Alpha Alexa
Chapter 43

Colter's POV

Alexa opened the box that we found in her dad's closet and there was much more going on here than we ever realized. This box contained pictures of young people and some type of ledger.

“Alexa, we have to go to the council. I think your dad may have been involved in some very serious stuff’

“He must die” She said and when her eyes snapped up to mine they were that darker blue and were glazed over a little. “Alexa focus on me. You have to snap out of this."

She shook her head and took some deep breaths.

“Sorry, Storm is very strong and she gets mad and tries to take over, but I'm trying to control her."

“Let's take this to the council and then we need to make arrangements for everyone to get back to our pack.”

I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs where the councilmen were waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.

“You guys were who we were looking for"

“We know Alexa mind linked us."

“Let's go to the office” Alexa said.

We made it to the office and went to the table to sit and I pulled Alexa into my lap, just wanting her to be close to me. She has been through so much in one day and the wall will crumble at some point for her.

“Thank you for meeting me. I need to talk about my father and what I believe he is doing,” Alexa said as she slid the box ove to them.

“I believe he is involved in some type of trafficking and I want to take him down. I want to take all of them down."

The councilmen didn’t say anything but dug through the box. We sat there and watched as they looked everything over and talked amongst themselves.

“Alpha Alexa, we agree with you that something bad is going on here and we would like to work with you on this. We have someone from the academy that we want to bring in to help and you need to gather all the information you can. We can have them here tomorrow.’

“We will get to work on it,” She said.

They handed the box over and left.

“Princess, are you OK?"

“Why wouldn't I be?”

“It's just been a lot today.”

“I'm really fine She said as she walked out.

“Alexa wait. You need to rest a little”

“No either help me or get out of my way."

I'stepped to the side and let her do her thing. I was going to give her some space and call my Gamma to organize some transportation and housing for people. I pulled my phone out and dialed Noah's number.

“Hello Alpha, is everything OK?"

“No, not really, but what I need you to do is organize transportation for their pack and housing and food."

“How many people?”

“I think about six hundred.”

“OK, I'm going to have to rent some type of tent.”

“Just use the pack card, whatever is needed.”

“When do we need it?"


“Ok Alpha."

I hung up the phone and sent Mac a mind link to meet me in the conference room. I sat there waiting and tried to think of where else we could look for any clues.

“Hey, boss man, what's up?” Mac said as he walked in.

“We need to move the pack tomorrow, everyone, and then we will sort out who wants to stay after that. You need to get with Liam and set up another meeting for the next hour.”

“OK He turned and left and I just took a minute to collect myself about everything that had happened.

“Grey, we need to be extra vigilant with Alexa, she is going to break and when she does, we have to be there for her”

“I know and I can feel her wolves, but I can't get any feelings from them until we've marked her”

“I know, but just do what you can.”

I cut my link with him and went back up to the office. If he had one hiding spot he had to have more. I walked into the office and started looking around for anything out of the ordinary, but nothing was sticking out to me.

“sir, everyone has been notified and will be there in thirty minutes,” Mac mind-linked me.

I needed to get Alexa so we could address the pack. I headed back upstairs and looked in her room and she wasn't there, so headed down the hall to her parent's room. She was there. I could smell her.

I walked in and didn't see her in the main living area, so I headed into the closet and I could hear her in there crying. Not just crying but sobbing. I knew this would hit her. I walked in and saw her pushed up against the wall with her knees pulled up to her chest. It broke me to see her like this.

“Princess, come on, let's go to your room,” I said, leaning down and picking her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kept sobbing.

“I killed them and my dad isn't my dad and he has done horrible things. How can I be their DNA?" She sobbed out.

“Make mate better.” Grey linked me.

I made it to her room and laid her on her bed and just held her and let her get it out.

“Mac, send Liam to Alexa’s room,” I linked him.

“OK, Sir," he linked back.

I continued to hold Alexa while she just cried. I didn't know what to do for her. I know when my parents died nothing helped and she just killed her mother and brother. I hated this.

Someone started knocking on the door. I leaned down and kissed Alexa on the cheek and said “Princess, I will be right back, just need to talk to Liam.”

I got up and walked to the door and opened it for Liam.

“Alpha, what can I do for you?”

“Everything has hit Alexa and she is a mess. Can you handle this announcement?”

“Of course. Do you want me to send Sloane up?”

“No, not yet"

Iturned back into the room and saw her curled up on the bed still crying. I walked back to bed and wrapped my arms aroun her, just holding her to bring her some comfort.

We lay there for a while when she began to kiss my neck where my marking spot was. It had sent a wave of pleasure straight to my d**k. I tried to push her back a little.

“Alexa, you don't need to do this."

She pushed me over so I was lying on my back and she straddled my waist.

“I need to. need to feel something else for a while please?”

I couldn't tell her no, so I just pulled her down to me and kissed her with so much love behind it that I hoped she could feel it. She broke away and pulled her shirt off and reached around unclasping her bra.

Iran my hands up her stomach to each breast and started to massage them. She started to rock her hips back and forth, moaning.

“We have too many clothes on” She said as she got off me and took off all of her clothes and climbed back on the bed and started undoing my pants. She pulled them down and grabbed me and started to stroke me, not that I needed it.

“Princess stop.’ I pulled her up to me and started kissing her neck. Right now it is about her and not me. I kicked my pants off and sat up and pulled my shirt off. I placed an arm on each side of her head and hovered over her.

“Are you sure about this right now?”

“Yes, I need to feel you in me."

Ilined myself up with her and slowly started to thrust into her until I was all the way in and then started to pick up the pace She started moaning out and I bent my head down and started to flick a nipple with my tongue and bit it lightly when it got hard. She was moaning even louder now and I could feel her getting close as she started to contract around me.

“Colter mark me.”

That stopped everything I was doing.

“No, now isn't the time."

“Yes, please. I need to be a part of you. Please, I want to bare your mark.”

I could see the tears in her eyes. I didn't want to tell her no, but it didn't feel like the right time.

“Please do it. I need to be a part of you and your pack. I have nothing but you.”

Ijust smiled at her and started to thrust my hips again. When I could feel her getting close again, I started to kiss her jaw, making my way to her marking spot. I let my canines elongate and as her 0****m took over I bit down.

Grey pushed forward and finished the process. I continued to thrust in and out of her as she rode the last of her 0****m out. licked her wound and sealed it.

I'smiled down at her and saw that she had tears streaming down her face.

“Iam so sorry I thought that's what you wanted.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She didn't say anything but pushed me off her and pushed me down, so I was on my back and she straddled me and lined herself up, and slid down me. I let out a small groan.

“Your turn baby." She said as she started to rock her hips back and forth on me. I grabbed her hips and helped her set the pace I liked and then watched her as she found her pleasure again. She was so beautiful I could watch her do this all night. I reached under her and found her clit with my finger and let her stroke herself over it as she rocked back and forth.

“Colter baby I'm going to c*m again.” She said as she quickened her pace.

“Me too, baby,” I said back, but it came out in grunts.

She reached down and pushed my head to the side and started sucking on my marking spot. She pulled back for a second and she let her canines elongate and sunk them down in me. I immediately felt a hot burning pain throughout my body, but it was quickly replaced with the most intense pleasure that triggered my 0***m to take over.

We both came at the same time. When she was done, I pulled her down to me and just held her while we caught our breath. She rolled off me but snuggled right into me. I again wrapped my arms around her. We both just lay there for a while. “Princess, are you OK?"

That started the waterworks. She broke down again.

“Please tell me what I can do to help you.’

“Alpha, we need you or Alexa down here now.” Mac mind linked me.

“Send Sloane up. When she gets up here, I will come down."

“Princess, I have to go handle something downstairs but Sloane is coming up. Let's get some clothes on.” She got up and went and got in the shower and I threw clothes on.

Sloane was fast as she was knocking on the door already. I went and opened it.

“Please be gentle with her. She is struggling right now. She's in the shower but I'm sure she will be out soon." I told her and went downstairs as fast as I could.

I could hear everyone yelling and getting angry. I stormed in and let my Alpha aurora out in the room. I stormed up to the podium and yelled “ENOUGH into the microphone. This seemed to settle everyone down.

“What is the problem?”

Someone stepped up and said “You're making us leave our homes in less than 24 hours. You can't do this. You're not our Alpha.’

“Your right, I'm not, but the man you called Alpha is the one who ordered that attack, so if you want to stay here and be attacked again, then that's on you. If you want to leave, be ready by tomorrow at I pm. You can come back at a later date to collect other things.”

I stepped down from the podium and stormed out with people still yelling, but they had their options and I really didn't car Ijust needed to get back to Alexa.

Iran up the stairs and noticed that Mac and Liam were following me.

“What do you guys need?”

“How is she?”

“Not good. There's a lot to talk about, but not right now”

I kept going to the door and when I opened it I found the girls in bed Sloane was holding her and she was sound asleep. “She is fine. Leave us and you can handle whatever you need.’

Ijust nodded at her and turned to leave and found that Mac and Liam were still in the hallway.

“Boys, let's go to the office and talk”

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