Alpha Alexa
Chapter 44

Julian's POV

I stayed at Nicki's work until she was off. It was about four pm when she came and told me she was done. I grabbed her han: and walked her out to my car, opening the door for her.

“Let's go pack some stuff for you and then we can go back to the pack house.”

“I'm supposed to work at the bar at 8 tonight"

“You're not tonight. I will handle it later," I told her.

She didn't say anything else on the way to her house. We got there and I followed her inside.

“Do you need help with anything?”


“What did you do to piss her off?” Zion linked me.

“I don't know."

“Well, fix it. I don't like her being mad at us."

“Nicki, what's wrong?”


“Are you sure, something seems off?”

She didn't answer me but kept packing. Twenty minutes later, she said she was ready. I grabbed her bags and we left her place. I loaded everything in the car and we left.

Ten minutes later, we pulled up to the pack house and I showed her to her room on the main level.

“Here's your room and a key. Let's put your bag in here and we can go get dinner”

“I'm fine thank you.” She said as she shut the door in my face.

Now I knew something was going on. I will have to check on her later. I headed to my office to grab my phone and when I got there I had like five missed calls from Colter. Which is weird. I had already talked to him and said we would take in pack members so something was going on. I hit the call-back button and waited for him to answer.

“We were hit by an attack this afternoon. We've moved our move out to tomorrow at one pm. After I get everyone into my pack, we will see who wants to go to yours,” Colter said.

“Shit, I'm sorry any casualties?”

“No, there were some injuries but I'm pretty sure it was Robert and we also think he has been involved in some type of trafficking.”

“What the hell? How is Alexa?”

“Not good. She killed her brother and mother today and found the evidence on her father”

“Holy shit, that's a lot in one day. Whatever you need and I will help.”

“I'l be in touch in a few days."

He hung up the phone and I wondered if Nicki knows anything. I need to ask her. I headed back downstairs to her room and knocked on the door but she didn’t answer.

“Nicki it's me, let me in I have a few questions.”

I could hear her in there but still didn't get a response. I dug my master key card out and inserted it and found Nicki curled in the corner just rocking back and forth.

“Nicki, what's wrong?”

She looked up at me but didn't say anything. So I walked closer to her and sat down on the floor and pulled her to me.

“He can't find me. He's a bad man and he will kill me.”

“I know and that's why you're here with me.”

“You don't understand how capable he is."

“So I'm learning. What do you know about him?”

“Not a lot, but he will kill whoever gets in his way. That's why I ran. When he finished doing what he did to me, he said he would kill my family if anyone found out. When they left, I ran and didn’t look back”

“Why don't you come and stay in my room? That way I can protect you."

“I can’t do that. I'm fine here”

“Clearly you're not. You are sitting in my lap crying and telling me how scared you are.”

This made her laugh a little. We got up and I grabbed her bag and we headed to my room, running into Luca and Lauren on our way there.

“Luca, there have been a few things happen in the last few days. Meet in my office in fifteen minutes.”


We continued to my room and placed her stuff in my closet.

“Nicki, 'm going to have to tell Alpha Colter what happened and what you know. He is mated to Alexa and they are trying to find him. They pose no threat to you. I also have to fill my Beta in on things but not all the details.”

“I understand.’

“Come on, let's go talk to him.”

“I can stay here."

“Nope, you're not leaving me right now.”

I grabbed her hand and led her down to my office. We got there and she looked around taking everything in.

“You have a nice office


I had her take a seat on the couch and went back to my desk and sat down. I opened up my laptop to see if I had any emails that needed addressing. Luca walked in and sat down in front of me.

“What's up, boss?”

“I got a call earlier from Colter and things have taken a drastic turn. Alexa killed her brother and mom and then they had an attack and they were pretty sure that Robert was behind it. They also found questioning information that he was trafficking people.”

“Holy shit. What can we do?”

“I'told him whatever he needed we would help. He just wanted to warn us and said that it might take a few days to figure ou if anyone wanted to come here. I have also moved Nicki into the pack house. She comes from that pack and I have reason to believe that if he knows she is here, then she is in danger”

“OK, 50 extra protection for her, until he is found.”

“She won't be leaving my side for a while’

He just gave a questioning look.

“Let me alert the patrol and work with them and change things and increase the number of people in case he strikes again.’ “Yes, see if we have anyone that wants to volunteer for extra time.”

He got up and left my office. I pulled out my phone and dialed Colter. He needed to know about Nicki.


“Hey Colter, you got a free minute. I have some new information for you."

“Ya man, what's up?"

“Well, I discovered I have an old pack member from Silver Moon in my pack now. She ran because she was mated to Alpha Ryan and he was forced to reject her. Robert said he was going to teach her a lesson about being strong, so he raped her an threatened to kill her family if she ever said anything. She hasn't told anyone until now. She said that his reach is wide and there are a lot of people that he works with. I have moved her into my pack house for protection but I thought you should know

“We are learning how bad this man is. We are looking for him but not sure where to start yet.”

“If I find out any more information I will let you know.”


We hung up and I looked over to see Nicki was asleep on the couch, so I settled into more paperwork that needed to be done. I really needed to look into this company that I wanted to buy. I started to do some Google searches on them and look at their reviews. Time passed quickly as I looked at the clock and realized dinner was about over. I closed my laptop and walked over to Nicki who was still asleep on the couch.

“Nicki, let's go get some dinner. Wake up.” I said as I shook her shoulder.

She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

“I am starving” She said.

I grabbed her hand and we headed to the dining hall. I really enjoyed having her around. Even if we were just friends. When we walked into the dining hall, we got some weird looks because we were holding hands. She tried to let go but I just tightened my grip on her hand as we walked over to the buffet set out. We fixed our plates and went to sit down at my table Luca and Lauren were still there.

“Hey guys, you got plans tonight?” I asked.

“Nope, what's up?”

“I thought maybe we could watch a movie and just hang out."

“Sounds good to us," Luca said.

Dinner was pretty quiet after that, with us mostly focusing on our food. When we got done, I took Nicki upstairs.

“Let's get comfy clothes on and then we can go back down and find a movie to watch,” I told her.

I went to the closet to find some pajama pants to throw on. I came back out and waited for Nicki to come out of the bathroom. When she came out, I took her in because she looked amazing. I could feel myself getting a little hard. She had these little short shorts and a little tight shirt on that didn't cover her belly all the way.

“Is that what you are wearing down there?”

“Ya is there a problem with it?”

Ilet my eyes roam over her body. I couldn't stop it, not that I wanted to.

“Nope,” I said with a smirk on my face.

We headed back downstairs and got comfy on the couch waiting for the other two to show up. Nicki had sat beside me and I threw an arm on the back of the couch. Mac and Lauren finally walked in and took a seat on the other end of the couch and got cozy together.

“What do you guys want to watch?” Mac asked, turning the TV on.

“I really don't care.” Both Nicki and I said.

He found something scary, his go-to type of movies. Not because he liked scary movies, but because when the girls got scared they would get closer to you.

I reached behind me and threw a blanket over Nicki and me as the movie started. It didn't take long for the other two to start a heavy make-out session. We just kept watching the movie.

“Dude, if your gonna play sucky face with her the whole movie, just go upstairs. I mind-linked Luca.

He pulled her away and gave me a dirty look which had me laughing. Something jumped out on the screen which made Nick scream and get even closer. Mac had a great idea with watching scary movies.

I leaned down and whispered to her “Baby, you don't have to pretend to be scared, you can sit on my lap whenever you want."

She just smiled and scooted closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I turned into her a little and started running my hands up and down her legs lightly, causing goose bumps to form on her skin. I stopped paying attention to the movie and started paying attention to her.

I kept running my hand up and down her thigh and kept inching higher and higher. She turned her head up and looked at m and I couldn't stop what happened next. I smashed my lips into hers. She opened her mouth in surprise and I took that opening and slipped my tongue in.

She started to kiss me back for a minute before she pulled away and said “julian, I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

“Baby, this is the best idea I've ever had I reached my hand behind her head and pulled her closer to me and smashed my lips back to hers.

“Hey, if you're going to make out the rest of the movie go get a room,” Luca mind-linked me.

tignored him and deepened the kiss with Nicki. Zion was urging me to push it more. He had grown fond of her.

I pushed her down on the couch so I was hovering over her and my erection was right on top of her pussy. I pulled away and we both were heaving trying to catch our breath.

I leaned down and started trailing kisses down her neck as she let out the softest moans. I heard Luca and Lauen get up and leave us. I reached a hand up her shirt and her bra was extremely thin lace, so I pinched her n****e, causing a louder moan to escape her lips.

I was going to try my luck and ran my hand down her stomach and into the waistband of her shorts and under her underwear, finding her bare p***y.

She opened her legs a little bit for me, giving me better access. I trailed my fingers over lips before I separated them and found her clit and started to rub it lightly. Her moans were getting louder and her legs had completely opened up for me.

I pulled my hand out and brought my fingers to my mouth, tasting her. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I think I need to have a bigger taste of you,” I said as I pulled her shorts and underwear down. I trailed kisses all the way down until I reached the top of her pussy. I separated her lips and flicked my tongue over her clit. This was all it took to cause her hips to buck up and push her pussy further into my face.

linserted a finger into her and started to thrust it in and out as I continued to lick at her c**t. It didn't take but a few more thrusts before she started to contract around my fingers. She let out a loud scream as her orgasm overtook her completely. I continued to suck on her c**t until she was completely done. When I pulled away, I quickly moved up and kissed her, lettin; her taste herself.

“Your turn.” She said, pushing me up.

She quickly put her shorts back on and made quick work of my pants, pulling my throbbing cock out. She stroked it a few times before bringing her head down and started sucking me.

“0h, goddess." I moaned out as she slid her mouth all the way down me.

twrapped my hands in her hair and guided her to the pace I liked and let her continue from there. She started to swirl her tongue around the top each time she came up and that did me in.

“I'm going to cum if you don't want it, you need to stop.’

“Give it to me, Alpha,” she said seductively.

That one sentence sent me over the edge and I started to squirt my load in her mouth. She continued to suck until I was completely done and then licked me clean.

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