Save Me Alpha [#3]
Chapter 12

Today was Friday. The day for the party. And I was sat in the kitchen eating chocolate cake. It was amazing.

I took another bite just as the door opened and Alec walked in, speechless.

“Th-that was my cake” he exclaimed and I quickly pushed it away from myself.

“Sorr-I don’t care” I remembered what Nat told me yesterday. I pulled the cake back to me and took another bite.

“This is amazing. It taste like wow!” I exclaimed and he glared at me.

“Save me some” he muttered and walked to the fridge.

“Maybe.” I replied taking another bite. He walked towards me and grabbed the spoon out of my hand and took a huge bite and stuffed it in his mouth.

“Hm” he tried to say something and I bit my lip trying not to laugh.

“What?” I asked and he rolled his eyes, picked up the cake and walked out the kitchen.

The door opened and he walked back in and grabbed the spoon from my hand and walked back out when I giggled.

“What are you laughing about?” Nat asked sitting down next to me.

“Nothing” I replied smiling a little and she nodded

“That the reason why I saw Alec with a plate of chocolate cake and a spoon stuffed in his mouth. Anyway I wanted to ask something Emily?” She said and I nodded

“You said that you have this fear in your mind about guys right? Then how come you’re not scared of Liam and Cam?” She questioned

“Liam and Cam have been really nice to me, Nat. Ask Liam, the first time I saw him I would jump when he touched me. It’s just a little fear in my mind. But once I talk to them, I am a little okay. I don’t have the fear constantly in my mind Nat. It’s just when I feel scared or get panic attacks” I answered and she nodded then stood up Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Okay forget that! Let go get ready because we have to go the hall and we only have 1 hour left. I think we can both get ready right?” She asked pulling me out the room and upstairs

“What time is the party?” I asked looking at the clock.

“It’s at 6. Go have a shower and get dressed. And I’ll do your makeup and hair” she said running to my closet

“Natalie, I can do my makeup and hair. You go get ready. We are already late” I said and she smiled and ran out the room.

I had a shower and got dressed. (Outfit on side )

I wore my heels and sat down on the chair. I curled my hair and did my make up. When I was done I turned around to see the door open and Nat walk in with her marron dress on.

“You look beautiful Emily. Alec wouldn’t be able to control him self today” she smirked and I smiled

“You look beautiful as well Nat. But I thought it was just a small party. Why do we have to wear these long dresses?” I asked looking at the my dress.

“Because it’s a tradition for our pack Emily. When ever the luna has been found, we throw a big party. And it’s formal” she explained as we walked down the stairs

“But Nat. Why were my parents called in, if I’m not going to be the luna. Why do I have to say to my parents when Anna is being called on stage?” I muttered as we walked outside towards a car and she stopped me and turned to me.

“Look Emily. I don’t really know how to answer that question. But try to enjoy today okay?” She mumbled to me and I nodded

We walked towards the car and Nat opened the door. I sat inside to see Alec and Anna sat inside. I sat opposite Alec, next to Cameron, just as Nat and Liam sat in the car.

“This is a really big car” I said to Cameron and he smiled

“Yeah. That’s why it’s called a limousine” he said and I turned to him

“Limousine? I’ve never heard that before” I muttered and Anna scoffed

“You’ve never heard it before? Oh yeah, I forgot you were kidnapped when you were small. I can’t beileve you don’t know what a limousine is” she muttered and I looked at my lap as Alec sighed

“Anna...” he warned

“Sorry baby” I heard her say and I closed my eyes

“Doesn’t she look beautiful Cameron?” Nat said and I looked at her and smiled

“Of course. I really like her hair” he said touching it and I moved a little to the window.

“Sorry” he mumbled and I shook my head

“It’s okay Cam. It’s just me” I smiled at him and he nodded

“Okay. But I do really like your hair. It’s really black. And you look like snow white! Yes it’s her. You’re really fair, with black hair and rose cheeks and then th-” he got cut off by Alec growling lowly

“We have reached” someone said and Alec took a deep breath.

“Let’s go” he muttered and got out the car with Anna.

“Yes it worked!” Nat exclaimed as we saw them walk inside.

“What worked?” Liam asked as we all were confused

“Alec getting j-e-l-l-y!” She sang and I was still confused

“Oh don’t look at me like that Emily. Okay Cameron. I want you to stay with Emily all day today. Dance with her, make her laugh and eat with her. Okay?” Nat said and Cameron smirked

“Sure. Come on Emily. Let’s go!“he said getting out the car. He held his out and leaned down.

“You coming princess?” He said and I smiled and nodded

“Okay” I said putting my hand in his and he helped me out just as I saw mom and dad get out the car.

“Emily” dad waved and I ran to him and hugged him tightly

“I missed you too” he chuckled

“I missed you so much dad” I whispered and mom scoffed

“You must have missed me right? I mean I am your favourite?” Mom said and I hugged her

“I missed you to mom” I mumbled and let mom go as Cameron, Nat and Liam walked towards me.

“Mom, dad, this is Cameron an-” dad growled at Cameron.

“No! Dad he isn’t Cameron. I mean he is but he’s my friend Cameron” I exclaimed standing infront of Cameron.

“Oh” dad moved back and I sighed

“This is Nat and her mate Liam” I continued

“Beta Liam” dad said and then turned to me

“Where’s Alec?” Dad asked

“Alec? He’s..Erm... oh yeah he had to be here early so he’s already inside” I half lied and dad nodded

“Come on cherry. Let’s go inside. Are you guys coming?” Dad asked and I nodded

Mom and dad both left and I took a deep breath

“Why did you say it like that?” Nat asked confused

“Natalie I can’t tell my parents that Alec doesn’t want me. And that he already has a girlfriend. Dad will take me back home and then Alec will die. And I don’t want that” I explained and she nodded

“Cameron. You know what to do today right? Now let’s go inside” she said as Cameron nodded

“May I?” He asked looking at my hand and I nodded. He held my hand slowly and intertwined our fingers together.

“I won’t leave you today Emily. I know that your scared of me but don’t be” he said as Nat and Liam walked inside.

“I’m not scared of you Cam. When I heard your name, that’s when I was scared Cam” I replied as we walked up the stairs.

“Is because your kidnapper was called Cameron?” He asked and I nodded as we stopped at the door.

“Okay let s forgot about all of this. Let’s go inside with a big smile on our face” he smiled and I nodded

Cameron opened the door and everyone close by looked at us. I was shocked to see that there was so many people. I squeezed Cam’s hand tightly and he squeezed it back.

“Don’t worry” he whispered as we walked through the crowd. I held his hand tightly as every male looked at me, with those eyes Cameron always had. Desire

“I want to go back Cam” I whispered as we saw Alec walking towards us, alone.

“Emily. Stay with me” he grabbed my hand and held it.

“But Alec-”

“Shut up Cameron. She’s my mate” he growled and Cameron nodded.

Alec walked with me to a table at the front which was empty.

“Sit here” he pulled a chair out for me.

I sat down on the chair as he pushed me in and sat down next to me.

“What about Anna?” I asked

“She’s not going go be with me today. I have to be with you for the sake of your parents” he mumbled and I nodded

“Thank you” I said and he nodded and stood up

“I’ll be back” he muttered and walked away.

“Don’t think I’m going to leave you there” I heard Cameron’s voice behind me and he sat down next to me.

“Hi Cam” I smiled

“Do you want to dance? It’s opened now” he said

“I don’t know how to dance. Well I do but I don’t want to do that type of dancing here” I mumbled and he nodded

“I’ll show you?” He stood up and pulled me to the dance floor where a lot of people were dancing.

“Okay put one hand in mine and the other on my shoulder...yep now just one step forward one step backwards” he showed me and I laughed

“Is that it?” I asked as he twirled me around

“Yep. You got the hang of it. Well done” he said putting his arm around me again.

“Thank you. Cameron do you have a mate?” I asked and he shook his head

“Not yet” he said and I nodded

“Well she will be a lucky girl” I laughed as he twirled me around again

“Well your a lucky girl now! You get to have some of all this” he pointed to himself and smirked

“Eww” I groaned and he chuckled but let me go

“What’s wron-” I cut got off by a low growl.

“Cameron I’m fucking warning you!” I heard Alec’s voice behind me and I turned around to see his eyes changing colour.

“Okay. Sorry” Cameron muttered and walked off the dance floor.

Alec walked towards me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“Alec” I squeaked as everyone stared at us. He ignored me and walked off the dance floor and out the exit door.

He walked through a garden and put me down.

“What are yo-” I got cut off by him kissing me. I froze.

I’ve never been kissed before, only been forced by Cameron.

“Kiss Me god dammit” he growled pulling me forward

He crashed his lips on mine again, and I kissed him back. Our lips moved in sync and he tangled his hands in my hair.

“Your a really good kisser” he mumbled against my lips

“Thank you” I blushed and he chuckled

“Your cute” he said touching my cheek.

“Thank you Alec” I knew my face was as red as a tomato

“Oh no baby. It’s Chase” he smirked

“Chase?” I muttered confused, stepping backwards

“His wolf” he said and I looked into his eyes to see they were black. The darkest shade of black.

“Come here baby” he smirked walking closer to me and I shook my head stepping backwards.

“Can you bring Alec back? Please?” I asked and he chuckled

“No. That jerk doesn’t let me out much. And he doesn’t want you. I do!” He said and I shook my head

“Shall we go back inside?” I asked and he pulled me closer to him

“I don’t think so.” He muttered trailing kisses down my neck.

Dad? I opened a mindlink with dad

Emily? Is that you? He asked and I mentally nodded

Yes. Dad Alec is acting weird. Is wolf, chase is not letting me come back inside I said

Don’t worry princess. I’m coming I heard dad say before he blocked me.

“Who were you talking to?” Alec I mean Chase asked looking asked me.

“No one! Can you please let me go?” I whispered and he sighed


“Leave her alone Chase” I heard dad shout and Chase let me go and turned around. I looked over his shoulder to see dad standing there. He walked down the steps and closer to us.

“She’s my mate” Chase replied holding my hand

“She wants to go inside. Let her” dad said and Chase smirked

“She goes inside when I do. Run away Alpha” he said and dad growled

“Emily come here” dad said and I nodded

I tried to pull my hand out of his but it didn’t work.

“Emily touch him” dad said and I looked at him.

“Dad I am. He’s holding my hand. But nothing is working” I yelled and dad sighed

“Fine” dad shouted and shifted into his black wolf.

“You want a fight? Okay” Chase said and pushed me away. He shifted into his black wolf, and they were both tall but Chase was 2-3 inches taller.

They started to growl at each other and I was worried.

I know dad’s a hybrid but chase? He killed over 50 rouges alone. I thought as they circled each other.

All of a sudden they both attacked each other and chase howled, when dad bit him in the shoulder. Everyone ran out the hall and mom ran towards me.

“How did this happen Emily?” She asked helping me up

“Alec’s wolf- chase wasn’t listening to me. He didn’t let me come back inside. I called dad” I mumbled as chase bit dad

“He fucking told me he’s going to the washroom.Ugh” mum scoffed

“Shall I try to stop it mom?” I asked and she shook her head

“Stopping two Alpha’s fight is never good Emily. Just let them both fight until one of them calms down. But remember that none of these two are giving up. If your dad gave up, then Alec would have been the alpha of our pack. But Oliver is the Alpha so he isn’t challenging the Alpha. But your dad is never going to give up. Same with Alec” mom explained as they both bit into each other legs.

“But mom I don’t want them to get hurt” I said as Liam told everyone to go back inside.

“Okay. Make a shield around Alec” mom said and I nodded

I put a shield around Alec and nobody could see him except me.

“It’s invisible” I muttered as mom ran to dad. Dad shifted back only in shorts. And he was bleeding.

I could see Alec still in his wolf form and trying to break the shield with his head.

I ran towards dad as mom slapped him on the head.

“Stupid asshole. Look what you’ve done. Kyle. Go call a doctor” mom shouted and uncle kyle ran back inside.

“It’s okay cherry. I’ll get better eventually. Remember we heal faster than humans” dad sighed

“Shut up Jaxon. I hate you! Your wounds are too deep” mom groaned

“I’m sorry dad. This is all my fault” I whispered and dad rolled his eyes

“Emily. Your my daughter. If I have to fight the world for you I will, and this was just your mate. I’ll be okay” dad said and I sighed

“I can heal you dad” I whispered and mom looked at me

“You can?” She asked and I nodded

“I can heal people” I replied back and put my hand on dad’s chest. I closed my eyes and thought of dad being better, with no wound. No hurt. No nothing.

“It worked!” I heard mom gasp and I opened my eyes to see dad not bleeding and smiling at me.

Mom hugged me tightly and then kissed dad.

“Pack your bags Emily. I’m taking you home” dad said standing up as Liam gave him some clothes.

“What! No dad. I have to stay with Alec” I exclaimed standing up

“Emily! I’m not going to let you stay with someone who doesn’t care about you. You saw how he was with you right now. He’s crazy. And I’m not leaving my daughter with him” dad explained and I shook my head.

“Dad I can’t. Alec...he loves me dad! He said it to me.. Yesterday. I can’t leave him dad” I mumbled and dad sighed

I turned around and got rid of the shield to see Alec laying on the floor covered with blood.

“Oh shit!” Dad muttered and I ran towards him. Alec was badly injured. He was bleeding from his shoulder, his chest, his legs. Everywhere

“You can heal him right?” Liam asked and I nodded

“I’m going to try!” I mumbled placing my hand on his chest just as he opened his eyes and grabbed my wrist quickly.

“Let me go Alec. I have to heal you” I exclaimed and he let me go.

“Self defence. It’s on instinct. Reflex” he mumbled and I nodded.

I put my hand on his chest and closed my eyes. I thought of Alec being okay, not hurt. Not bleeding. And not in pain. I opened my eyes to see him okay.

“It worked” Liam said as Alec stood up and wore clothes.

“Come on Emily. We’re going home” dad said grabbing a hold of my hand.

“I apologise, Alpha Gray about today. Chase... I don’t have a tight control on Chase” Alec apologised

“It’s fine. But I’m taking my daughter home” dad said and Alec nodded

“I understand” he replied

“But Alec what abou-”

“No Liam. It’s okay” Alec said and walked away.

“Dad I want to stay. Please” I mumbled as Liam, Nat and Cameron walked away.

“Jaxon let her stay. You couldn’t even last a day without me. Let her stay Jaxon. She needs her mate” mom said and dad sighed

“She’s right Jaxon. You know bethany is always right” uncle kyle smirked

“But cherry! She should be back home with me! We just got her cherry!” Dad exclaimed and mom sighed

“Jaxon...She’s found her mate. If we take her with us Jaxon, then she’s going to be hurt even more. And you don’t what that do you?” Mom asked and he let my hand go and shook his head.

“No” dad mumbled and mom nodded

“Good. Emily we’re going to go home, and you go with Alec okay?” Mom hugged me and I nodded

“Thank you mom” I whispered as she let me go.

Dad hugged me as kyle and mom walked to the car.

“I just want you to be happy” dad kissed my head and let me go.

“I-I am happy dad.” I replied smiling up at him.

“Good. Okay you go back inside and I’ll be off” dad said and I nodded.

He walked towards the car but I stopped him.

“Dad wait!” I shouted and he turned around and raised his eyebrows.

“Yes?” He asked

“Don’t tell mom but your my favourite” I smiled and he chuckled

“Don’t tell Oliver but your my favourite too” he smirked and sat in his car.

I ran up the stairs and inside to see Alec throwing the tables on the wall.

Everyone had left all ready.

“Why are you angry Alec? You let her go!” I heard Liam shout.

“I had to Liam. I can’t let her see me like this! Chase that fucking asshole nearly hurt her!” He shouted kicking a table and it flew to the wall.

“Alec calm down. You still have Anna” Cameron shouted at him and he growled at him.

“You! It’s all because of you! Why do you have to be so close to her? Do you like her?” Alec shouted walking closer to Cameron.

“No man. I like her as a friend. Or a sister. I’m waiting for my mate” Cameron rolled his eyes and I smiled

“But he is telling the truth Alec. You do have Anna” Nat mumbled

“Yeah. But Anna, she can’t save me” he mumbled and I frowned

“Alec you can always go bring her back?” Liam muttered as Anna walked down from the stage.

’You guys are stupid. If she doesn’t want to stay here then she doesn’t have to. And Alec baby, you love me right! And I can try to save you.” Anna said kissing his cheek.

“Save him from what?” I finally asked and they all turned around and looked at me shocked.

“You didn’t go?” Liam asked and Nat hugged me.

“No. But please can someone tell me why I have to save Alec?” I asked as Nat let me go

“Erm..” Nat mumbled and Liam rubbed his neck as Cameron turned around.

“Because I’m going to die in a month” Alec said and I was shocked.

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