Save Me Alpha [#3]
Chapter 3

Please No!. Please stop” I shouted and he chuckled

“No baby. I’m going to enjoy today” he walked closer to me taking his shirt off

“Please Cameron. Please stop” I screamed as he slapped me and I fell down

“It’s master! Do you understand?” He shouted grabbing a hold of my hair and pulling me up

“Yes. Sorry master” I mumbled and he threw me on the bed.

“Good. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this” he said taking his jeans off and climbing onto the bed as I moved back.

“Please ca-master. Stop!” I screamed as he pulled my robe off leaving me in my white bra and panties

“I just started” he smirked leaning down and trailing kisses down my neck.

“No! Please. Cameron. Please stop.” I whispered as he grabbed a hold of hair.

“What did you call me?” He shouted

“Please” I whimpered

“Emily. Wake up. Emily” I hear Jack’s voice.

“No! Please stop. Please” I screamed holding onto the cover tightly.

“Emily? Emily wake up!” He shouted and I opened my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Jack. Please save me Jack” I hugged him tightly

“Shush baby. I’m here” he mumbled running a hand threw my hair slowly.

“What’s wrong?” I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see Ashton, Cole standing there with a few more guys.

I held onto Jack tighter.

“OUT! All of you” Jack growled and Ashton and Cole walked inside the room closing the door behind them.

“Are you okay Emily?” Ashton asked confused and I closed my eyes

“I’m going to sleep Jack. Don’t let me go” I mumbled before I fell into darkness.


“Where is she!” I heard someone shout and I quickly opened my eyes to see Jack lying down next to me.

“Jack. Wake up. I think they found us. Jack” I whispered shaking him quickly and he opened his eyes and turned to me.

“No Emily. Remember we’re safe” he mumbled as I sat up in bed.

“Did you change me?” I asked and he nodded

“Yeah. Your clothes were very sweaty and it was really hot. So I changed you. Hope its okay” he muttered running a hand threw his hair and sitting up

“I remember” I whispered and he nodded

“I know you do Emily. But now? Now we’re safe. They won’t be able to find us” he said and I nodded as the door opened and dad walked in growling at Jack.

“Jaxon!” I heard mom’s voice before she entered the room.

Jack quickly got out of bed and stood up, walking towards dad.

“Jack William” he said putting his hand out but dad ignored him and walked towards me. He hugged me tightly and I sighed.

“Emily..” he muttered and I wrapped my hands around him slowly as Jack smiled at me.

“Daddy” I whispered and he hugged me tighter and picked me up so I was standing on the bed.

“Oh Emily” he mumbled letting me go and looking at me

All of a sudden I was influged into another hug by mom.

“I missed you Emily. I’m sorry for everything. We tried and tried for years but we couldn’t find you. And then in the news they said they found a dead body in the lake. We couldn’t see the face or anything but we thought it might be you. But we didn’t give up. We tried and tried to find you but it was no use!” Mom explained letting me go.

“I- yeah” I mumbled

“Where were you Emily? After mind linking me 13 years ago,the mindlink didn’t work then?” Mom asked confused and I shrugged

“I don’t know where I was. And Jack? What did they do to me?” I asked looking at Jack and dad growled at him.

“No dad. Jack is my friend. He saved me” I stopped dad from walking over.

“They would injected some type of chemical into you. It was hard to find because you were special.” Jack explained just as Ashton and Cole walked in.

“Did she let you hug her?” Ashton asked and dad growled

“Of course she would. She’s my fucking daughter!” Dad shouted and I stepped a little back. I walked off the bed and stood next to Jack.

“Emily.. you were doing so good. Just ignore the shouting. Just imagine it as they’re talking. Okay?” Jack said as everyone looked at me confused.

“I’ll explain. Why don’t we let Emily eat. She’s hungry” Jack said and I shook my head

“Your hungry as well Jack. I know you are.” I said and he groaned

“Okay fine. I’m starving. Let’s go eat” he said holding his hand out and I nodded and put my hand in his.

“Can we eat?” Jack asked sheepishly looking at Ashton.

“Of course. Emily I’ll get you your favourite ice cream” dad said and I shook my head

“No! I mean, I haven’t had ice cream for 13 years. I don’t think I’ll like it” I mumbled and dad nodded confused.

“I want an explanation for all of this. Before we do anything. Because I’m going to kill all of those mother fuckers” dad growled and Jack nodded

“Yes sir. But first may we eat?” Jack asked and Ashton nodded

“Sure. Bethany calm his ass down. Follow me” he said and Jack pulled me out of the room. I followed him downstairs and to a really big kitchen.

The kitchen, where I was held at was just a small room with a fridge and a cooker.

I noticed Sam staring at me and I turned to Jack.

“Jack. Can we eat somewhere else? Please?” I asked and he nodded

“Okay. You go and sit in the living room. And I’ll bring you food” he said and I nodded.

I walked back out of the kitchen and to a big room which was empty

There was a really big TV in the corner and 4 sofas. The only TV I ever watched was some football match, and that was only when I was giving everyone their dinner.

“Emily?” I heard someone behind me. I turned around to see Sam.

“You look really familiar. And your name too. I just can’t put a finger on it” he said walking closer to me.

I moved back until my back was against the wall.

“Please stop!” I whispered and he stopped walking.

“Oh. I didn’t mean to scare you. I only came here for-”

“Emily? What’s going on here?” Jack asked walking inside the room with two plates full of food.

“Jack” I breathed out a sigh of relief

“I just came to get my phone. I will be leaving” Sam said and walked out the room.

“What did he say Emily?” Jack asked putting the plates on the table and walked towards me.

“He said I look familiar. And my name as well.” I replied and Jack hugged me.

“I won’t leave you alone with him again okay. Don’t worry.” He kissed my head and I nodded

“When you tell them Jack, I don’t want to be there” I mumbled as Jack pulled me to the sofa

“Okay. Anyway try all these out. Apparently they’re good!” Jack said handing me a plate with some pasta and chicken. And some fries and another burger thing.

“I never tried a burger before. I only gave it to people” I said excited trying to hold it right.

“Well you should try it. It’s really good” Jack moaned taking a big bite of it.

I bite the burger and moaned as well.

“This is good!” I exclaimed eating some pasta.

“Here. Pepsi as well. I know you don’t like coke” he said handing me a can and I nodded

“I don’t know how you like it” I rolled my eyes taking a big sip of it.

“It’s the same thing.” Jack said and I scoffed

“No it’s not! Pepsi is more sweeter” I replied putting the plate on the table.

“Is that it? You’re not going to eat anymore?” Jack asked and I nodded

“I’m full Jack.” I said and he nodded

“Do you want cake? Chocolate cake?” He asked and I shook my head

“I’ve never tried it Jack and you know that. All I was ever given was pasta and a sandwich. That’s it. I never tried these desserts or other foods” I said standing up and he nodded

“I know Emily. I never got try all of them as well. A chocolate cake was only made on Christmas and I wasn’t even allowed to have it. That’s why I was asking! If you want to try something new” he said picking up my plate and standing up

“Okay. But I’ll take them” I mumbled taking the plates off him.


“Jack. I can do it. And you know” I replied and he nodded

We both walked to the kitchen to see it was empty.

“Oh look it’s there” Jack pointed and I nodded

“You eat. I’ll eat later. I’m just going to wash these” I said walking to the sink and putting Jack’s plate in the sink. I left my plate on the counter because it was still full.

“Emily. Stop! Eat first then we can do this” he said and I shook my head

“Oh no, its okay Jack. I’m not that hungry yet. So I’ll eat later” I said turning the tap on and getting some washing up liquid.

“Fine”he groaned and started cutting a little bit of the cake.

I washed up all the plates and spoons in the sink and dried them. I left them on the counter because I didn’t know where you keep them. I dried my hands and turned to see half the cake gone.

“Jack” I groaned sitting down on the stool

“Sorry. It’s just so delicious” he moaned taking another bite.

“I want some too”I complained and he nodded

“Sure. I bet you’re going love this” he said lifting the spoon to my mouth.

I took a bite and moaned mentally. This is amazing

“This is amazing” I voiced out my thought and Jack smiled

“It is right?” He said taking another bite. I took a spoon from the counter and quickly took another bite just as the door opened and and my grandma, skylar walked in with another girl and a little boy.

“Emily?” She hugged me tightly.

“Hi” I replied back as grandma let me go.

“Oh you look so beauitful” she said running her hand threw my black hair.

“Thank you” I blushed

“Is this your mate?” She asked looking at Jack and I shook my head

“Jack Williams. Her friend” he smiled and she nodded

“Okay. I’ll be back you guys carry on” she smiled and walked out the room with the others behind her.

“Do you know her?” Jack asked and I nodded

“I remember mom showing me a picture of her. She’s my grandma” I replied eating the cake and he nodded Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Okay you eat and I have to go tell them the story. Okay?” He said standing up

“Everything?” I mumbled and he nodded

“Everything. They need to know Emily. They’re your family” he smiled sadly at me

“And yours Jack. Your my family as well. So they’re yours as well” I said and he nodded and walked out the room.

I wish they understand.

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