The Talamute Prince
Chapter 27

I'm alone now in the new cell and my heart hurts. It feels as though someone has reached into my chest and ripped away a huge chunk of it. I know now just how naive I was.

"You're a fool, Laoonica." I say out loud not that anyone can hear me. I'm trapped and the only company I'm allowed to have I don't want. I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. I can't phantom any rescue at this point. I want nothing more than to slip into a dream like state and not have to face any of this.

"Get up." Patrick's voice interrupts my meditation. I don't want to listen. I don't care. It's not like he can do much more to me.

"Go away." I mutter without opening my eyes.

"The seamstress is ready to begin work on your new wardrobe." He grips my wrist and I heat it to a point he will let go without burning him. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I don't need clothes, your majesty." I say sitting up on the side of my bed looking at the lady and her helpers that had come in for the coordination gown.

"Don't miss behave or you won't be the one who pays for it." The evil glare in his eyes has always been there. I was just to blind to see it.

"Very well, master as you insist." Patrick grips my chin hard and pulls it to face him. I let flames fill my hand, but he just smiles.

"Do it. I dare you." The wild look in his eyes causes me to freeze in place. He knows he had leverage because there were others in the room. I hated him every inch of him now, but I was trapped.

"Yes, master." I dropped the flame and walked to the stool the ladies had set up.

"Don't call me that." I stare straight ahead not responding as the ladies started their work.

"Arms up please, your majesty." The lady says.

"I'm not a queen. I'm a prisoner do not address me as anything other than that." My voice is so cold I barely recognize it.

"Don't listen to her. She is throwing a fit nothing more. Make sure her dresses suit our culture not hers." The lady remains quite which is probably the smart thing to do but I have very little patience being in the same room with him.

"Must I undress in front of my captures as well, because I will not take this dress off in front of you." I knew it was coming she would need me to be in my underwear, but I wouldn't get undressed in front of him.

"You will do as you're told." He looks at the expression on my face as I look straight ahead. I can tell by the growl in his voice he is losing his temper rather quickly.

"I will not." I stand firm on this point. he grips me and jerks me down from the stool.

"Get undressed now." this time it is I who grins my teeth in frustration.

"No. You will never see me like that ever again." He raises his hand and I set my entire body ablaze. He just smiles as the clothes melt away. I forgot that this dress wasn't flame proof. It was the last one I had that I made myself.

"Now see, you look incredibly sexy right now. Ladies leave." the seamstress and her hand maids leave the room not taking their stuff with them.

"If you come any closer, I will kill you, Patrick." I let more of the flames out.

"I don't believe you. I can see the drain on you from here. I believe I just have to wait you out." He steps back as I allow the flames to freely flow now. I'm not going to pull them back. As they grow Patrick finds his way to the door and stands ready to leap out any second.

"Ready the door." he says as he stands in the open door. I look past him at the women staring in awe of the flames filling the room. I'm glad they are all focused on me because they don't see him. The Talamute is in the window he had helped me out of looking directly at me. The difference between him and the others is the smile stretched across his lips. I could see a gentleness deep inside his eyes, but I couldn't hold it in. My feet leave the floor as the flames spread out and the door closes before the flames can leak out. The flashes of all the innocent faces flash into my head but there's no pulling it back in. I let out a scream and my body fall to the floor seemingly lifeless.

"Get the doctor up here." I hear Patrick's voice and feel his hands scoop my now naked body off the floor.

"One hundred percent integrity on the hold." there's another man in the room and I somewhat recognize his voice. I peek to see that it is in fact the man who seemed to always be at Patrick's side.

"Perfect. Let me see." I watch through my lashes as Patrick examines a panel.

"Your majesty." A woman bows as she enters the room. She is dressed like the doctor on the ship and I find myself wondering why he had sent for someone other than his sister.

"Check her over. You remove that from here immediately and fetch the seamstress a new flame retardant one." Patrick demands. I don't open my eyes fully but I'm not allowing myself to dip into a self-regenerative state until I'm alone. No matter how much my body pulls for it.

"It's good to know the fabric is still good." I hear the seamstress say.

"Can you make her something to cover her just for now." my body is put on the bed and the blanket it pulled up over my exposed flesh. I wonder if he is still here somewhere watching over me.

"Yes, your majesty." I hear her machine start up as the doctor uses her tools to examine me.

"She seems perfectly healthy, although I'm sensing she needs time to recuperate from the use of so much energy. I would suggest we let her rest." The doctor puts away her things.

"Finish her a gown to cover her and I'll get it on her before we leave." Patrick lays down next to me. He places his hand on my bare stomach and I can't help but cringe. "I know you can hear me, Laoonica. So, listen and listen well, you're mine. I can have you anytime I want, and you can't stop me." His hand moves up to my breast and I reach up to stop him, but my weak state doesn't allow me to push his unwanted advantage away.

"Please, don't do this." I whisper. I don't want to feel him, but he makes sure he violates as much of me as he can with others present. His hand goes down to between my legs and I try to role away from him, but he climbs on top of me.

"Your majesty, she needs to rest." My eyes are open now and his face is hauntingly savage. He has no remorse for what he is doing.

"Get out. All of you." I can see the concern in the doctor's eyes, but nobody stands up to him. I can't fight him, but I can make it no fun for him to continue. I close my eyes and go completely limp. My mind takes me far away from here to my home and I'm thankful for the ability to shut myself off. I don't want his touch and now in this state I at least don't have to feel it.

"I'm alone. I'm all alone." I'm not sure if I'm crying outside of my head but here in my dreams, I can't stop spewing the tears like a waterfall.

"No, you're not alone." I turn quickly.

"How are you here? Are you here?" The Talamute is standing before me. I must be dreaming or... My heart jumps from my chest at the thought that enters my head.

"I'm really here, well sort of. I'm in a safe spot on the surface far away from your king's grasp. My people have a form of meditation called Zaula doom. It is a deep sleep like state that allows us to dream walk." I step toward him and study his markings. I reach out and run my finger up the one that traces the right side of his chest.

"Why are you here?" I ask as our eyes meet.

"I had to check on you. After your flames engulfed the room and they shut the door I was worried." He gently grips my hand and brings it to his mouth.

"I'm fine. I'm simply regenerating. After such a display I tend to be weak. You need to stay away from me, or he will kill you." I can't take my eyes away from his.

"I'm not scared of your king. For all his talk I don't see him doing anything I can't counter. I will free you one way or another from his grasp." He puts his hands on my waist pulling me up against him.

"No please... I won't be fooled again. Even by you, um I don't know your name." in all of our meetings he never told me his name." He leans down kissing me gently and releases me for a moment. He turns and walks away, stopping just before the world inside my head fades away.

"I am Prince Darevan Starinto of the Talamute people. I'm eternally yours and yours alone. And I will rescue you, my beautiful Gomania." He turns and fades away before I can object to him calling me his goddesses name.

"You're going to be very disappointed when you find out I'm not who you think I am." I sit in the silence now thinking about how I've been fooled into so much. In all the time I've been with Patrick he never once said he belonged to me. Darevan on the other hand insisted that he belonged to me.

"You're mine, all mine." Patrick's voice broke into my space and I quivered at the thought of what he was doing outside of my mind. I didn't want him to touch me and I most certainly didn't want to be pulled back to reality to find out.

"Please, Father help me. Tell me how to get out of this situation." I beg for any advice, but I'm pulled back to the real world. I open my eyes. I look around the room to see it completely empty and I sigh relieved that whatever was done I wasn't technically present for. I sit up. The gown I had on was kind of a scratchy material. I look at myself for a second, but it doesn't feel like anything had happened. I put my feet to the floor and turned toward the door as it opens.

"You're awake, good." Patrick says. A table two chairs, and two trays of food are brought into the room.

"I'm not eating with you. Why would I want to after you did whatever to me while I slept."? He laughs.

"I got off you as soon as you were out. I don't want to make love to you when you're not awake. It doesn't make it much fun." He sits at the table as the lids are lifted from the plates. My stomach betrays me as it growls like a polint cat. The large beast of my home planet was silver by color with huge paws and jaws. It was one of my favorite large predators. The males adorned with a spike of hair straight down their backs down to the tip of their tail. The females just a smooth flowing silver coat.

"I don't believe you. I heard you in my sleep whisper that I was yours." I stand hesitant to eat with him, but he had made it very clear that if I didn't eat, I wouldn't get to. Last time they took my tray without me taking a single bite from it.

"You don't have to. And I did whisper that you're mine and only mine, but I never penetrated your sleeping form. The cameras can prove that much. Eat." I walk over and sit in the chair the servant has pulled out for me. Patrick motions for them to leave us. I just stare at them as they leave then down at my plate. I'm scratching my head at the idea that I'm all powerful yet have very little choice in anything. I don't look at him as I began to slowly eat. My mind twisting at the thoughts of communicating with the Talamute prince in my dream. I wonder if I can do it again. I must do it again.

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