at continued talking about places and her pack. She is so talkative, but interesting.

“When I knew that you know all about us being werewolves I freaked out. But then when I saw your calm and composed self I calm down a bit and I am proud to have a Luna like you” so told me and I stopped eating.

"What?" was my only question.

“Uh I mean friend like you" she changed and I gave her a suspicious look continuing eating my Chinese.

"We are friends right?” She asked with hope in her eyes and I smiled nodding at her making her beam with happiness.

“Friends” I muttered.

“So is there anything left that you don't know?” She asked playing with her fork.

“I don't know" I shrugged.

"Okay? Why don’t you ask me questions and I will try to give you answers” she stated.

"Okay sure?” My reply was more like a question.

“So let me start first. I will ask you questions and you answer them because Bell told me that she doesn’t know much about you. You are mysterious” I choked on my good coughing loudly.

"Oh dear! Here drink this” she offered me water and I drank it feeling glad.

“M-Mysterious?” I questioned coughing a little.

“Yeah Mysterious because you have been here from so many days and yet nobody knows much about you” she added

"Okay ask whatever you want” I replied eating my Chinese. But I was little tensed under my smiling facade.

"Okay? So what is your favorite color?” She asked which brought a smile on my face. Of course she was going to ask such questions.

“Turquoise and Brown” I answered.

"What no pink no purple?” She pouted making me laugh at her expression.

"No" I replied

"Strange. Anyways Favorite Food?” She asked and I gestured towards the food I was eating.

"Oh so Chinese it is” she spoke understanding what I meant and I nodded.

“Favorite Place?”

“Las Vegas and London" I told her.

"Wow interesting place” she replied

I nodded and gestured her to continue.

“Favorite Song?” She asked

“Their are many so nothing specific”

"Okay? Favorite Cartoon?” and I dropped my fork on the plate.

"What? Cartoon? Seriously?” I asked amused with her question.

“Yeah Cartoon. Everyone has tried favorite cartoon” she told me and I tried hard to stop myself from laughing. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Okay? Interesting. Uh it's Tom and Jerry” I told her whatever that first came into my mind.

“Tell me about your family” she asked and I stopped eating making my expression void. This was the question which I dreaded the most.

“I mean who all their in your family?” She continued asking.

I cleared my throat and drank water from the glass feeling little uncomfortable.

"Uh their is my mom, Dad, my younger sister” I stopped answering and I hoped she didn't ask me anything more about it.

"Wow. So when is your birthday?” She asked and I gave her a small smile “I don't want to share it" I told her.

"Why? Oh do you think I will find about your age?” She wiggled her eyebrows nudging my side with her elbow.

I laughed a little but kept my mouth shut.

"What type of dress do you like to wear?” She asked

“Jeans, shirt and Jacket the usual” I told her.

“Where is your family?” She asked

"Okay enough about me now it's your turn” I changed the topic and I was glad she didn't notice my change in behavior.

"Okay ask” she beamed with excitement.

"Why are you always this happy?” I asked her and she scowled.

"What? No favorite color or Favorite stuff?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“If you don't want to answer it then it's fine I will just change the t-" she cut me off “No! No its fine". I nodded and waited for her to answer my question.

“I am also happy because I want to. No matter what life has for me I want to live each moment with happiness. God knows what will happen the next moment and we may die or whatever it is. I don't want to go away from this world thinking that I couldn't live those moments with my beloved ones happily when I could. So I don't want any regret filling upon me about it and Moreover it's good for your skin if you remain happy. No wrinkles” she added making me laugh.

“Interesting” I muttered.

"So next question?” She asked and I began to think what to ask.

“How did you find your mate? Cole?” I asked and she blushed deep red playing with her locks of hair.

“I met him when I was bathing in the stream in my territory” she blushed and I became more interested hearing that.

"What was he doing there?” I asked

"He came with the King for some business to our pack and he told me that he smelt of my my smell and he followed it. He found me there bathing in the stream and he couldn't stop himself from claiming me his there and then only” she added looking like a Tomato.

“Claiming you?" I asked even though I had a little idea what must have happened there.

"Uh next question please” she changed the topic while I laughed hard pinching her red cheeks. “Okay I am sorry” I added when I saw her pouting

I coughed a little and became serious.

I wanted to ask this question from the beginning.

"Why is Dylan like this?" I asked out of the blue and I watched as the color drained from her face. "A-Alpha? Uh how is he exactly?” She stammered looking here and there nervously.

“Cold, mean, ruthless” I stated.

“Uh I think this is not my place to tell you about him. I think he should be the one telling you all this” she answered and I nodded. May be she was right Dylan should be the one answering me about this.

“But still?” I added. Though I didn’t want to force her still I wanted to know a little about him.

“Uh Adie” she stopped and took a deep breath closing her eyes.

She opened her eyes and and looked at me “I think I can tell you something about him".

I kept quiet and waited for her to continue.

"Our Alpha Dylan Black Bishop was born to a royal family. He was a pampered child. He would get what he wanted. Everything was going perfect in his family while Our Highness I mean his father was ruling. But one day things changed” she spoke as suddenly her expression changed to a sad one.

"We were attacked suddenly by our enemies when we were not even ready for them. Our King and Queen were murdered before Alpha and he couldn't do anything to save them” a gasp came out of my mouth hearing that.

“What?” I asked shocked.

“Yes” she nodded sadly and continued “Our Alpha was a very stubborn and smart kid back then but he was too young to witness all this. He was saved by his father's beta. Our beta knew that we had no chance against them so he did what was right that time. He took Alpha with him and ran away". "But the fire of revenge was still there in Alpha. One day the Alpha has an argument about this with the Beta. The Beta took care of him like his own son. He didn't want to take him back to the kingdom, which was now ruled by the enemies only to be killed. Finally, the Beta saw the flame of revenge in Alpha’s eyes. He understood that it was his duty to rule and save the people from their enemies wrath. So finally, he gave up and began to train Alpha. He held a secret meeting where he called all the Alphas of the pack asking them to protect their future king. It was their duty to do what the King asked and together they trained and made an army to fight against our enemies. We got the help of the eleven most powerful witches who were willing to do anything for our king as our Highness once saved their lives”.

"Actually it's twelve but one of them was the traitor as she helped our enemies in destroying us, which led the other eleven turned against her. Finally, the day came to get back everything. We fought and the witches killed the traitor witch. Our enemies were slayed by our King and finally we won the battle".

“But we lost two important things in that battle” she said with a sad face.

“Our Beta lost his life fighting till the end leaving our King alone and Our King was no more the same childish and happy kid. He turned Cold. He kept all the pain and emotions inside locked inside him. He made himself powerful but he became alone. No was there for him when he slept alone in thunderous nights. No one was there for him to be called as a family. No one was there to hug him when he needed someone. He distant himself from every one. He became this arrogant, rude and” she heaved a sigh “mean”.

“But trust me Adie he wasn't like this. It was the situation which made him like this. No one is responsible for this” she finished and I noticed her eyes getting watery.

I felt wetness on my cheeks and I touched to find tear. Unknowingly I was crying and somehow I was feeling pain for that boy who went through so much in his life.

“What was his age when all this happened?” I asked my voice hoarse.

“Thirteen” she finished and I could no longer control the tears that were threatening to roll down. I couldn't believe myself for crying for a person whom I hardly knew. My heart ached and I felt an emotion which I couldn't quiet point out.

I was somehow feeling proud for Dylan being so strong but at the same time felt immense pain which I couldn't describe.

I got up from my seat and walked towards my room leaving Jenny who didn’t seem to utter anything.

Somehow, Dylan and me are in the same track. But he wasn't the one who destroyed his family. Like me.

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