Save Me Alpha [#3]
Chapter 11

Please let me out! I promise to me good.” I screamed banging on the door.

“Alec let her out. This is ridiculous. She’s been in there all day!” I heard Nat shout behind the door.

“It’s only morning Nat! She’s eaten so no! And don’t you even dare try to get her out!” I heard him shout.

“Please Alec. I promise to me good” I mumbled falling to the floor.

“This is torture Alec! Fucking torture. If you don’t want her then fucking reject her! You can’t do this to her!” I heard Liam shout and Alec growl

“You fucking know I can’t reject her Liam. If I fucking reject her them I die. Do you understand, die!” He shouted and I gasped

He dies if he rejects me? Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“But let her out Alec. This is fucking torture. You’re going to kill her!” Nat shouted and I shook my head.

“It’s okay Nat. I can stay inside here. I can stay” I mumbled thinking about those days, Cameron would lock me in.

I heard the door been unlocked and he opened the door as I quickly stood up.

“Just don’t come in my way and don’t leave this pack. You can go outside, but be back inside for 6.” Alec mumbled and I nodded

“Thank you” I smiled and he walked away as Nat influged me into a hug.

“Guess what! There is a party tomorrow night, so do you want you to go shopping?” She asked letting me go

“I don’t know how to shop good” I mumbled and she rolled her eyes

“Are you serious? Your outfit is amazing” she exclaimed looking at me and I blushed.

“Oli helped me” I said and she nodded

“Your brother right?” She asked and I nodded

“Well he could shop for me then. Anyway let’s go and I’ll help you” she said and I nodded


Nat likes to shop a lot. She helped pick a green-blue dress, and it was very long. And she bought marron colour dress for herself.

She bought me shoes, earrings and more jewellery.

“Come on. Let’s order pizza” she muttered pulling me inside the kitchen.

“I’ve never tried pizza” I said and she gasped but then frowned

“Emily. We know that you were kidnapped, because your dad called the packs to ask if they have seen you. That’s what my dad told me, but why haven’t you tried pizza?” She asked confused

“Cameron said I can’t eat pizza because it will make me fat. And then he said that once I’m fat, nobody will ever want me” I replied and she shook her head

“Is that why you were scared when Liam said Cameron’s name?” She asked as I sat down on a stool.

“Yeah. I thought he had come back to take me. I really don’t want to go Nat” I whispered and she nodded

“Our Cameron is a good person Emily. We have grown up with Cameron. And we know he won’t do anything bad. But why do you keep on fainting? Sorry I shouldn’t-”

“No it’s okay Nat. I’m going to be here forever now. I get scared easily. I don’t like men-No I mean I’m not lesbian but I have this fear in my mind that everyone is like Cameron. I get scared easily. I’m not strong as everyone else Nat. I’m weak” I mumbled and she shook her head.

“You’re not weak Emily. Your just...naive.You let people push you over. You let people walk over you. You don’t have a back bone yet. And I’m going to help you find your back bone” she smirked and I looked at her confused


“The first thing you need to do is get you mate. And you have him but you don’t have him. Do you get it?” She asked and I nodded

“So what you need to do is ignore him. I know you’re not chasing him but he needs to chase you.” She said and I was confused

“Chase him? I don’t understand Nat”

“Okay look! The only reason Alec talks to you is because you start the conversation or its something important. So what you need to do is, ignore him. If he walks into the room, you walk out. If he tries to talk to you, walk out the room.” She explained and I shook my head.

“That’s rude Natalie!” I exclaimed

“Oh come on Emily. One thing you need to lose-- well not lose but like keep them under control, is your manners. You have to be like a bad girl type now. When you see Alec and Anna together in a room, you walk in and sit down or pretend to do something.“she explained the idea and I nodded

“But Nat-”

“No! No buts Emily. You have to do this. Your parents are coming tomorrow as well. Are you excited?” She asked and I nodded

“I didn’t know my parents were coming? What is this party for?” I asked

“For the luna. When you find the luna of the pack, it is compulsory to do a party. You can invite everyone or just close family” she said and I nodded

“Natalie? Why does everyone call Alec the Alpha King? Is a really a King?” I asked and she laughed

“No. Well technically not. But it’s because his name is Alec King. And he is the most strongest and deadliest Alpha around. It’s because Alec has a lot of history with other packs and rouges. He is known of his fighting skills, his powers and is determination to look after his pack.” She said and I smiled

“He seems nice” I sighed dreamily and she giggled

“Nice? Babe he is the opposite of nice.” She smiled at me and I sat up straight.

“Shush.” I whispered listening to the noise outside.

“What?” She asked confused

“Someone is in the bushes. With about 50 people. And they have weapons? Do you know them?” I asked looking at her as firing started and Natalie fell to the floor

“Nope! We fucking don’t know them.” She shouted crawling towards me. I hid behind the counter as she sat next to me.

“What are we going to do?” I asked

“I’ve mindlinked Liam. He’s the Beta. The Alpha has gone to your dad’s pack to invite them personally. It’s a custom for us. Liam said to stay safe and he’s going to try and see what he can do” Nat explained as we heard shooting.

“This is why Alec never likes to leave” she muttered as the back door handle rattled

“Shit. Okay Emily I’m going to shift and you run” Nat said and I shook my head

“I can put a shield around us and we can both go” I said waving a hand around us and a shield appeared just as the door broke.

“I thought you said they were in here.” A guy shouted walking inside.

“I did see them. A girl fell on the floor” another guy muttered

“Well find them. Just make sure you get her!” The other guys shouted and they ran out of the kitchen.

“Emily. Can you put a sheild around this pack? And only let the people in the pack if they have been accepted?” Nat asked and I nodded

I got rid of shield around us and made a bigger shield around the whole pack.

All of a sudden, I was outside the pack territory with all of the rouges

“We have her!” a guy smirked and I moved a little back.

Only the people who are accepted into the pack can go threw the shield. And I’m not accepted. And if I get rid of the shield then they can go in. I thought as the guy moved closer to me.

“Please” I whispered holding my hand out. I don’t have enough energy to make a shield around myself as well as the pack territory. It’s too big

“Looks like she’s useless boys” the guy was about to grab me when he was attacked by a black wolf. He was huge. The one I saw at dad’s house. 6ft.

The wolf stood infront of me and growled.

“Let’s get him” a guy said and they all shifted into wolves. All werewolfs

The black wolf growled loudly at them and ran towards them. I closed my eyes as I heard wolves being ripped into pieces. I don’t want to see it.

I heard a growl close next to me and I quickly opened my eyes and put my hand forwards and spraying it with water.

The wolf shifted back and it was Alec. And he wasn’t wearing anything.

“What the fuck!” He shouted wiping his face and I blushed looking at the floor.

“Sorry” I whispered and he sighed.

“You can look” he mumbled and I looked up to see him in black tracksuit bottoms.


“Thank you. For saving my pack” he said looking at me and I smiled slightly getting rid of the shield

“Your welcome” I replied back getting chills from his voice, as Liam and Cameron ran out of the pack house and towards us.

“Oh Emily. God! You- your powers. Oh I love you so much” Cameron hugged me and I froze.

“I’m not a hugging person” I mumbled quietly and he let me go

“Sorry. But thank you” he smiled at me and I nodded

“What the hell Liam. Wha the fuck were you doing? How the hell did these people come here? Who the fuck are these people?” Alec growled at Liam walking closer to him.

“I feel like ripping you to fucking shreds” he growled and Liam moved behind me

“Save me Emily. He’s going to eat me!” Liam exclaimed dramatically and Alec rolled his eyes

“I’m being serious Liam. I was only gone for today and how the hell did this happen?” Alec asked and Liam walked forward

“I’m not sure. I was with Stella and Adam, shopping when Nat mindlinked me. So I ran back to see rouges attacking the pack house. I killed most of them” Liam said being serious

“And Natalie, how did you find out?” Alec asked and she pointed to me.

“Emily told me. If it wasn’t for Emily today we all would have been killed. We didn’t know that anyone was coming. Most people were outside and no one was in the safe house” Nat explained

“Thank you Emily. If it wasn’t for you, we all would have been dead. But how did you find out?” Cameron asked me

“I was talking with Nat about ale-” she shook her head at me.

“About shopping. When I heard a noise. It was like someone was climbing a tree and standing on the branches. So I told Nat and that’s it” I explained and Alec turned to Nat

“Did they say anything?” He asked and Nat nodded

“They did say ‘make sure you get her!’ I didn’t understand” she muttered confused and Alec sighed

“It means that they were after Emily. She’s the only new one here. Wait! Where’s Anna?” He shouted running inside the pack. We all followed him and ran upstairs. He opened the door just to see Anna pulling a dress down.

“What the-” she muttered as Alec sighed in relief, walking closer to her.

“Anna. Didn’t you hear the rouges? They could have taken you?” He whispered hugging her.

I was about to turn around when Nat held my hand tightly.

“I did baby. But I put a shield around my room. Remember I’m a witch? I can do magic. And plus I was having a shower” she giggled at him and Alec let her go.

“But what about the whole pack? You promised to look after this pack once you’re the luna! You could have helped today by putting a shield around the whole pack!” Alec growled at her walking away from her.

“Baby I-I said when I do become the luna. I’m not the luna yet. It’s tomorrow, the party. After that I will protect the pack. But I had to protect myself first!” she exclaimed and Alec shook his head

“She isn’t even part of this pack! And she protected it! She was standing alone outside the territory just to protect the pack! She’s not even been accepted into this pack and she risked her life for it!” He shouted pointing to me

“Well make her the luna then! If you love me Alec, you would understand that I have to protect myself first. Every witch has to protect them self first! And her? How did she protect this pack. She’s just a stupid girl!” She yelled

“I do love you Anna! But today? Today was a day for you to show me that you are the luna of the pack, but no. No! Because you have to protect yourself first! I understand you have powers Anna, but you have to use them! You can’t always keep them hidden. You just have to use them. Like a normal witch! She fucking has powers too and I don’t even know what they are! I know what yours are, and I excepted you to protect this pack. But no! You had to have a fucking shower!” He yelled back.

“You know I never wanted to be a witch Alec! I never wanted this magic. But no! I have to protect your pack right. Your pack! And she can’t have powers if she’s a fucking vampire!” She exclaimed glaring at me

“Well she does!” He shouted and walked out the room.

“Ugh. This is all your fault. Ever since you have shown you fucking ugly face to him, he’s been acting weird! It’s all your fault!” She shouted at me and put her hand out.

“Emily duck” Nat shouted falling to the floor and I looked at her

“Wha-” I looked back at Anna to see she was muttering a few Latin words and fire came out of her hands. She pushed it towards me and my clothes were on fire.

“Liam go bring some water! Shit! Alec is going to kill you Anna!” Nat shouted and Liam and Cameron ran to the bathroom but Anna stopped them by putting a shield around them.

“No! It’s best if she dies!” Anna exclaimed as Nat took her jumper off and started to pat the fire.

“Anna I can’t die!” I whispered at her touching the fire with my hand and it disappeared.

“Wha-” she looked confused.

“Like I said Anna. I can’t die” I said looking at my clothes to see holes in them.

“I’m going to go get changed Nat. And then go to sleep. Don’t tell Alec about this” I mumbled walking out the room. I went to my old room, and to the closet.

I picked out a white onesie, Oli bought me and had a shower then got dressed.

I laid in bed just looking at the ceiling.

When I was 10 years old, that’s when I found out I had powers. Cameron always kept a close eye on me. Every 10 minutes he would come in my room and just look at me and then walk out.

After a couple of days, I felt sick. Cameron stayed with me in the room because he said I’m going to get worse. And I did. I started to faint more quickly, have panic attacks frequently.

On a Friday, was the day I found out I had powers. Cameron was there by my side because that’s when he told me that I will be getting my powers now. He said, if I was strong enough, I wouldn’t die from pressure and only have side affects. That’s when I realised, the reason Cameron always gave me more food.

That day changed my whole life. I fell off the bed and Cameron closed all the windows.

" Shush Emily” Cameron shouted closing the curtains.

" It hurts Cameron. It hurts” I screamed holding my chest.

“It’s going to hurt even more if you don’t be quiet. It’s starting” he mumbled looking at my hand that was on fire.

“Cameron I’m burning. Please save me Cameron” I shouted

“Just shut up bitch! Your not burning! It’s your powers. The day I have been waiting for” he smirked standing in the corner of the room.

My whole body was on fire. Literally.

“Please” I mumbled when the fire disappeared and I was surrounded with water.

“I can’t swim Cameron” I breathed out just as the water surrounded my head as well.

I held my breath for 1 minute when I gasped. The water didn’t go threw my mouth. It just surrounded me.

“You can talk Emily. It’s your water element” I heard Cameron say.

The water disappeared, and I saw him open the curtain a little.

“Can you see that? That’s your earth element” he smirked looking at the trees grow around us.

“And that? That’s your air element” he pointed to a storm.

“Please Cameron” I whispered as another pain started in my feet.

“Just take deep breath. You’re just getting more powers. It said that you will have more than the elements. A lot more powers” he smirked at me and I screamed.

“It’s hurting me. Please Cameron. Make it stop!” I shouted touching my feet that were on fire.

My feet turned blue and the ground, around me was frozen.

“Your ice power” he pointed as the pain disappeared. An shield was formed around me.

“Your invisible shield. You can even fly with this” I heard his voice just as the shield disappeared.

“And your final one is-” he muttered to himself staring at me as all the pain disappeared.

“Well do you feel any different?” He asked and I shook my head

“I feel sick” I whispered and he rolled his eyes

“Ah my hand. Please make it stop!” I shouted trying to touch it but it was too hot.

“And your finaly power is drawing! It’s a weird power, and one we have never heard of. But I read that you can draw anything and it comes to life. Amazing. Imagine how many amazing guns you can draw for us!” He smirked as I fainted.

That day changed my whole life. I had many small powers, according to Cameron,like the shield, running faster.

After that day I was just a weapon for Cameron to use. Every night, there was a shield around the pack house so everyone could sleep peacefully and I was awake.

If anyone attacked us, I had to use my elements to protect everyone. I have killed so many people.

You could call me a monster!

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