You Kissed My Soul
Chapter 22

Aderyn Pov



I fell on the ground panting hard. I have been doing the crunch ups from last fifteen minutes and now I'm done.

Oddly I am feeling little weak. I don’t know what's wrong with me but I'm feeling little dizzy and weak from last two days. I haven't got to talk to Dylan since that call he did and after knowing about him, I don't know why but I don’t want to face him.

I huffed out air, my breathing uneven and turned to a side. I propped myself up using my elbow and groaned when I felt my sides aching due to crunch ups.

I got up on my feet and pulled up my top above my head and threw it inside the laundry basket. It was all sweaty and I needed a bath. I walked inside my bathroom and getting rid of my clothes I went to the tub instead of the shower. My heart was beating faster and I was feeling dizzy.

Filling the tub with cold water I jumped in and rested my head against the small attached pillow like structure on the tub. I felt dizzy again.

Moaning in pain because of my sides, I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead using my finger. What is wrong with me?

I took the body wash and applied it over my body. After I was done I got out of the tub and I was sure that I would have kissed the ground feeling my head spin. I held the tub to support myself and finally when I found myself normal, I wrapped the towel around my body and went out of the bathroom

I walked straight towards my bed but before I could reach there, my vision went dark and I found myself loosing my balance. Before I could loose my senses I remember myself falling on the ground with a loud thud hitting my head in the process. I was feeling very weak. All my power drained out of my body and I closed my eyes slipping into darkness.

Dylan Pov

I watched as the Cars speeding up beside me and Blake driving like a maniac.

“Blake will you slow down a little?” I asked and he nodded before slowing down.

“I thought you weren't going to be back before tomorrow” Blake spoke as he changed the gear. “Yeah the work got finished quickly” I spoke checking my mobile.

"Or maybe you wanted to see the Luna” he muttered but I heard it.

“Shut up” I growled.

His lips twitched up into a smile but he kept his mouth shut not asking or uttering anything.

I looked out of the window as the scenery passed by. It was true, I was back before a day but my work was all sorted there and what was I supposed to do there? I took the flight and returned back. Not because of Aderyn.

"Yeah! Yeah! keep saying that to yourself. Humans” my wolf scoffed at me.

“What did you just say? You mutt” I growled inside my head at the animal that living inside me. "You were always thinking about her. You can't hide this from me. I know everything huh” he scoffed again.

“Shut the f*ck up” I replied and blocked him.

No I wasn't back for Aderyn. Yes I wasn't and I will prove this to all.

We reached the house and I got out of my car. As usually some important members were standing in the entrance waiting to greet me. As soon as they saw me that said in chorus.

“Long Live the Alpha”

“Long Live the King”

I nodded at them and entered the house.

“King!” I heard Cole calling me and I turned around to find him along with Jenny.

“Alpha” she bowed her head.

“I see you are back” I spoke and she nodded with a smile. Cole intertwined his hand with hers and smiled down at her. I rolled my eyes at them and turned around to leave.

What's wrong with them?

I wonder what Aderyn must be doing right now. I checked the time on my watch to see it's only 8 Am.

“She must be sleeping” I muttered and walked towards my room.

Once inside my room, I took a nice shower and changed into a comfortable black slacks and white shirt.

Laying down on my bed, I closed my eyes for a bit as I was tired but soon found myself drifting to sleep. Sleep enveloped me and I found myself in darkness.

The beeping of my phone made me conscious and I fluttered my eyes open. I checked the time to see it's already 12 pm.

“Damn! I overslept” I muttered and got up from my bed and took my phone and walked towards my office.

Sitting on my chair, I began to work and went through many important files re-checking it again and again for any fault. I felt little weird. I looked around but found no one.

Suddenly my heart beat began to rise and I frowned feeling little worries now.

“Bell” I mind linked her and asked her to come to my office.

She was before me in less than five minutes and I gulped the water down my throat from the glass and kept it aside.

"Where is Aderyn?” was my direct and first question.

“Alpha I haven't met her from morning” she spoke with low voice.

"What do you mean?” I asked my eyebrows pulling up together intrigued wanting to know more. “Uh I was out for Patrolling” she spoke with a trembling voice. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"Who was suppose to be with her then ?" I asked with a dead low voice.

She gulped audibly and spoke “I left her with Jenny yesterday”.

I nodded and called Jenny to my room.

“Alpha!” She bowed before looking at Bell who was trembling terribly with furrowed eyebrows. "Where is Aderyn?” I asked

“Ad- I mean Luna? I haven't seen her from morning” she spoke and that was enough for me to loose my patience.

I banged my fist on my table and stood up “What the fuck do you mean you didn't see her from morning. I gave you her responsibility while I was away and now I am hearing this” I shouted and both of them flinched. Jenny already tearing up.

“Alpha she didn't come down for breakfast and I did went to her. I knocked on her door but she didn't reply. I thought she must be tired training with Train and must be sleeping. So I left her alone for some time” Jenny spoke up her voice trembling and tears already flowing down her face. “Jenny!” I saw Cole coming in and hugging her whispering something into her ear to calm her down.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply calming myself down.

I felt something was weird. I left the three of them in my office and walked towards her room. My steps were long and I even ran to reach quickly.

When I reached her room my heart hammered against my body not because of running but because of feeling restless. Something was definitely wrong.

“Ms. Brookes?" I knocked on her door.

I waited for there was no answer.

“Ms. Brookes?" I knocked louder but yet there was no answer.

“Mate! I want to see my mate”

My wolf began to pace around. My wolf was agitated and seemed panicked.

“Aderyn open the door” I banged on her door. Yet no reply.

“Break the door. I want to see her”

My wolf commanded me. It was rare of him to command me.

"Aderyn I am going to break this door if you don't open it this instant” I shouted banging on her door.

I sighed in frustration and made up my mind. Without wasting any more time, with one blow the door flew open. I looked around inside her room and what got my attention was the figure that was lying there on the floor.

"Aderyn!” I panicked and ran to her.

She was wrapped with a towel around her body and she lied there on the floor senseless. “Aderyn!” I called her when she didn’t open her eyes.

I took her face in my hand and patted her cheeks calling her “Aderyn wake up! Aderyn”.

She didn't respond me. I touched her forehead and then it clicked me.

"Damn! Her body is heating up. She has fever” I muttered and cradled her up from under her knees and back into my arms.

I kept her down on the bed and mind linked Cole asking him to call the pack Doctor.

She looked tired and I could see faint dark circles forming under her eye.

What was she tensed about? I wondered.

“Damn!” I cursed when I noticed what was she wearing.

She was still in her towel and now it was hard for me to control my wolf. He was trying control over my body wanting to mate with Aderyn.

“Let me out. I want my mate” he surfaced over me speaking in his beast voice.

“She is not well. You don't even think about that” the human side of me tried to control him.

“Let me out” he growled

My hands trembled because of the inner fight I was fighting. Still it began to reach towards Aderyn's towel. As much as I wanted to deny it but the human side of me also wanted to mate with his beautiful mate who was lying unconsciously.

“No! Damn it” I tried to stop of my wolf.

“My mate” he was just not listening to me.

"King!" We heard a voice and my wolf took it as his chance to control over me. In no time my hands were on her towel trying to rip it. I closed my eyed not wanting to see it and with all my force I got up and ran outside towards my room. I locked myself inside and I couldn't control him any longer. He was furious on me for stopping him. He took over my body and I watched as my fingers changed into claws. In no time, the look of my bedroom changed. Everything was destroyed and clawed. My wolf wanted to destroy everything and I let him because I knew it was the only way to control the animal.

Finally, when he was done and his anger subsided. I slide down against the wall sitting on the floor panting.

“Alpha?” I heard a voice inside my mind.

It was the doctor who was trying to mind link me.

“Julie!” I mind linked.

"Alpha are you alright?” She asked worried about her King.

"Yes. Did you check Aderyn?” I asked nervously.

"Yes. She has fever and her body shut down wanting some rest. It seems like she was pushing herself too much which resulted her to get tired quickly. But she will be alright soon. She needs a good sleep and it will do” she spoke calmly.

"What about her temperature?” I asked worried.

“It is normal for her to have rise in temperature but she will be back soon to normal” she finished and I sighed feeling little relaxed.

“But Alpha you need to see something” she spoke and by the way she spoke she sounded little worried.

"What is it?” I asked panicking again.

“Please come here. I think you should see this with your own eyes” she spoke and I wasted no time getting up and running back to her room.

Thankfully, Julie had changed her to a tops and trousers or it would've been difficult for me to control myself any longer.

"What is it?" I asked looking at her pale face

Julie seemed little worried as she tried to turn Aderyn on her stomach. I helped her and she raised her top up and there I saw marks.

“It looks as if she was whipped" Julie spoke softly and my mind became blank seeing the marks. It was fading but you can still see that if you concentrated on it.

Realizing that she must have been whipped for the second time of the day my wolf tried to take over with anger. He wanted to kill the person who whipped his mate and let alone fir touching her. "King please calm down” Julie tried to calm me.

“I c-can't control h-him” it was the human side of me who spoke.

"Alpha inhale Luna's smell” Julie spoke up quickly and I got down on my knees, and placed my face on the crook of her neck, inhaling her chocolate and rose smell which calmed me.

When I was normal, I touched her skin which had the marks feeling sad that I wasn't there for her when she needed me.

Who did that to her and why?

My wolf growled wanting revenge.

Aderyn doesn't seem that weak as I thought her to be.

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