Alpha Alexa
Chapter 67

Alexa's POV

When Colter told me to stay here I had to laugh at him. I waited a few minutes and then took off. If he thought I would stand by and watch our pack fight, then he still had things to learn about me. I picked up his scent as soon as I made it outside an shift. I let Storm take over.

We made it to the fight quickly and jumped in. This is what she was made for. She started tearing into any wolf she could get her teeth into. It didn’t take long for Colter to notice us.

“I thought I told you to stay home.” He linked me.

“If you thought I would listen to you and not help protect our pack you still don't know me very well I linked back

“No, I am not surprised at all, I just want to protect you and keep you safe." He linked back.

We both continued taking out wolves. Mac showed up with warriors and we started to get the upper hand. I looked around t see if anyone was in trouble. When I noticed a smaller wolf in trouble, I ran to them and slammed into the wolf that was pinning them down. The rouge wolf had sunk their teeth into the other wolf's shoulder and when I hit him it ripped the wolf apart. They were laying their shifting back and losing a lot of blood. It was a young boy. He couldn't have been older than sixteen.

I ran over to him and tried to help him but there was so much blood, and his arm was gone. I shifted back and picked him uf and took off to the pack hospital.

“Colt, a boy's arm got ripped off. Find it and send it to the hospital. I am taking him there now? I linked him.

Iran as fast as I could to the pack hospital and as soon as I entered a nurse came running over to me.

“What happened?” She asked.

“We're under attack and he got his arm ripped off. Someone should be bringing it back soon.”

“Follow me.” She said as she ran through the door.

I followed her to a room where a bed was. I laid him down and that was when more people came rushing in. I nodded to the nurse and took off back out of the hospital and shifted as soon as I got outside and let Storm take back over. I was running towards the fight again when I was hit in the side and went flying.

I rolled a few times and as soon as I got to our feet, we turned to face the wolf that hit us.

“Robert,” I said more to myself than anything. I had the upper advantage he didn't know what Storm looks like but again she is just the opposite of Jade so he may figure it out,

He shifted back to his human form. Posted by

“Now you look like a wolf I once raised but never loved, but you're not quite the same. Why don't you shift back so we can see who you really are.”

“Colter, Robert is here. I have him not far from the pack hospital” I mind-linked him but didn't get a reply.

I shifted back not knowing if it was the smartest thing to do by I would fight him until my last breath.

“What do you want Robert?" I asked him with venom dripping in my voice.

“Now is that a way to talk to the man who raised you?"

“You may have provided me with things, but you certainly didn't have anything to do with raising me. You were nothing but useless piece of trash who should have been killed a long time ago” I spat at him.

“Now that is no way to talk to me! I am still your Alpha!” He roared and I could tell that I was getting to him.

“You were not much of an Alpha now were you? You ran the first time I attacked your pack and left your wife and only child to die by my hands” I told him and then started laughing like a lunatic. I was really just trying to get to him and throw him off of his game.

“You could never kill your mother or brother. You loved them blindly while they tolerated you"

“I wouldn't be 0 sure about that. I knew there was never any love for me and that was fine but how do you think I got into all of your computers and discovered all of your drop-offs and intercepted them? That's right your precious son squealed before I killed him with my bare hand” I mean he didn't do that, but he didn't need to know that.

“He wouldn't do that. I trained him better!” He yelled, turning red in the face.

“The safe in your office, your computers, everything. The second that first whip hit him he was talking. You suck at training apparently”

He didn't reply but I could feel his anger rolling off him and I could even smell it. I had him right where I needed him to be. “Colt, I really need some backup out by the pack hospital” I mind-linked him again. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I am trying Princess, I have others headed your way." He linked back.

I didn't have time to think anything through as Robert lunged at me. I shifted before he could reach me. He landed on top of me, and we went rolling. I tried to keep my momentum going so that I would stop on my back to kick him off. It worked but he shifted midair and came right back at me. We were circling each other and snapping our jaws but neither had attacked yet. I could hear someone in the distance barreling towards us from the fight. I am guessing that it is back up so we can take him down and get him in the dungeon.

I strike Robert first when I jump up and land on his back and sink my teeth into his back and pull with everything that I have trying to rip him apart. He let out a loud roar and someone in human form came up behind me and plunged a needle into me. It burned and as it spread throughout my body. I released my hold on Robert and fell to the ground. Trying not to move at all. Any movement brought out more pain.

He was standing over me and it looked like he was smiling. He shifted back and when he bent down to pick me up that wolf that was running towards us barreled into him and they went flying over me. Several wolves came out from hiding and started helping Robert and taking down the wolf helping me.

“Colt, help, please. I can't move. It hurts." I cried through mind link.

“I am on my way princess” He finally linked back.

Storm couldn't hold on anymore and gave up control and I shifted back to my human form. As I did, I screamed out in pain. My whole body felt like it was on fire. My insides felt like they were melting. I could see wolves coming our way but the one that showed up to help me was lying on the ground motionless. He was dead. I couldn't hear his heartbeat. The ones that killed him started to circle around me growling and snapping their jaws.

One shifted back and reached down and started to move me, but I screamed so loud that it startled him, and he let go of me for a second. That's when Robert shifted back and looked over me and then at the wolves that were headed our way.

“GET HER NOW!" He yelled out.

The guy who picked me up caused so much pain throughout my whole body that I thought I would die. I started screaming s loudly and my vision was blurred by the tears that were falling. They didn't have time to take me as my mate had shown up. saw Robert shift and run, leaving his people to fend for themselves. Colter quickly shifted to his human form and walked over to the guy holding me.

“Release her now” He yelled, putting an Alpha command behind it but it wouldn't work because he wasn't part of his pack. “No, our Alpha wants her, and he will have her whether it is today or another day. He won't stop until he does” This idiot said.

I don't know what happened because I was thrown in the air and landed on the ground with a loud crack. Al I felt was more pain in my shoulder. I am pretty sure it is broken. I lay on the ground and listen to the fighting around me and focus on not moving. I don't know how long I lay there but the pain never got any better and I was just getting hotter and hotter. My entir body was covered in sweat.

“Princess, it's over. We've either killed them all or they are being taken to the dungeon. We need to get you to the hospital, you're hurt” Colter said as he leaned down by my head.

He reached down to pick me up and as soon as he touched me, he pulled his hands away. I am not sure if it was from my screaming or the heat that was radiating off my body.

“Princess, what did he give you? You are burning up.”

“It hurts” That is all I managed to pant out.

“I am sorry, but we have to get you to the hospital. I am going to pick you up now.” He said as he put his arms around me. When he actually picked me up, I screamed so loud, but it quickly died down as my voice my getting hoarse from everything He ran to the pack hospital and the air hitting my skin gave a little relief, but it didn't last long since we weren't that far away He slammed the doors open and yelled for a doctor. A gurney appeared next to him, and he laid me down. Someone threw a sheet over me, and they pushed me back to a room that was full of medical staff.

People rushed to the bed and started hooking things up to me and all I could do was scream although it wasn't much of a scream anymore. I could hear Colter yelling at someone, but I wasn't sure who.

Someone leaned down next to my ear and said, “Luna, we're going to give you some meds to help with the pain, it is going tc make you sleepy” As soon as she said that she pushed something into the IV in my arm.

Someone else started placing cold wet towels on my body. Every time one was placed it brought extreme pain but was quickly followed by a little bit of relief from the heat and pain. I could feel myself getting sleepy. I didn't want to sleep because I didn't know what would happen when I woke up. I fought it.

Finally, everyone stepped back, and Colter came up to me. He reached for my hand, and I flinched in pain when he touched me.

“Princess, please just sleep. I am not going anywhere. We are trying to figure out what they gave you. You need to sleep so you can get better. Let your wolves heal you He said so lovingly to me. I hadn't thought to ask my wolves what they thought was going on.

“Girls, what is wrong? What did he give us?” I mind-linked them both.

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