Save Me Alpha [#3]
Chapter 21

Yesterday was the best day of my life. Everytime I think about it, I just start blushing.

“Okay Emily. We know you and Alec completed the mating but you don’t have to blush like crazy” Nat smirked and I rolled my eyes

“I’m going upstairs” I smiled

“I wonder why you’re going upstairs....” she dragged on and I ran out the kitchen. I went upstairs to our room and laid on the bed.

Me and Alec completed the mating yesterday. After sharing a kiss in the water we came home. We didn’t look at the stars yesterday. When we came home I got changed from my clothes, when Alec walked into the room. And then it happened. Alec was sweet with me even though it wasn’t my first time. But I thought of it as my first time.

“Emily?” I heard Alec coming into the room and I quickly sat up

“Yes?” I asked smiling at him.

“I- why are you blushing?” He smirked

“I-I’m not!” I exclaimed touching my face to feel it was warm.

“Okay..” he smirked walking closer to me

“What did you want?” I asked

“Well I got you something. I forgot to give it to you yesterday. We were kind of busy. Right?” He looked at me.

“Alec stop! Stop teasing me” I slapped him on his arm and he chuckled

“You’re so cute Emily. It’s fun to tease you!” He kneeled down in front of me.

“It’s not!” I mumbled

“Okay!Okay! I bought you this” he pulled a red box from his pocket.

“What is it?” I asked as he gave it to me

“Open it” he said and I nodded.

I opened the box to see a black, key shaped pendant. It had blue stone in the middle.


“It’s your mom’s. Before she died, she gave it to my dad to look after, and she said it’s really important and only give it to the one person you trust. And when dad died, he gave it to me. So I trust you and I gave it to you now. It’s the key to the palace but nobody could use it because of the shield. I trust you Emily.” He said and I smiled

“Thank you Alec” I smiled looking at it.

“I bought you another one as well. This one is from me” he handed me another box.

I opened it to see a heart shaped pendant. It was rose gold and it looked amazing.

“It’s not as meaningful as your mom’s but when I saw it, I thought-” I covered his mouth with my hand.

“I love it Alec. Thank you! Can you help me put both of them on?” I asked and he nodded and stood up.

I stood up and turned around, pulling my hair on one side.

He helped me put both of them on, and the key glowed a little.

“The true owner. It’s never glowed with me or my dad.” Alec explained and I nodded

“Thank you Alec. I love it. Both of them” I smiled looking at them.

“I have no meeting today. Do you want to do something?” He asked pulling me forward and wrapping his arms around me.

He leaned his face down on my shoulder and swayed me side to side

“Yes. I want to go to the palace again. Please” I asked and he sighed

“Emily...I don’t-”

“Please Alec. If I am a princess, don’t you think I should know who I really am. I know nothing about that pack. Maybe we could find something” I asked

“Bu-” he looked up at me

“Please Alec” I whispered staring at him and he groaned

“I hate it when you make that face! Fine” he mumbled

“What face?” I asked and he glared at me playfully

“The one where you drop your bottom lip a little, and you seem so innocent. Nobody can refuse” he leaned down closer to me.

“Oh. So can we go?” I smiled as he leaned his forehead on mine, and our lips were only inches away.

“If you give me a kiss?” He said and I nodded

I leaned up a little and he captured my lips and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I tangled my hands in his hair and he groaned.

“I love it when you do that” he mumbled against my lips, pecking me.

“Can we go now?” I took a deep breath and he nodded.

“Let’s go” he pulled me out of the room and we went downstairs to see Nat and Liam in the room.

I hardly see Cameron now, he’s always out. And when I do see him, he smirks at me and leaves. I see him leave at night sometimes, when I wake up. It’s really odd.

“Guys. I’m taking Emily to the palace” Alec said and they both nodded

“Okay!” Liam shouted and Alec rolled his eyes.

“Come on Emily” Alec pulled me out of the house and towards a car.

He helped me sit inside and then started the car.

“It’s a long way right?” I asked wearing my seat belt.

“There’s two ways. One way takes about 7 hours and the other way takes only 1 hour or 30 minutes. Depends which way you want to go” Alec said starting the car

“Oh. Then why did Cameron take the long way” I mumbled and he shrugged

“I don’t know” he replied

“Alec? I know Cameron is your friend so you must know right? I see Cameron sometimes walk out the pack house at night? Is that okay for him?” I asked and he chuckled

“Cameron is a big player. He might just go there to fuck a girl” he rolled his eyes

“Have you been with anyone else except Anna?” I asked and he sighed

“Yes. But it wasn’t anything serious. You know I didn’t believe in mates and I still don’t” he said and I looked at him.

“But I’m your mate?” I asked confused and he pulled over. He walked out the car and towards my door. He opened the door and leaned closer to me.

“Yes you are my mate. But I love you. If there was no mate bond between us, I know 100 percent that I still would love you. I love you much Emily, mate bond or not. You remember that okay?” He pecked my lips and closed the door. He sat back in the car and started driving.

“I believe you Alec. But I mean, why out the blue? I meant, all this time you were pushing me away, and then when Anna goes, you love me? That’s the part I don’t understand?” I asked and he sighed

“I knew you wouldn’t understand. I know nobody understands. I don’t know how to explain it Emily. I love you and you know that right? And I told you how Anna helped me realise that I love you. The day before yesterday, I over heard one of the pack members taking about us. And you know what they said, that I am only with you because you’re the princess. I don’t even know how they found out. So I asked them, and apparently they over heard Nat telling Liam. But do you understand what I’m trying to say? That my own pack thinks,I’m only with you because of your tittle. It’s fucked up. I knew you would ask me this, that’s why I’m telling you. You told me everything about you Emily. And I still accept you. I don’t care how you are. That’s the reason why I wanted to jump off the cliff. To show you how much you mean to me. To show that I don’t need a tittle. All I need is you” he whispered and I felt bad for asking.

“I’m sorry I asked Alec. I know you love me. I was ju-” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I want to tell you something Emily. The Sliver Stone pack, which is us lot, we were rouges. We were a rouges pack Emily. I know people don’t like us. We were all rouges. But then your parents made us a pack. They gave us a tittle. And everyone knows rouges are bad, but your parents made us good. That’s why we are the only rouges that accept that they are good. That’s the reason why all rouges hate your parents. Because they think that they forced us to become a pack. What I’m trying to say Emily, is that I don’t need a tittle to love you. That all this tittle I have, is because of your parents. If I wanted a tittle I could of taken over the strongest pack, your parents pack. But I didn’t. Because my dad, even though he was alone, he still bought me up right. And if I fuck up, I disappoint my dad. And I don’t want that. My dad is the second most important thing in my life” Alex explained

“Second?” I asked and he smirked at me.

“You’re my first and my dad is my second and then it’s my pack” he smiled at me.

“You’re my first as well” I smiled as he parked the car.

“That was quick” I muttered and he nodded

“Let’s go.” He got out the car and opened the door for me.

“Now that we know you are the princess, you can get rid of the shield, and open the doors, with the key” he explained as we walked to the guards.

“Alpha” the guy said handing us two passes.

“I don’t need them.” Alec said and pulled me to the shield.

“Can you see it?” I asked and he shook his head

“No. Can you?” He asked and I nodded

“Wait!” I exclaimed and touched the shield, as a gold light appeared

“You can see this right?” I asked and he was shocked and nodded

“Woah. Shall we go in?” He asked and I nodded.

I held his hand and walked threw the shield, when all of a sudden a bright white light appeared, and the shield disappeared.

“Alec...what happened?” I looked around confused to see we were standing where we were, with the guards. But now you could see the castle. And it was big.

“It’s your destiny Emily. This is you” he smiled at me as the guards walked closer to us.


“Yes she’s the princess” Alec smiled at me proudly and the guards walked away shocked.

“Shall we go?” I asked and he nodded

I followed Alec on the bridge until we reached a door.

“I’ve never tried it but I think you should open it with your key. Nobody has ever been in here” he explained and I nodded taking the key off my neck. I unlocked the door slowly, and pushed it open to see dust, and spider webs.

“It’s been at least 50 or sixty years since anyone has touched this place.” He said and I nodded

“Oh” I mumbled as Alec walked in

“It’s not that bad” he mumbled removing the webs.

I followed him inside to a long hallway. It was a little dark.

“I’ll try to find the light” he said and walked away through a corridor.

“Alec!” I exclaimed holding the key tightly in my hand.

“I can hear you Emily. Don’t worry. I’m right here” I heard his voice drift off.

“Alec?” I shouted again but got no reply. I walked through the corridor, where he went to see no one there, just an open door.

I walked inside slowly just as someone touched my shoulder and I quickly turned around, freezing the guy. It was Alec.

“You gave me a heart attack!” I took a deep breath and got rid of the ice around him.

“So you froze me?” He smirked and I nodded

“Don’t do th-”

We’re under attack alpha and luna I got mindlinked by Liam.

“Emily let’s go!” Alec pulled me out of the room.

He pulled me out of the castle, and outside towards the guards.

“Make sure no one gets inside. The shield is broken now” Alec told them and pulled me to the forest.

“I’m going to shift Emily. And I want you to sit-”

“No Alec. I can get us there faster” I held his hand tightly.

I ran as fast as I could, and after 2-3 minutes we were standing outside our pack house.

“I love you Emily. I want you to go to the safe house” he said and shifted into his wolf. He ran to a wolf and ripped him apart.

I don’t know where the safe house is? I thought and ran inside the house, just as Nat came downstairs.

“Emily! They’re here for you! Go to the safe house!” She exclaimed pulling me to the kitchen.

“How do you know?” I asked running with her.

“I’m the one who saw them in the woods. I heard them say your name. So I’m gussing they’re here for you” she said pushing the fridge.


“If you go through this way, it’s quicker. It’s a tunnel that leads to the safe house. Take the first right, and there should be another door. Open and you’ll be safe” she explained opening a small door.

“What about-”

“I’ll be fine Emily. Just go!”

“But I’m the lun-”

“Just go!” She exclaimed

I hugged her quickly and walked through the door and I heard her lock it. It was pitch black inside but I could see. It’s great being a vampire

I followed Nat’s instructions and found the door. I pushed it open to see all the women, kids and the elderly people.

“Luna!” Everyone exclaimed and I closed the door behind me.

“Can we go luna?” Someone asked and I shook my head

“No” I mumbled and everyone sighed

I laid my head against the door and closed my eyes, as everyone started talking

I should be out there. I am the luna, and it’s my job! I thought

But Emily you can’t! Everyone is only saying this for your own benefit ava explained and I mentally nodded.

“Isn’t a luna meant to protect their pack?” I heard someone whisper.

“Shush molly” I heard the other girl say.

Just then the door opened and I saw Cameron standing there with Ben.

“Emily?” He shouted. I was standing behind everyone, at the other door.

“Emily! I can smell you in here! Ben go get her, and if anyone fucking moves, I will kill you” Cameron held up a gun as Ben walked through the people.

He walked to the back and smirked once he saw me.

“She was hiding boss” he grabbed my hand and pulled me forward

“Stop! Ben please” I shouted as he rubbed some sort of gel over my arm.

“That should stop her powers for a while” he pulled me towards Cameron who was smirking at me.

“Hiding were you baby?” He grabbed onto my hand.

“Let me go! Please Cameron” I pleaded remember the times he raped me

“Why are you always weak Emily? Try to be strong for a while” he tutted and pulled me out of the safe house, to see we were in the backyeard

“Alec!” I screamed seeing his wolf

He looked up at me, and started running towards me but 5 wolves stood infront of him.

“Let me go” I tried pulling on his hand.

“Emily” I heard Nat shout and I turned around to see her running towards me.

“Go stop her Ben” Cameron muttered as we reached a black van.

“Cameron stop! Please!” I pleaded as he pushed me into the van.

“I think I’m going to have some fun with you” he closed the door ad it was black.

“Cameron! Get me out of here!” I shouted banging on the door? Trying to pull it open.

“I don’t think so. Don’t you want to say bye” he pulled a seat down and I could see Alec running towards me, in his wolf form.

“Alec!” I shouted just as the seat went up. I tried to pull it back down, when the car started moving.

“Cameron why are you doing this?” I mumbled sitting on the floor.

“Because you are powerful. And once I get you pregnant, nobody can take you away from me. I will be powerful and nobody can stop me” I heard his voice.

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